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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Pre: Hyde
Post: don't have any supplements, just whatever I feel like eating
Protein: I like ON but again, just whatever I can eat at that time

I whore em out way too much. Nothing impressive atm.
GNC gave me a free sample of Mr. Hyde last time I bought quest bars. Is that the same thing? Actually worked pretty well.
GNC gave me a free sample of Mr. Hyde last time I bought quest bars. Is that the same thing? Actually worked pretty well.

it is this


I don't use it all the time, mostly on leg days or days where I really need it. Gets the job done.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I ran SS for as long as I could (over two months), but my body is not having it. As you know I'm not a complete novice to lifting (and for what it's worth strsd says I'm at an intermediate level in all of my lifts at my bw), but I never really gave linear progression a shot while trying to add weight. I've never felt so little energy as I have lifting heavy three times a week. In fact, I've LOST some strength in a couple exercises, namely my bench, because my body just cannot recover in time. Was a good experiment and I'm glad I did it but I need something less intense (especially important because I'm on my feet 30 hours a week waiting tables).

You guys recommend I jump on Madcow or Texas Method?

Just curious why some people find Madcow more effective when it seems to have much less volume?
Can anyone tell me any chest exercises that are REALLY isolated on the chest. When I finish my chest workout it always feels like where I can really feel it is just on the inside of my shoulder (where my collar bone meets my shoulder) and a little on my upper outside pec.

So far I seem to be unable to find an exercise that I end up feeling on the middle of the chest or underside of the chest. I've tried decline bench / push ups, but I find I have to do them first in my workout as by the end I'm lucky to manage any weight / significant reps at all on them.

Ahhh, that used to be my issue with the bench press until I read Starting Strenght. I used to put my ring finger around the bar makings, now I have a more narrow grip and my hand does not touch them. This involves more triceps and less shoulder impingement. But that is what worked for me, not sure if you already do that form.

As for other exercises, I love diamond pushups. They hit the whole chest even the middle part. Too bad there is no weight progression for those because they would be superior, so I train them by increasing reps when I'm not hitting the bench. It is not isolated because it hits the triceps hard, but that can only be good.


What's wrong with Buffdudes?

Nothing is wrong with them, it's just that their videos on how to do a lift is very general and not technical enough for me. Alan Thrall's videos is just really comprehensive and detailed in comparison.
If I had a Evernote page for food recipes, BuffDudes will be on there. Now that's an idea I'm not sure if I want to invest my time into haha.
Sadly I can only do a handful of diamond push-ups. I doubt it's going to do me much good until I can do a decent amount.

lan Thrall's videos is just really comprehensive and detailed in comparison.

They've been like a lightbulb switching on for me. I love all the analysis and explanations. I really hate doing something just because I'm supposed to do it... I like to know why I'm supposed to do it.
Another quick question... flying to the US for a week on Wednesday and given the choice I'd like to take my Creatine / BCAAs. Is putting two bags of white powder in a suitcase asking for trouble?


Junior Member
I ran SS for as long as I could (over two months), but my body is not having it. As you know I'm not a complete novice to lifting (and for what it's worth strsd says I'm at an intermediate level in all of my lifts at my bw), but I never really gave linear progression a shot while trying to add weight. I've never felt so little energy as I have lifting heavy three times a week. In fact, I've LOST some strength in a couple exercises, namely my bench, because my body just cannot recover in time. Was a good experiment and I'm glad I did it but I need something less intense (especially important because I'm on my feet 30 hours a week waiting tables).

You guys recommend I jump on Madcow or Texas Method?

Just curious why some people find Madcow more effective when it seems to have much less volume?

Haven't tried Madcow but Texas Method worked for me for squats. Squats are a lot easier for me to recover from than bench or deads so I squat 5-6 days a week pretty heavy. I can only deadlift and bench maybe once a week and not feel like dogshit.
? Your favorite...

Pre workout
Post workout
Protien supplement


TruMoo chocolate milk
Cottage cheese

Another quick question... flying to the US for a week on Wednesday and given the choice I'd like to take my Creatine / BCAAs. Is putting two bags of white powder in a suitcase asking for trouble?

I've traveled with mini tupperware cups full of creatine without issue but it might depend on what country you're coming from?


385 for sets of 5 on squats felt pretty good considering I didn't feel like going to the gym today. I think I'm around 90% of where I was pre si joint dysfunction


Sounds like a fairly normal type of intermittent fasting to me. I've seen lots of people say that women are better on 14/10 or 15/11 then anything else though. You seem to be on 17/7.

You might want to read some of the intermittent fasting guides:


This link describes a few different types:


Thanks! I will look into it!

17/7 seems like it works best with my lifestyle, so I may keep with it. I only eat until 8:00 or 8:30 because I go to bed by 9:00 and don't have lunch the next day until 1:00. I mean, I guess I could have lunch at noon but I like having later lunches :p

I will read your links though, thanks. :)

Also, hm, does a glass of milk and protein powder count as breaking a fast? I do usually have around 1/3cup of milk with some protein powder in the morning. Does that ruin a fast?


Mega quote replys incoming, sorry i kept putting off catching up to this thread and i had to read like 5+ pages in a row and quote a lot of old posts.

I don't feel ashamed by my numbers but it's funny seeing peoples reaction. On here if i post my numbers they feel very small, which is how i consider them. When you tell other people they're always surprised and think it's a huge amount of weight.

Same here. But usually new lifters that are starting out ask me that; I think they're just saying it to be nice. However I'm comparing my numbers with numbers of other lifters of similar bodyweight, of lifers I watch on YouTube, and numbers beginners "should be" hitting after a year plus of lifting.

Awesome, makes me feel a lot better. I know the numbers aren't bad, but i still feel bad because i cant keep up with the big boys.

Put on a belt I haven't worn since my early 20s. Not only am I wearin this motherfucker, it's a notch tighter than I ever did back in the day. This cardio shit has kicked my diet into GEAR, goddamn.

Got my first sports massage today, first for my whole life. This was NEEDED. Everyone should get one, I feel so much better.

You keep doing you bro, very happy for you. Still, will not do cardio anymore. YOU CAN'T BREAK ME. I've also never had a real massage, i don't like people touching my back, i have no clue why. I might need to get over this at one point. The other problem is, its near impossible to find a legit massage place in so cal these days, they're all prostitution places with blacked out windows and opened till 3am.

Atm I have a strong desire to scream all sorts of unholy profanity.

Yesterday when I was headed home, I slipped and twisted my foot on a supremely wet staircase to the metro. Visited the ER today and Im currently in crutches. The doctors believe its a miniscus injury. May or may not operate depending on how the injury progresses the the next 7~10 days.

The pain is still intense.

Im out of the gains game for at least a few weeks. :-(

Really sorry man, i was thinking about it today, how i'm so careful at the gym, but i might get injured outside of the gym. Freaks me out, i saw your post that its 6 weeks of recovery, just do upper body work on machines till then.

Breezed through 280x3 on bench today. That's a PR at 162.5lbs bodyweight.

Beast Mode (Copyright of Media Create thread nintendo fan regulars). Insanely impressive man.

I ran SS for as long as I could (over two months), but my body is not having it. As you know I'm not a complete novice to lifting (and for what it's worth strsd says I'm at an intermediate level in all of my lifts at my bw), but I never really gave linear progression a shot while trying to add weight. I've never felt so little energy as I have lifting heavy three times a week. In fact, I've LOST some strength in a couple exercises, namely my bench, because my body just cannot recover in time. Was a good experiment and I'm glad I did it but I need something less intense (especially important because I'm on my feet 30 hours a week waiting tables).

You guys recommend I jump on Madcow or Texas Method?

Just curious why some people find Madcow more effective when it seems to have much less volume?

Honestly, sounds like you are for sure not eating enough and/or not sleeping enough. The progressive programs are designed for people on bulks, its why i do 5/3/1 while on a cut, its a lot easier since you go so slow adding weight.

I'm almost done with my 11th 5/3/1 session, but so far haven't hit any of my 1's at all. I'm on a deep cut and losing weight very well, so it doesn't bother me at all. I'll just keep repeating this 11th session till i get a flat stomach, then go from there. Really tho, just so happy that i can lift all this heavy weights, lose fat still, and feel terrific, even with the failures of hitting new records.


I'm surprised to see Jason Blaha give his input on another natty bodybuilder, given what happened with Layne Norton. Gave his opinion on Doug Miller.



5'9" 210 lbs, 20+inch arms, and striated glutes, natty lel.

He can deadlift 405 for more than 30 reps, FUCK
I've hit the gym three times in the last thirty days. Between my wedding, honeymoon, traveling to three other weddings, and wrapping up a two year project from my research I've totally fallen off the wagon.

Dropping my lifts by about 5-10% and getting back into things with squats in a few hours. I'm super hyped. I see many of FitGAF have been keeping up the good work. Y'all are great motivators.


Junior Member
I've hit the gym three times in the last thirty days. Between my wedding, honeymoon, traveling to three other weddings, and wrapping up a two year project from my research I've totally fallen off the wagon.

Dropping my lifts by about 5-10% and getting back into things with squats in a few hours. I'm super hyped. I see many of FitGAF have been keeping up the good work. Y'all are great motivators.

Strength is much easier to get back than it was to gain in the first place. Lifting, for me at least, is about longevity and sometimes a month off is just the fire you need to reset and break through some sticking points. Just get back in the gym and get after it brother!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Something different.

Calculated up to 2400 cals and then stopped counting.

Blueberry stuffed crepes, real maple syrup, 1lb strawberry/3 banana/milk smoothie.




My one rep max for squat is 75kg at my bodyweight of 70kg. :D
Started adding some deadlifting back into my training once a week. I think doing the Olympic lifts and squatting a lot has helped my pull quite a bit. Hit a PR at 465 this morning after not pulling a max for probably a year. Felt like it moved slow as shit but I'll take it.

Very convincing, both of you. :D

Also theytookourjobz, looking good! ^_^


6'2" approximately 235 lbs and 20% body fat, office work during the day, relatively active and outdoorsy (outside of working out) after work and weekends doing hobbies and stuff.
The daily average right now is 2200 calories.

Indeed. I have been turning the knobs of calories, calorie sources, rest, volume/intensity of exercises, and types of exercises for like three years and the flab just keeps coming.

Thanks, and I'm motivated as fuck. I have been trying to crawl out of this hole for a long time and hitting 235 (average weight) is forcing me to re-double my efforts.
Well, it seems you are soon moving out again and getting perhaps more permanent place so you can go back to gym again. Your situation definitely seems to be quite complicated. Have you been really stressed and having high cortisol levels or have you been having some hormonal imbalances? Three years sounds like a really long time so there is most likely something behind it. Have you got your thyroxine levels checked?

Also I know that on catabolic state the body starts to use muscles for energy but I assume that generally the weight should be going down at the same time so this all in all sounds really odd to me. Perhaps I just don't fully understand the catabolic state correctly at the moment. Hopefully you will anyways manage to get your body back on track so you can continue with your gains.

I know it's not fashionable, but you can still lose plenty of weight without worrying even slightly about carbs.
I am aware of this. I just think it is way harder, especially for a relatively short female like myself. I need to go under 1500 calories a day to get any kind of proper weight loss. I yet need a certain amount of protein and good fats so it would be quite difficult for me to get those and to balance with my diet without worrying about carbs. Also my body doesn't seem to function that well with carbs in general and I feel easily bloated. These kind of things vary quite much from person to person so to some it isn't a problem at all.

Haha I'm generally good but I just have such a sweet tooth. It's really awful. It's like...healthy, healthy, healthy, ICE CREAM, healthy.

Arrrrg push ups. So awful.

So I've started a kind of intermittent fast...kind of? I don't eat until around 1:00 pm now and stop at around 8:00 at night. It's kind of the wuss version of fasting I guess, since it's mostly over night. Is there a better way to do it? Should I do it every day? Or do a longer one every few days?
Hahah. Well, I cheat with a Quest bar once or twice a day. :p

Push ups are awful, but at the moment I am hating squats and walking lunges the most. Ugh. The back of my thighs are killing me at the moment.

Oh and tell us how are you getting along with that intermittent fasting! I am all ears. :) My weight has remained quite much the same for a relatively long period of time and I am thinking what is my course of action after my short vacation. :D

Oh, I am also jealous of you going to bed around 9 pm. I generally go to bed anything between midnight and 7 am. This is something I should definitely change, but I have always been a night owl.

I whore em out way too much. Nothing impressive atm.
Nonsense. Also if you say there is nothing impressive at your body at the moment, you are obviously lying. :p

The UK. I don't have my full on beard any more so hopefully I can avoid the full on screening.
Hahahah. Good luck with that.

On that note I don't know what has been wrong with me. Apparently I look so much like a terrorist or something since I have been asked to step aside every time I have went to UK or to US and they have asked me to strip to my undies in a small little seperate room after signing a paper that I am fine with it. We will see how it goes next Monday.

Something different.

Calculated up to 2400 cals and then stopped counting.

Blueberry stuffed crepes, real maple syrup, 1lb strawberry/3 banana/milk smoothie.


You and your large very finely shaped ass made me jealous again. Damn I want all of those. :p Especially those crepes look so delicious. Did you buy them or did you make them yourself? I so need crepes or waffles at the moment.

What comes to food, I have been eating tasty and relative healthy things. This tasted way better than it looked like. Smoked salmon, oven made salmon, oven veggies and roots, kale and tomatoes.
Last workout before Vegas done. Will decide what I'm doing there once I've had a chance to get a look at the gym(s) I end up using. Definitely want to lift big as I'll certainly be eating big. :D

Also, good job Chittagong. Definitely bigger.


Heavy squats and leg press done. Doughnuts and 2 large pizzas picked up. Go Niners!
Looking and hearing what you big boys eat, I am getting more and more jealous.

I wish I would be a lad, preferrably huge and black.

I could eat way more than I nowadays can without it being a bad thing, I could walk around without a shirt on and it would be fine and I wouldn't burn my skin that easily.

It seems I lost this genetic lottery a big time.

Did a year-on-year comparison pic. Not as significant progress as in the previous year with noob gains. I think it might be time to begin the cut for change.
Looking good sweetie pie. You have definitely increased your size.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Looking and hearing what you big boys eat, I am getting more and more jealous.

I wish I would be a lad, preferrably huge and black.

I could eat way more than I nowadays can without it being a bad thing, I could walk around without a shirt on and it would be fine and I wouldn't burn my skin that easily.

It seems I lost this genetic lottery a big time.

Looking good sweetie pie. You have definitely increased your size.
This made me chuckle.

Food was great. The game...not so much.


*looks at Sadetar SwolenEdge and MTP's pics

so much hhnnnnnggg

food pics from instagram


Ahi Poke


Cinnamon roll pancakes I made, squat fuel.

these weren't that recent though. I had these about a week ago

*shmoney dance
Really sorry man, i was thinking about it today, how i'm so careful at the gym, but i might get injured outside of the gym. Freaks me out, i saw your post that its 6 weeks of recovery, just do upper body work on machines till then.

Thanks and thanks for the consideration bro. Its definitely made me note my surroundings more and cautious in the forthcoming future. Will do upperbody workout for the time being. Tested my bench form yesterday and it manages to qualify, though I reserve leg drive. Im sticking to bb curls, bench and chin-ups and pull-ups atm.

Had a hostile encounter with a curlbro though in the freeweight section. He was acting as if I was a 'guest in his house' and the dumbbells were his property. First time ever Ive thats happened in the new gym. His vibe felt odd and needlessly intimidating.

So Im gonna be part of the local curlbro posse for a while.
Used to do a quad espresso when I needed a kick before lifting. Don't seem to need it these days... I suspect that it's got something to do with intermittent fasting.


My food is so bland compared to you guys, after all these years i hardly care about taste anymore lol. All i see is carbs, proteins and fat.


Hadn't posted any updates in a while so why not.

Lifting is going steady. I'm pretty much at all my numbers pre surgery so I'm happy with that (except deadlift needs some work)

Feeling pretty good lately. Diets alright, but I know as I get too stressed about it, the worse off I am. I still don't feel like I "know" my body after 2.5 years of training. I think I'm going to really explore that in the next couple weeks. Eat semi-freely, track it all, and establish a baseline.

My wife and I are going to Disney in a few weeks. I think after that I'll re start the iron sport method. I've been itching to get back to band training.

And the banana republic golf shirts are still my favorite :). Their XL size seems to fit just right. Not too big but still looks nice.




So last week was my birthday, made a post here about my birthday cheat. Went to a Buffalo Sabres game that night, the next morning I had a stomach bug. So missed squat day.

The entire weekend whenever I went to eat, I could only eat like a third or half of what I normally do because I just felt full.

Fast forward to today, decided to make up missed squat day, so I pushed hard. I guess lack of calories all weekend caught up. Was pretty winded and lightheaded towards the end of the workout.

Chirashi for lunch today tho (sashimi in a bowl with sushi rice).

Down to 208 from my start of 213 on this cut. Hoping the weekend lack of eating doesn't make that number artificial.



I am in love with boneless-skinless chicken thighs with some of the fat trimmed off.

Haven't posted in here in a while but I have not fallen off the wagon. Just working back up to what I was doing before my vacation at the end of August. That turned in to a 3 week break and then my car engine got hydrolocked due to some unexpected flooding and I lost some motivation then cut the shit out of my finger. Lifted about 3 times over a 4 week span but I'm back at it now.

5 Rep maxes currently sitting at:
Squat - 165 lbs
Bench - 160 lbs
DL - 215 lbs
OHP - 105 lbs
PC - haven't been doing it, may start at 100 lbs when my finger fully heals.
Bentover Barbell Rows - 110lbs


Coffee for Pre Workout. MY MAN!

I try to stay as natural as possible, so coffee is my choice if any at all.

Me preworkout is coffee, heavy cream and coconut oil blended together. Incredible flavor, tons of MCT in the oil for energy. Love it.

My food is so bland compared to you guys, after all these years i hardly care about taste anymore lol. All i see is carbs, proteins and fat.

Life is a lot easier when you eat for macros rather then for pleasure. I prefer it this way.
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