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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just curious, are you ever gonna cut at any point?
Doubt it. I'm between 10-12% now and I like it. I'm sure in the summer I'll get closer to the 10% range with a few skipped cheat weeks but for the foreseeable future I'm maintaining.
Doubt it. I'm between 10-12% now and I like it. I'm sure in the summer I'll get closer to the 10% range with a few skipped cheat weeks but for the foreseeable future I'm maintaining.

imo, that is the best bf% to be if you to be aesthetic. Lean enough to have the cuts but not to the point where you alter your diet immensely.


Went out with friends yesterday to celebrate a bunch of us doing internal moves to new positions in my company. (I am moving from Mainframe COBOL programming to Mobile Development, holy fuck I am moving to the 21st century)

They had a 10oz Calf's Liver served with mashed sweet potatoes.

I was in heaven.

Doubt it. I'm between 10-12% now and I like it. I'm sure in the summer I'll get closer to the 10% range with a few skipped cheat weeks but for the foreseeable future I'm maintaining.

When I was in my "prime" before getting injured and getting all fat again, I was 185 about 6 months ago and hovered around 9-11% body fat based off a probably very inaccurate sensor. Whether or not it was accurate or not, I thought that it was about the perfect place to be. Felt good and looked good. Hoping to get back there before spring.
Sigh, definitely injured. Looks like all I'm going to be able to do for at least the next week is spend time on the bike. Really annoying.


I did some trap bar deadlifts tonight with a trainer at my gym who I respect who recommended them. Totally different lift and way easier. The starting position is so much higher and it really makes a difference. I finished with 3 sets of 3 at 495 and I had much more in me. Pretty cool lift. I might rotate it every other week with traditional DLs.

Bro tip!

Use the trap bar for farmers walks.


Went out with friends yesterday to celebrate a bunch of us doing internal moves to new positions in my company. (I am moving from Mainframe COBOL programming to Mobile Development, holy fuck I am moving to the 21st century)

They had a 10oz Calf's Liver served with mashed sweet potatoes.

I was in heaven.

When I was in my "prime" before getting injured and getting all fat again, I was 185 about 6 months ago and hovered around 9-11% body fat based off a probably very inaccurate sensor. Whether or not it was accurate or not, I thought that it was about the perfect place to be. Felt good and looked good. Hoping to get back there before spring.

Congrats on the promotion!

Can you explain what liver tastes like? Never had it


Congrats on the promotion!

Can you explain what liver tastes like? Never had it

It actually isn't a promotion, just a lateral move. No pay bump, but I am just going to be doing much more interesting work.

And it is a bit hard to explain. It is a very sweet tasting meat, and it sort of melts in your mouth. If cooked right, it is very pink in the middle. It is very low in fat, so it can be pretty dry if not cooked properly, but the one I had was pretty moist and tender.

It is kind of a gamier version of dark chicken meat. Supposedly very health. 3 oz is 120 calories, 17 grams of complete protein, lot of vitamins and other shit.


It actually isn't a promotion, just a lateral move. No pay bump, but I am just going to be doing much more interesting work.

And it is a bit hard to explain. It is a very sweet tasting meat, and it sort of melts in your mouth. If cooked right, it is very pink in the middle. It is very low in fat, so it can be pretty dry if not cooked properly, but the one I had was pretty moist and tender.

It is kind of a gamier version of dark chicken meat. Supposedly very health. 3 oz is 120 calories, 17 grams of complete protein, lot of vitamins and other shit.

Hey, if you're working on something more enjoyable than COBOL I consider it a promotion. I remember when I switched from some legacy C++ stuff in Visual Studio 6 to C# development on current stuff.
Guys its Halloween and there's free candy everywhere in the office. Im really tempted. Saturday is my cheat meal day, and Friday's I do cardio. Please help.


So, does Goodlife Canada in Ontario charge $30 biweekly?

That's around $700 a year. Is there no other membership plan?

It seems I'm better off going to a rec center

Or is L.A Fitness better?
I'm pretty sure it's 20$ bi weekly.

LA fitness is cheaper, yes.


Guys its Halloween and there's free candy everywhere in the office. Im really tempted. Saturday is my cheat meal day, and Friday's I do cardio. Please help.

I'm sorry I can't hear with all the candy stuff in my mouth. It's once a year. If you load a bit too much, then just run an extra few miles. Or not.


Hey, if you're working on something more enjoyable than COBOL I consider it a promotion. I remember when I switched from some legacy C++ stuff in Visual Studio 6 to C# development on current stuff.


I took one COBOL class in college. Every other class was object oriented languages. C++, Java,, C#, etc etc. I am not sure how I ended up here doing COBOL lol.

I will be doing iOS mobile development now.


I'm going Konami code with the diet pretty well this week.

This Sunday, my stomach will declare war on the animal kingdom and some of the vegetable kingdom too.

Early bday dinner. Kinda looking forward to it. It be my first one as a dad.


Slayer of Combofiends
My wrist have been hurting a bit after applying downwards pressure on things and apparently it might be because I'm curling my wrist in certain exercises. Gotta get form down really hard for my wrist. I don't wanna get wrist straps but if it keeps up I gotta check that out with the doc.
Might be broken, but still going to eat like a king. This for me tonight:

Low Carb Deep Dish Skillet Sausage Pizza



Brian Burke punched my mom
Well I'm pretty sure I have a tear or bad sprain in my adductor. There was a loud crunching sound when it occured. It's swelling, minor to moderate pain when walking, inability to use my left leg or bare weight on it when the adductor comes into play. I waited 2.5hrs in the ER as the only person there and I got 2 mins of face time and it was a nurse practioner again! She glanced and felt the swelling and said they can't do anything so she advised me to take advil and go to physiotherapy...advil doesn't do shit. That's the second time in over a month they pull this shit on me, getting dismissed out right. I still have a 1/2" indent in my right tibia that has pain when kneeling. Apparently this is normal and happens to these doctors all the time when they fall on it from 4ft, as I was told, and it's just swelling!

I hate Canadian health care.
I'm guessing you can probably pay to see someone privately for diagnosis right? That's what I did in the UK when I fucked up my knee, and I believe we have relatively similar healthcare systems.

Thinking about trying creatine, what brands are the goto fitgaf?

Any. The stuff is about as basic as it comes, you don't need a fancy version of it (especially as you don't need to buy a flavoured version because you can mix it with juice / squash / whatever).


Incredibly Naive
I'm guessing you can probably pay to see someone privately for diagnosis right? That's what I did in the UK when I fucked up my knee, and I believe we have relatively similar healthcare systems.

Any. The stuff is about as basic as it comes, you don't need a fancy version of it (especially as you don't need to buy a flavoured version because you can mix it with juice / squash / whatever).

What about monohydrate vs. whatever. Or is this like protein where for the most part it doesn't matter....


Slayer of Combofiends
What about monohydrate vs. whatever. Or is this like protein where for the most part it doesn't matter....

i hear monohydrate is the way to go. keep it plain and its cheap. link to amazon, you can get it smaller if your just trying it out. your water retention will be higher after a couple of weeks so if you see excess weight, don't worry if you keep a strict regimen, its just water weight.


Sitting by the front door and this damn bowl of candy is tempting me like the devil

Saving my cals for a glass of wine later tonight and will end up around 2300 for the day.
hey guys

I'm looking to get into lifting, but don't know if I should buy a set of ironmasters with bench or just go to the gym. I feel like the time commitment would be much less if I bought the weights (no commuting to gym, and the wife already has an elliptical at home).

Additionally, what do you guys recommend for a lifting program for someone who's just starting? I lifted a bit when I was in college, but life got busy afterwards and I'm not sure how to approach this.



hey guys

I'm looking to get into lifting, but don't know if I should buy a set of ironmasters with bench or just go to the gym. I feel like the time commitment would be much less if I bought the weights (no commuting to gym, and the wife already has an elliptical at home).

Additionally, what do you guys recommend for a lifting program for someone who's just starting? I lifted a bit when I was in college, but life got busy afterwards and I'm not sure how to approach this.


I kind of like going to the gym. I guess it depends on the individual but if my gym was at home I would probably find an excuse to do something else. I think the change of setting/location is good for me.

Plus, depending on the program you choose (based off of what people tell you here) you might've missing some equipment you'll need (power rack).

J. Bravo

Well I'm pretty sure I have a tear or bad sprain in my adductor. There was a loud crunching sound when it occured. It's swelling, minor to moderate pain when walking, inability to use my left leg or bare weight on it when the adductor comes into play. I waited 2.5hrs in the ER as the only person there and I got 2 mins of face time and it was a nurse practioner again! She glanced and felt the swelling and said they can't do anything so she advised me to take advil and go to physiotherapy...advil doesn't do shit. That's the second time in over a month they pull this shit on me, getting dismissed out right. I still have a 1/2" indent in my right tibia that has pain when kneeling. Apparently this is normal and happens to these doctors all the time when they fall on it from 4ft, as I was told, and it's just swelling!

I hate Canadian health care.

does this sound like your tibia thing? http://www.njdsportsinjuries.co.uk/Shins Splints and pitted oedema - Case Study.pdf

shin splints suck man.

as for your groin, if it's not a complete tear, i guess just ice it, take ibuprofen, and don't squat or really use your leg if possible. be very careful walking lol. i know you have a physical active job but you have to be careful man. if you suck it up and keep at it, you could have a complete tear and that will take a long time to recover from.
I kind of like going to the gym. I guess it depends on the individual but if my gym was at home I would probably find an excuse to do something else. I think the change of setting/location is good for me.

As a counter to this, going to the gym would cost me about an extra hour a day that I just can't afford to lose. So rather than spend the time, I spend the money (which is somewhat easier to replace) to kit out my own gym environment. Motivation has never been a problem, thankfully (I think I'd be more likely to miss it if I had to get ready / drive somewhere / use a locker etc).

I think I might like the social side of the gym, but the time cost is too much. However, I'm lucky enough to be able to get whatever I need to workout with, within reason anyway.


As a counter to this, going to the gym would cost me about an extra hour a day that I just can't afford to lose. So rather than spend the time, I spend the money (which is somewhat easier to replace) to kit out my own gym environment. Motivation has never been a problem, thankfully (I think I'd be more likely to miss it if I had to get ready / drive somewhere / use a locker etc).

I think I might like the social side of the gym, but the time cost is too much. However, I'm lucky enough to be able to get whatever I need to workout with, within reason anyway.

Yeah. It probably helps my gym is 2 miles away. Probably a 3-4 minute drive for me.

Plus, I just don't have the space for the equipment.


Ok GAF, this question is probably impossible to answer but here it goes: How much weight can I gain before cutting if I'm clean bulking (10% surplus) at 131 lbs and 11% body fat? A month ago I started reverse dieting at 129 lbs, 10 or 11% body fat. This week I've been eating at what I'm hoping is a 100 calorie surplus and next week I start eating at 200, which I'll stick to for a while. It already feels and looks like my body fat went up but I'm guessing it's water weight, or at least it better fucking be. Basically,what's a good estimate of the muscle/fat ratio in a bulk this slow?
I actually have a pretty hectic schedule at work and the commute to and from work is about an hour each way (public transportation), so I feel that I don't have much time to travel to a gym to work out. I do have enough space for the bench/adjustable dumbbells, but not enough for a full set of individual dumbbells.


Any way on MyFitnessPal to manually change macro goals? Would really make the app so much better instead of them changing it by percentage. Would prefer to track macros in one app instead of opening up a note to remind me of my goals.

Mr. X

Took a month 9 progress pic and the difference in appearance to month 6 is shocking to me.

Looking forward to that year one and 18 months progress pics.

I am squatting and deadlifting 140lbs before including the bar's weight 5x5 now. I do weigh in at ~140 so I'm hype about that.
Alright, so I read through the OP and took in as much information as possible. I have Starting Strength from a previous attempt at getting in shape, so the beginner stuff is covered. But the thing that stuck out to me was the conditioning section, about doing cardio training while weight training. A big part of what I want to get out of this is the ability to not lose my breath every time I pick up the pace by a little bit, so I was hoping to get sort of an expanded answer on this topic? Things to start with or keep in mind when lifting while trying to improve cardio ability?

My goal isn't weight loss


I would say don't worry about it just yet, weightlifting and particularly a full body routine like SS incorporates a lot of heavy breathing and movements that improve upon ones cardiovascular endurance as it is. Once you've put in some time and have a better grasp upon both what you're doing and what you want out of it would be a great time to step into that area if you decide to. As it is you'll already have a decent base built up to expand upon and won't have to possibly overload yourself in the beginning by doing both at the same time from scratch.

I imagine someone else can likely give a better answer though.


So since that other thread got closed and this is the official one, I'm gonna introduce myself here.

I'm 24, been working out for 5 years now, and did my trainer's, personal trainer's and nutritionist license in that time. My main "job" is doing my Master's Degree in Biology though, so that adds up nicely.
Bodywise, I kind of reached what I've always wanted to reach.

This was me a while ago:



I'm 1,72 ( 5'8")
72 kg ( 158 lb)
at 7,5% body fat in those pics.

I actually never wanted more muscle than I have right now, but my friend challenged me to get to 80 kg (176lb), so I thought, meh, can't hurt to try.
Gonna post updates if I can make it.

edit: The only thing I never really managed to achieve is for my abs to really pop out like they do on some other guys. but well.


Any way on MyFitnessPal to manually change macro goals? Would really make the app so much better instead of them changing it by percentage. Would prefer to track macros in one app instead of opening up a note to remind me of my goals.

This is done under the "goals" section. The icon looks like a target with an arrow. Might have to hit the more button to get to it (...)


This is done under the "goals" section. The icon looks like a target with an arrow. Might have to hit the more button to get to it (...)
Yeah I got that far but I was wondering if there was a way to manually change it instead of going by percentage increments of 5%. Like how I can manually enter calorie goal.


hey guys

I'm looking to get into lifting, but don't know if I should buy a set of ironmasters with bench or just go to the gym. I feel like the time commitment would be much less if I bought the weights (no commuting to gym, and the wife already has an elliptical at home).

Additionally, what do you guys recommend for a lifting program for someone who's just starting? I lifted a bit when I was in college, but life got busy afterwards and I'm not sure how to approach this.


When I started I bought iron masters and the bench. If I had to do things over I'd go to the gym earlier but they are the best and still get a lot of use.
When I started I bought iron masters and the bench. If I had to do things over I'd go to the gym earlier but they are the best and still get a lot of use.

can you explain why you say that now? I'd love to hear what though process you went through and why you think going to the gym would've been better?

I have a friend that is competing and going for the Olympia if he wins his next 2 shows. He is teched out and inspiring me to compete. The battle to stay natural or to hop on gear is real. I am at the point where I think in my head that being natty sucks and I want to see how I would look if I pumped myself up with a light dose. Going to the gym and lifting is just something I really enjoy and its not only my hobby but an obsession at this point. I see all these guys all over Instagram and I say to myself "I can be better".

I wouldn't be one of those "fake naturals" that deny use. If I used I would let the world know and own it. I never want to lead people on
I would imagine that a light dose wont stay a light dose for long.

"This shit is working, hell, I'm not even taking as much as I can safely take. No harm in doing a bit more to see how it goes."
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