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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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So guys and gals, I did bench squats with light weight today. 15 squats total. This got my heart rate way up. When I was resting, for about 10 to 20 seconds I experienced a noticeable hearing loss. I am overweight and really out of shape, so there's that and I'm 31. Was wondering if this was something that was the cause of low or high blood pressure? Is this something that I should be worried about?

It's an early symptom of syncope.

In other words you were on your way to fainting due to orthostatic hypotension, aka blood pressure to your head dropping due to standing up because your blood had pooled in your legs from squatting.

It's nothing to worry about, as long as you don't keep going when it happens. You start to feel like that, you need to stop for the day. It takes a while for your circulatory system to return to normal, as it'll still be sending a lot of blood to your legs. If you keep going, you will throw up and/or pass out.


Junior Member
Worlds in weightlifting are going on in Kazakhstan right now and the -105s just finished a couple of hours ago. Ilya Ilyin continues his streak as the greatest active weightlifter by breaking the clean and jerk world record at 242kg. Absolutely insane finish. I'll post the replay as soon as I find it.


Very nice! That's why you had that huge meal on facebook. Now I get it :p

You mean this disgusting mountain of delicious?



BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Been training my girlfriend at the gym and she's seriously loving it. She's in-shape but never works out at the gym. She hates cardio machines and the one time she went to the gym years ago she had a terrible experience with a personal trainer.

But one day she randomly asked if she could work out with me because I'm always at the gym, and of course I said yes. And she LOVES squats, deadlifts, OHP, and bench. That's my fucking girl and she's already getting so much stronger. She agrees with me that compound workouts are just more FUN to do than isolation exercises, and she loves that I'm there to guide her with her form (which is terrific because she's very smart and aware of her body mechanics).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Been training my girlfriend at the gym and she's seriously loving it. She's in-shape but never works out at the gym. She hates cardio machines and the one time she went to the gym years ago she had a terrible experience with a personal trainer.

But one day she randomly asked if she could work out with me because I'm always at the gym, and of course I said yes. And she LOVES squats, deadlifts, OHP, and bench. That's my fucking girl and she's already getting so much stronger. She agrees with me that compound workouts are just more FUN to do than isolation exercises, and she loves that I'm there to guide her with her form (which is terrific because she's very smart and aware of her body mechanics).

A couple that squats together stays together!


bitch I'm taking calls.
Must have been all those power-bombs you performed on her. She probably wants to train so she can do a reversal sometime.
I made the mistake of looking up my BMI today. I'm 5'10 to 5'11 and I put in 175lbs. Turns out that the answer I get back is a BMI of 25. Just barely into the overweight margin. Normally, I am between 170-175 sense beginning maintenance in July, but now I'm starting to think that maybe I should try and shave off another ten lbs or so.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Must have been all those power-bombs you performed on her. She probably wants to train so she can do a reversal sometime.

I laughed.

Well played.

Also, yeah, BMI is bullshit. I'm 5'11" and 175lbs and no where near "overweight."
Bmi is bullshit


It's meant for a general assessment of the population and is useless for people who weight train. Don't worry about it ever again.

I laughed.
BMI is bullshit. I'm 5'11" and 175lbs and no where near "overweight."

You guys are excellent confidence boosters. I won't take BMI to heart, but now I am interested in measuring my body fat percentage. Does anyone know if loose skin skews the results?

Edit: Just used a tape measure and an online guide. It can't be the most accurate measurement because it didn't allow half inches.

Body Fat Calculator said:
Using your measurements of a 33 inches waist, 14 inch neck, 12 inch biceps, 10 inch forearm and 23 inch thigh your body fat percentage is estimated to be 18.14 % using the formula developed by the Marine Corps.


Very sleepy day. I have been running up and down the stairs to keep myself somewhat warm. I would love to do something after work but shame the gym is closed already by the time I am going home.

You mean this disgusting mountain of delicious?
I am at work having like the worst lunch with me and I am looking at that drooling. You don't even realize how very mean of you that was. :p

Been training my girlfriend at the gym and she's seriously loving it. She's in-shape but never works out at the gym. She hates cardio machines and the one time she went to the gym years ago she had a terrible experience with a personal trainer.

But one day she randomly asked if she could work out with me because I'm always at the gym, and of course I said yes. And she LOVES squats, deadlifts, OHP, and bench. That's my fucking girl and she's already getting so much stronger. She agrees with me that compound workouts are just more FUN to do than isolation exercises, and she loves that I'm there to guide her with her form (which is terrific because she's very smart and aware of her body mechanics).
Damn, she is one lucky girl.

And yes, I wouldn't call you unlucky either. :D


I think this is the right thread to ask, but let me know if it isn't.

In order to help mental health issues, I've decided to lose a good amount of weight. I'm 6'2 and started at 244 lbs. I'm now down to around 220 lbs, but I'm plateauing a bit. I've decided to try a weekly refeed day. What kind of food so you recommend I add on that day for it to be most effective in resetting my body?

Also, if anyone cares, my goal is to be 180 pounds.

Do you count calories, how much of a deficit are you on?
I'd make refeeds normal protein, high carb and low fat.

When I cut I usually run harsh deficits. Around 25% 6 days a week, and one refeed day as described above in a small surplus. So far I've managed to pull this off twice without losing any strength, but I usually only cut for 5-6 weeks at a time.

It's gonna depend on a few factors such as how lean you are, how lean you want to gey and how fast you want to lose fat.


is this info accurate?? cum always had the reputation of being a very good source of protein.

1 gr for a load? no thanks, I'll take my protein shake hahahah.
Yeah. The good source of protein thing is a myth seeing as it's made up primarily of glucose. Vagina on the other hand....

Eat up


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You know the only thing that sucks about maintaining with a cheat day every week? It never fails that the day of your cheat day you wake up and look in the mirror to see something you're happy with. It's always the day of your cheat. I woke up today and had a Grand Canyon like crater running down my stomach with my abs seemingly popping out more than I've noticed in a while. Awesome! Now let's get rid of it and see if we can get it back for 3 or 4 hours next Sunday! Haha

J. Bravo

Man I'm dying to workout again. I haven't had a good lift sesh in a long time. I quit doing bodyweight stuff. Just gotta get my income flowing and sign up somewhere...

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Very nice.

Did your gym get the strong man stuff or do you bring it there?

There's a dude here who brought it in. I've given him some ideas with my home made sand bags. It's a pretty shit quality log though. It's 70lbs and the holes aren't big enough. I'll probably get a bench log from Elitefts and a yoke when tax returns come in.
Did chest today, might have been a mistake as I started to get shoulder pain on a few of the lifts. Seems like I might pretty much be limited to doing nothing at all until this is fixed... but every time it seems like it's fixed I give it another couple of days to fully heal and it's back again. I must be doing something in my sleep (I move a massive amount) but short of strapping my arm down I don't really know what to do.


Failed to progress on every lift today. I'm already eating and sleeping so much I'm getting fat. Really discouraged. And it's not like I'm failing decent weights. Failed my third attempt at 5x5 80lb ohp. Failed to Deadlift 215..and last week I got a 1rm of 225on deads, couldn't even get 215 up once. Majorly deloaded on squats because my form decayed to where I wasn't quite hitting parallel. After 4 months of lifting I barely got 5x5 bench at 100. That's like a starting point for other novices. Starting to think this life ain't for me.
Could it be the weight,why you're getting shoulder pain? Is it the tendons you think?

It certainly wasn't caused by weights. It happened just walking down the street... which may sound odd, but I broke both of my collar bones when I was young and since then as a strange side effect my left shoulder will dislocate at even the slightest provocation. Usually it's just a case of popping it back and it feels ok in a few days, but this time it doesn't seem to be healing fully.

Making a horrible crunchy / grinding noise too, and something was flat out clunking in / out when I was doing dumbell bench presses earlier. I'd see a doctor, but the NHS being the NHS it'll be 2 months before I can get to see anyone that might have a clue about this sort of thing.

I really have to sort out my private healthcare insurance, and make sure it covers sports related injuries.


Failed to progress on every lift today. I'm already eating and sleeping so much I'm getting fat. Really discouraged. And it's not like I'm failing decent weights. Failed my third attempt at 5x5 80lb ohp. Failed to Deadlift 215..and last week I got a 1rm of 225on deads, couldn't even get 215 up once. Majorly deloaded on squats because my form decayed to where I wasn't quite hitting parallel. After 4 months of lifting I barely got 5x5 bench at 100. That's like a starting point for other novices. Starting to think this life ain't for me.

Stop comparing yourself to others. You're going to have a lot of days where you don't lift what you did the previous session, it happens to everyone.
Failed to progress on every lift today. I'm already eating and sleeping so much I'm getting fat. Really discouraged. And it's not like I'm failing decent weights. Failed my third attempt at 5x5 80lb ohp. Failed to Deadlift 215..and last week I got a 1rm of 225on deads, couldn't even get 215 up once. Majorly deloaded on squats because my form decayed to where I wasn't quite hitting parallel. After 4 months of lifting I barely got 5x5 bench at 100. That's like a starting point for other novices. Starting to think this life ain't for me.

What Cudder said...

Do you think people who squat 2xs their bodyweight did that overnight??? It takes years to build up that kind of strength. As long as you're progressing with some setbacks you will get to where you need to be
What Cudder said...

Do you think people who squat 2xs their bodyweight did that overnight??? It takes years to build up that kind of strength. As long as you're progressing with some setbacks you will get to where you need to be

Lol, stop trying to be nice. We all know everyone else in this thread increased their 1RM every single day they worked out and now are in the 1000+ lb club.


The pain on the back of my right thigh is gone in the mornings and when I am laying down but it comes back soon when I stand up or sit down. It is also always worse in the evening and seems to get worse during the day yet it doesn't hurt when my muscles are warmed up and I am doing something. What do you think, does this sound like a typical muscle pain or not? It has also continued for over a week now. I am starting to think it is my spine acting up again. For once I hope to be proven wrong.

Whats the best way to work your core? Just pure crunches and plank? Need to tighten up this loosey goosey stomach.
Well, tight core muscles and a set of nice abs are quite different things if you ask from me.

If you want good core, planks and side planks work quite nicely at least for me. Yoga and pilates will work with it as well.

If you want tight tummy, you might need to work with your diet though and burn the fat away to reveal yours abs.

If you have already burnt of that fat and you have loose skin... well, it might boil down to genetics and your age what you are dealing with and all I can say is that continue working out and moisturise it. You might also want to pray for any god or goddess you think you can stretch yourself to believe in - according to my understanding that is quite much all you can do. If you know anything better than that, please share. :p

Yeah. The good source of protein thing is a myth seeing as it's made up primarily of glucose. Vagina on the other hand....

Eat up
I am somewhat amazed I didn't start this discussion... It was none the less very entertaining. :D

You know the only thing that sucks about maintaining with a cheat day every week? It never fails that the day of your cheat day you wake up and look in the mirror to see something you're happy with. It's always the day of your cheat. I woke up today and had a Grand Canyon like crater running down my stomach with my abs seemingly popping out more than I've noticed in a while. Awesome! Now let's get rid of it and see if we can get it back for 3 or 4 hours next Sunday! Haha
Hahah. I totally love this attitude. :p


Well, tight core muscles and a set of nice abs are quite different things if you ask from me.

If you want good core, planks and side planks work quite nicely at least for me. Yoga and pilates will work with it as well.

If you want tight tummy, you might need to work with your diet though and burn the fat away to reveal yours abs.

If you have already burnt of that fat and you have loose skin... well, it might boil down to genetics and your age what you are dealing with and all I can say is that continue working out and moisturise it. You might also want to pray for any god or goddess you think you can stretch yourself to believe in - according to my understanding that is quite much all you can do. If you know anything better than that, please share. :p

I used to do a lot of sporting and had quite an alright tight tummy but the past years I've kinda focused a lot on work and didn't care that much. However I'm trying to get back into healthier living so the diet is already there. I've worked out a bit while just eating copious amounts of food really. I like to call it the longest bulk ever. Just really want to know some good things to work the core while I'm doing my cardio, lifting etc. So really I'm in decent shape but I have a lot of outer fat that I'm gonna try to lean down eventually.
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