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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Failed my first rep on 60 kg/130lbs squat. Had the bar off balance and apparently my right knee caves in. Being the stubborn ass I am I went to do the set again before deloading to 50 kg/110lbs. Still, my knee wanted to cave, my right foot wants to shift weight on the inner side. Thinking of lowering the weight another 10 kg/20lbs next time and get this sorted out. Also did some squats with the bar only to get the technique down better.

I'm guessing it's a flexibility issue, I had joint problems when I was a kid and as a result my right leg has more muscle than my left one (ironic, right) and my knee and hip flexibility is bad. 6 months ago it was really painful to squat down, now it's easier but still not comfortable. At least I know what stretches I have to do, will work on those even if they're not comfortable.

I tried to do the squat in the low bar position, is there much difference with the high bar in regards to flexibility needed? Will probably try to compare them on wednesday.

And I had different shoes today for better traction. Flat sole cloth Nike's, albeit the sole is thicker than on the previous shoes.

Being pussified I also went from DL 80lg/170lbs to 50kg/110lbs. This guy commented that I had some caving here as well and advised for a palms outward grip for better thorastic? extension. My upper back is whack, so I guess it's a solid advice.

It could be a mobility issue if you had something happen when you were younger. I was going to suggest playing around with squat stance and foot angle because that's what helped me with my knees caving in a bit.

High bar back squats require more mobility than low bar back squats. I would usually recommend low-bar squatting to my friends who don't have the mobility to high-bar squat.

For your deadlift, are your feet separated pretty far? Because knees caving in is a sign that your stance might be too wide even with preexisting conditions, to my understanding. And yeah supinated grip does promote thoracic extension. Do you have posture problems? I have a list of links regarding that; look at the OP for the Evernote link. It's what helped me and some others.

Edit: Post a form check video here too!
Hit 209.5 today, funny how I had 2 cheats last week and I'm still pacing on track to exceed my cut goals for the next month. At this rate I should be 200 by the end of October. Abs are starting to pop again, shoulder veins are back, much more chest and arm definition too.

So excited to be ripped again. I AM SO CLOSE.
Is anybody else here lifting with chronic foot injuries like plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis? I am, and my doctor and physical therapist and trainer are all aware of my situation and advising me. What I can't seem to find out for sure from any of them is if low weight and high reps, or high weight and low reps, tend to inflame the affected tendons more. Any experience here? Trying to program my "off day" workouts in a manner that won't have me limping around.


Ended up messing up my lower back when trying to do squats. The pain sucks.

It sucks having to skip out on them for the rest of the day.


I took a bite of white bread but other than that went carb free. Bought a bunch of chicken and some greens. Only spent 2 hours at the gym but that's not too bad.


Is anybody else here lifting with chronic foot injuries like plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis? I am, and my doctor and physical therapist and trainer are all aware of my situation and advising me. What I can't seem to find out for sure from any of them is if low weight and high reps, or high weight and low reps, tend to inflame the affected tendons more. Any experience here? Trying to program my "off day" workouts in a manner that won't have me limping around.

Interesting question. What I do know is that slow eccentric movements tend to improve Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis. This would be like slow calf raises, exaggerating the eccentric component. Have you tried that? Does it help?


3 miles before my workout. and i'm looking up HST now but why are you suggesting it?

I think I can cut cardio or move it after my workout, and use the rowing machine for 10-20minutes.

Gain 30 pounds, and do the weights first. A great option would be starting strength, which will give you a foundation of muscle and strength for you to fine tune later.


I had a decent workout, but the interesting part happened at the end of it.

A friend of mine wanted me to spot him on some seated OHP. After he did a set, I asked him if he's ever tried standing OHP.

He said that he's heard of it, but it wasn't for him. I tell him that you'll never know unless you give it a try. I convince him to follow me to a dark corner of the gym where the power cage is located.

I show him my form with the bar. He tries it and he tells me that he feels a little buzz from the core muscles. I tell him to take another hit with a bit more weight. I coach him through a few more sets and he was hooked.

Afterward, he asked if I've got any other good stuff like this.

Sure, you want to try deadlift, weighted pull ups, or one of several flavors of squats.

Damn, I feel like a drug dealer.


So I'm thinking about switching from Practical Programming Novice Program to Greyskull Linear Progression. Anyone have experience and their thoughts on GSLP? My friend has been recommending it to me and everyone at the university gym to do it. I read Izzy from PowerLiftingToWin's review on it, it seems promising.
I recall a FitGAFer here did it. Also, for those who did the program, did you microload?
Might be time for me to reevaluate my squat soon. Didn't like how they looked today :T Problems are starting to show up the heavier I go. To the high-bar squatters out here, I welcome the criticism. I'm thinking about looking a bit higher to keep my chest up, not sure if it'll be for me. I know Matt Ogus and Chinese Olympic Weightlifters do it. I just hate how the weight isn't centered over my mid-foot or heel when I get out of the hole.

J. Bravo

So I'm thinking about switching from Practical Programming Novice Program to Greyskull Linear Progression. Anyone have experience and their thoughts on GSLP? My friend has been recommending it to me and everyone at the university gym to do it. I read Izzy from PowerLiftingToWin's review on it, it seems promising.
I recall a FitGAFer here did it. Also, for those who did the program, did you microload?
Might be time for me to reevaluate my squat soon. Didn't like how they looked today :T Problems are starting to show up the heavier I go. To the high-bar squatters out here, I welcome the criticism. I'm thinking about looking a bit higher to keep my chest up, not sure if it'll be for me. I know Matt Ogus and Chinese Olympic Weightlifters do it. I just hate how the weight isn't centered over my mid-foot or heel when I get out of the hole.

your squats look a million times better than mine, yet i'm still progressing and getting stronger. i vote you just keep squatting how you are. i noticed that the heavier the weight gets and the harder the previous set was, the more i focus on form and staying tight. for this reason, my final sets are sometimes easier than the first few. ( could also be that i'm not warming up enough)

edit: my 1rm is 375 at 175bw and 6'.


We definitely need to check can we make 2016 happen. :D At the moment Rome is one of the places I can go relatively easy since Ryanair is flying there from the city I live. Fitgaf meeting in Rome sounds like a splendid idea.

I am working 6-8 days straight and then having a day off and then again working. I know I sleep way too little at the moment and don't eat as properly as I should so I haven't really been having that much of a progress this month as I would have hoped. Then again yesterday was an awesome day at the gym and I think I am starting to achieve a bit better form on squats. But yeah, baby steps and I am happy as long as the weight doesn't go up.

You will soon be good as new and can continue your fitness journey! :D

Haha we will see what happens in the next few years. Definitely costs more for me to get over there but now that I have a Real Person Job, it's definitely more doable. :D

Yikes, too much work :( As long as you're finding a little time to yourself and as long as the weight doesn't go up, keep on keeping on. You're doing awesome and have your trip soon! :)

Welp, was going to start again tonight or on Wednesday, but my ankle is fucked again. I hate my stupid ankles/legs. :/ They're garbage. I need to make an appointment with a physiotherapist because my ankles aren't going to get better and they keep getting worse/more frequent. Sigh. Will let this one heal up (and maybe just do stuff with arms because at the moment I can't put any weight on my leg but I'm getting ansty to get back to working out) and make a physio appointment, then get back into it again.


I'm gonna drop this here, as some of you may be interested, but I made a video answering a few common questions I get about my weight loss journey. It's not full of much educational information, but just sharing some of my experiences.


Nice video, you're very soft spoken. Nice bit of info about your history. I and probably others can definitely see some parallels to your journey. We all had to start somewhere. Thanks for sharing some of your story.

Now, why didn't you get to the part when a gamma bomb exploded near you?


Everyone is looking terrific.

I hadn't been to the gym in over a week, destiny took over my life. I finally got tired of shooting in a cave and get back on track at the gym. Got 195 on ohp for 2 singles, which I was shocked I was able to do. Working on form was the key, as was keeping tight through out the rep. Feels damn good to be back lifting.

I'm gonna drop this here, as some of you may be interested, but I made a video answering a few common questions I get about my weight loss journey. It's not full of much educational information, but just sharing some of my experiences.


I shall watch at work today.

swolfie sunday? swolfie sunday

King Kong aint got shit on me....

NIICE! I'mma need to barrow your arms for a day or two!
So I'm thinking about switching from Practical Programming Novice Program to Greyskull Linear Progression. Anyone have experience and their thoughts on GSLP? My friend has been recommending it to me and everyone at the university gym to do it. I read Izzy from PowerLiftingToWin's review on it, it seems promising.
I recall a FitGAFer here did it. Also, for those who did the program, did you microload?
Might be time for me to reevaluate my squat soon. Didn't like how they looked today :T Problems are starting to show up the heavier I go. To the high-bar squatters out here, I welcome the criticism. I'm thinking about looking a bit higher to keep my chest up, not sure if it'll be for me. I know Matt Ogus and Chinese Olympic Weightlifters do it. I just hate how the weight isn't centered over my mid-foot or heel when I get out of the hole.

The squats look fine to me. If you are doing Practical Programming, how come you are doing more than 3 sets of 5?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm gonna drop this here, as some of you may be interested, but I made a video answering a few common questions I get about my weight loss journey. It's not full of much educational information, but just sharing some of my experiences.


Thanks for sharing this. I've been quiet lately and things haven't been so good but this really picked me up and makes me feel better.


your squats look a million times better than mine, yet i'm still progressing and getting stronger. i vote you just keep squatting how you are. i noticed that the heavier the weight gets and the harder the previous set was, the more i focus on form and staying tight. for this reason, my final sets are sometimes easier than the first few. ( could also be that i'm not warming up enough)

edit: my 1rm is 375 at 175bw and 6'.

The squats look fine to me. If you are doing Practical Programming, how come you are doing more than 3 sets of 5?

Thanks for commenting. Maybe I'll just stick with it, but just take into account what Daniel said (I still want to know which GAF user you are haha).
The number of sets there include my warm-up sets using this calculator spreadsheet. So by the time I get to my working weights, it is already set 6 of squats.


Whole workout ruined. I was going for 3x5 of pendlay rows at 190lbs and a trainer comes up to me and says "you have to stop this. I can see you dropping the weights." I said yeah, it's a pendlay row. And she said "then you have to stop doing them"

The worst part is the first set of 190 felt really easy.

What the fuck? I just got planet fitness'd

I was so bummed out I just left after that.

The best was another trainer came up to me and told me just don't have the weight touch the ground, like a deadlift. I was like, what? You always touch the ground. And he starts arguing with me the deadlift shouldn't be touching the ground and it's better for you
Just did my usual weights, and then a full on HIIT session (hit absolute max heart rate a couple of times)... about 18 hours into a fasting period (I was working later than intended.

Nearly broke me. I'm so shaky now.


I wanna get the type of shoulders I can perpetually walk around in a vest in. :D. Although I feel my arms are getting more defined, last week I ate too much bread because I lost 0 kg of weight. I didn't put on any but damn I lost nothing. I can't wait till my knee has recovered cos then I can go back to running. I might have to try rowing because it's apparently a a full body workout, the thing is the treadmill forces you not to be lazy something other exercises like the bikes can't do. Does anyone else always feel perpetually sore?

21/9/14 109KG 18.4%

db seated shoulder presses
military press
heavy dumbbell shrugs(typically triple dropset or just high reps)
dumbbell side lateral raises
upright rows

NIICE! I'mma need to barrow your arms for a day or two!
haha sure why not?
'mirin hard bro

just be glad you're not a Raiders fan like me, being the worst team in the league is harsh. I was rooting for you guys against the Cards. I live in AZ and can't stand their fans

Mirin hard bro

Damn Imm0rt4l you make those stringer tanks look good! Sick!
thanks fellas


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Whole workout ruined. I was going for 3x5 of pendlay rows at 190lbs and a trainer comes up to me and says "you have to stop this. I can see you dropping the weights." I said yeah, it's a pendlay row. And she said "then you have to stop doing them"

The worst part is the first set of 190 felt really easy.

What the fuck? I just got planet fitness'd

I was so bummed out I just left after that.

The best was another trainer came up to me and told me just don't have the weight touch the ground, like a deadlift. I was like, what? You always touch the ground. And he starts arguing with me the deadlift shouldn't be touching the ground and it's better for you
Huh? I was going to ask how you deadlift there. What a couple of losers you ran into! Geez


Whole workout ruined. I was going for 3x5 of pendlay rows at 190lbs and a trainer comes up to me and says "you have to stop this. I can see you dropping the weights." I said yeah, it's a pendlay row. And she said "then you have to stop doing them"

The worst part is the first set of 190 felt really easy.

What the fuck? I just got planet fitness'd

I was so bummed out I just left after that.

The best was another trainer came up to me and told me just don't have the weight touch the ground, like a deadlift. I was like, what? You always touch the ground. And he starts arguing with me the deadlift shouldn't be touching the ground and it's better for you
Would've just ignored her, sounds like she has no idea what she's talking about.

Unless there are signs explicitly saying not to drop the weights, I'm just going to assume you don't want me to drop them because you don't like the sound of them crashing on the ground, in which case, fuck off and let me workout.


Huh? I was going to ask how you deadlift there. What a couple of losers you ran into! Geez

Im assuming my deadlift days are numbered now too if this is the attitude they're taking. If that's the case, I'd have to switch gyms

Would've just ignored her, sounds like she has no idea what she's talking about.

Unless there are signs explicitly saying not to drop the weights, I'm just going to assume you don't want me to drop them because you don't like the sound of them crashing on the ground, in which case, fuck off and let me workout.

Knowing this girl, if I said that, signs would be pasted up the next day saying not to drop the weights

Darth, gave the video a thumbs up, loved it.

Sean, that is why I go to the gym at 2am. To avoid that type of crowd.

Ive actually been trying to go in the afternoon between clients for this exact reason. The gym had like 10 people in it.

It's just such a bummer. All that progress to get told, no stop.

Meanwhile the trainers will have you doing stupid dangerous shit on a daily basis. But god forbid you Pendlay row!


Whole workout ruined. I was going for 3x5 of pendlay rows at 190lbs and a trainer comes up to me and says "you have to stop this. I can see you dropping the weights." I said yeah, it's a pendlay row. And she said "then you have to stop doing them"

The worst part is the first set of 190 felt really easy.

What the fuck? I just got planet fitness'd

I was so bummed out I just left after that.

The best was another trainer came up to me and told me just don't have the weight touch the ground, like a deadlift. I was like, what? You always touch the ground. And he starts arguing with me the deadlift shouldn't be touching the ground and it's better for you

My gym has signs saying don't drop the weights, but I do Pendlays or dead lifts every session and no one says boo.. Sucks that the trainers are ignorant (deadlifts don't touch the floor? Wtf) and the gym can't put down mats or something if they're scared of floor damage or, good forbid, clanging sounds.


the piano man
the one thing I like about my gym is that is very tailored to the heavy-lifting culture and I don't think people would have a problem with pendlay rows

everybody minds their own business and there are no restrictions or workers there pissing you off with demands of doing this or that.

the only donwside is that dumbbells are REALLY all over the place. you want the 10kgers? search literally EVERYWHERE,for them. In peak hours you can find any pair of dumbbells in the most unsuspected places.


Im assuming my deadlift days are numbered now too if this is the attitude they're taking. If that's the case, I'd have to switch gyms

Your gym sounds stupid as hell. I deadlift or pendlay every single time. You on a contract, man? If so I'd continue with the exercises till they cancel it.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
The best was another trainer came up to me and told me just don't have the weight touch the ground, like a deadlift. I was like, what? You always touch the ground. And he starts arguing with me the deadlift shouldn't be touching the ground and it's better for you
True story, the "dead" in the name "deadlift" doesn't refer to the weight being lifted from a dead stop like many think, but to the accumulative bone and tissue damage it is designed to cause as you hold the heavy weight off the ground for an extended period of time. Returning the weight to the floor after each pull is a relic from an outdated form of the lift called the "healthlift", which as the name suggests did not cause the same sort of damage and was thus an inferior exercise
it's actually true that the deadlift used to be called the healthlift.
New Deadlift benchmark!: 1x5x145 Kg (318 lbs).

Had to skip squats today since I was feeling a slightly odd stinging sensation near the back of my right knee - was advised by a fellow school colleague who happens to be a certified masseuse to give it a rest for a few days and observe whether or not it continues.

people stare at my ass when I squat :(

there's a mirror in front of the power rack so I see what everybody's doing.

today two kids were laughing and basically talking about it, not giving a fuck at all that I could see them. A minute later another guy was resting and he couldn't help to stare too.

I swearI am minding my own business, but I do use tight, cyclist lycra shorts but that's because I need as much freedom of movement on my legs as possible.

You shouldn't pay any attention to them. You probably have a better ass than the majority of your gym's members anyway. Be less self-aware and more self-assured that what you're doing is correct. Waste of resources scanning for negative sources imo.


Yoga on Monday was absolutely horrid. The trainer couldn't suggest me any movements for the ones that I couldn't do because of my back and I just felt totally out of place and like an elephant among cats. I wish I could learn to like yoga, but I might just stick with pilates. I am not going to do movements that will cause me nerve pain. I might pop in to one of the easier yoga classes and see what that is like. We will see.

That was just a minor drawback though. I have been extremely exited about everything else and oddly having loads of energy despite busy schedules. I also haven't been sick, even if everyone else seem to be sick constantly around me.

I also managed to get in touch with my absolutely awesome and adorable physiotherapist! Yay! She has been so happy about my progress and I am going to see her on 10th of October at the gym. She promised to do me a new gym programm that would have a bit more work outs with free weights and she will also teach me the right forms for the movements she would like me to do. I think this is splendid news since she has been working with me for the last two years and quite much knows what I should be doing and what I can do. So all in all I am extremely happy about how things are going! ^_^

Haha we will see what happens in the next few years. Definitely costs more for me to get over there but now that I have a Real Person Job, it's definitely more doable. :D

Yikes, too much work :( As long as you're finding a little time to yourself and as long as the weight doesn't go up, keep on keeping on. You're doing awesome and have your trip soon! :)

Welp, was going to start again tonight or on Wednesday, but my ankle is fucked again. I hate my stupid ankles/legs. :/ They're garbage. I need to make an appointment with a physiotherapist because my ankles aren't going to get better and they keep getting worse/more frequent. Sigh. Will let this one heal up (and maybe just do stuff with arms because at the moment I can't put any weight on my leg but I'm getting ansty to get back to working out) and make a physio appointment, then get back into it again.
I know I can't continue like this. This month has been so insane. The end of the year I am working around 30 hours per a month. I need to actually write my graduating thesis to get Real Person Job as well. :p This has been fine for the time being but I do want to get my master's degree and just be over it.

I have keep up with my work out routine and haven't skipped a day. I have been sleeping less than I should, but at least I am still alive. I know it is counter productive, but it will end soon anyways and I have still been very energetic.

It sucks to be injured. Poor babe! Well, make your appointments and hopefully you will have some movements that will make it better and you would be able to continue to work out. You can always work with your arms and upper body though! Also for example planks and that kind of things could work, if you are on your knees. :)

Damn, I feel like a drug dealer.
Hahahha! You are the best! I so need a friend like you! :D

I'm gonna drop this here, as some of you may be interested, but I made a video answering a few common questions I get about my weight loss journey. It's not full of much educational information, but just sharing some of my experiences.

I don't know how to say it in the right way, but you are always so extremely sweet, adorable and sexy at the same time. You are one of the people in here that I personally find the most encouraging and motivating. I always look at your posts, vids and pics in a way that if you were able to do it, I can reach my goals as well. And honestly, because of this thread and these people in here, I know I can. I only wish I could have started earlier, but then again I am very happy that I started when I did.

I am also already noticing the same thing that you mentioned about seeing yourself bigger than you are. Even if I am still overweight I am definitely not as big as I used to be and yet I go to the same clothes sizes I used to use 40 pounds ago. The mental image changes way slower than the body does.

Absolutely awesome video. Thank you so much for posting it!

I'm 5 10 at 155lbs. Go every day, am low carb. Have a protein shake every day. Spend an hour or a little more at the gym to what I feel I need to do that day. I work legs on my runs.

Things I notice are my abs, and delts are lacking compared how I'd like them. Considering where I was early this year I am glad to see where I'm at and I'm curious to get some insight. Pecs too, :/ I dislike mine
I am not an expert, but what I have read your replies I would say you might need to cut down with your cardio and perhaps eat more to have more energy to actually built up the mass. (I already like your torso though. Just letting you know.)

I apology that I already forgot (4 am in here), but were you following some particular weight lifting programm?

people stare at my ass when I squat :(

there's a mirror in front of the power rack so I see what everybody's doing.

today two kids were laughing and basically talking about it, not giving a fuck at all that I could see them. A minute later another guy was resting and he couldn't help to stare too.

I swearI am minding my own business, but I do use tight, cyclist lycra shorts but that's because I need as much freedom of movement on my legs as possible.
Like said in here already, don't pay attention the kiddos - you are awesome and they are either ignorant or jealous. :p Just be happy that you know what you are doing and don't let them bother your work out or good spirit. :)

If it's anything like this one then I want to see!!!

This robot will always be one of my favorite muscle-vogue style routines! How awesome? SO AWESOME!
Hahhahaha. Oh my gods! I am laughing so hard!


swolfie sunday? swolfie sunday

King Kong aint got shit on me....
You manage to make even a top like that to look good on you! You have epic shoulders, arms and chest!

I literally just let out a huge laugh followed by an oh my god! You're awesome. :) hahahahaha
<3 ;)


I broke a mirror at my gym the other day. After doing some OHP, I put the bar back rather forcefully on the rack holders, and I guess the whole rack moved forward a bit, I didn't even notice. There was a 45 plate where the lower plates are supposed to go, on the upper rack, and I guess it just smashed into the mirror.

Ain't my fault, why is the damn squat rack moving at all?
It's been a month since I stopped going almost daily to the gym thanks to my college schedule. Now, I'm going back in. Shit feels terrible, but I'm aiming to get back to where I was. No rush. Just doing it right and doing it constantly.

I missed the gym like crazy.


Workout of the forever for me today. My originating flight was delayed so once I landed I had to run across several terminals in the Charlotte airport while carrying a 30 pound toddler and a back pack with like another 10-15 pounds of crap. Weaving in and out of travelers and dodging those hospitality go carts.

When I reached my gate I was breathing fire and my calf muscles were done for. It was like they were seized up.

My little girl was going "weeeeeee" the entire way. She thought it was hilarious.

Holy shit.
Workout of the forever for me today. My originating flight was delayed so once I landed I had to run across several terminals in the Charlotte airport while carrying a 30 pound toddler and a back pack with like another 10-15 pounds of crap. Weaving in and out of travelers and dodging those hospitality go carts.

When I reached my gate I was breathing fire and my calf muscles were done for. It was like they were seized up.

My little girl was going "weeeeeee" the entire way. She thought it was hilarious.

Holy shit.

dad strength
Question for FitnessGAF, particularly anyone with experience with Smolov Jr:

I'm in the third week of Smolov Jr for bench right now, it seems to be going well. I'm confused as to what I'm meant to do after this week, though. I'm not feeling too beat up (after all, it's only bench) so I'm considering going straight into another cycle after this. Is this wise? If not, what should I do instead?

J. Bravo

Question for FitnessGAF, particularly anyone with experience with Smolov Jr:

I'm in the third week of Smolov Jr for bench right now, it seems to be going well. I'm confused as to what I'm meant to do after this week, though. I'm not feeling too beat up (after all, it's only bench) so I'm considering going straight into another cycle after this. Is this wise? If not, what should I do instead?

i literally just finished a smolov jr on monday. i'm gonna rest my chest until friday, max out my bench, and then start a new cycle next monday.


Workout of the forever for me today. My originating flight was delayed so once I landed I had to run across several terminals in the Charlotte airport while carrying a 30 pound toddler and a back pack with like another 10-15 pounds of crap. Weaving in and out of travelers and dodging those hospitality go carts.

When I reached my gate I was breathing fire and my calf muscles were done for. It was like they were seized up.

My little girl was going "weeeeeee" the entire way. She thought it was hilarious.

Holy shit.

Dad Mode Engaged!!!



Damn nice night at the gym. Got 400x3 and 450x1 for deadlift. Likely could have gotten more reps but so happy i got what i did. I'm really enjoying the gym again, I had my calories calculated wrong, instead of -1k calories, I was -1700 calories a day and it was killing me at the gym. I'll have it all fixed by Thursday or so. Bringing back bulletproof coffee to get the extra fat I was missing back in. Now that I know why I was struggling, feel like I'm back in the saddle.

Also really love the Arnold press. Highly recommend it for a good accessory.


Squat form check video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdX-W9jCAnA

Not the greatest angle so I will try to record something better maybe at home, but at least you can hear me hit my head on the bar :p

Used very low weight to focus on form and my left hip joint was acting up. Focused to go as low as I could without my right foot balance going off-centre. I think I went lower the past few times, but as I said, someone told me my knee was caving then.


Squat form check video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdX-W9jCAnA

Not the greatest angle so I will try to record something better maybe at home, but at least you can hear me hit my head on the bar :p

Used very low weight to focus on form and my left hip joint was acting up. Focused to go as low as I could without my right foot balance going off-centre. I think I went lower the past few times, but as I said, someone told me my knee was caving then.
Could have been helpful to have a video of the front so we can see how the knees are doing because that was a big concern. Depth looks fine; looks like you hit parallel. One thing that stood out to me is that you seem to lack the thoracic mobility; when you descend, your mid-back to upper-back rounds over a bit, it'll also throw the bar closer to the balls of you feet which is no good. That's all I can really tell from the video due to the angle; I can't see how the ankles are too.

Were you sedentary for the majority of your life before startingto lift?

I'll probably relook at the video and my post when I get back home from the gym.
Squat form check video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdX-W9jCAnA

Not the greatest angle so I will try to record something better maybe at home, but at least you can hear me hit my head on the bar :p

Used very low weight to focus on form and my left hip joint was acting up. Focused to go as low as I could without my right foot balance going off-centre. I think I went lower the past few times, but as I said, someone told me my knee was caving then.

Take this with a grain of salt as i won't claim to be an expert or anything. I'm definitely seeing quite a bit of buttwink and it looks like your shoulders and chest dip down to the front. I think that's what's causing the buttwink. If you push your chest out more and focus on keeping your abs tight it should help.

I'm still working on that myself actually.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like a sinner. I've been doing strictly cardio while cutting. This past 2 months I've lost a LOT of weight due to that. I hate not lifting heavy, or at all, but I'm not seeing any muscle mass loss yet and everything else is melting off. I'm down something like 40 lbs.

Keep in mind I'm 6'7", but I was at 310 (it horrified me too, I usually say fuck scales but this time the scale fucked me) and I'm at 270s and still have most of my strength.

I hate cardio, but I gotta keep on keeping on.
I feel like a sinner. I've been doing strictly cardio while cutting. This past 2 months I've lost a LOT of weight due to that. I hate not lifting heavy, or at all, but I'm not seeing any muscle mass loss yet and everything else is melting off. I'm down something like 40 lbs.

Keep in mind I'm 6'7", but I was at 310 (it horrified me too, I usually say fuck scales but this time the scale fucked me) and I'm at 270s and still have most of my strength.

I hate cardio, but I gotta keep on keeping on.

I don't see anything wrong with this, you're getting the results you want and don't seem to be having many drawbacks. When you're ready you can always jump back on the gain train.

Getting into cardio myself but i'll admit sometimes i hate it. It really can feel like a psychological battle at times, your body just wants to give up so early but you just keep on pushing yourself. Being fit is a great feeling though so i keep pushing through it.
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