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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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the piano man
I have a friend that is competing and going for the Olympia if he wins his next 2 shows. He is teched out and inspiring me to compete. The battle to stay natural or to hop on gear is real. I am at the point where I think in my head that being natty sucks and I want to see how I would look if I pumped myself up with a light dose. Going to the gym and lifting is just something I really enjoy and its not only my hobby but an obsession at this point. I see all these guys all over Instagram and I say to myself "I can be better".

I wouldn't be one of those "fake naturals" that deny use. If I used I would let the world know and own it. I never want to lead people on

this sounds so much like body dismorphya dude, think it through.

is there a moment in which you'll say "I look the way I always dreamed of"? or will you be always searching for more?

muscle building is addicting.


I have a friend that is competing and going for the Olympia if he wins his next 2 shows. He is teched out and inspiring me to compete. The battle to stay natural or to hop on gear is real. I am at the point where I think in my head that being natty sucks and I want to see how I would look if I pumped myself up with a light dose. Going to the gym and lifting is just something I really enjoy and its not only my hobby but an obsession at this point. I see all these guys all over Instagram and I say to myself "I can be better".

I wouldn't be one of those "fake naturals" that deny use. If I used I would let the world know and own it. I never want to lead people on
I would imagine "owning" it wouldn't be in your best interest. It's still a controlled substance so if you aren't prescribed it, you're doing something illegal. Without deniability you're just asking to get arrested. Not to mention sponsors would stay away from you.


I have a friend that is competing and going for the Olympia if he wins his next 2 shows. He is teched out and inspiring me to compete. The battle to stay natural or to hop on gear is real. I am at the point where I think in my head that being natty sucks and I want to see how I would look if I pumped myself up with a light dose. Going to the gym and lifting is just something I really enjoy and its not only my hobby but an obsession at this point. I see all these guys all over Instagram and I say to myself "I can be better".

I wouldn't be one of those "fake naturals" that deny use. If I used I would let the world know and own it. I never want to lead people on

I'm guessing your US, right? Never admit to gear use ever. Just don't claim natural if you're worried about your integrity.

It's a crime in the US and admitting to a crime in foolhardy.

To be honest, unless you're going to make money from your physique, gear use is a waste money.

The good stuff is expensive and the quality control is actually worse since it was made illegal in the 80s. A lot of stuff is coming out of underground labs, which are sketchy. Pharma grade stuff is hard to get, but also more potent and safer--that's what Arnold and the other guys his era used. It also wasn't illegal back then.

If you do go that route make sure to get regular bloodwork.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So since that other thread got closed and this is the official one, I'm gonna introduce myself here.

I'm 24, been working out for 5 years now, and did my trainer's, personal trainer's and nutritionist license in that time. My main "job" is doing my Master's Degree in Biology though, so that adds up nicely.
Bodywise, I kind of reached what I've always wanted to reach.

This was me a while ago:



I'm 1,72 ( 5'8")
72 kg ( 158 lb)
at 7,5% body fat in those pics.

I actually never wanted more muscle than I have right now, but my friend challenged me to get to 80 kg (176lb), so I thought, meh, can't hurt to try.
Gonna post updates if I can make it.

edit: The only thing I never really managed to achieve is for my abs to really pop out like they do on some other guys. but well.

Welcome aboard man. You look great. How are your main lifts? Do you lift heavy or stick to lighter weight higher rep stuff? Must be nice to hit your aesthetic goal so young. Congrats!

About the desire to have "popping out" abs. I don't know if it's purely genetic or not but when I'm fairly lean I guess I would describe mine as popping out. I do basically no dedicated ab work and just squat and DL very heavy. Not sure if that contributes to that effect or not? Food for thought...


Thank you!
Well because of lower spine issues I can't really do heavy Squats or Deadlifts, sadly.
Flat bench I'm currently at 125 kg (275 lbs), and I do heavy lifting in a 8-10 rep range, although I recently got into 5x5, which I enjoy a lot!
Getting crazy pumps from it.
I also do a lot of calisthenics stuff, since I was a gymnast when I was younger.
Plus I go climbing every once in a while.
Vitamin Shoppe had free samples of those quest chips, they tasted like chips and the main ingredient in it is protein. Their food scientists blow my mind.


Yeah I got that far but I was wondering if there was a way to manually change it instead of going by percentage increments of 5%. Like how I can manually enter calorie goal.

Log into myfitnesspal.com. That lets you set custom goals with specific calories and macros.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thank you!
Well because of lower spine issues I can't really do heavy Squats or Deadlifts, sadly.
Flat bench I'm currently at 125 kg (275 lbs), and I do heavy lifting in a 8-10 rep range, although I recently got into 5x5, which I enjoy a lot!
Getting crazy pumps from it.
I also do a lot of calisthenics stuff, since I was a gymnast when I was younger.
Plus I go climbing every once in a while.

That's a bummer. Do you squat or DL at all or do you just go light? I would lose a lot of motivation if injuries caused me to not DL. Sorry brother.

And yeah, 5x5 is a fun routine for the compounds. Really allows you to stack the plates up!


That's a bummer. Do you squat or DL at all or do you just go light? I would lose a lot of motivation if injuries caused me to not DL. Sorry brother.

And yeah, 5x5 is a fun routine for the compounds. Really allows you to stack the plates up!

Right now I don't at all.
I find myself coming back to it every once in a while, get people to watch my form while doing it, but no matter how I do it, I always end up having back pain the day after.
Just tried this recipe that another poster suggested: http://healthylivinghowto.com/1/post/2013/05/healthy-recipe-double-mocha-cake.html

Can't say it went particularly well. Sponge was far too moist (I'd go as far to say wet) and the frosting needed about triple the cocoa powder added before it would thicken up. I suspect that the difference in sweetener might be the cause (and I'd probably add one less egg)... but I reckon we'd try it again. The flavour definitely showed promise.

My missus even ate it, and she hates chocolate cake.


had pancakes
had a burger WITH THE BUN
now eating cookies and ice cream

help me fitgaf.

/cheatday /hungover


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
had pancakes
had a burger WITH THE BUN
now eating cookies and ice cream

help me fitgaf.

/cheatday /hungover
Tomorrow I'll be eating an entire 16" pizza, a pint of ice cream, and many brownies. Get support elsewhere..


Junior Member
Well I'm looking to start getting serious about getting fit and exercising regularly.
I just turned 25 and I figure I better start getting serious before I'm to old.
I'm about 6 foot and weigh between 70-85kg so I wouldn't say I'm fat/obese.
However I would like a flatter stomach/abs and I want to build muscle mass.
I want to be able to take off my shirt/wear t-shirts and not feel awkward if that makes sense.

Anyway does anyone have any tips or ideas for a beginner?
I can't join a gym right now so I will have to do stuff at home.
Also what is a good diet for someone trying to get fit?
I'm going to cut out the snacks, soft drink & fast food all together.


Tomorrow I'll be eating an entire 16" pizza, a pint of ice cream, and many brownies. Get support elsewhere..

My niece and nephew want me to order a pizza and get popcorn for when i babysit them.

I don't think i'll have time for the gym today because of it. :/
Anyway does anyone have any tips or ideas for a beginner?
I can't join a gym right now so I will have to do stuff at home.
Also what is a good diet for someone trying to get fit?
I'm going to cut out the snacks, soft drink & fast food all together.

Do you have access to a pull up bar? in any case before I started going to the gym I used this bodyweight program here: https://fitloop.co/routines/bwf-beginner-routine

However I'd definitely advise thinking about getting a gym membership. Bodyweight stuff is very impressive but I find its very hard to make progression. I didn't start seeing big gains till I started regularly lifting weight and progressing every session with a proper begginer barbell program.

Its been about a year since I decided I want to get fit, and just over 3 months since I started Stronglifts 5x5

BW@ 80-83KG (Fluctuates pretty hard, trying to bulk)
Bench: 75KG@5x5 Wanted to hit 100x1 this year, not happening :(
OHP: 42.5KG@3x5 Get too tired by 4/5th set so dropped to 3x5
Row: 50KG@5x5 Tried to do Pendlay row but it's impossible to do at my gym because there is always someone saying that I am doing it wrong, and proceeds to show Yates Row, so now I've given in and am gonna just do what everyone else does
Squat: 85KG @3x5 Have naturally big thighs and don't really want them to get much bigger (sorry FitGAF)
DL: 120KG @3x1 Doing singles right now, but will probably swap back down to doing sets of 5x5 ~100KG
Hi everyone. I just thought I'd introduce myself in this thread because working on a better lifestyle is something I am working on recently, and you all seem to be so helpful to each other that I would like to be a part of that.

I have been in a active wellness and fitness class in college recently, and getting into better physical shape is one of the things I have been using to hopefully help with some of my depression. The class I'm talking has helped with some of the starting points in learning what it is I should work towards, and I'm hoping to maybe learn a few more things from you guys on how to get there.

Just to tell a little about myself, I'm a 31 year old male, and I'm slightly overweight. Currently I weigh about 199.4 lbs, and I'm 5'9" tall. According to some of the things in class we did, my ideal weight would be about 172 lbs, so that's what I'm aiming. When you look at me, I feel you wouldn't say right away I'm overweight, but when I take my shirt off, I definitely see it with my gut. I wanna get that stomach of mine flat before I go to Japan next summer.

Beyond just my weight, I'm hoping to use exercise to help me just feel better. I hate feeling tired so much, and just not good about myself. I don't eat a lot, but I probably need to stay away from the chocolate at desert more often, heh. I'm not really looking to become a muscle man, that's not me. However, just feeling like I got energy, and stamina is something I'd like.

I recently started up a profile at myfitnesspal.com, and I'm loving being able to keep track of my info on there. Some of the nutrition information about the food I'm eating may not be 100% accurate if I can't find exactly what I ate, but it's probably a closer idea than I ever had before.

I also signed up at xperience fitness 2 days ago, and went for a starting cardio exercise yesterday. I read online that starting slow, and building up is better than jumping into everything at once. I was supposed to meet with one of their trainers yesterday, but we had to reschedule for Wednesday. Kinda bummed about that, because I'm still feeling a bit lost about what exercises, and at one pace I should be going. I'm a man of structure, and when I don't have a plan or idea of what I should be doing, I feel so lost. Working on the Elliptical Trainer yesterday for about 20 minutes sounded like a good idea...but today, I don't know what I should do if I go to the gym. Or tomorrow...or the day after. I really wish I had an idea of things I should be doing, and maybe someone on here would be willing to give me some pointers or ideas?

Anyway, that's where I'm at right now...my goal is to lose at least 5-7 pounds by the end of November. I'd like to stick around in this thread and share my progress with you all. :)


Hopefully someone knowledgeable with nutrition and diets can point me in the right direction, please? :)

I am going to be moving from NYC to Pocatello, Idaho around New Years and I'll be living by myself there for roughly eight months to complete the internship there (maybe work there full-time if I do really well as an intern? haha). This'll also mean I can start counting macros and calories (and I'm looking to continue even after the internship ends and I come back home). It'll be an easy transition for me because I've been eating home-made food for the vast majority of my life and when I am left home alone for a long duration, I cook for myself. I read the Nutrition thread ILoveBish made, it's informative, and I have a vague concept of how things go based on the year plus of reading all the FitGAF posts since the beginning of my stay here. However I want to make sure I have it right.

I'm currently 22 years old, 5'8", about 150 lbs, maybe 18-22% BF if I were to use the BF% pictures. I was around 132 lbs back in August 2013, just for comparison. If I would want to be maybe 160 lbs and 10% BF, would it be best to go through periods of switching between body re-composition and lean bulking? It's something that was recommended by CanditoTrainingHQ and of course it is his opinion. I want to make sure I can maintain constant progression in my lifts and not have progression fluctuate due to periods of bulking and cutting. It might be helpful to know I'm more into powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting, not bodybuilding.

Would this be a good guideline to follow if I were to go with body re-composition and this for lean bulking? (Both links are SFW and from the 1percentedge IF Calculator). Those macros respectively for rest and workout days? Another question, is it normal to have different calories and macro goals for your rest and workout days? MyFitnessPal seems to lack the customization for these kinds of diets.
Another question, is it normal to have different calories and macro goals for your rest and workout days?

Yes, but to be honest it's really not worth getting too caught up in the macro aspect of things unless you're doing Keto.

As a general rule though, people go higher on carbs during workout days. That can sometimes be a side effect of always hitting a protein target (say, 150g) and the rest being made up of fat and carbs with a higher calorie limit on the workout days.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guys, need help. About to leave to Costco in a few mins to get some creatine. Any particular brand I should go for?


Yes, but to be honest it's really not worth getting too caught up in the macro aspect of things unless you're doing Keto.

As a general rule though, people go higher on carbs during workout days. That can sometimes be a side effect of always hitting a protein target (say, 150g) and the rest being made up of fat and carbs with a higher calorie limit on the workout days.

Oh I see, that's consistent with the estimates from the IF calculator too.
The reason I would have to keep track of my macros is to make sure I'm eating enough. Back in mid-August to early September, when my parents and brother went to China, I had to cook for myself. It just so happens my lifts didn't progress that well during that period; I was most likely not eating enough and I was at lighter weights due to returning from a month hiatus. I figured I would go the extra mile if I'm to take nutrition more seriously.
GAF how do I get swole as FUCK without any effort/in a short amount of time?

Alright now that I have your attention, seriously: I find myself with not a lot of free time due to work demands, and it seems like last time I tried to 'work out' I spent about 8 months without seeing much improvement... I'm 6' 1" with a fairly skinny build, and thus tried to work on building muscle. Must say though, I lacked commitment, which obviously didn't help (went around 3 times a week at best), and never had great guidance. So that's why I'm here. One thing worth adding is that a gym membership is kinda expensive for me right now... It would be perfect if I could find a home solution. How beneficial will home exercises be to build up reliable fitness and strength? Do I need to work with weights and machinery, or is it possible to get results with pure exercises? I'd love to work something into my work routine too - would motivate me to get going, and quicker too.

Totally open to suggestions and advice, so and tailored help would be really appreciated.
Interesting... go on.

Additional question for those who will respond: Using the gym every day? Yay or nay? Rotating your exercises, of course. Would be nice if I could wedge it into my day and commit some time every day of the week to making progress. Or should I stick to 3-4 times a week?
It's doable, but you need to be very specific about your isolation... and everyone needs time off at some point, even if you're on the juice.

And to answer your earlier question, realistically you need weights. Body weight stuff is great, but it takes significant technique to get the best results from it.


Übermatik;137065030 said:
Interesting... go on.

Additional question for those who will respond: Using the gym every day? Yay or nay? Rotating your exercises, of course. Would be nice if I could wedge it into my day and commit some time every day of the week to making progress. Or should I stick to 3-4 times a week?

As a tall skinny person myself (if I'm not lifting and eating enough my body drops down into the 150 range, at 6'2'' it's quite a bit more slim than I care being) I know how it is. Really though your best option is to find the time to go to the gym 3 times a week and eating a lot. If price is an issue search around for local independent gyms, if that doesn't work go scope out your local Planet Fitness (if there is one nearby). They have a horrible rep when it comes to weightlifting but depending on the management they may have decent equipment available such as squat racks and full weight range of dumbells. Won't know till you take a peek inside.

I've had to quit and restart my time at the gym a few times now for various reasons such as moving to a different state and each time my weight has dropped back down to my starting levels but each time I restart it's that much easier to regain the lost weight. This time after a few months I'm back up to 170 and now shooting for 200 lbs. I'm still doing starting strength and only going 3 times a week and plan on continuing this routine for a while. There's plenty to read up on about it online and the guy that wrote the book also has a youtube page (just search for starting strength, his names Mark Riptoe, spelling might be off) where he goes over a ton of shit from proper techniques to dealing with calluses. I know it's not as easy as having someone work with and guide you but the information is all there.

A beginner routine like starting strength along with enough food will do you wonders but it is hard work and you have to stay committed. Don't worry about trying to do a little every day, 3 times a week is all you'll need starting out and any more than that will likely be counter productive.


Good gods! It has been two weeks already... It will take me some time to read all this through. I might write couple posts so I am not so lost with everything. :p

I was 1,5 weeks without working out (walking doesn't really count in my books). It felt like eternity and I wouldn't have believed I would ever say this, but I did miss going to the gym. The food was all worth it, but damn I couldn't have done it any longer. Also when I got home I weighted 5 kilos / 11 pounds more than I did before my trip. I need to say I felt bloated and definitely was that also. Luckily it was mostly water weight and after these couple of crazy days of doing all the things I should have done when I was having the vacation I am basicly back to where I was when I left weight wise.

I have forced myself to drink like two or three times more water than I have previously and it has definitely helped. I think I will continue with this since I think I have drank too little to begin with. Also I am back to the gym and pilates and all. The first time after the break was awful and my muscles were aching days afterwards (and I liked it).

ty and not yet!

here is a pic of me in Feb of 2011. I was desperate for abs. I had to be around 185 lbs or so. Look at my tiny nipples.
Let us now when you reach that point! :D

Also I haven't seen your comparison photo before. I am amazed. I never even thought you once looked like a normal human being. :p

I don't have a video on me but basically a pull up using your legs as well. If you have a bar at home, put a chair under your feet and do a pull up using your legs as little as possible, just to help you do the actual motion. That's what I've been doing because my arms are so weak, I can't even hang on a bar without my feet on the ground.

I don't know if the program I am doing is going to make any difference (probably not because it's pretty much impossible for me to build any muscle), but at least I'm not re-gaining any weight. Finally weighed myself for the first time since I got back from my trip and I am around the same, haven't lost any but haven't gained either so...that's fine at least.

Have fun on your trip! Eat lots, walk lots, relax! :)
I am sure your program will definitely make the difference if you just stick with it. :D

I am also back to where I was before my trip, even though I was totally bloated and weighting 11 pounds more than before the vacation when I got home. Just back to basics.

And thank you! My trip was awesome! I am definitely going to spam couple pics of me to Neogaf. :p I did relax, ate everything I damn wanted to and also walked ridiculously much and climbed to the tower like I planned to. ^_^

I still get a kick out of seeing that im almost in the overweight range and still this lean.
You look phenomenal! :D

Returning from a month long transformational five thousand mile road trip, lovely to see FitGAF gettin' it as always ~ huzzah!
Ooh honey I missed you already! <3 Awesome to hear that you have been having splendid time!

Hello Fitness GAF, would like to introduce myself

My goal is the cliche Bruce Lee motivation, trying to maximize strength with low reps, high weights. Think I'm going to aim to bulk soon (at least I think I should). Looking here for the knowledge from the Older Gods.
Well hello there sweetie pie!

You are extremely welcome!

And damn I love your progress! <3

I just wanted to just say how much better I feel mentally as well since I've begun. I feel so much better about myself now than I ever have.
Join the club. I am still amazed how easy and enjoyable this all has been. I feel like a totally different person and just can't wait to see myself after a year or two.

Hahah, or you for that matter. ;)


Damn I totally missed the party, but still.

Thought I would say hi.

Been lifting for 15 years now. All natural, drug free.

Some injuries in the glute and bicep/forearm area.

Pics are mostly found here: http://instagram.com/gonegosu

In terms of supps it's always protein powder (myprotein.co.uk) some creatine now and then and some BCAA's

Glad to see GAF lifts :)
Well hello there!

A set of awesome pics and abs I need to say. :D Very impressive!

Gave you a follow. I'm Spiritreaver05. Great work buddy. Really impressive physique. I really envy you guys that can always keep to being that lean. I could do it, but it's a struggle to maintain a diet like that longterm.

Anyway, speaking of IG. Just put up this. I'm a little soft from water and some fat left, but I think within 4-6 weeks I should be ripped again. I really hope so anyway. I gotta stop cheating lol.

You will always be my leg inspiration!

To be honest you were the one that managed to convince me through your photos that muscular legs actually do look damn sexy. Me and my baby chicken legs thank you. <3


My wife gave me my birthday gift just now.

3, 1 hour training sessions with Steve Pulcinella at Iron Sport!!!!

I'll be getting deadlift, squat and bench advice directly from Stevie P. How cool is that!?
Congratulations! (Totally late, but the idea counts, right...)

And yes, that is extremely cool! I am actually a tad jealous since I would definitely need someone to help me with my squats. Damn I hate those things. Hardest thing at the gym hands down. When I do deadlifts I feel when I am doing them right but for some reason that doesn't apply to squats or if I feel I am doing it right, I am definitely not going low enough.

Ah right, I see. Yeah, my "in a pinch" situations mean I grab a Questbar.
I feel you there.

I just ordered three new boxes. :p

If anyone's been wondering where I've been, I'm up to running 3 miles now and about ready for a 5k. Weight keeps melting off. I've been the lightest in my life. 6'7", down to 235. Fucking ridiculous. I don't want to stop, either. I lie in bed and feel my bones, and it's so strange and interesting. I was always a meat mountain so it's a completely foreign thing to me.

On the downside, I definitely have lost muscle mass, so that makes me sad. But I will get it back when I'm ready.
That sounds awesome. Just continue doing what you feel is right at the moment. You can always get the muscles back. :)

Quick, swole-GAF needs to put on their lifting belt and say they're dressed as a pro-body builder/strongman/strongwoman.
I am tired. I laughed at this so hard.

Been sick the last few days...no working out. :(

So...only been doing You Are Your Own Gym and definitely look like I'm getting fatter around my stomach again...sigh. Time to add cardio back in with a vengeance. Once I'm not sick, I think I'll do YAYOG in the morning, and a cardio at the end of the day.

Doesn't help that I've been eating like total shit lol. Still staying around 1200-1400cals, but it's all garbage.
Eat more and eat better so you don't that much crave for the shitty things. I need to say that I have been eating self-made raw chocolate every day since I got home because my body was just so used to sweet things it just needed something and I am out of Quest bars. That means I have been eating ridiculous amount of calories, but not really shitty things so I have already managed to drop all the water weight and hopefully very soon get some real progress. Damn it has been months since I have really lost weight even if people keep saying I have been getting smaller none the less.

I perhaps got bit past the main point, but just eat better and more and I am certain you will lose more weight than you are currently doing. :)

Don't know if I every knew there was an OT for fitness... or maybe I just forgot. I should stay posting here more.

Anyway I run 4-6 miles, lift (mostly upper body due to limitations in my buildings gym), and just started doing yoga 2 months ago. I do one a day and typically go 5 or 6 days a week unless something really busy is happening. Glad to be here! Will be asking for advice soon!
Yay! You are very welcome! :D

I'm tempted to destroy all my toilets to get my son used to squatting when he poops. Get him started early.
Do it!
I am hoping to be a sexy cougar by the time your son is old enough.

So since that other thread got closed and this is the official one, I'm gonna introduce myself here.

I'm 24, been working out for 5 years now, and did my trainer's, personal trainer's and nutritionist license in that time. My main "job" is doing my Master's Degree in Biology though, so that adds up nicely.
Bodywise, I kind of reached what I've always wanted to reach.

This was me a while ago:



I'm 1,72 ( 5'8")
72 kg ( 158 lb)
at 7,5% body fat in those pics.

I actually never wanted more muscle than I have right now, but my friend challenged me to get to 80 kg (176lb), so I thought, meh, can't hurt to try.
Gonna post updates if I can make it.

edit: The only thing I never really managed to achieve is for my abs to really pop out like they do on some other guys. but well.
I think I missed all you were writing.

I am just drooling in here.


Someone needs to send me some in the UK.

/glares at thread
I am with you there.

I haven't found them anywhere.

On a random note...

This made me chuckle so bad! Love it! :D

This football season has given me a clear diet plan for the rest of my years. I have everything so dialed in during Monday-Saturday that there is no amount of food I can eat on Sunday that doesn't have me right back where I was on Saturday. It's so very comforting knowing I am in complete control. Keep working guys because if you can get to a point where I am at right now the food/aesthetics balance aspect of life is awesome! I feel like I just discovered the Contra cheat code!
I wouldn't mind being in that kind of state myself, but then again I would also be perfectly happy if I would have a lad who would be at that state...

I am joking.


Hi everyone. I just thought I'd introduce myself in this thread because working on a better lifestyle is something I am working on recently, and you all seem to be so helpful to each other that I would like to be a part of that.

I have been in a active wellness and fitness class in college recently, and getting into better physical shape is one of the things I have been using to hopefully help with some of my depression. The class I'm talking has helped with some of the starting points in learning what it is I should work towards, and I'm hoping to maybe learn a few more things from you guys on how to get there.

Just to tell a little about myself, I'm a 31 year old male, and I'm slightly overweight. Currently I weigh about 199.4 lbs, and I'm 5'9" tall. According to some of the things in class we did, my ideal weight would be about 172 lbs, so that's what I'm aiming. When you look at me, I feel you wouldn't say right away I'm overweight, but when I take my shirt off, I definitely see it with my gut. I wanna get that stomach of mine flat before I go to Japan next summer.

Beyond just my weight, I'm hoping to use exercise to help me just feel better. I hate feeling tired so much, and just not good about myself. I don't eat a lot, but I probably need to stay away from the chocolate at desert more often, heh. I'm not really looking to become a muscle man, that's not me. However, just feeling like I got energy, and stamina is something I'd like.

I recently started up a profile at myfitnesspal.com, and I'm loving being able to keep track of my info on there. Some of the nutrition information about the food I'm eating may not be 100% accurate if I can't find exactly what I ate, but it's probably a closer idea than I ever had before.

I also signed up at xperience fitness 2 days ago, and went for a starting cardio exercise yesterday. I read online that starting slow, and building up is better than jumping into everything at once. I was supposed to meet with one of their trainers yesterday, but we had to reschedule for Wednesday. Kinda bummed about that, because I'm still feeling a bit lost about what exercises, and at one pace I should be going. I'm a man of structure, and when I don't have a plan or idea of what I should be doing, I feel so lost. Working on the Elliptical Trainer yesterday for about 20 minutes sounded like a good idea...but today, I don't know what I should do if I go to the gym. Or tomorrow...or the day after. I really wish I had an idea of things I should be doing, and maybe someone on here would be willing to give me some pointers or ideas?

Anyway, that's where I'm at right now...my goal is to lose at least 5-7 pounds by the end of November. I'd like to stick around in this thread and share my progress with you all. :)
I like you already (partly because of your name in here).

If you want to lose weight, diet is the most important part. We have a thread for that as well so you might want to check it out.

What comes to your working out, I don't know am I the right one to help you out. I would recommend a bit of cardio before your working out and bit afterwads and some free weights in between those. Even if you aren't planning to get big, some lifting would be beneficial to make your body look better imho. You don't turn into a muscle man by accident even if you would be weight training.

You're too much. Haha! I'm not really all too comfortable sharing underwear pics but it's really the only way to display your legs. I want to show people you don't need massive tree trunks to move respectable weight. For some reason my legs don't grow as much as other body parts of mine.

I'll snap something tomorrow if I get a chance.
Sweetie, I am slightly disappointed. Was I just blind or didn't you post anything...

I think I might need to cry myself to sleep.

...Even though I feel like a winner. I read everything. Everything! (I am still not satisfied, it lacked your underwear pic. Naughty boy.)
i was working on my bench today, trying to incorporate the cue where you "pretend youre going to bend the bar" instead i burnt out my forearms. i had to bail out with the roll of shame :(


Transition after keto to what?
I know I shouldn't just drop keto and start eating whatever and load up on too much carbs but slowly introduce them but I wanna know what kind of diet should I go on after I'm done in ~5 weeks?

I wanna do clean bulk, small surplus but don't want to get bunch of fat again. Also as I've been following a strict "healthier" keto diet I miss so many foods. I also do not want to just binge eat **** I've missed and go crazy I wanna stay healthy and keep improving but also not completely restrict a lot of things I love for myself, with them in moderation of course.

So what kind of diet should I start after? I wanna eat random stuff every once in a while but not be strictly required just to just eat same stuff every day. Watch for macros and as long as they fit and calories are in small surplus or deficit if I wanna lose weight it's ok, is that good idea?

Edit: After reading and researching whole night think I've decided. I'm gonna follow IIFYM with mainly healthy foods and if I feel like it eat a pizza, or snickers for example as long as it fits and I'm eating healthy and good rest of the time. Also not gonna be restricted like right now to pretty much just like 5 foods and enjoy variety because this cut is fucking me upppppppppppp.


i was working on my bench today, trying to incorporate the cue where you "pretend youre going to bend the bar" instead i burnt out my forearms. i had to bail out with the roll of shame :(

Bend the bar? Never heard of this before, can you elaborate? Trying to visualize but I have no idea. My mind is making it sound dangerous lol.

Either way don't ever put yourself in a situation where you have to resort to "roll of shame", that shit is dangerous. I had to do it once at maybe 150 lbs and it fucked up my core good for a few days, I can only imagine how bad it might be at higher weights.
Bend the bar? Never heard of this before, can you elaborate? Trying to visualize but I have no idea. My mind is making it sound dangerous lol.

Either way don't ever put yourself in a situation where you have to resort to "roll of shame", that shit is dangerous. I had to do it once at maybe 150 lbs and it fucked up my core good for a few days, I can only imagine how bad it might be at higher weights.

When I have to bail out on a bench press I either used the squat rack to safely bring down the bar or I rack it on the second hooks that are closer to my face on the regular bench. I usually have enough strength to lift it on the upright of the second hooks


When I have to bail out on a bench press I either used the squat rack to safely bring down the bar or I rack it on the second hooks that are closer to my face on the regular bench. I usually have enough strength to lift it on the upright of the second hooks

Yeah, that's what the lower hooks on the bench are for right? I was talking about when you can't get it back up and have to roll it down your torso onto your stomach so you can sit up.
Yeah, that's what the lower hooks on the bench are for right? I was talking about when you can't get it back up and have to roll it down your torso onto your stomach so you can sit up.
Fucking hell, that sounds seriously unpleasant... and I wouldn't be surprised if you end up damaging something doing that.


Fucking hell, that sounds seriously unpleasant... and I wouldn't be surprised if you end up damaging something doing that.

If you get down the technique, it seems pretty safe. Although I haven't attempted it with any weight near my max. I practiced it with up to 185 lb. Kind of scared to go heavier.

But if done right, there is barely any weight on you as a lot of it is just momentum and you swinging forward.


Tomorrow I'll be eating an entire 16" pizza, a pint of ice cream, and many brownies. Get support elsewhere..

I support this.

I'm not on Cooter level, but I have gone to an eat clean Monday-Friday, then let loose somewhat on the weekend. I'm only going to live once and don't need 8% BF, but when I'm busy working most of the day it's pretty simple to just eat clean with my limited time.


Monday morning weigh in...was fucking elated to see I dropped 4 pounds in the last week.

Then I realized one of my kid's foam bathtub letters was under one corner of the scale...lol

I lost .8 pounds. I'll take it.


If you get down the technique, it seems pretty safe. Although I haven't attempted it with any weight near my max. I practiced it with up to 185 lb. Kind of scared to go heavier.

But if done right, there is barely any weight on you as a lot of it is just momentum and you swinging forward.

Hell maybe it is but after my experience with it it'll never be to me lol. Also regardless it's not something I'd care to get the technique down on as IMO it's something that should never be an option between the lower bench rack and having a spot.

I mean not using clamps and dumping the weight off side to side is another thing I've been told by a few people to do if I get in trouble but it's also something that sounds like it could go extremely bad as the weight goes higher. Rather try to never put myself in a position where that is an option I'm considering.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Sadetar said:
Sweetie, I am slightly disappointed. Was I just blind or didn't you post anything...

I think I might need to cry myself to sleep.

...Even though I feel like a winner. I read everything. Everything! (I am still not satisfied, it lacked your underwear pic. Naughty boy.)

Oh crap. Totally forgot about the leg pic. Give me a week of healthy eating and I will display these chopsticks this weekend!

I support this.

I'm not on Cooter level, but I have gone to an eat clean Monday-Friday, then let loose somewhat on the weekend. I'm only going to live once and don't need 8% BF, but when I'm busy working most of the day it's pretty simple to just eat clean with my limited time.

Eight percent and you're in the no fun zone. Smart man. Pizza was terrific yesterday! My favorite joint has these new cinnamon sticks now. They roll the dough and bake it in sugar and cinnamon. Then give you cream cheese icing to dip them in. Um yeah, they're good!

Well did the 90% deload twice for 190 on bench and still couldn't hit that 3x5. Do I do it a third time or is there some next step after that routine

Talking about starting strength in the OP


Well did the 90% deload twice for 190 on bench and still couldn't hit that 3x5. Do I do it a third time or is there some next step after that routine

Talking about starting strength in the OP

I've found starting strenght to be rather unfruitful for increasing bench press tbh.

I did smolov jr for bench press as an experiment to see what it's like and it helped me break through my plateau, but that might be a too extreme move to suggest it to someone else.

Pete Rock

Ooh honey I missed you already! <3 Awesome to hear that you have been having splendid time!
Glad to see you return! I think if your dedication to the thread is any indication, you are back on track :) <3

My bi-weekly bulk recipe continues to improve. Added a jar of curry paste to the mix, yummm. Also added a coconut milk, curry paste and fish sauce to my weekly rice intake. Eating the first meal of the batch today. Squatting tonight. Life is amazing.
Starting to get a bit pissed off about my shoulder. Been off the weights for about five days now and it's getting to me. Can't even really do, say, legs as short of putting weights around my waist there's no way I can get any sort of resistance without involving my shoulder at all.

Can't even lift a coffee at the moment without pain. :(
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