I accidentally ate a chocolate bar and Ive bee avoiding sugar for 5 months now. Will everything be OK?
How does one accidentally eat a chocolate bar?
I accidentally ate a chocolate bar and Ive bee avoiding sugar for 5 months now. Will everything be OK?
It has peanuts in it. It's not all bad.![]()
birthday cheat....
fried green tomatos
bbq shrimp
deviled eggs
pulled pork
corn bread
peanut butter pie
caramel cheesecake
ugh, got a buffalo sabres game tonight too. ready to tap out already.
My top 3 candy bars:
Baby Ruth
Because I know everyone was dying to know! Ha.
How in the fuck can you get any kind of decent macro ratios as a vegan? The only protein source that doesn't have 3-4x as much carbs as protein, or fat as protein, is soy, which everyone says is a terrible idea.
Wow! You are my candy bar soulmate. I typed out honorable mention for Zero bar but erased it. Nice!DEFINITION! YAAAAY
Fuck lean gains, seriously, I can't wait to see the changes I want in my body and start eating like I mean it, but this time healthier things.
Fitness life is so much more fun eating ridiculous quantities of calories, truthfact.
THIS, those two are the absolute best. High five Cooter
there was one with a silver/blue/white color wrap named ZERO, that was good too. had some weird nougat or stuff I liked a lot, US-only so I have mostly memories of it. Same with Whatchamacallit, but that one you can buy it in most airports, so whenever I am in transit its one whatchamacallit for me.
Zero is rare, haven't seen it in US airports.
all the gains, friends
feeling oh so jacked, ready to make 2015 my best year ever
Nothing stops the gains train.
How does one accidentally eat a chocolate bar?
Fall mouth first on the sidewalk where someone dropped one?
Your posts always give me this warm and fuzzy feeling and melt my heart. <3Let me tell you, I don't know the upper limit of how many hot dogs I can cram in my mouth.
This may seem hard but justLooks like I forgot the part where I also did a few stretches with reduced caloric intake, maintaining my normal workout routine, and weight still went up. Overall, regardless of what I have done, not just throwing shit at the wall but turning a knob, seeing what happens, and then turn it back and/or try something else...my overall weight keeps going up. Imagine a huge matrix of caloric intake, calorie sources, volume of exercise, intensity of exercise, and type of exercise.
When this started I was probably at 30% calories from carbs. Figuring that my body was still telling me it was burning muscles for energy I kept increasing the carb ratio.
Since I moved and I'm in temporary housing I don't have my weights and stuff so I'm using the facilities at the apartment. Basically one of those 'all in one' machines plus a treadmill. The plates on the machine doesn't have weights just numbers. Only been here for a few weeks and should be gone in a month.
After doing the resistance training I run 2 miles @ 8 min miles + warmup and cooldown.
3x10 lat pulldown @ plate 10
3x10 'simulated' chin-up @ plate 12
3x10 'simulated' close grip pull-up @ plate 12
3x10 seated leg curl @ plate 12
3x10 seated knee extension @ plate 12
3x10 calf raise w/ belt + plate 8
3x10 seated bench @ plate 11
3x10 military press @ plate 10
3x10 incline @ plate 10
3x10 standing curl @ plate 7
3x10 standing reverse curl @ plate 7
3x10 tricep press @ plate 6
3x10 seated rows @ plate 10
3x10 bent-over row @ plate 10
3x10 lat raise w/ 20lb dumbells
3x10 Flys @ plate 8
3x10 Reverse flys @ plate 6
3x10 hammer curls w/ 20lb dumbells
Prior to this for the past few years I would make a workout from a pool of exercises:
4 exercises @ 16-14-12-10-8-6 reps with a break at the end of each round.
2 ab exercises after finishing that (30 reps/30 sec/1 min/whatever it called for).
Maybe 1-2 from a pool of 'pull-up' like exercises 3x10, prymaid, 30 sec, 1 min, whatever it called for.
Running - ranging from 2 miles @ 8 min miles and up to 4 miles (+ warmup and cooldown).
Diet: I basically cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner with recipes pulled from various websites that have a modern and healthy approach. Typically remove the ingredients that are empty calories or just decadent calorie bombs. For carbs I would try to replace what they recommend with something that has a lower glycemic index, or reduce the amount that it calls for replace with more healthier vegetables.
Nothing processed. Just about everything is made from 'whole' ingredients. Same for snacks. I also have protein powder + milk if I need it. Since I make everything I know how many calories and what percent are carbs/fat/protein.
...what did I just watch...
Hit 300 lbs in my DL a week ago. Max benched 185x2 yesterday. Feeling good since I missed the last week. Gotta get in winter/lumberjack shape.
This.It won't be complete without beard.
Hahah, I just need to say, I loved this post. Awesome story and touching ending.This sends chills down my spine. In college I had a shower curtain bar fall off. It was a cheap looking metal rod like the one in the gif. When I was trying to put it back in it snapped in my hand and cut my wrist pretty badly. It wasn't deep enough to cut any arteries/veins, but it was bloody as fuck. Scared the shit out of me. Haven't showered since.
It just happens. It is a reflex. If I see a defenceless chocolate bar out of its natural environment out in the open my predator senses just kick in and I have destroyed it before I even realized what happened. Survival instincts you know.How does one accidentally eat a chocolate bar?
On the positive side of things, cakes are awesome and it is definitely worth it.Had a birthday yesterday too, I allowed myself 1/3rd of a giant cookie cake. May or may not have eaten all the icing from the rest of the pieces too.
Wedding tasting tomorrow: cake in the morning, cocktail hour + dinner tasting in the afternoon. Then my family wants to have a cake that I will have to politely accept the smallest of slivers.
All my leaning out gains are officially alreadydead.jpg
Twix <3My top 3 candy bars:
Baby Ruth
Because I know everyone was dying to know! Ha.
<3all the gains, friends
feeling oh so jacked, ready to make 2015 my best year ever
Fantastic! You be a strong mofo!Started adding some deadlifting back into my training once a week. I think doing the Olympic lifts and squatting a lot has helped my pull quite a bit. Hit a PR at 465 this morning after not pulling a max for probably a year. Felt like it moved slow as shit but I'll take it.
I am thinking are you even being serious and I definitely hope not. Still, if you are you have had one or two good answer in here already about you needing a good structured program.
And sweetie, it definitely looks like you don't know what you are doing and need that program. Try not to use the machines, but do free weights instead. If you don't have an access to a proper gym, do body weight exercises. Pick one program and stick to it. It might take months to start to see a good progress, but the gains will come.
The terrible ammonia sweats after working out, combined with not much growth in muscle mass and gaining much more body fat.Also how did you decide your body was using your muscles for energy? What you need is proteins and good fats. I have been losing weight and gaining a bit of muscles with quite strict carb intake. I recommend this to you as well. Eat a bit more on your work out days compared to the rest days. Running actually doesn't use as much energy as you think. If you want to lose weight, you need to very carefully look your diet.
6'2" approximately 235 lbs and 20% body fat, office work during the day, relatively active and outdoorsy (outside of working out) after work and weekends doing hobbies and stuff.You know exactly how many calories have in a day. Would you care to share that information with us as well? This would help us a bit to help you.
Indeed. I have been turning the knobs of calories, calorie sources, rest, volume/intensity of exercises, and types of exercises for like three years and the flab just keeps coming.If you want results, you obviously need to change what you are doing at the moment, since it isn't working.
Thanks, and I'm motivated as fuck. I have been trying to crawl out of this hole for a long time and hitting 235 (average weight) is forcing me to re-double my efforts.I wish you the motivation to get through the hard times so you can start to flourish.![]()
Im so narrow and my back genetics are complete shit despite being my most impressive lifts. DL 315 x3 and hypertrophy my way down. 95lbs weighted pull ups X5 too. But I love training back
My diet was quite bad too for a while. Now I cleaned it, but since I have been freezing and down with energy I have added more carbs to it. I so shouldn't have. It doesn't show in scale, but I feel so bloated. Even if I have been eating quite good carbs, like rye bread and what not, it seems it just isn't for me. My skin doesn't look as good anymore and I just feel huge again. Ugh. Roots and veggies are better source and not eating that much of them to begin with so I guess I will go back to that (for a week, then it is my vacation and I will be happily fat again). I have hard time thinking that this used to be my normal state of being.
So I really need to up my protein intake and I've been looking toward tuna.
However, I heard you can get mercury poisoning from eating such things. Is this true or another one of those old wives tales?
So I've started a kind of intermittent fast...kind of? I don't eat until around 1:00 pm now and stop at around 8:00 at night. It's kind of the wuss version of fasting I guess, since it's mostly over night. Is there a better way to do it? Should I do it every day? Or do a longer one every few days?
maybe you're using more bicep in the pullups. ps deadlifts aren't all you need to do for a wide back. it does hit every muscle but you can't expect to get a ton of size that it sounds like you're looking for without doing like lat pulldowns, rows, wide grip pullups, etc. and the pullup number is very impressive, but maybe you should experiment with like 5 sets of 20 or something idk.
? Your favorite...
Pre workout
Post workout
Protien supplement
Can anyone tell me any chest exercises that are REALLY isolated on the chest. When I finish my chest workout it always feels like where I can really feel it is just on the inside of my shoulder (where my collar bone meets my shoulder) and a little on my upper outside pec.
So far I seem to be unable to find an exercise that I end up feeling on the middle of the chest or underside of the chest. I've tried decline bench / push ups, but I find I have to do them first in my workout as by the end I'm lucky to manage any weight / significant reps at all on them.
Can anyone tell me any chest exercises that are REALLY isolated on the chest. When I finish my chest workout it always feels like where I can really feel it is just on the inside of my shoulder (where my collar bone meets my shoulder) and a little on my upper outside pec.
So far I seem to be unable to find an exercise that I end up feeling on the middle of the chest or underside of the chest. I've tried decline bench / push ups, but I find I have to do them first in my workout as by the end I'm lucky to manage any weight / significant reps at all on them.
? Your favorite...
Pre workout
Post workout
Protien supplement
Can anyone tell me any chest exercises that are REALLY isolated on the chest. When I finish my chest workout it always feels like where I can really feel it is just on the inside of my shoulder (where my collar bone meets my shoulder) and a little on my upper outside pec.
So far I seem to be unable to find an exercise that I end up feeling on the middle of the chest or underside of the chest. I've tried decline bench / push ups, but I find I have to do them first in my workout as by the end I'm lucky to manage any weight / significant reps at all on them.
Should probably have specified that I don't have access to cables.
Only have barbells / dumbells / power rack / bench.
...though I do have some seriously heavy duty resistance bands. Wonder if I could rig something up with those.
Well, that's unfortunate.
How is your bench form? Maybe try following these tips: