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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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As far as I am concerned ILoveBish is our official keto pro. I have been having a very low carb diet also for couple months (lately not so much so, I will go back to it after like under two weeks). I have once in a while been eating more carbs on my gym days though (twice a week).
Thanks for the reply. I was doing sub 20 carbs for about 2 months. I wouldn't have had a problem if I hadn't stalled in the weight loss. I don't know if I can do it a couple times a week, carbs scare the crap out of me(a few years ago I was 350lbs mostly fat). Im going to try doing it if I stall again, or maybe make it a bi-weekly thing.


Weak as shit today. The only thing I can think of is my body is taking extra time recovering from heavy deads. I couldn't do the same weights I did on back squats and ohp that I did last week :(


If you have the Afro, then you should go for Black Dynamite.

maybe I can get a wig or something.

Get a giant diaper and put your son in a buisness suit. Great role reversal.

I remember you saying this on Instagram. Please tell me you'll carry a boulder to punch.

You said this last year! :p
haha you're right! My boy said he'd be Vince and I'd be jules, now he's flaking....again. He said not manypeople would get it and assume we're the men in black. He may have a point.
feelin extra swole this morning



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Jesus Christ FE! I think you've surpassed a lot of those puroresu guys you were aiming for.
Figured I post in here to get some answers.

Today I did 3 sets of 4 bench presses at 140lbs.(not sure what the bar was but I'm guessing 50). I attempted doing 2 sets of 4 bench presses at 130 but couldn't get the last one. I really want a plan to increase my maximum bench press. I haven't attempted it in a while but I believe I got up to 170lbs. at one point before. I have a goal of 200 in mind and I was wondering what the best program, for my body would be.

I'm roughly 6 feet and 160 lbs.


feelin extra swole this morning
Bloody hell. You look amazing!

...Are your shoulders wide enough for you to need to walk sideways on doorways?

Thanks for the reply. I was doing sub 20 carbs for about 2 months. I wouldn't have had a problem if I hadn't stalled in the weight loss. I don't know if I can do it a couple times a week, carbs scare the crap out of me(a few years ago I was 350lbs mostly fat). Im going to try doing it if I stall again, or maybe make it a bi-weekly thing.
How long you have been at around the same weight? Like you know weight loss is far from linear and there can be weeks even a month without scale showing anything and then within couple days you can lose nearly 10 pounds. So most of the time there is no need to worry, if you still have energy to follow your gym program. I am still sure you can add a bit more carps to work out days and it would be totally fine if you feel like it. :) If you want, you can go with good quality carbs and eat like rye bread or something similar.
Honestly didn't know there was a fitness OT here. Best solution if you want gains, don't break your leg, then break your foot after your leg healed, that was a hell of an uphill battle to get back to where my squat and deadlift was. Anyone here into powerlifting? If so, do you train for raw or equipped? Equipped myself, please don't hate lol.


I'm going to be nothing for Halloween; I haven't bothered with it for the last eight plus years.

Anyway, it's hard to believe I haven't done any upper body exercises for the last 5 months due to a wrist injury and discomfort. Looking to start this Monday after I tested the waters last Wednesday with some OHP.
Assuming I look good, there will be pics hah. :)

Sooooo, I've got a problem. I'm pretty sure the answer is that I'm not hydrating myself as well as I should (that or I'm getting older). I occasionally get very bad tricep cramps if I work them too hard. Today was one of those days. I was playing Smite, went to stretch between a match and both my triceps locked up and pinched. It hurt like hell, then went away after a few minutes.

I really think it's hydration. I'm gonna start carrying around a gallon of water at the gym. My vitamins are okay.

This isn't a common thing, but it's the second time it's happened in about 3 months. I do get calf cramps somewhat more often though. Maybe my potassium is low. I need to track my diet better.


FE, you are a beast bro, keep doing what you are doing. As evilore said, you are past your goals in so many ways.

MTP, your traps need their own zip code. How does your body look so slender and your face a tad chubby?

Vince, i hope you get some good news monday, and perhaps also look into alternatives that will take your insurance?

Matugi, you look incredible for your age man. Its awesome you found fitness right now instead of double your age like so many of us, its so much easier when you are younger.

Anyone in here doing keto? It pushed me to get the lowest I've ever been 240 25% body fat (I'm 6'1"), but I lost some strength(not that much) and stamina(lost a lot here). Also recovery seems to take longer, but it manage to push through and work out 5 days a week. I haven't done any refeeding since I started like 2 months ago until today. I got a little desperate since I've been stuck for 2 weeks at the same weight. Does anyone know if it's better to eat carbs on heavy workout days or to just do a carb day once a week? Internet has a bunch of conflicting opinions. I'm not sure what to trust :/

Are you eating at above or below maintenance? Doesn't matter the diet, most lifts will suffer on a cut, keto isn't a miracle diet, its just super awesome. At your BF, i would not advise doing refeeds. I'm going to assume you are trying to lose fat and gain muscle, so just don't worry about the strength and keep doing all that you can. My advice when it comes to keto and working out, is make a coffee with heavy cream and coconut oil prior to the gym, it has really helped me through some tough days at the gym. I do a 6oz coffee, 1tbsp heavy cream, 1tbsp coconut oil. Add 1tsp of splenda, and 8 drops of liquid stevia if you'd like (this is how i do my coffees). That will get you going right quick. If you want to try to go for lifting heavier and progressing at the gym, you could do bi-weekly refeeds, but honestly i recommend getting down to the BF you want, then going up from there. The gym isn't going to disappear, lose the fat first, then bulk up from there. It's way easier going up then it is going down.

Yes, I definitely agree three hours is unnecessary for a beginner. Probably unnecessary for almost anyone even.

I agree that unless you are on gear, you absolutely should not be spending 3 hours at the gym. When i didn't know better, i'd spend 2-3 hours at the gym, doing 10 different things there for tons of reps. Now i do 1 compound, which takes me 30-45 min, then 3 accessories that compliment that compound lift, which takes another 15-30 min. After that, i'm out. At most, if i'm on a tough day, it takes about 1.5 hours total. Sometimes i'm out of there in 1 hour. Just keep the main thing the main thing, the compounds.

So, i finally got my sleep schedule fixed, god willing I'm going to keep it this time! I'll be hitting the gym tonight for my 12th session of 5/3/1. Pretty damn hyped.
Any FitGaffers joining in on the NeoGAF Secret Santa this year? I got hooked up by Servbot24 last year with a box of Questbars and some other great stuff (mostly some awesome books) and also had fun with it the year before that. Can't guarantee you'll get something as great as Questbars, but who knows, it's also just fun figuring out what to get for your gift-receiver.
OK I'll stop advertising now.

Anyone here have good recipes to make hard-boiled eggs more interesting? I mean, I like them straight up and also with a bit of ketchup or salt/pepper, but I'm wondering if anyone has something more creative. Thinking of dicing them up and throwing them into things but besides salad I cannot think of what to add it to.


Hey sweetie pies! Just popping in to mainly say I will be gone like one and a half week. I might check this once in a while if my phone can find an open wireless network, but I most likely won't even try to type with that thing.

I am a bit nervous since my vacation and travelling light will mean I won't have my work out clothes or anything like that and I will be nearly two weeks without hitting the gym. I will try to do stretches, blanks and pilates moves when I am in UK though. This is still the longest break after I started so hopefully weights won't go down too much...

But you darlings keep the flag high and continue being as awesome as always. I will catch up with you again soon enough! ^_^

I will be crying myself to sleep every night since I will miss each and every one of you so much! <3

Any FitGaffers joining in on the NeoGAF Secret Santa this year? I got hooked up by Servbot24 last year with a box of Questbars and some other great stuff (mostly some awesome books) and also had fun with it the year before that. Can't guarantee you'll get something as great as Questbars, but who knows, it's also just fun figuring out what to get for your gift-receiver.
OK I'll stop advertising now.
Secret Santa! Yay! For sure!
...can you be adorable and try to remind me about it after like two weeks? At the moment it is 2 am and I am half asleep and leaving to the airport in the morning so not even a chance that I can read the rules and understand what I am reading at the moment. Pretty please. :)
Are those abs? But how?? Dayumm! May not have godly trap genetics but to have abs at that bf% is freakin incredible!

Heh, it is dehydration, lighting, and morning poops. Coincidentally, that is also the title of the next OT.

Jesus Christ FE! I think you've surpassed a lot of those puroresu guys you were aiming for.

Thanks dood. I think so as well. Still pushing for more!

FE, my man, amazing always. You've really exploded this past year.

Thanks. I definitely changed up my training. I really wanted to focus on size and definition so switched to more of a traditional BB split. Haven't deadlifted in like 6+ months.

FE my hero.


Bloody hell. You look amazing!

...Are your shoulders wide enough for you to need to walk sideways on doorways?

ty and not yet!

FE looks like someone photoshopped his old head on an enlarged body.
Good job!

I was thinking the same.

Swole Edge, looking monstrous.

FE, you going to need a bigger camera to contain the swole.

Good thing that I want the Nexus 6 then.

Have you been overhead pressing trucks or something? Hot damn, that progress!

Delts and shoulders have definite been a weak point. Lots of lat raises, rear delt raises, reverse pec dec, hammer machine press, etc. It never ends

FE, I need your before and after pics for inspiration. STAT!

here is a pic of me in Feb of 2011. I was desperate for abs. I had to be around 185 lbs or so. Look at my tiny nipples.

FE, you are a beast bro, keep doing what you are doing. As evilore said, you are past your goals in so many ways.

Thanks man. Came a long way.

And again, thanks to all of you. Make it super fun to participate in this thread and everyone here always gets me hype.


Assisted pull ups using a door? Sounds interesting. :) Do you have a video of how to actually do those? This far I have just been hanging on my pull up bar at home when I remember to do that. :p

A nice program does make a difference. I am also feeling more energetic and motivated now when I have my new program that I really need to concentrade instead of just using the machines. It is definitely painful for me as well, but I am sure we will both be seeing and feeling some nice progress withing couple months. :D

Aww and thanks honey! I will get my eating back on where it should be after my holiday. There I will just relax, have fun and eat what ever I feel like having. I am sure I will be a happy fat when I come back. :p

I don't have a video on me but basically a pull up using your legs as well. If you have a bar at home, put a chair under your feet and do a pull up using your legs as little as possible, just to help you do the actual motion. That's what I've been doing because my arms are so weak, I can't even hang on a bar without my feet on the ground.

I don't know if the program I am doing is going to make any difference (probably not because it's pretty much impossible for me to build any muscle), but at least I'm not re-gaining any weight. Finally weighed myself for the first time since I got back from my trip and I am around the same, haven't lost any but haven't gained either so...that's fine at least.

Have fun on your trip! Eat lots, walk lots, relax! :)

Edit: FE! <33333


So I started the SL 5x5 yesterday. I've always been pretty skinny with not much strength and decided to do something about it. (also girls). It's not as though I've never been athletic as I've done climbing and played football loads in my younger days.

Just started with 20kg on the squats/bench etc.

Would it be detrimental for me to go every 2nd day? i.e. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat. Most workout schedules I see usually leave 2 days between every 3 workouts.

Just thinking I'd like to go all in on this, but increasing frequency of workouts instead of the amount of weight is better.
Would it be detrimental for me to go every 2nd day? i.e. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat. Most workout schedules I see usually leave 2 days between every 3 workouts.
I don't think so, but M-W-F works well too. I'm not sure that there's much difference as far as gainz goes.


So I started the SL 5x5 yesterday. I've always been pretty skinny with not much strength and decided to do something about it. (also girls). It's not as though I've never been athletic as I've done climbing and played football loads in my younger days.

Just started with 20kg on the squats/bench etc.

Would it be detrimental for me to go every 2nd day? i.e. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat. Most workout schedules I see usually leave 2 days between every 3 workouts.

Just thinking I'd like to go all in on this, but increasing frequency of workouts instead of the amount of weight is better.

It's not. Go M-W-F


On beginner programs like SL 5x5 and SS, you want to just do those lifts, no extra accessories, and eat well over your maintenance. Also drink a ton of water (i do a gallon a day) and sleep well. I've come to realize i'm the strongest and most refreshed when i sleep and wake up naturally. On my new sleep schedule, i sleep right when i get home from work, wake up naturally, get my coconut oil coffee and hit the gym, then do whatever till its time for work, then repeat the process. Sleep is so vital, its crazy.

Tonight was the start of my 12th 5/3/1 session, got 185 for 3 singles on ohp, felt really good considering the cut i am on.


So autumn is upon us and that means a lot less d-vitamins from the sun (at least here in Norway). What do you guys do to supplement enough d-vitamins. In Norway its illegal to sell d-vitamins with high enough dosages to make a difference, so i do the old tanning bed 5-10 minutes twice a week. Although i dont do it for the tan, the brightness of the bed really helps by itself, seeing as it get darks really fast here.

On another note i pulled my calf something fierce thursday two weeks ago and yesterday was the first workout where i really could go all in on leg training again. Still cant train my calves properly but im rehabbing them with stretching and trying to get my mobility back, so should be good to go in a week or so.

Im keeping my shape pretty tight even though im up a couple of kilos. Im at 89kg now and here are last weeks caliper measurements. Now i want to get ahead of everything and say that this is not professionally measurements. I just get them done friday morning by my coworker. I dont really pay any mind the the bodyfat percentage i get, only the skinfold measurements and how they change from week to week.

I still get a kick out of seeing that im almost in the overweight range and still this lean.

Get a giant diaper and put your son in a buisness suit. Great role reversal.

I remember you saying this on Instagram. Please tell me you'll carry a boulder to punch.

You said this last year! :p

Yes! I could also see Brolic doing this.

As for me, I got a full yoshi body suit. My wife is gonna be a slutty mario and ride me. :-D

thats an awesome costume

feelin extra swole this morning

big guy
here is a pic of me in Feb of 2011. I was desperate for abs. I had to be around 185 lbs or so. Look at my tiny nipples.

I hate to rain on the love-fest but I just don't think you have the genetics for big dinner-plate areolae. What do you weight now?

Other than that you've made awesome progress, looking gargantuan. But where's the progress shot of the wheels, man? We all know you don't skip leg day.

MrMuscle - Being a shredded scandanavian at this time of year is most admirable. What's your height? Also you could probably just import d vitamins from an online store, or just get a doc to prescribe them?
Had an appointment at a hopsital concerning the state of my leg last Friday.

The initial diagnosis of a meniscus injury was revised. It's no longer just a case of a possibly damaged meniscus but actually an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear. I've been assigned a state certified physiotherapist to regain the complete mobility of my left leg for the upcoming months.

No cardio the 3 following months either. rationally I have to wait at least 2 months before I can gradually begin doing squats and deadlifts again. I have a scheduled MRI-scanning in january to check progression of the healing.

I attempted a 130 kg (286 lbs) deadlift recently and felt a slightly, unstable, uncomfortable feeling in my knee region. Im going to take that as a sign, and not experiment any further untill its significantly recovered.

On the bright side it's an opportunity to focus on my upperbody strength.

Hit 62,5 Kg (137,7 lbs) 1RM on OHP yesterday. Overcoming the previous Personal best of 60 Kg.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Had an appointment at a hopsital concerning the state of my leg last Friday.

The initial diagnosis of a meniscus injury was revised. It's no longer just a case of a possibly damaged meniscus but actually a Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear. I've been assigned a state certified physiotherapist to regain the complete mobility of my left leg.

No cardio the 3 following months either. rationally I have to wait at least 2 months before I can gradually begin doing squats and deadlifts again. I have a scheduled MRI-scanning in january to check progression of the healing.

I attempted a 130 kg (286 lbs) deadlift recently and felt a slightly, unstable, uncomfortable feeling in my knee region. Im going to take that as a sign, and not experiment any further untill its significantly recovered.

On the bright side it's an opportunity to focus on my upperbody strength.

Hit 62,5 Kg (137,7 lbs) 1RM on OHP yesterday. Overcoming the previous Personal best of 60 Kg.

Damn brother. It's been a while. At least you can look on a bright side and focus on some other things. Hope you get well sooner.


MrMuscle - Being a shredded scandanavian at this time of year is most admirable. What's your height? Also you could probably just import d vitamins from an online store, or just get a doc to prescribe them?

Thanks man, im 189cm (6'2)

Yeah importing is what most people tend to do. But seeing as i run my own supplement web shop it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when i do that myself :p
Damn brother. It's been a while. At least you can look on a bright side and focus on some other things. Hope you get well sooner.

Thanks man. I can walk normally, and possibly run, but its far more rational to stay on the safe side. I don't want to risk any further damage in the recovery phase.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Had an appointment at a hopsital concerning the state of my leg last Friday.

The initial diagnosis of a meniscus injury was revised. It's no longer just a case of a possibly damaged meniscus but actually an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear. I've been assigned a state certified physiotherapist to regain the complete mobility of my left leg for the upcoming months.

No cardio the 3 following months either. rationally I have to wait at least 2 months before I can gradually begin doing squats and deadlifts again. I have a scheduled MRI-scanning in january to check progression of the healing.

I attempted a 130 kg (286 lbs) deadlift recently and felt a slightly, unstable, uncomfortable feeling in my knee region. Im going to take that as a sign, and not experiment any further untill its significantly recovered.

On the bright side it's an opportunity to focus on my upperbody strength.

Hit 62,5 Kg (137,7 lbs) 1RM on OHP yesterday. Overcoming the previous Personal best of 60 Kg.
They confirmed it was a ACL tear but are not recommending surgery? That seems very odd. You can function just fine with a torn ACL but your mobility will be forever limited. Also, ACLs don't heal on their own. At least this is what I've been told by numerous doctors.


Had an appointment at a hopsital concerning the state of my leg last Friday.

The initial diagnosis of a meniscus injury was revised. It's no longer just a case of a possibly damaged meniscus but actually an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear. I've been assigned a state certified physiotherapist to regain the complete mobility of my left leg for the upcoming months.

No cardio the 3 following months either. rationally I have to wait at least 2 months before I can gradually begin doing squats and deadlifts again. I have a scheduled MRI-scanning in january to check progression of the healing.

I attempted a 130 kg (286 lbs) deadlift recently and felt a slightly, unstable, uncomfortable feeling in my knee region. Im going to take that as a sign, and not experiment any further untill its significantly recovered.

On the bright side it's an opportunity to focus on my upperbody strength.

Hit 62,5 Kg (137,7 lbs) 1RM on OHP yesterday. Overcoming the previous Personal best of 60 Kg.

They confirmed it was a ACL tear but are not recommending surgery? That seems very odd. You can function just fine with a torn ACL but your mobility will be forever limited.

Push for surgery, this is a quality of life issue.

Pete Rock

Returning from a month long transformational five thousand mile road trip, lovely to see FitGAF gettin' it as always ~ huzzah!

Probably the most relevant experience of note was a 90 minute deep tissue massage at a Korean Spa called Imperial Health in Las Vegas. Ask for a gal named Marisol. You won't be disappointed.

About 3 minutes into it she says "You know, it's funny, only the guys like you who are thin and have a lot of muscles actually ask for this and enjoy it. Everyone else immediately asks me to stop and switch to Swedish Massage because they say this is hurting them"

She then explained that there are even some that ask her to get really angry!!! I said hey lady I'm not trying to take it there, lets keep it professional!

I would estimate that 80% of the contact was made with her elbows while leaning all of her body weight into my muscle tissue. Came out of that session feeling fresh as a spring chicken. Worth every penny.

Also the place is a pretty great way to spend a few hours experiencing their varied and highly unique sauna rooms. For example you can lay on a bed of hot clay balls about 1/2" in dia and wiggle back and forth to sink into them and oooohhhhhh it feels so good.

Time to get back on the grind this week. No lifting and eating at a deficit for 4 weeks with two 36 hour fasts thrown into the mix means I have lost 8 pounds, down to 172. Wahhhhh (plaintive yoshi wail)


They confirmed it was a ACL tear but are not recommending surgery? That seems very odd. You can function just fine with a torn ACL but your mobility will be forever limited. Also, ACLs don't heal on their own. At least this is what I've been told by numerous doctors.
bf tore his in Japan and was recommended surgery there, but when he came back the doc said rehab would be enough. Now it's a crutch excusing him from stuff :\


They confirmed it was a ACL tear but are not recommending surgery? That seems very odd. You can function just fine with a torn ACL but your mobility will be forever limited. Also, ACLs don't heal on their own. At least this is what I've been told by numerous doctors.

I believe they don't heal on their own because there's little blood flow to the knee in general.
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