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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Does anyone know if MFP lets you set different daily calorie goals...such as, bump up calories on specified work out days? That would be awesome.

It doesn't. My workaround is that on workout days I add in 60 minutes of strength training and assign 660 calories to the workout, which is the amount I want to increase by on workout days, even if I'm not actually burning that during the workout.


It doesn't. My workaround is that on workout days I add in 60 minutes of strength training and assign 660 calories to the workout, which is the amount I want to increase by on workout days, even if I'm not actually burning that during the workout.

I wonder if they have a request feature feature...lol

Would be cool to do what I asked, and maybe even change macros on workout days.

No problem though, MFP is pretty awesome already.


Does anyone know if MFP lets you set different daily calorie goals...such as, bump up calories on specified work out days? That would be awesome.

I wonder if they have a request feature feature...lol

Would be cool to do what I asked, and maybe even change macros on workout days.

No problem though, MFP is pretty awesome already.

I think it's a simple enough workaround to just add the calories in once you workout anyways, but that's me.


I'm counting calories as best as I can in myfitnesspal. I gave up soft drinks a few years back and I barely drink alcohol. I also have reduced my meat consumption to 1 meal a day. Trying to eat more meals consisting of different types of vegetables. I'm down from 177 at my peak to my current weight.

My starting sefecit is about 500 cal/day. Is that too little or too much?

I think you have all the bases covered. I dont understand one meat a day however is that a fitness choice or? I always do high protein intake 175-200g a day coming from mostly from lean meats.

I think what you need most is *TIME*. Which all of us are bounded by :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I need an Internet hug. After a cheat day on Halloween on Friday I had my usual Sunday pizza day. Not too bad. Then yesterday for whatever reason I said fuck it! I'm going to eat whatever the hell I want. Stopped at In & Out on the way home for a double-double and milkshake. Got home and stuffed my face full of leftover candy. Kept going until I couldn't go anymore. Of course I wake up this morning with heart burn and disappointment. Now I need a solid 4 days of 1800 calories so I can enjoy my Sunday pizza. Blah

Ok. I'm done.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I need an Internet hug. After a cheat day on Halloween on Friday I had my usual Sunday pizza day. Not too bad. Then yesterday for whatever reason I said fuck it! I'm going to eat whatever the hell I want. Stopped at In & Out on the way home for a double-double and milkshake. Got home and stuffed my face full of leftover candy. Kept going until I couldn't go anymore. Of course I wake up this morning with heart burn and disappointment. Now I need a solid 4 days of 1800 calories so I can enjoy my Sunday pizza. Blah

Ok. I'm done.

This is how the wagon breaks Cooter! Say five Hail Brolics and repent!
I think you have all the bases covered. I dont understand one meat a day however is that a fitness choice or? I always do high protein intake 175-200g a day coming from mostly from lean meats.

I think what you need most is *TIME*. Which all of us are bounded by :)

I went to Germany for 2 weeks on business and was subjected to an almost exclusively meat diet. I'm taking a break. :/
I need an Internet hug. After a cheat day on Halloween on Friday I had my usual Sunday pizza day. Not too bad. Then yesterday for whatever reason I said fuck it! I'm going to eat whatever the hell I want. Stopped at In & Out on the way home for a double-double and milkshake. Got home and stuffed my face full of leftover candy. Kept going until I couldn't go anymore. Of course I wake up this morning with heart burn and disappointment. Now I need a solid 4 days of 1800 calories so I can enjoy my Sunday pizza. Blah

Ok. I'm done.

you should have got a 4X4

After being on a bulk for a little bit I recently started getting some heart burn. Would wake up with it and get pain in the right side of my chest. Looked up things to avoid and it told me to not eat huge meals, avoid spicy food, avoid fatty foods, and avoid eating right before bed. LOL I'm screwed


So I'm on the cut (winter cut lolwat i know) until mid december when I'll start clean bulk but I was just checking some things and I googled calories in pizza.
omfg there are so many? There is no way I'm ever fitting that with my macros and calories unless I want to dirty bulk (nope.jpg fuck fat). But I think part of the cut that drove me insane has passed, now I'm more motivated than ever and hope it stays that way. We're all gonna make it, Zyzz is watching over me


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So I'm on the cut (winter cut lolwat i know) until mid december when I'll start clean bulk but I was just checking some things and I googled calories in pizza.
omfg there are so many? There is no way I'm ever fitting that with my macros and calories unless I want to dirty bulk (nope.jpg fuck fat). But I think part of the cut that drove me insane has passed, now I'm more motivated than ever and hope it stays that way. We're all gonna make it, Zyzz is watching over me
Pizza once every week or 2 during a bulk won't make much difference.
I need an Internet hug. After a cheat day on Halloween on Friday I had my usual Sunday pizza day. Not too bad. Then yesterday for whatever reason I said fuck it! I'm going to eat whatever the hell I want. Stopped at In & Out on the way home for a double-double and milkshake. Got home and stuffed my face full of leftover candy. Kept going until I couldn't go anymore. Of course I wake up this morning with heart burn and disappointment. Now I need a solid 4 days of 1800 calories so I can enjoy my Sunday pizza. Blah

Ok. I'm done.
lol, we both did the same thing. I ate kinda bad over Halloween weekend (I was partying in Chicago) and when I got back home I pigged out on pizza and pasta. Now I'm soft and bloated.

It'll all go back to normally in a week or two, no frets broski. Just go back to your routine and enjoy life!
Wow... all the weights has DESTROYED my endurance. Have been spending a bit of time on the turbo trainer as my shoulder is injured, and even with the intervals I've been doing on top of the weights, I've still lost a good 10% of my output.

I'm sure my explosive power is up, but yeah... I really need to find a way to maintain my endurance output.


Pizza once every week or 2 during a bulk won't make much difference.

Yeah probably, I just have gotten so OCD about food and everything. I bought a scale and I track down everything I eat but it's easier now since I'm on a cut that consists of same food every day for 6 weeks lol.

We'll see when it comes bulking time in a bit, gotta get them lean gains really can't afford to pack too much fat.

(ok don't laugh or judge but way I see if I've gotten "fat" is by one or two of my pants not fitting or being too tight and which notch of belt I'm on lol.)


Alright guys, so I'm not sure about my height, butI'm either 5'11 or 6 ft male. I weigh 125 pounds, and I'm pretty squany. Maybe I'm just tired, but the OP's big explanation kind of made me confused. I'm looking to build muscle, make myself physically healthy and toned.

I guess I woild do the full body workout, but not sure about the food part. I've always known peanut butter sandwiches to be good for proteins. Does that work?
I've always known peanut butter sandwiches to be good for proteins.
Not particularly good, no. You'll get some protein from it, but you'd also likely get more carbs. PB is good, but I'm not sure I'd be having it in sandwich form.

Meat / Fish... that's how you get protein.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Wow... all the weights has DESTROYED my endurance. Have been spending a bit of time on the turbo trainer as my shoulder is injured, and even with the intervals I've been doing on top of the weights, I've still lost a good 10% of my output.

I'm sure my explosive power is up, but yeah... I really need to find a way to maintain my endurance output.
It sounds like not training endurance has destroyed your endurance, not lifting weights. It's difficult to serve two masters, as it were. Also, just as there are different kinds of strength (explosive, limit, static etc...) there are different kinds of endurance; I've seen a picture of a table taken from a text about cycling that lists nine different power zones that will be used during a road race. If things like intervals and heavy conditioning carried over perfectly to aerobic endurance then strongmen would be winning triathlons.


Today was the first time since I started periodized 5x5 that two lifts was enough for me. 5x5x280 deadlifts killed me but I feel fucking great right now.

In other news, Matugi is now off the market as he's taking the girl of his dreams out for a date in the next week or so :)
It sounds like not training endurance has destroyed your endurance, not lifting weights. It's difficult to serve two masters, as it were.
Well yeah, that's kinda obvious, but at the end of the day I've only really seen a couple of plans that handle both, and you're looking at doing two sessions per day on your work days.... which I'm not going to be able to do. I expected it going into it, but I never expected to see such a serious drop in such a short period of time.

There are guys out there that lift seriously heavy and do ultra-endurance... but I suspect not working a normal 9-5 job will mean I can never dedicate that sort of time to training, or rather should never. Now I've got to see if there's a way I can stall the loss of cycling fitness whilst still building some sort of strength.

I don't do road riding (mountain biking), so just giving up on the strength work completely would negatively affect my riding too.


Same shoes I've been using the last couple years. I'm chalking it up to some heavy cardio, after I've laid off it for several months.


Shoes degrade with time, even if you're not using them.

And a couple of years is a long time to be using the same shoes for cardio.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Adductors a lil better but shit still hurts, I can actually stretch in a lunge position now, can only put maybe 10-20% of my weight into it.

Did some machine stuff at gym for legs. Hamstring curls seemed to tweak the adductor so I skipped that and then did leg curls (quads) for the first time. I told myself I'd go easy and light but there was no discomfort doing these so I went as hard as possible. I've never really done these but damn they hit the tear drops like crazy, lateralis and medialis. Maybe it's from squatting balls deep for so long but I was doing the entire rack effortlessly and doing drops sets of 80+. I'm gonna add these as an accessory from now on.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Oh, there's been some drama in the thread recently? I will say that sexually charged comments (in any direction) aren't really appropriate at all in here. It's about fitness, and when people post pics of their swole or shredded bodies it's because it's relevant to their fitness progress, so when flirting happens as a result it could very easily make the receiving party feel uncomfortable about making the same sorts of progress posts again. Let's keep it clean and on-track in here.
Same shoes I've been using the last couple years. I'm chalking it up to some heavy cardio, after I've laid off it for several months.

Even a shoe that was never used degrades a little given a couple years time, that's because rubber hardens.

Anyway, if you're under-trained, shin splints are very common and can depend not only on the shoes but on the grade/slope of your route too.
And always remember not to increase your distance for more than 10% per week.

Of course if you land on the heel, even if your shoe is an A3, you are more likely going to develop shin splints than a runner who lands on the ball.
Are there no stretches / flexibility exercises you can do to help with that sort of stuff (shin splints)?

I am not completely sure of this, but I believe not, since shin splints is an inflammation of the membrane surrounding the bone (periosteum, therefore its proper name would be periostitis tibialis), so there is nothing to stretch.
Being not a mobile part of the body (there's no joint involved, no muscles, nor tendons) there's nothing you can overextend; it is a compression induced type of stress/trauma.


Not sure if this was posted in here. But I thought this was pretty cool. A lab did some research on a bunch of protein powders on the market and ranked them.

From the off-topic section

Give me patellar tendinitis if old.

Doesn't rate MTS Whey. Although I am sure it is good quality. In my opinion some of the best tasting, so I am going to keep consuming it.

Also, I got roped into some "Wellness Committee" at work to help promote exercise and eating right to the rest of the office. Providing good resources and hopefully working with companies to get discounts on bulk exercise accessories like fitbits, yoga mats, foam rollers, etc.

Sounds good. I'm all for helping out...but I found out that the other people on this "Committee" are overweight woman who are the type to make every excuse in the book as to why they can't lose weight, and think it is good to reward themselves with McDonalds for walking a half of a mile.

This will be fun.
Alright guys, so I'm not sure about my height, butI'm either 5'11 or 6 ft male. I weigh 125 pounds, and I'm pretty squany. Maybe I'm just tired, but the OP's big explanation kind of made me confused. I'm looking to build muscle, make myself physically healthy and toned.

I guess I woild do the full body workout, but not sure about the food part. I've always known peanut butter sandwiches to be good for proteins. Does that work?

Ooh, nice to see someone sharing the same basic body shape and size that I had. Well, you're in luck, so long as you're OK with it taking a while to get gains.

In regards to protein (and this is from my personal experience), I'm about a stone heavier than when I started about 6 months ago. This is largely due to milk, fish, and peanut butter sandwiches. Often I would have milk with the sandwiches, just to be sure~ However, as something of an experiment, I stopped with the peanut butter sandwiches about a month ago, and instead drink a little more milk. I'd say that peanut butter didn't make much of a difference to me, really. Protein is protein, and I much prefer milk anyway.

Just out of curiosity, how much muscle are you planning on gaining?


Sounds good. I'm all for helping out...but I found out that the other people on this "Committee" are overweight woman who are the type to make every excuse in the book as to why they can't lose weight, and think it is good to reward themselves with McDonalds for walking a half of a mile.

I feel like this is the hardest attitude to overcome when it comes to fitness and weight loss especially. So many people see food like this as a reward, and our culture in general seems to encourage this attitude. Obviously there is a huge difference between the beer typically given after a Tough Mudder or Spartan Race, and McDonald's after a short walk, but the general food as a reward concept is just harmful in general.

If you're going to have bad food, simply having it because you want it seems much better that the "reward" mentality to me, but maybe I'm wrong in this? I've always found it much more fruitful to have rewards that relate to my fitness and goals in some way, for instance I told my girlfriend she could get the fitbit she wanted after she stuck to her workout schedule for a month, and that she could get the new "gym outfit" she wanted once her deadlift sets hit her bodyweight.

Do you guys think this is the right approach in general or am I doing more harm than good?
Could at least pick decent food for a reward. Why anyone would reward themselves with that cardboard shit is beyond me.

But yes, having food as a reward isn't great for your brain.


I feel like this is the hardest attitude to overcome when it comes to fitness and weight loss especially. So many people see food like this as a reward, and our culture in general seems to encourage this attitude. Obviously there is a huge difference between the beer typically given after a Tough Mudder or Spartan Race, and McDonald's after a short walk, but the general food as a reward concept is just harmful in general.

If you're going to have bad food, simply having it because you want it seems much better that the "reward" mentality to me, but maybe I'm wrong in this? I've always found it much more fruitful to have rewards that relate to my fitness and goals in some way, for instance I told my girlfriend she could get the fitbit she wanted after she stuck to her workout schedule for a month, and that she could get the new "gym outfit" she wanted once her deadlift sets hit her bodyweight.

Do you guys think this is the right approach in general or am I doing more harm than good?

I still think there is some harm in that. Rewarding yourself with food can be fine if you know what you are doing and have your diet in check. Kind of like how Cooter has been saying that he just goes ham on Sundays because he gets everything back in line quickly. Although some people wouldn't see that as much as a "reward" but more of just a way to stay sane from prolonged strict dieting.

I always just get satisfaction strictly from hitting new lifting PRs, or just in general having a good workout. Some people just get all the satisfaction they need from the workout, and their reward is improved health. Obviously not everyone thinks that way.

The funny thing about one of those particular woman I was mentioning, is that she is quick to judge others and tell other people what to eat. She gave me a stink eye because I ate a mini-donut (it was godlike) that someone brought in. But I saw her later that day with a Wendy's bag for lunch. Maybe she forgot the fact that I lost 150 fucking pounds, lol.


Kind of like how Cooter has been saying that he just goes ham on Sundays because he gets everything back in line quickly. Although some people wouldn't see that as much as a "reward" but more of just a way to stay sane from prolonged strict dieting.

I think that's the difference. Cooter isn't associating it as a reward, he's just saying "fuck it" on Sundays, which I have no problem with. Seems like a much more healthy approach mentally.


Even a shoe that was never used degrades a little given a couple years time, that's because rubber hardens.

Anyway, if you're under-trained, shin splints are very common and can depend not only on the shoes but on the grade/slope of your route too.
And always remember not to increase your distance for more than 10% per week.

Of course if you land on the heel, even if your shoe is an A3, you are more likely going to develop shin splints than a runner who lands on the ball.

That stinks ugh. I think I'll buy the same pair. Until then no cardio, and ice until this shit goes away.


I've been sort of getting a straining sensation between my shoulder blades when in my later bench press sets above 200 pounds, usually after the 3rd or 4th rep.

Any idea what's causing this? It seems to subside if I pinch my shoulder blades together to form a stronger foundation on the bench.


Yeah, flexing it can hurt be painful. It is swollen and slightly red. I just thought I bruised my leg on a night out but nope. :/


Not sure if this was posted in here. But I thought this was pretty cool. A lab did some research on a bunch of protein powders on the market and ranked them.

From the off-topic section

Give me patellar tendinitis if old.

Time to switch off my shitty EAS bullshit...and go to ON.

Just did EAS out of convenience because it's available in 5lb bags from BJ's Wholesale.

Best source to get ON?


Finally working out again. Felt like crap for a bit but okay now. Though now I'm out of practice. :( ah well, back to continuing YAYOG. Behind a week but that's okay.

Welcome back, Sadetar! Tell me all about your trip (maybe in PM?)!


I'm hitting new personal bests for 2014 after backing off after my vacation and working my way back up. I'm not consuming as many calories or as much protein as SS recommends but I am still happy with my progression and developing aesthetics.

Squat 3x5 @ 180 lbs + 105lbs
Bench 3x5 @ 170 + 75lbs
Deadlift 1x5 @ 230 + 95lbs
OHP 3x5 @ 105 + 30lbs
Not doing Power Cleans

Also Bentover BB rows are up to 3x5 @ 115, seated cable rows at 130lbs, and pull ups are down to 30 lbs (started at 70) assist 3x8.

I weigh 182 lbs right now

Also met a girl that lifts and fully understands the magic of squats. :)
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