Finally back to the gym 100%. Lifting 4 times a week. Slowly getting my deadlift up, but still shying away from doing heavy squats (which is what I hurt my back on).
Now I can eat up all dat chipotle.
Order a king burrito to commemorate this achievement.
I think I'm landing incorrectly when doing power cleans and it's irritating my knees a little. Is there another workout I can do in substitute?
Does anyone know what a Goodlife membership costs in Canada Ontario? I might just use my local city rec centres, but Goodlife is literally 3 min away by walk
I currently use a bowflex and weights but feel that proper machinery would help a lot more
Hey FitnessGAF, I'm actually just starting out on trying to get myself into shape. At the moment, I'm not even trying to add muscle, but simply trying to shake off the atrophy of a sedentary lifestyle.
Right now, I'm just running a block around my neighborhood every morning after I wake up, which is about 1/4-1/3 mile by my estimation (very humble beginnings). My muscles are fine with this, but it takes me around 5 minutes for my breathing to return completely to normal when I finish. I'm not flopping on the ground gasping for breath or anything, but it is pretty annoying. I guess the only way to improve this is to keep at it with cardio.
Also, if I want to add crunches and pushups to my morning routine to get some work for my muscles in, would I need to alternate these, or is it basically only major weight lifting that requires rest days? Are there any other simple exercises I can do that don't require barbells? I do have a resistance spring and a set of cheap clip-style dumbbells, but I haven't used them in years. If higher-quality/less-unwieldy dumbbells would help me get into it easier, I'd be willing to pick up a set.
For reference, I'm 6' and around 130 pounds. I've been around this weight since I turned 16 (I'm in my early 30s), but only around 6 months ago have I tried to eat more consistently nutritiously. And only a couple of weeks ago did I get the motivation to work on my fitness. I don't even really have any desire to get swole; I just don't want my physical condition to be a minus.
30 bucks biweekly. Honestly I find convenience matters; it's hard to get yourself to go if the gym isn't convenient.
Even after 4 months of lifting, the morning after I do squats my legs and lower back are just stiff and a little sore. Does anyone else still get this? It's not like I'm throwing up amazing weight either, I'm just doing 135lbs for reps and form.
Weight isn't the only factor when it comes to getting sore. Number of sets/reps, rest time, range of motion, speed of the reps also all factor into it.
Hey! Congrats on starting out your fitness journey. It's so essential for people to take care of their bodies, and I'm glad to hear you've wised up and taken the first step. I'd recommend reading the op for some good info, which will help to answer a lot of the questions you probably have.
If you'd like to start off with exercises at home, then that's fine. I recommend you keep in mind that a gym has better tools for getting in shape, but yo won't need those for a little while if you aren't comfortable going all-in.
First step is diet. I'm not sure of your sex, but either way 130 is almost definitely too low. I recommend you try to feed yourself more calories and good quality ones to give your body what it needs to develop properly. I recommend a few glasses of milk a day to supplement a full three meals diet, and while ou don't need to micromanage your diet you need to keep at least a casual eye on what you eat. You need bricks to build a house.
If you want to do dot weight stuff and running then that's a good start. It's normal to be pretty gassed after a hard run, especially the first couple of times you've done it. Keep at it, and try to increase the distance a bit every time you go. Start with one block, then maybe a block and a bit, etc.
As for the body weight stuff, sit-ups are okay, mixed with leg raises, planks and other variations, and push-ups are fine as well. I'd also add in body weight squats, lunges, calf raises and buy a doorframe chin-up bar and use that to do chins. Also do super mans for your lower back. Add sets and reps as you improve, always doing a bit more each workout. Even if it's one more set of one rep.
You do have to rest with body weight movements, and they still stress your body and have to be recovered from to progress. Too much is not good.
Keep us posted and no matter what do not give up. I recommend buying a book called starting strength. It will help a lot.
Hey FitGAF. I've been lifting for a little over 3 years now. Sadly, I don't have the time and energy to hit the gym 5-6 times a week like I used to. Would you look at my split for 3 times a week? I lift for a nice looking beach body. Don't care about strength too much.
Virtually everything is 4 sets of 8. Here goes:
Flat barbell bench
Incline barbell bench
Flat Flys or Pec Deck
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Side Lateral Raises
Reverse Flys (Machine)
V-Bar Pushdows
Rack Pulls
Lat Pulldowns
Low Rows
Single Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell Shrugs
EZ-Bar Curls
Hammer Curls
Leg Press
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls
Calf Raises
Too much? Not enough? Bad rep ranges? Let me know. Thanks!
I'm a guy, and I've been rail-thin my entire life. At least I'm not skinny-fat except for maybe a pound or two on my stomach.
For my diet, I used to just eat a big muffin when I came to work, then I'd eat a granola bar or peanut butter on bread whenever I was too hungry, repeat. Around 6 months ago I completely changed up my at-work diet so that it'd at least be nutritious. It has fluctuated a bit depending on my appetite level at the time and what stuff is available, but what I brought in today is:
-1 protein bar (I added this after I started running)
-cup of 2% greek yogurt, and I add about approx 1 oz of granola and some flax seeds
-2 hard-boiled eggs and half of a green pepper (It used to be 1 egg, and then some carrots and grape tomatoes to dip into 2 oz of hummus, but I started to get sick of that after a few months)
-approx 12-15 oz (I think... I have to check how big the container is) of lentil stew, which has lentils, whole-grain barley, potatoes, chicken, onions, garlic, and various other vegetables. (It used to be about 8oz of quinoa with tomatoes, beans, and spinach, but I started to get sick of that, too)
-approx 1.5 oz almonds
-approx 1.5-2 oz pita chips (sometimes I include 1 oz of cheddar cheese to eat with these, but with the lentil stew instead of the quinoa, I can barely finish what I bring as it is)
-sometimes 1 apple or grapefruit, although like I just said, I'm having trouble finishing what I bring already
Generally, I'll just eat whatever I want for dinner, but I limit fast food to once a week, and it's not like I'm eating ramen and frozen pizza for dinner the other nights. One example of a common quick dinner for me is a package of gnocchi with olive oil and pesto sauce.
Somehow, I think I may have LOST a pound or two since I started eating this way, despite eating way more calories. At least, I've lost stomach fat, which was really the only place on my body with any fat, haha.
And I'll look into the Starting Strength book. The OP made it seem like it was mainly a gateway into hardcore weight lifting, but if I can use it for more mild strength training, I'll happily use the information.
Thanks for the response and the advice.
How much do you weigh? What is "rail thin"? And your looks okay but I highly suggest more protein. And this is just me but if you are looking to put on more weight, lift heavy and go crazy on some peanut butter and honey sandwiches.
Track your calories for a week and see if you are gaining the weight you want. If not, up it by ~500 calories a day and do it again.
They confirmed it was a ACL tear but are not recommending surgery? That seems very odd. You can function just fine with a torn ACL but your mobility will be forever limited. Also, ACLs don't heal on their own. At least this is what I've been told by numerous doctors.
Push for surgery, this is a quality of life issue.
Reasons I lift weights, starting with the most important:
1) So I can eat more food but not get fat
2) Be strong
3) Look good
For real, food is my top motivation. Sounds kinda messed up when I say that out loud but whatever, I love eating and I've maintained a healthy body composition while eating tons of food. Winning at life if you ask me.
It's pretty debilitating stiffness for a day. Not like my other muscle groups when doing other compound lifts.
There is however still an option for surgery. But that will depend on the MRI-scan this following january. And whether it will be a critical necessity.
Are you stretching every night/morning? It took me awhile but I realized that stretching twice a day is what I need to stay healthy and feel good. I wouldn't ever be healthy or feel healthy without stretching.
To increase your appetite or amount of food you can eat, slowly increase the amount of calories you eat. I believe OmarIsuf recommended adding liquid meal(s);I'm 6'0", 130 lb. I made an intro post a couple of days ago about how I've been sedentary for years, so I didn't really want to just jump into hardcore weightlifting and get myself injured because I'm not used to it. What inspired me to get off my ass in the first place was a vacation I recently took that involved a lot of walking. I had really bad back pain the first couple of days, and I felt embarrassed that my body was reacting that much just from walking. It improved pretty quickly as the trip went along, but I decided that I was at least going to get into good enough shape that normal physical activity would not be a problem in the future.
And I don't theoretically have a problem with chowing down on peanut butter sandwiches, but my appetite is the limiter. As you can see from my current menu, it's not like I'm anorexic, but I also can't stuff large portions down all day without feeling sick.
Go to the OP, ctrl+find "Evernote", click the link, scroll down to the stretches and mobility section. That should get you started. Do Joe DeFranco's Limber 11, I highly recommend it for everyone.No, apparently this is something I need to look into for my own well-being.
I really don't mean to rain on your parade but MRIs on the knee aren't very reliable. When I tore my ACL the MRI showed it was a partial tear.
My doctor decided to scope my knee anyway and when he got in there he saw that it was completely severed.
I did not mean to discredit your advice. On the contrary, I might seem settled with this issue, however, Im seriously considering surgery.
Go to the OP, ctrl+find "Evernote", click the link, scroll down to the stretches and mobility section. That should get you started. Do Joe DeFranco's Limber 11, I highly recommend it for everyone. I can link my current mobility / warm-up routine if you want.
I'm 6'0", 130 lb. I made an intro post a couple of days ago about how I've been sedentary for years, so I didn't really want to just jump into hardcore weightlifting and get myself injured because I'm not used to it. What inspired me to get off my ass in the first place was a vacation I recently took that involved a lot of walking. I had really bad back pain the first couple of days, and I felt embarrassed that my body was reacting that much just from walking. It improved pretty quickly as the trip went along, but I decided that I was at least going to get into good enough shape that normal physical activity would not be a problem in the future.
And I don't theoretically have a problem with chowing down on peanut butter sandwiches, but my appetite is the limiter. As you can see from my current menu, it's not like I'm anorexic, but I also can't stuff large portions down all day without feeling sick.
Bro honestly your form looks good to me. It's not like I'm a good lifter but I think you're alright.Well here's the squat form check.
It is disgusting in my opinion. It just does not feel right at all. Not sure if it's because I'm divebombing or what but I'm getting incredible strain on my left gluye because of the butt wink. I don't know if it's I'm going too low or what but I need to tear it down and start over I think. Any and all suggestions are welcome, I know it's FUBAR and if I have any aspirations of competing I have to get it fixed.
Well here's the squat form check.
It is disgusting in my opinion. It just does not feel right at all. Not sure if it's because I'm divebombing or what but I'm getting incredible strain on my left gluye because of the butt wink. I don't know if it's I'm going too low or what but I need to tear it down and start over I think. Any and all suggestions are welcome, I know it's FUBAR and if I have any aspirations of competing I have to get it fixed.
Well here's the squat form check.
It is disgusting in my opinion. It just does not feel right at all. Not sure if it's because I'm divebombing or what but I'm getting incredible strain on my left gluye because of the butt wink. I don't know if it's I'm going too low or what but I need to tear it down and start over I think. Any and all suggestions are welcome, I know it's FUBAR and if I have any aspirations of competing I have to get it fixed.
I wouldn't call it 'hardcore weightlifting'. You get to choose where you start and how aggressively you progress. Do something that you like and can keep up first and foremost, but seriously consider weighted movements as they will get you good results quickly.
Food wise, you will likely need to eat just a little more than you are comfortable eating now to gain weight. My recommendation of drinking a couple of glasses of milk each day in addition to your daily diet is good. Also eat even when you don't feel like it, even if it's just a bit of food.
So I've been a regular at the gym for a while now, and want to up my game because one can hardly tell.
So I'm looking more into what I should eat especially after workout.
Now being vegan obviously naorrows down the options. So are there any other vegans here who can get me started?
So far I've just begun eating more Tofu (protein) and pasta (carbs) after workout.
As an example here is my dinner from yesterday
Does that look about right, or should I get more of this and that in there?
For reference:
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Well here's the squat form check.
It is disgusting in my opinion. It just does not feel right at all. Not sure if it's because I'm divebombing or what but I'm getting incredible strain on my left gluye because of the butt wink. I don't know if it's I'm going too low or what but I need to tear it down and start over I think. Any and all suggestions are welcome, I know it's FUBAR and if I have any aspirations of competing I have to get it fixed.
So, I'm not vegan, but here are my thoughts.
1) You say you've been to the gym for a while but aren't seeing good results. This could be nutrition-related... or maybe your routine is inefficient, or possibly you're not getting enough rest. So, it might be helpful if you can also share your routine at the gym and we can give you some advice there, if you're interested in comments in that area.
2) Post-workout meals are certainly important, but it doesn't matter how perfect they are if the meals for the rest of your day are terrible. Maybe post what you're eating for a full day in terms of calories, fats, carbs, and protein?
3) Your posted meal looks pretty good. 40-50 g protein and 90 g carbs seems solid. I don't think I could suggest to make any changes without knowing the rest of your daily intake. Certainly, that's a solid post-workout meal.