Not a beer fan, Cooter?
For shame
I love me a good IPA, but I stay away mostly since beer is so damn high calorie. Twice a month is fine for me.
yeah, was IPA...
dogfish 90 and empire IPA
Not a beer fan, Cooter?
For shame
I love me a good IPA, but I stay away mostly since beer is so damn high calorie. Twice a month is fine for me.
yeah, was IPA...
dogfish 90 and empire IPA
dogfish 90 is delicious.
It's my least favorite food or beverage on earth. Probably fortunate based on how many people love it. It may have something to do with the 18 Red Dogs I consumed when I was 13 and didn't stop puking until 2 full days after? Idk... Just taking a stab in the dark here!Not a beer fan, Cooter?
For shame
I love me a good IPA, but I stay away mostly since beer is so damn high calorie. Twice a month is fine for me.
It's my least favorite food or beverage on earth. Probably fortunate based on how many people love it. It may have something to do with the 18 Red Dogs I consumed when I was 13 and didn't stop puking until 2 full days after? Idk... Just taking a stab in the dark here!
It's my least favorite food or beverage on earth. Probably fortunate based on how many people love it. It may have something to do with the 18 Red Dogs I consumed when I was 13 and didn't stop puking until 2 full days after? Idk... Just taking a stab in the dark here!
I don't have a clue. It was the first time I ever drank too. I remember bits and pieces but it was a blur. It was at a friends brother's college party. Apparently I stripped down to my underwear and went swimming. Haha. Don't remember that at all! Couldn't score any college girls though. Damn!lolwut. how did u not pass out at like beer number 12??? at 18 beers now, i'd be blacked the fuck out and my friends would be tempted to call 911 if i started puking lol.
no wonder you're cut, you're impervious to the temptations of a good beer
I can't drink any alcohol. Where are my cuts?
Crying on the inside.
I can't drink any alcohol. Where are my cuts?
Any of you guys bulking now that its getting colder in the Northern Hemisphere?
Not allergic to that too are you?
its okay friends, let us eat some kbbq instead
Yeah, I'll lose at any drinking game. But in a meat stuffing competition, lbs for lbs, I can probably eat most of you under the table.
I'm looking at you, MTP.
and fuck fat in the lower back, I know I am 36 and should learn to live with it but fuck no, I refuse, I'll do whatever it takes to bring down that fat in the next 4 or 5 weeks, run, do Hiit, lift more, I don't care.
My diet was quite bad too for a while. Now I cleaned it, but since I have been freezing and down with energy I have added more carbs to it. I so shouldn't have. It doesn't show in scale, but I feel so bloated. Even if I have been eating quite good carbs, like rye bread and what not, it seems it just isn't for me. My skin doesn't look as good anymore and I just feel huge again. Ugh. Roots and veggies are better source and not eating that much of them to begin with so I guess I will go back to that (for a week, then it is my vacation and I will be happily fat again). I have hard time thinking that this used to be my normal state of being.I hope so! Keep going at it!
Tired arms nooooow...Haha.
Still eating ice cream though lmao. Oops. I have no will power against ice cream right now.
I think there is officially something badly wrong with me, since I don't even like shellfish. I think it is something to do with the texture and not that much with the taste though.We all know allergies suck. The worst is when they kick in later in life. I was able to eat shellfish when i was a kid.
I also developed an allergy to cats too.
Before I read this I was thinking that this must be some extremely gross Asian thing.Edit: The cat comment is in reference to petting them.
<3Thank you <3
birthday cheat....
no wonder you're cut, you're impervious to the temptations of a good beer
Join the club Szu.I can't drink any alcohol. Where are my cuts?
Crying on the inside.
This whole discussion has been so golden. I have been giggling like a little sure are good at getting stuffed with meat huh
It makes them easier.Only noticed this till recently but is there a reason why people "swing" or kinda "wiggle" their body when doing pullups? Sometimes even extending the chin so it clears the bar? My friend said it was some kind of crossfit or mma pullup, whatever that means.
Glad it's not just me then. =/
Only noticed this till recently but is there a reason why people "swing" or kinda "wiggle" their body when doing pullups? Sometimes even extending the chin so it clears the bar? My friend said it was some kind of crossfit or mma pullup, whatever that means.
It makes them easier.
most stubborn fat ever, but I shall prevail.
regarding pull-ups, what makes me wonder whether there's something odd going on is when people go from rep to rep in a continous movement.... It's not that there's a poor range of motion, but they definitely aren't hanging from their arms like in a starting position on each rep,
for each rep I do, I just hang down there in starting position for a sec. I just can't keep moving it's like restarting all over.
today I broke my unassited, unweighed, bodyweight-only Pull-up record by the way... 14 in a single set, (I call it 13.6 cause I didn't liek the last rep lol).
You'd need to do a lot more than several miles to overcome a bad diet. You likely burn at best around 160 calories per mile, so 2 miles burns a small slice of pizza if you're lucky.
you sure are good at getting stuffed with meat huh
I think I have been stuck in a catabolic state for like 3 years.
Any suggestions on how to get out of it?
Basically I think I have been catabolic for like 3 years because I would (typically) get the ammonia sweats after working out and I basically put on 30 lbs.
Was: 205 with 16% body fat.
Now: 235 with 20% body fat.
Want I want: 205 with 16% body fat.
Background: I never did big weight power lifting. Just freeweight and body resistance stuff. Overall it has always been easy for my body to put on muscle mass.
What I think I did wrong - Workout routine. I increased intensity, then I added running, then I increased the intensity of running, then I increased the duration of the running, then I dropped resistance training and went all cardio. Regardless of how long or hard I ran my weight went up and basically got fatter.
Things I tried to get out of it:
Maintaining calories and taking a break from working out. Breaks were like 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 1 month, and 2 months. Tried a few of these over the years.
Throwing diet out the window, maintain a relatively active lifestyle, but not explicitly working out for periods of 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 1 month, 2 months.
Increasing calories - various ratios of more fat, protein, and carbs. Right now I would say close to 50% of my calories are now from carbs, with the bulk of the balance being protein.
At this point it feels like I'm consuming more than enough calories, and carbs, to satisfy my body, but I still have the stink sweats and my weight still keeps going up.
My workout is pretty tame at this point. 3 or 4 time a week with 6 exercises, 3 sets of 10 reps, and then running for 2 miles + warmup and cooldown. Door to door is less than 1 hour.
Any suggestions? I have been Googling it but I haven't come across anything worth mentioning at this point.
Like most posts of this sort there is a serious lacking of specific details. If you want actual advice my first suggestion would be to post your actual routine and diet. What 6 exercises are you doing? How much weight are you using? Exactly what foods are you eating, 50% of your diet from carbs sounds like a fair bit.
In general though it seems pretty easy to pin point what caused your weight gain. You were taking breaks as big as 2 months and just continued to eat too many calories.
My advice would be the same that i would give most people. Stop throwing shit at the wall with regards to your diet and workout. Stop googling for random information that is probably terrible (not sure what you could even be googling for).
Start a structured program like the one in the OP and actually stick to it. Work out a diet that you can stick to reasonably well (lets face it we all cheat for the most part). There is a nutrition thread on GAF to help get you started and i'm sure there are people on in this thread who can give you advice as well. Also make sure you get enough sleep. You can still add in some cardio if you want but make sure you are getting enough calories and don't burn yourself out.
Quick question:
I'm around 85 kg right now (haven't weighed myself in a while but don't have a scale at the moment) and I'm around 183-4 cm tall. I've gained some weight over summer and fall due to not working out anymore and I moved so been eating shit food but I want to start going to gym on Monday again. I plan on doing 5x5 routine for strength and later switch to something less time consuming and more focused on aesthetics over strength. But since I've gained some weight I really want to get rid of that so my question would be if I should start cutting right away until I drop some fat I've gained that has caused some clothes to become tighter, or should I start clean bulk and hope I burn it off? My worry is if I start with cutting I won't have energy to progress through 5x5 like I should be?
Longer question:
Since I'm living alone finally I have more freedom when it comes to food now, but also I have no idea what my diet should consist of. I've been reading a bit and got some ideas but I still don't know. Based on answer on question above I'll know if I should cut or bulk, and that's +- 500 on my daily calorie intake, and my TDEE is around 3000. My problem is I have no idea what to eat. I'm thinking oats, whey, eggs, chicken(breasts?), fish(what kind, made how?, canned tuna with veggies ok?), broccoli, cauliflower? Need more kinds of food I can eat, preferably not to eat same things every day or every other day, like 10 eggs every day and stuff like that. Then it comes to portions, I'm ready to make all the meals for next or two next days ahead but I don't know about portions, sizes, grams etc. So please help me out with that I really wanna change and get more serious both about lifting and my looks that will result from it and proper diet.
I swear squats and deadlifts are making my cakes grow. At the very least, they are getting a work out, as they are pretty sore after doing those two lifts, especially the deadlift.
Haha! Sometimes my phone's auto correct will make my posts more amusing than they should be.
Growing up I was taught to keep your body straight. I just switched gyms from YMCA to 24hr and never seen anyone do swinging pullups at the four years I been going to the Y. Honestly I was a little confused seeing a good handful of people doing swinging pullups at 24.
Just did a search on Google and they are called kipping pullups. Seems like my friend wasn't joking about it being related to crossfit.
Too be honest I'm not sure if I go all the way back to my starting position, but my arms are almost straight after each rep.
I been doing Lseated pullups lately. I try some tomorrow and really keep an eye on my start position after each rep.
Hit 300 lbs in my DL a week ago. Max benched 185x2 yesterday. Feeling good since I missed the last week. Gotta get in winter/lumberjack shape.
It doesn't really look healthy for your shoulders. The main thing i noticed though was those blisters, damn. Like do they have to take a few days off after they do something like that, i don't think it's worth fucking your hands up like that.
Why I won't do kipping pull ups.
I have decided to give up fizzy drinks. What health benefits shall this have for me?
Depends on what you're drinking instead.
Vodka tonicsDepends on what you're drinking instead.
I have decided to give up fizzy drinks. What health benefits shall this have for me?
Depends on what you're drinking instead.
I accidentally ate a chocolate bar and Ive bee avoiding sugar for 5 months now. Will everything be OK?
Sorry dude. You just lost all your gains.
(I eat high end chocolate pretty much every night. Hotel Chocolat for the win.)
It was a Snickers bar, but seriously will I be ok?