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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Those feels when you're bulking and trying to meet the ladies off okc/tinder at the same time.



the piano man
I was supposed to rest today.... but my roommate decided to bring a ONS to our place, we talked a bit the three of us in the kitchen, I prepared some food and they went to his room..

nothing had started yet but I can not stand hearing people having sex.... so I decided to go ahead and hit the gym...>_>...I came back and I guess now is the calm after the storm but I have to eat now so I have to be around..

I am so jelly....


Almost threw up at the gym today, decided to row 500m for time after finishing my stuff (we did this at school) and felt really ill after. I don't get the work until you puke mentality some have, why would you do this to yourself?

Anyways I haven't been able to do squats for over a month now, I get this pain in my hip joint, been able to to deadlifts though. Any recommendations with what to replace squats until I get this thing sorted?


I need a pre-workout that lasts longer than 2 weeks, I'm using SCI-MX Nutrition X-Plode.. the tub always comes about half full.
Almost threw up at the gym today, decided to row 500m for time after finishing my stuff (we did this at school) and felt really ill after. I don't get the work until you puke mentality some have, why would you do this to yourself?

I don't think it's intentional (I'm not even sure how you could do it), but it's happened to me a couple of times. Only people I know that would aim for that sort of crap are crossfitters... but they're basically broken to begin with.

I need a pre-workout that lasts longer than 2 weeks, I'm using SCI-MX Nutrition X-Plode.. the tub always comes about half full.

Make your own. Not particularly difficult. Creatine, Beta-Analine, Citrulline Malate, Taurine, Caffeine and maybe a bit of BCAA. Mix with juice, job done.


Well, it can happen "unintentionally" (like me going all out on rowing just for the ego boost) when pushing your limits, but training just for that sensation? Seems stupid.


3 questions:

I was 85kg at start of my diet (20% deficit, counting calories, weighing everything I eat etc) and I'm down to 83, when should I recalculate deficit and adapt to that?

I'm getting shoulder pain in my left shoulder while benching and only at my work weight and I dunno why, my shoulders are tucked in, form is ok, any advice?

I'm skinny fat and VERY weak, here are my main 3: squat 45kg, bench 45kg, deadlift 60kg, am I gonna make it (ever?), increasing by a bit every 2 weeks (on ICF atm, cut version).


I was supposed to rest today.... but my roommate decided to bring a ONS to our place, we talked a bit the three of us in the kitchen, I prepared some food and they went to his room..

nothing had started yet but I can not stand hearing people having sex.... so I decided to go ahead and hit the gym...>_>...I came back and I guess now is the calm after the storm but I have to eat now so I have to be around..

I am so jelly....
But hey, going to the gym is always awesome... Right? :D

I am jelly as well.

Got some good sleep, feel really strong. Going to the gym tonight for squats.
I wish I would sleep well and feel strong. :p

I know you generally do keto and eat very little carbonhydrates.

I have noticed that since the winter is coming and it is basicly dark all the time I have started to crave more carbs than I used to during summer or spring. I also feel generally more lazy and tired constanty even how much I would be sleeping. While eating like you do, have you experienced anything similar and if so, what have you done?

I actually feel that I would like to "bulk" but I still need to cut around 30 pounds to hit my goal. I am weak as a baby kangaroo and I am somewhat tired to cut, but I guess that no can do. Also the weight has been the same for ages and I think I should clean my diet. I am thinking that perhaps I have actually lost so much weight that now I am just maintaining with the same calorie intake and should cut it more to see any effects.

Front squat 185lbs x 10.

Felt burned out today. Gonna adjust training. Think events are keeping me taxed.

That didn't look burned out at all. You always make everything look so damn easy on your videos.

Also I know you have been working out for ages so I would appreciate your opinion. What do you think, if you compare normal deadlifts and Romanian deadlift, which would be easier to perform correctly without hurting oneself if the core isn't that stabile and strong yet? Also if you would have links to some vids that show how to do them properly, that would be sweet. (Videos how to do walking lunges would be cool too.)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
But hey, going to the gym is always awesome... Right? :D

I am jelly as well.

I wish I would sleep well and feel strong. :p

I know you generally do keto and eat very little carbonhydrates.

I have noticed that since the winter is coming and it is basicly dark all the time I have started to crave more carbs than I used to during summer or spring. I also feel generally more lazy and tired constanty even how much I would be sleeping. While eating like you do, have you experienced anything similar and if so, what have you done?

I actually feel that I would like to "bulk" but I still need to cut around 30 pounds to hit my goal. I am weak as a baby kangaroo and I am somewhat tired to cut, but I guess that no can do. Also the weight has been the same for ages and I think I should clean my diet. I am thinking that perhaps I have actually lost so much weight that now I am just maintaining with the same calorie intake and should cut it more to see any effects.

That didn't look burned out at all. You always make everything look so damn easy on your videos.

Also I know you have been working out for ages so I would appreciate your opinion. What do you think, if you compare normal deadlifts and Romanian deadlift, which would be easier to perform correctly without hurting oneself if the core isn't that stabile and strong yet? Also if you would have links to some vids that show how to do them properly, that would be sweet. (Videos how to do walking lunges would be cool too.)

That's what I resorted to BECAUSE I was burned out. I need to account for how taxing event days are and also not push front squat and deadlift the same on the same day.

Regular deadlifts would be safer. Romanian deads are good to really hit low back, ass and hams, but you have to drop the weight way down and control the movement. It's not about numbers but emphasis on the muscle.

I don't fuck with lunges, but those are easy enough, just keep the weight low as hell until you get it down.

Here's a Romanian DL I made a video of. It's snatch grip, but the movement is the same. Get it to the starting position then lower it by empasizing pushing your ass back, when you can't push your ass back anymore and you're below the knee come back up to the start position. I would NOT do snatch grip. I was doing these for extra upper back work.



bitch I'm taking calls.
How much do you guys think an average sized Christmas tree weighs? Thinking about taking my workout to the next level using some improvised weights at home.
I'm skinny fat and VERY weak, here are my main 3: squat 45kg, bench 45kg, deadlift 60kg, am I gonna make it (ever?), increasing by a bit every 2 weeks (on ICF atm, cut version).

Not all of us are built to be monsters my good man. I'm tiny (and compared to many in the thread, quite weak), but I still try to be the best me that I can be.

If I were you, I wouldn't worry so much that you've got some fat on you, I'd concentrate on building muscle for the moment - It'll be so much easier to make that fat go away then. I wasted a number of years trying to get lean, when all I was really getting was wimpier. Since I've been bulking I've realised that whilst I've got some fat, I still look far better than I did when I looked like a coathanger.

(This assumes that you really are skinny fat, and not just fat fat. I don't know how tall you are.)


Inzer lever belt came in. Sadly I won't be able to use it till Thursday. Was afraid the lever would look cheesy but its pretty snazzy. Went with the lever cause I don't want to keep taking it off and putting it back on. Right now breaking it in so I won't need assistance removing it at the gym.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
3 questions:

I was 85kg at start of my diet (20% deficit, counting calories, weighing everything I eat etc) and I'm down to 83, when should I recalculate deficit and adapt to that?

I'm getting shoulder pain in my left shoulder while benching and only at my work weight and I dunno why, my shoulders are tucked in, form is ok, any advice?

I'm skinny fat and VERY weak, here are my main 3: squat 45kg, bench 45kg, deadlift 60kg, am I gonna make it (ever?), increasing by a bit every 2 weeks (on ICF atm, cut version).

I personally deal with injuries by taking some time off from that lift, then deloading somewhat (10%-15%), then progressing at that weight by increasing reps instead of weight until 10-12 reps per set is reached, before increasing weight again. That gives you progress still, lets you focus on form, but avoids going right back to the same thing that got you injured. Always consult with your doctor with injuries though etc. stay safe.

I started with the bar. When I was a teenager I couldn't do a knee pushup. You're gonna make it. There are only two necessary things long-term: getting your ass to the gym on a regular schedule, and maintaining good form. Do not worry about your lifts going up quickly if you're sacrificing form to get it done. Injuries from compromised form will always screw you over more than numbers going up will help. Especially if you're starting from a weak, sedentary lifestyle, your body is going to need time to develop and adapt to what you're doing. Form form form form form. Record yourself. Have other people watch you. Go as light as you need to. Form.


I'm skinny fat and VERY weak, here are my main 3: squat 45kg, bench 45kg, deadlift 60kg, am I gonna make it (ever?), increasing by a bit every 2 weeks (on ICF atm, cut version).

So long as the linearity holds up, you will be good.

Remember, lifting dat heavy-ass weight isn't what makes you stronger, it's recovering from lifting dat heavy-ass weight, so make sure your protein is around 0.82 g/lb and sat fat is at least 0.45/lb. And sleep.


Not all of us are built to be monsters my good man. I'm tiny (and compared to many in the thread, quite weak), but I still try to be the best me that I can be.

If I were you, I wouldn't worry so much that you've got some fat on you, I'd concentrate on building muscle for the moment - It'll be so much easier to make that fat go away then. I wasted a number of years trying to get lean, when all I was really getting was wimpier. Since I've been bulking I've realised that whilst I've got some fat, I still look far better than I did when I looked like a coathanger.

(This assumes that you really are skinny fat, and not just fat fat. I don't know how tall you are.)
Heh, I'm not fat and I am/was skinny fat but gained bit of weight over summer which I'm trying to drop so I'm hovering somewhere in between. I'm around 1.83m tall and 83 kg and approximately 23% BF(could be lower, this was when I was 85kg).
I figured I should drop to 10-12% bf but I don't want to be a hungry skeleton so the plan is to drop until I'm satisfied or I stall with my lifts/weight loss and then start the clean bulk. Don't want to do it now because I'm unhappy with how much fat I have, need to be satisfied somewhat with how I look at least :)
(plus some pants have gotten tight so yeah, that's a no go) and just adding more fat on top of it while bulking would make it worse and when it comes the time to cut it would take even longer to cut it down which would result in more strength and muscle loss.

At the moment I'm doing 20% caloric deficit, eating between 130-160g of protein, ~66g of fats (wasn't sure if I should go 1g per body weight so I went 1g per lean mass) and rest is carbs which right now equals to around 1700kcals and I track everything as accurately as possible on my myfitnesspal.

I personally deal with injuries by taking some time off from that lift, then deloading somewhat (10%-15%), then progressing at that weight by increasing reps instead of weight until 10-12 reps per set is reached, before increasing weight again. That gives you progress still, lets you focus on form, but avoids going right back to the same thing that got you injured. Always consult with your doctor with injuries though etc. stay safe.

I started with the bar. When I was a teenager I couldn't do a knee pushup. You're gonna make it. There are only two necessary things long-term: getting your ass to the gym on a regular schedule, and maintaining good form. Do not worry about your lifts going up quickly if you're sacrificing form to get it done. Injuries from compromised form will always screw you over more than numbers going up will help. Especially if you're starting from a weak, sedentary lifestyle, your body is going to need time to develop and adapt to what you're doing. Form form form form form. Record yourself. Have other people watch you. Go as light as you need to. Form.
I noticed this problem a while ago, even before summer when I started lifting for a few months so not sure if it's just the bad form, injury from back then or I have something screwed up there already. It doesn't happen always but it does sometimes at heavier weights, gonna have my friend take a vid to have someone do proper form check, and not gonna push it, maybe I overdid it because I forgot it was close grip BP today and not normal one so I overtrained, we shall see the next time.

Very dedicated to lifting at the moment, mentioned in other thread but I moved and am bit lonely right now so I needed to find a new thing to do and I'm obsessed with lifting and nutrition so it all has to be at 100%.
My friend was in same situation as me last year, lifted crazy for a year, trained hard and had amazing progress, but then he started not warming up as much and boom screwed up his shoulder, had an operation month ago and is gonna be out of it for a long time, it was a good lesson to me so that's why I'm taking it very seriously.

I do 2 sets of warm up with empty bar, then I add 10kg, then do 40, and then 3 sets of 45kg which is my working weight and only first 2 of those work sets I felt sharp pain, friend says form is fine but don't think he can judge well enough.

So long as the linearity holds up, you will be good.

Remember, lifting dat heavy-ass weight isn't what makes you stronger, it's recovering from lifting dat heavy-ass weight, so make sure your protein is around 0.82 g/lb and sat fat is at least 0.45/lb. And sleep.

Yeah, mentioned it above getting all my proteins regularly and making steady progress :) but since I'm training on the cut it will be slower for now but still going well, stalled once one one exercise but it's probably because it's last one of the day and needed more rest. Now I know I'm faaaar from it and it's gonna be a long road that I intend to do right but my aim right now is to train until I hit the "golden" numbers, 4/3/2. deadlift 405 squat 315 bench 225 but as I said, I have a loong way to go :D and then when I'm happy with strength I can focus more on hypertrophy

Thanks for the support and advice guys, I'll take form check video when I come back from my trip home and since I'm gonna be working out on my little birthday vacation gonna have some more knowledgeable people at gym back home help me out, this one powerlifter dude was always helpful so hopefully I see him again.


Same here. Going for 300 front squat tonight.

Squats here too! Gonna work up to a 3 rep max with 50lb banded resistance.

Had an incredible night at the gym, got 370 for 2 on squats really easy. Hope you guys kicked ass too.

I wish I would sleep well and feel strong. :p

I know you generally do keto and eat very little carbonhydrates.

I have noticed that since the winter is coming and it is basicly dark all the time I have started to crave more carbs than I used to during summer or spring. I also feel generally more lazy and tired constanty even how much I would be sleeping. While eating like you do, have you experienced anything similar and if so, what have you done?

I actually feel that I would like to "bulk" but I still need to cut around 30 pounds to hit my goal. I am weak as a baby kangaroo and I am somewhat tired to cut, but I guess that no can do. Also the weight has been the same for ages and I think I should clean my diet. I am thinking that perhaps I have actually lost so much weight that now I am just maintaining with the same calorie intake and should cut it more to see any effects.

Honestly, I've found that when doing carb ups, that's when I falter and do worse. Hunger cravings get worse and life is harder when it comes to food. On strict keto I'm very strong, totally energized and really get fantastic rest, on top of being very rarely hungry. But this is all YMMV stuff. Some people cannot take the time to get fully adapted, and that's how a lot of people don't make it on keto.

If your weight loss has stalled, either your body is adapting to the lower calories and trying to figure out what to do, or you're eating more then maintenance. I personally like to do 2-4 weeks of a big cut, then eat at maintenance for 3-6 days to give the body and thyroid some rest, then repeat the process. Once you've lost a decent amount of weight, recalculate your macros to keep losing.

There is truly no one size fits all for this stuff, you have to find out what works for you as a long term solution. In the end, my suggestion for most people is to get to the body fat percentage you actually want to be at, then work up from there. Life is a lot easier when you're not worrying about cutting fat all the time and just training for even more awesome results.
I suck at everything about the bench. Especially keeping my scapula retracted. I always ending up shrugging my right shoulder.

Any advice?


I suck at everything about the bench. Especially keeping my scapula retracted. I always ending up shrugging my right shoulder.

Any advice?

Main cue for me on that front was to envision pushing your elbows up and not think about raising the bar itself. It's a little tricky because you have to think seperately about aiming the bar to stop directly over your shoulders, while also not focusing on pushing the bar.


the piano man
I suck at everything about the bench. Especially keeping my scapula retracted. I always ending up shrugging my right shoulder.

Any advice?

one thing about Bench and OHP is that your grip must be good, yeah sounds like there's nothing to it but watch your wrist when you are holding the bar and and try to imagine how exactly would your arms, wrist, and hands move and feel if you made a set with that particular hand/wrist position.

I feel a lot more confident ever since I started paying attention to the feel of the bar exactly before unracking,


I just want to comment how big a difference 3 months makes. This time in august I was scared of dead lifting, and when I did deadlift I couldn't go even moderate without pain. These days I'm so much more confident in my form, and I'm lifting heavy again, and best of all I'm not getting any pain in my lower back. Outside of my tendonosis this is the healthiest I've felt in half a year.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I just want to comment how big a difference 3 months makes. This time in august I was scared of dead lifting, and when I did deadlift I couldn't go even moderate without pain. These days I'm so much more confident in my form, and I'm lifting heavy again, and best of all I'm not getting any pain in my lower back. Outside of my tendonosis this is the healthiest I've felt in half a year.
There is nothing in the gym more satisfying than deadlifting. I hear ya. I know some people squat more than they DL but for me the DL is the exercise I use the most weight and not only that but I'm picking it off the floor! It doesn't get any better than that for me. Speaking of which, today is DL day and now I'm pumped! Glad you're feeling healthy. Keep it rolling and that ghost locked up in your basement.
There's a dude here who brought it in. I've given him some ideas with my home made sand bags. It's a pretty shit quality log though. It's 70lbs and the holes aren't big enough. I'll probably get a bench log from Elitefts and a yoke when tax returns come in.

Not sure if you posted it already as I'm not a super regular Fit thread guy. But what did you do for sandbag construction? I was kinda interested in playing around with them myself, and was trying to figure what the best construction method was.
Once again, fuck leg day. :(

Knee started clunking like crazy on the squats and lunges were putting my heart rate into the high 170s. Feel sick now.


Once again, fuck leg day. :(

Knee started clunking like crazy on the squats and lunges were putting my heart rate into the high 170s. Feel sick now.

Jeez that's not good, what happened to your knee to get it in this situation? Is your HR going up due to exertion ie the rest of your muscles compensating for your weak side or is it a reaction to the pain?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Not sure if you posted it already as I'm not a super regular Fit thread guy. But what did you do for sandbag construction? I was kinda interested in playing around with them myself, and was trying to figure what the best construction method was.

200lbs of play sand, two contractor grade trash bags and a military duffle.
Jeez that's not good, what happened to your knee to get it in this situation? Is your HR going up due to exertion ie the rest of your muscles compensating for your weak side or is it a reaction to the pain?

No idea, that's just what my heart rate does on leg day. Have never really understood why. It utterly destroys me. It's not a fitness thing, I'm a pretty competitive cyclist.

As for my knee, it was damaged when I was younger and now it can dislocate if I twist on it. So I don't twist on it. However, the clunking makes me extremely nervous. I really should strap the shit out of it.


No idea, that's just what my heart rate does on leg day. Have never really understood why. It utterly destroys me. It's not a fitness thing, I'm a pretty competitive cyclist.

As for my knee, it was damaged when I was younger and now it can dislocate if I twist on it. So I don't twist on it. However, the clunking makes me extremely nervous. I really should strap the shit out of it.

I knew you were a competitive cyclist which is why I was puzzled on your heart rate peaking like that, I wonder if your calves/hams/quads are overly tight causing the strain as your stretch them in squats etc.


Straning your legs makes you go full cyclist mode. Skip leg day everyday from now on :p

Seriously though, what is deadlifts opposite move? Kinda like bench press and barbell row train opposing muscles.

Also what do you think of rowing on the rowing machine after finishing with my lifts? Seems like a great way to do some cardio and give my legs, arms and lats some auxiliary work.


the piano man
There is nothing in the gym more satisfying than deadlifting. I hear ya. I know some people squat more than they DL but for me the DL is the exercise I use the most weight and not only that but I'm picking it off the floor! It doesn't get any better than that for me. Speaking of which, today is DL day and now I'm pumped! Glad you're feeling healthy. Keep it rolling and that ghost locked up in your basement.

I am very much a squat guy. It's not that I dislike the DL, but somehow I don't feel as pumped and excited after a "heavy" set compared to squat.

physically I believe I am way more talented for Squats than any other compound, no hip problems, good depth, good balance, I was always happy to put my records in strstd.com, I achieved 2 plates with decent ROM and form and even beyond that.

in my gym, the gorilla/beast kind of guys are the ones that excel at deadlifting, Squat guys (those doing it right) don't look as big, rather a bit more acrobatic*

(*just commenting on what I've seen, not saying it's like this everywhere.)


I got heavier discs for my dumbbells and lifting heavier has made me realize how much stronger my right arm is than my left, I would've been able to push out more reps doing Incline DB Bicep Curls had my left arm not given up.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I am very much a squat guy. It's not that I dislike the DL, but somehow I don't feel as pumped and excited after a "heavy" set compared to squat.

physically I believe I am way more talented for Squats than any other compound, no hip problems, good depth, good balance, I was always happy to put my records in strstd.com, I achieved 2 plates with decent ROM and form and even beyond that.

in my gym, the gorilla/beast kind of guys are the ones that excel at deadlifting, Squat guys (those doing it right) don't look as big, rather a bit more acrobatic*

(*just commenting on what I've seen, not saying it's like this everywhere.)
Did you just call me a gorilla? ;-)

I used to be the same way but this last year while training to get the 3xbw DL it changed and now squats are a firm second. I don't know what my body is built for honestly. I feel pretty comfortable doing DLs and squats.
I know for a fact that my body is more built for DLs than squats. Which is a shame because squat is such a big move. I want to get really strong at it.
I'll have to skip today's workout. Feels bad bros. :-(

I even smoked a few cigarettes within a brief periode over the last few days. Slept terribly last night.

I feel the stress from exams anticipation, and educational performance is somewhat getting to me now given that I'm nearing the closing end of the semester.

I'll get back on the saddle tomorrow.

ACE 1991

I'm sick of not looking like I lift with my shirt on. I'm running a program similar toclyle McDonalds generic bulking, would adding a 30 min arms and Tris day on the weekend be terrible? I don't have much truble with recovery.

Anyone have any idea what this kind of workout might look like?
2 a day legs done. Just finished 60 minutes of over/unders on the turbo trainer... which unsurprisingly was bastard hard after doing weights earlier.


Mr. X

Legs were feeling a bit stiff/tired today so I just did jump rope, skipped the sprints and went to abs. Tweaked my ab routine, felt really good. I think decline crushes were using my legs too much. Thanks FitGAF for the insight!

Today's ab routine:
3x30 Spider Crawls
3x30 Frog Sit Ups
Tried to Dragon Flag
3x30 Frog Kicks
Yoga Boat held for like 60s or more 3x
3x20? Hanging Leg Raises
3x20 Spellcasters
Stomach Vacuums 3x 60s

Had 2 scoops of Gold Standard Whey (Chocolate) after.
Dinner, I had a house salad w/ grilled chicken after.
Wonder how sore I'll be in the morning.

Gonna explore the front squat next ab day.


Honestly, I've found that when doing carb ups, that's when I falter and do worse. Hunger cravings get worse and life is harder when it comes to food. On strict keto I'm very strong, totally energized and really get fantastic rest, on top of being very rarely hungry. But this is all YMMV stuff. Some people cannot take the time to get fully adapted, and that's how a lot of people don't make it on keto.

If your weight loss has stalled, either your body is adapting to the lower calories and trying to figure out what to do, or you're eating more then maintenance. I personally like to do 2-4 weeks of a big cut, then eat at maintenance for 3-6 days to give the body and thyroid some rest, then repeat the process. Once you've lost a decent amount of weight, recalculate your macros to keep losing.

There is truly no one size fits all for this stuff, you have to find out what works for you as a long term solution. In the end, my suggestion for most people is to get to the body fat percentage you actually want to be at, then work up from there. Life is a lot easier when you're not worrying about cutting fat all the time and just training for even more awesome results.
Now when I think of it, I have lost around 22 kilos /48 pounds without changing the calorie intake. I might need to really recalculate it. I don't think that my body will keep losing fat with the same amount of calories anymore to be honest. I understand that it gets slower and harder to keep up the cutting, but in the past couple of months or so, it has been so slow it is basicly non existing. Annoying to say the least. I haven't gained any weight (I don't count the water weight during my vacation that I managed to get rid of during four days), but it isn't going down that fast anymore so I really need to do something.

I am somewhat tired with the cut to be honest. I have been with minus calories since mid March meaning 36 weeks or so. But I guess I just better get it done. I might need to take it easy on December though even if I am planning to have fairly healthy Christmas foods. If I am going to stick with my original goal, I need to still cut 17 kilos / 37 pounds. This far it has been surprisingly easy, but now I have been having more difficults. I am not sure is it because I haven't seen any good results lately to keep the motivation high or just because of the constant darkness and winter. Oh well, I am sure I will get over this. I still think that working out is just great, but I just need to get my diet in check.

That's what I resorted to BECAUSE I was burned out. I need to account for how taxing event days are and also not push front squat and deadlift the same on the same day.

Regular deadlifts would be safer. Romanian deads are good to really hit low back, ass and hams, but you have to drop the weight way down and control the movement. It's not about numbers but emphasis on the muscle.

I don't fuck with lunges, but those are easy enough, just keep the weight low as hell until you get it down.

Here's a Romanian DL I made a video of. It's snatch grip, but the movement is the same. Get it to the starting position then lower it by empasizing pushing your ass back, when you can't push your ass back anymore and you're below the knee come back up to the start position. I would NOT do snatch grip. I was doing these for extra upper back work.

Ah, well that makes sense.

What comes to regular deadlifts I haven't yet managed to do them at all, since I am working with so low weights that I don't have plates to keep the bar high enough for those. Hard to explain, but for the time being I have been doing only Romanian DLs.

And thanks for the vid. It was very helpful. I think I need to push my ass a bit more back before coming back. I also try to keep the weight low enough for me to be able to control the movement. At the moment I am using a bar weighting only 10 kilos / 22 pounds. Hahah, I am such a baby. I so wish I would have started working out before I had any problems with the spine, but better late than never I guess.
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