Life is a lot easier when you eat for macros rather then for pleasure. I prefer it this way.
It also makes you appreciate and enjoy the stuff you love when you to choose to indulge every now and then!
Life is a lot easier when you eat for macros rather then for pleasure. I prefer it this way.
It also makes you appreciate and enjoy the stuff you love when you to choose to indulge every now and then!
Hadn't posted any updates in a while so why not.
Lifting is going steady. I'm pretty much at all my numbers pre surgery so I'm happy with that (except deadlift needs some work)
Feeling pretty good lately. Diets alright, but I know as I get too stressed about it, the worse off I am. I still don't feel like I "know" my body after 2.5 years of training. I think I'm going to really explore that in the next couple weeks. Eat semi-freely, track it all, and establish a baseline.
My wife and I are going to Disney in a few weeks. I think after that I'll re start the iron sport method. I've been itching to get back to band training.
And the banana republic golf shirts are still my favorite. Their XL size seems to fit just right. Not too big but still looks nice.
ok well I don't want to get fat so what cardio should I do? I understand HIIT is what i Need to do. but how do you do it outside? sprint 20 jog 10? sprint 20 jog 30? sprint 30 jog 60? sprint 2 lightpoles jog 1? my cardio used to be playing basketball 3-4 times a week and while I could still go other places to play ball, i'm not gonna get the run i used to for a while so i need some tips.
Life is a lot easier when you eat for macros rather then for pleasure. I prefer it this way.
ok well I don't want to get fat so what cardio should I do? I understand HIIT is what i Need to do. but how do you do it outside? sprint 20 jog 10? sprint 20 jog 30? sprint 30 jog 60? sprint 2 lightpoles jog 1? my cardio used to be playing basketball 3-4 times a week and while I could still go other places to play ball, i'm not gonna get the run i used to for a while so i need some tips.
ok, that's just like what we did for speed work during cross country. interesting. maybe i'll just email my coach or do some workouts from then.I used to do 10x100m sprints with about a minute rest in between.
I do it by meal: breakfast, lunch & midday snacks for purpose, dinner is whatever the wife makes (i.e. variable), nighttime snack is for pleasure.
Occasionally pancakes get involved and breakfast shifts to "for pleasure" as well.
You do not NEED to do anything. Depending on your training regimen HIIT may not fit in (e.g. frequent HIIT + lots of heavy leg training may just kill you). Boring steady state cardio burns calories too. If you want to do HIIT there's all manner of options & you can do it on machines not just running.
ok, that's just like what we did for speed work during cross country. interesting. maybe i'll just email my coach or do some workouts from then.
well. i don't have a gym membership anymore and i'm working on some sort of bodyweight routine so i can keep at least some size and strength. my new goals are hitting at least lvl 8 in convict conditioning for each exercise. my diet won't make me fat (i don't eat enough because of ADD meds), and i'm sleeping great now. so i need/want to do some cardio and can't do it on machines. i don't do legs anymore because i need the flexibility to do a full squat, much less a pistol squat before i try that shit.
Best way to develop the flexibility for a full squat is to do full squats. Even if it's just the bar or an unweighted squat. The bottom of an ass to grass squat is an amazing stretch.
on the topic of the squat I was doing today my warm up with the empty bar and since I have a mirror to the side I tried to see the angle and I came to the realization that ass to grass causes butt wink, to me at least.
if I stop the motion a bit before I hit ATG, there's no butt wink... it seemed hard to change, I was trying to change it right there and I am not sure I was succesful.
I've heard some people say the butt wink is worse than cancer and others say it's nothing to worry about. Mine went away from frequent squatting and plenty of front hip stretches (couch stretch primarily).
Opinions on skipping a workout when you feel sick? Not boo-hoo I'm tired" sick but "shitty phlegm in the throat, headache, God damn this better not be fucking strep" sick. Still I always feel super guilty if I do nothing, so thinking maybe I should just compromise and cut my routine in half instead.
yeah Buttwink isn't the worst thing people can do while squatting, I don't let it deter me from doing it.
but while I've always been proud of my range of motion on squats, I am beginning to question whether I want to go ATG.
that point just before atg I mentioned in my previous post, it felt like the "sweet spot", my quads felt more stimulated, and there was less stress on my knees...
I should probably take some video again and show it here, it's been a while.
yeah Buttwink isn't the worst thing people can do while squatting, I don't let it deter me from doing it.
but while I've always been proud of my range of motion on squats, I am beginning to question whether I want to go ATG.
that point just before atg I mentioned in my previous post, it felt like the "sweet spot", my quads felt more stimulated, and there was less stress on my knees...
I should probably take some video again and show it here, it's been a while.
was wondering if I could get a squat check. I switched to high bar not long ago and I was wondering if you guys see any glaring issues or have any tips. Pretty sad I'm struggling with 195 which is just a little over by body weight :-/
Post a form check as well as your programming.Okay, guys I'm getting pretty frustrated and desperate. The max I've been able to squat has been around 150 lbs. I weigh about 153 lbs, and that max lift is something I reached like 6 months ago. There have been ups and downs throughout that time where I took a couple weeks off for various reasons so my strength went down to 135 lbs. which I had to work back up. Still though I've never been able to go past 150, and even then, that's with using every bit of strength and effort I have.
I always see people post how their squats tend to be some of the fastest lifts to progress on, but for me it's easily the hardest. What do I do? Seriously, I'm looking for any advice or tips. Is the way you breath important? Am I not getting enough protein? Halp, guys! D:
Post a form check as well as your programming.
Only real thing that stuck out to me is the heel raising a bit off the ground on the last rep. Also it kind of seems like you have the same problem as I do coming out of the whole, slight lean forward. I'm still trying to get a vertical bar path. Maybe try this; main thing is changing your back angle to have a better center of balance; only because not everyone is gifted with short femurs. It's something I started trying last Friday. It seems to have helped (bar path doesn't deviate too far from my center of balance) but it's hard to break months of squatting the way I was. If you don't want to go through with that, then try focusing on staying on your heels if you are able to maintain that center of balance. Other than that, I don't really have any problems with your squats.was wondering if I could get a squat check. I switched to high bar not long ago and I was wondering if you guys see any glaring issues or have any tips. Pretty sad I'm struggling with 195 which is just a little over by body weight :-/
Program. Is it one of the two programs in the OP or something else? 3x5, etc.Programming?
Routine. Are you doing a known program like Starting Strength, Greyskull, 5/3/1 etc...? If not, post your usual sets/reps, lifts, how often you train, how/when you increase weight etc...Programming?
Okay, guys I'm getting pretty frustrated and desperate. The max I've been able to squat has been around 150 lbs. I weigh about 153 lbs, and that max lift is something I reached like 6 months ago. There have been ups and downs throughout that time where I took a couple weeks off for various reasons so my strength went down to 135 lbs. which I had to work back up. Still though I've never been able to go past 150, and even then, that's with using every bit of strength and effort I have.
I always see people post how their squats tend to be some of the fastest lifts to progress on, but for me it's easily the hardest. What do I do? Seriously, I'm looking for any advice or tips. Is the way you breath important? Am I not getting enough protein? Halp, guys! D:
Program. Is it one of the two programs in the OP or something else? 3x5, etc.
Maybe you aren't eating enough in general? I had that problem before around 100# to 135# but I ate a bit more and progress has been pretty steady for me.
Routine. Are you doing a known program like Starting Strength, Greyskull, 5/3/1 etc...? If not, post your usual sets/reps, lifts, how often you train, how/when you increase weight etc...
That feel when you go to try out new clothes, and size XL shirts are now big and loose. I was wearing XXXL when i started doing Keto. Slowly but surely, getting there. Half the XL shirts were huge on me, the other half (designer stuff) fit nicely. I love keto, i love working out, and i love fitgaf.
You'll probably find the information in the links. I can't recall exactly, but I think it's something like an 80kcal limit.
Hahah. Well, I cheat with a Quest bar once or twice a day.
Push ups are awful, but at the moment I am hating squats and walking lunges the most. Ugh. The back of my thighs are killing me at the moment.
Oh and tell us how are you getting along with that intermittent fasting! I am all ears.My weight has remained quite much the same for a relatively long period of time and I am thinking what is my course of action after my short vacation.
Oh, I am also jealous of you going to bed around 9 pm. I generally go to bed anything between midnight and 7 am. This is something I should definitely change, but I have always been a night owl.
Oh, right.
I'm doing SS. The past month or so it's been a little difficult with work and school that I haven't been able to do the 3 day, M/W/F routine. So I'll get only 1-2 days during the week.
Oh, right.
I'm doing SS. The past month or so it's been a little difficult with work and school that I haven't been able to do the 3 day, M/W/F routine. So I'll get only 1-2 days during the week.
Opinions on skipping a workout when you feel sick? Not boo-hoo I'm tired" sick but "shitty phlegm in the throat, headache, God damn this better not be fucking strep" sick. Still I always feel super guilty if I do nothing, so thinking maybe I should just compromise and cut my routine in half instead.
As I mentioned recently, I basically skipped lifting for a month and am back into thongs this week.
Damnit keep tweaking my lower back when doing cleans and stiff legged dead lifts. Recommendations on how to improve form?
on this topic, I was about to ask....
anyone know what's the difference between stiff legged DL and straight legged DL regarding execution (both with barbell) ?? makes a clear distinction and gives different cues for execution but I see no difference in the gifs, I am surely missing something.
It's a bit harder to see in those gifs, but the stiff leg has slightly bent knees and the other has straight knees.
A pic of this would make Sadetar's day, I'm sure.
Shit I'm on the same boat but yesterday I could finally break 185 lbs after months of being stuck at 160. I've deloaded my work sets several times but now what I do is a couple 1-rep (205 lbs) and 2-rep (195 lbs) max sets after my work sets (failed or not) to increase strength. And since they are extra I have no performance anxiety which has also hindered my progress.
Form is still shit tho, so I use a very tight belt. I still lose the back angle even with the belt but not that bad as to miss parallel or lose balance towards my toes and fail the reps.
Or squeezing out more reps like I doA belt is something to squeeze out a few more pounds, relying on it to keep good form is dangerous imo.
yeah I guess that's it.
I always thought I had been doing a Stiff LDL but now I am pretty sure I have been doing Straight LDL, harmstrings burn nice when I do them, it's infinitely superior to the Leg curl.
Ah then yeah, it is kind of expected you wouldn't be making that much progress then. I don't know what else to tell you. Maybe commit to going 2 times a week and start Greyskull LP; the book has a two-day per week version. Below is a modified version of Phraks Greyskull LP Variant. Keep in mind microloading is mandatory for bench and press; you could be creative and make your own like I did here.
Day 1:
Bench Press 2 x 5, 1 x 5+Day 2:
Barbell Rows 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Deadlift 1 x 5+
Press 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Weighted Chin-ups 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Squat 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Here's Izzy from PowerliftingToWin's review on the program.
Quote my post for the book.
I'm no squat guru or anything, but to me it kind of looks like you're trying to use low bar cues to do high bar squats. You should break at the knees and not try to sit back like with low bar, from what I understand.
Only real thing that stuck out to me is the heel raising a bit off the ground on the last rep. Also it kind of seems like you have the same problem as I do coming out of the whole, slight lean forward. I'm still trying to get a vertical bar path. Maybe try this; main thing is changing your back angle to have a better center of balance; only because not everyone is gifted with short femurs. It's something I started trying last Friday. It seems to have helped (bar path doesn't deviate too far from my center of balance) but it's hard to break months of squatting the way I was. If you don't want to go through with that, then try focusing on staying on your heels if you are able to maintain that center of balance. Other than that, I don't really have any problems with your squats.
Program. Is it one of the two programs in the OP or something else? 3x5, etc.
Maybe you aren't eating enough in general? I had that problem before around 100# to 135# but I ate a bit more and progress has been pretty steady for me.
Your last pic from saturday looked sinfully pics eh?
This was lunch on Saturday.
This is my humble homemade dinner for tonight
I prefer Saturday!
Awwww, at least the other one didn't disappoint.This made me chuckle.
Food was great. The game...not so much.
You made those pancakes? Yourself? With your own handy hands?*looks at Sadetar SwolenEdge and MTP's pics
so much hhnnnnnggg
food pics from instagram
Ahi Poke
Cinnamon roll pancakes I made, squat fuel.
I actually think that my food tastes better these days than it did before. Perhaps I am generally paying more attention to the food I am eating and thus everything just seems to be tastier.My food is so bland compared to you guys, after all these years i hardly care about taste anymore lol. All i see is carbs, proteins and fat.
Awesome to hear that you are quite much back on where you were! Your arms look as huge as always.Hadn't posted any updates in a while so why not.
Lifting is going steady. I'm pretty much at all my numbers pre surgery so I'm happy with that (except deadlift needs some work)
Feeling pretty good lately. Diets alright, but I know as I get too stressed about it, the worse off I am. I still don't feel like I "know" my body after 2.5 years of training. I think I'm going to really explore that in the next couple weeks. Eat semi-freely, track it all, and establish a baseline.
My wife and I are going to Disney in a few weeks. I think after that I'll re start the iron sport method. I've been itching to get back to band training.
And the banana republic golf shirts are still my favorite. Their XL size seems to fit just right. Not too big but still looks nice.
That coffee mix sounds so good I need to try it out!Me preworkout is coffee, heavy cream and coconut oil blended together. Incredible flavor, tons of MCT in the oil for energy. Love it.
Life is a lot easier when you eat for macros rather then for pleasure. I prefer it this way.
What can I say... You look sexy as hell. Amazing legs. I really, really appreciate you wearing shorts.was wondering if I could get a squat check. I switched to high bar not long ago and I was wondering if you guys see any glaring issues or have any tips. Pretty sad I'm struggling with 195 which is just a little over by body weight :-/
I feel you, even if I don't do as much or as hard as you do. Walking db lunges are the ones that are always killing me at the gym. I do them twice a week and I feel like crying afterwards.Urgh did walking db lunges after front squats, felt like collapsing after each set, shit was brutal. Haven't done lunges in a while so I went easy and only did 75s for 4 sets of 16.
<3 And we love you!That feel when you go to try out new clothes, and size XL shirts are now big and loose. I was wearing XXXL when i started doing Keto. Slowly but surely, getting there. Half the XL shirts were huge on me, the other half (designer stuff) fit nicely. I love keto, i love working out, and i love fitgaf.
That is splendid! Awesome progress! Congratulations!looks like a good progression, keep doing that
It was a really good feeling to change my whole warddrobe twice during the last year and now I need new stuffs for the coming winter.
I went from XXL to M/L.
Assisted pull ups using a door? Sounds interesting.Ffffff arm days. Haha. So painful. Apparently tomorrow I am supposed to do assisted pull ups using a door... I'm kind of worried about putting my weight on the door. I don't want to break things...
Hope your thighs are doing better. The fronts of mine are hurting today after my leg workout. I'm finding my program kind of fun, so that's nice. Painful though. And I doubt it's doing anything for my weight. I haven't done cardio in weeksBut we'll see what's up after 10 weeks and if I feel any stronger at all.
The fasting thing isn't bad, especially since most of it is over night anyway. I just stop eating around 8pm and don't eat again until around 1pm the next day. I'm not going into this strange "carb cycling" thing... Just not eating for 17 hours lol.
I hope your vacation is a lot of fun!
And I go to bed around 9pm because I get up at 5am every day lol. I used to get up at 5:30 but now that I don't cook breakfast, I get up at 5, do my workout and go about my day. I'm liking it better than doing the workout after coming home from work.![]()
Awesome! So happy for you! Just keep at it and you will be a real beast. You have an awesome body to work with from what I can tell.Hi Fitgaf !
Today is my 3 month anniversary !
I have been doing a 3 day a week full body workout.I'm trying to find aSplit program since weights are becoming increasingly heavy, I feel very very tired after a workout.
I'm scared to take the plunge for the moment.
I'm still workin on eatin enough everyday, it's the real problem for me.
Gained 3kg tho
shitty before/after photo :
When I now changed the program I am again feeling that I have been working out. I love that feeling. <3I'm a bit late to this, but you should skip. If not for yourself, then for your fellow gym goers. It's a bit of a jerk move to snot all over gym equipment.
As I mentioned recently, I basically skipped lifting for a month and am back into thongs this week. The DOMS is insane, but damn it feels good. Reminds me I'm alive.
Only mine?A pic of this would make Sadetar's day, I'm sure.
You made me all excited already.Man, auto correct on my phone just murdered the integrity of that post.
I save the thongs for my wife though, sorry FitGaffers!
Thanks. Two questions though:
1) Is microloading when you add weights slower than what SS suggests?
2) How long does it take one to lose strength in between workout days? Like, if you only work out once a week, does that have a negative effect?
Thanks. Two questions though:
1) Is microloading when you add weights slower than what SS suggests?
2) How long does it take one to lose strength in between workout days? Like, if you only work out once a week, does that have a negative effect?
Only mine?
Come on.
I am just looking out for everyone's best interest.![]()