So guys and gals, I did bench squats with light weight today. 15 squats total. This got my heart rate way up. When I was resting, for about 10 to 20 seconds I experienced a noticeable hearing loss. I am overweight and really out of shape, so there's that and I'm 31. Was wondering if this was something that was the cause of low or high blood pressure? Is this something that I should be worried about?
It's an early symptom of syncope.
In other words you were on your way to fainting due to orthostatic hypotension, aka blood pressure to your head dropping due to standing up because your blood had pooled in your legs from squatting.
It's nothing to worry about, as long as you don't keep going when it happens. You start to feel like that, you need to stop for the day. It takes a while for your circulatory system to return to normal, as it'll still be sending a lot of blood to your legs. If you keep going, you will throw up and/or pass out.