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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I'm back. Still cutting weight, still running. I'm sorry I don't post much. Ever since I abandoned my muscle quest to go for a cut quest, I haven't had much to report. I miss y'all.

Great to have you back broseph.


Yep, psychotext has the proper link. Only thing I do different is sub heavy cream for the coconut milk and don't use coffee extract since I don't have it. I also make it as one big cake and skip the frosting, was never a frosting kinda guy.

Same with pies, I just want the filling lol.
Feels like this happens to us all a bit. We're in this thread a ton those first couple years, the it tapers off. Maybe I'm wrong?

For some reason I frequent FitGAF a lot more when cutting, probably just because I need the extra distraction.

Bulk time is over for a while too, went from 155 to 170, five abs were lost in the process. Gonna sit at this weight for a while and coast through the holidays, it's gotten to be a grind and I could use a little recovery period. That and I need to stop eating ice cream and popcorn five nights a week.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have a hard time posting while cutting though.

"Had 1 lb of plain chicken breast tonight. Ate it. Tomorrow I plan on eating 1 lb of plain chicken breast."

Not the most fascinating stuff.


why not both

Cause you'll probably end up looking like this guy.

I have a hard time posting while cutting though.

"Had 1 lb of plain chicken breast tonight. Ate it. Tomorrow I plan on eating 1 lb of plain chicken breast."

Man, fuck cutting if that's how it works for you. One advantage of being a good cook is that even when I'm on tiny calories I can cook some really tasty stuff.

Tonight I cooked this: http://comfybelly.com/2014/06/chicken-carnitas-bowl/ and I'm currently eating it in a high protein wrap. Could have it in some lettuce leaves if you fancy punishing yourself a little though.

If you're obsessive about the carbs (they're already pretty low) then you can cheat the orange juice with concentrate (or rind) with water. Though screw that. :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Its amazing what good health will do for your lifting. First time in months my elbow and shoulder was pain free and my chest thanked me. Ended up getting 120 DBs up on flat bench for 7 and 225 incline BB for six. Its a long way from where I was last summer but it's a start. I'm also 10lbs lighter so that has to be taken into consideration.


Nope. The annoying slight pain is still there if I am not working out or laying down. It is thank gods relative small still that I haven't taken any pain medication to it. So I remain hopeful and continue working out. I will have an appointment with my physiotherapist hopefully on December and I will ask her opinion. I so wouldn't want to go back to the machines. Today when I was at the gym it didn't again hurt at all while muscles were warm but after the shower the pain was back again.

Hahah, and yes. I am extremely happy about talking to Beast again. :p He is honestly like one of the nicest lads at the gym and always ready to help. :D

Oh and how have you been? I remember you needed to take a short break after you got back from your vacation, but is everything back on track now? What you have been thinking about your program so far? :)

Make sure you're stretching enough! I hope your pain goes away on its own, but at least you'll have physio soon?

Haha, glad you found a buddy at the gym. :D who wants to help!

I'm doing okay. Working out and everything but still failing at eating lol. Like just bad. I've got such bad will power right now. And at this point, I'm like...fuck it, there's going to be chocolate and whatever all December to Christmas, so I'll just try to keep the calories down below 1500 and just be lax and start getting my will power back after all the chocolate lol.

Oh well. In any case, I've had random people at working asking me if I've lost weight again, so... -shrug-


I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamed cudder was teaching me how to lift. I don't even remember how cudder looks like.
Get out of my head cudder!!!
I've asked before, but does anyone have any suggestions for avoiding / alleviating the horrific leg DOMS I get? I hate leg day enough as it is, but it's getting to the point now where I don't want to do it at all because I can barely walk for the next three days (this is not an exaggeration).

I've tried going for a walk / doing a light spin afterwards. Didn't seem to make a difference. What about foam rolling. Is that likely to help? I've never done it before.
I've asked before, but does anyone have any suggestions for avoiding / alleviating the horrific leg DOMS I get? I hate leg day enough as it is, but it's getting to the point now where I don't want to do it at all because I can barely walk for the next three days (this is not an exaggeration).

I've tried going for a walk / doing a light spin afterwards. Didn't seem to make a difference. What about foam rolling. Is that likely to help? I've never done it before.

How much protein do you eat every day? and are you getting a full night's sleep every night?


Do legs more often lol. Because the program I am on, I squat twice a week. On every rest day before I sleep, I foamroll and do some SMR with a lacrosse ball. DOMS have been on the low end.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I've asked before, but does anyone have any suggestions for avoiding / alleviating the horrific leg DOMS I get? I hate leg day enough as it is, but it's getting to the point now where I don't want to do it at all because I can barely walk for the next three days (this is not an exaggeration).

I've tried going for a walk / doing a light spin afterwards. Didn't seem to make a difference. What about foam rolling. Is that likely to help? I've never done it before.

You might be overdoing it or not eating enough if it's always that bad.
After my back injury I couldn't squat or do much besides bench. Switching to an oly style squat and doing the oly lifts really helped me out.

Started squatting 95lbs on February 10th and been making slow progress on everything. Finally hit 225 on sn when I didn't even know if I'd ever squat that again was a great feeling.

Do legs more often lol. Because the program I am on, I squat twice a week. On every rest day before I sleep, I foamroll and do some SMR with a lacrosse ball. DOMS have been on the low end.

I can't, technically I'm already "doing legs" three or four times a week because of my cycling training. There would be no way for them to recover at all if I tried to force any more leg related days in there. What's SMR?

How much protein do you eat every day? and are you getting a full night's sleep every night?

Plenty of protein (~1g / lb body weight). Usually about 7 hours sleep, though thanks to all the damn water I'm drinking lately more often than not I end up getting up in the night to take a leak.

Eating enough shouldn't be an issue either as I'm currently bulking.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I can't, technically I'm already "doing legs" three or four times a week because of my cycling training. There would be no way for them to recover at all if I tried to force any more leg related days in there. What's SMR?

Plenty of protein (~1g / lb body weight). Usually about 7 hours sleep, though thanks to all the damn water I'm drinking lately more often than not I end up getting up in the night to take a leak.

Eating enough shouldn't be an issue either as I'm currently bulking.

Then you're more than likely overdoing it.

J. Bravo

Help me decide between gyms.

Option A
-basketball court
-*way* less crowded
-two free weight racks
-I think has bumper plates

-more expensive ($449/year or $49/month)
-farther away (10ish minutes no traffic)
-only open until 10pm

Option B
-cheaper (about $30/month)
-literally 1.5 minutes away
-also 2 squat racks
-hot tub, sauna, steam room (not that important as i wouldn't use it alone
-open 24 hours

-incredibly busy
-only 2 squat racks
-hex plates
-technically not allowed back there but it's all new employees so nbd

I'm about to take a tour of option a so I will update accordingly
Then you're more than likely overdoing it.

Not really sure how to handle that, short of dropping leg day all together. I've already backed down the cycling training to its lowest level so that I can keep doing some weights. Bah, training endurance and strength is proving to be very challenging indeed.

Maybe I should change leg day to be really heavy weights with low reps. Right now I'm mostly doing pyramid sets and super sets.


Help me decide between gyms.

Option A
-basketball court
-*way* less crowded
-two free weight racks
-I think has bumper plates

-more expensive ($449/year or $49/month)
-farther away (10ish minutes no traffic)
-only open until 10pm

Option B
-cheaper (about $30/month)
-literally 1.5 minutes away
-also 2 squat racks
-hot tub, sauna, steam room (not that important as i wouldn't use it alone
-open 24 hours

-incredibly busy
-only 2 squat racks
-hex plates
-technically not allowed back there but it's all new employees so nbd

I'm about to take a tour of option a so I will update accordingly

I would go with A if you can affort the difference.

Personally, I hate waiting for the racks and less crowded makes me happier then anything else.
Do you ever lift after 10? Do you do heavy deadlifts?
All the other stuff, sauna etc are things I have never used so I guess also depends on you again.

If the cheaper one is month to month, go there and try it first.
If both require 1 year, I would look at my income and go from there.
The 20 bucks difference can by a nice amount of quest bars!


Just noticed the "technically not allowed back..." bit.

What exactly did you do? lol

Good spot, peaked my interest too...

I'm going the other way to you, I've been doing strength for about 6 months since I got my head together enough to sort my life out, it was an odd transition as I'd always been a cardio guy, but two years out of exercise almost completely and issues that only strength training would improve I went all in, my gym is now doing training for Tough Mudder / Spartan Race and I thought that covers all bases, anything strength based I'm sorted, but running, leopard crawls and burpees are proving to be killers I just can't catch my breath quickly enough :(
Really hoping I can get back to shoulder exercises soon. Not had any shoulder pain for a few days, but it's not the first time that's been the case... and then it's come back. =/


I can't, technically I'm already "doing legs" three or four times a week because of my cycling training. There would be no way for them to recover at all if I tried to force any more leg related days in there. What's SMR?

SMR is self-myofacial release. Foam rolling, sitting on a lacrosse ball and moving it around your glutes, using the thera cane, etc.

I'm with Brolic on this one. You're probably overdoing it, especially with the pyramid sets and supersets along with cycling often. I won't know how to program around this because I have no experience with it.
I had my first encounter with an asshole at my gym this morning. I almost never go on Saturday but I missed my session last night to visit my friends' new baby. It's definitely a different crowd on Saturday mornings--more crowded than Sunday and several old guys take up multiple areas by leaving towels and bags around. They aren't really "supersetting" so much as claiming territory; they rest for long periods and don't move back and forth to different stations in sets.

This huge older guy was spread out on the deadlift platform, a dumbbell bench, and a smith machine halfway across on the other side of the gym. He had all his stuff everywhere and was mostly talking to a trainer. I wanted to deadlift, but figured I'd warm up on the treadmill and bench first and see what he was doing.

I warmed up for about 30 minutes. During this time he mostly stood talking and occasionally used the dumbbell bench and the smith, but he wasn't doing anything on the deadlift platform.

He did a set on the smith and was loading more plates on, so I decided to politely ask if he minded me jumping on to the deadlift fast in between his sets. He stared across the room at the deadlift area and said, I sort of mind.

I said, you don't need to do anything, I'm just going to jump in fast when you're not there. He said, I'm using it.

He walked to the platform and I followed, still not sure how he could be claiming to be using it right this minute. I figured I'd take one more shot and said, you can leave everything, I'm just gonna jump on fast.

He said, NO! I don't like anyone messing with my movements!

He started repping clean and presses on it, abandoning the half-loaded smith machine. I just walked away.

A while later he went to the smith and did another set. A girl had been waiting near it and she asked if he was done. He unloaded it for her and went back to the deadlift platform. The same girl asked him if he was still deadlifting when he was at the dumbbell bench and he told her he was. She waited around a while but gave up and left.


Fitness GAF, what's a good way to determine if it's time to bulk?

I've been losing weight since summer and i'm down to about 6' 5" 196-202 (give or take what the scale decides to tell me) and while I still have some paunch I feel like i'm in a sort of weird skinny fat purgatory. The weight loss sorta curbed in early november and then I went on vacation for a a little over a week and ate a shit ton so now I'm ready to get back on the horse, but I'm not sure what one to get on here.

On one hand I can try to cut out the gut completely and become one gangly ass motherfucker for a bit, or try to start putting on muscle now and hope to flatten the stomach in the future as i start alternate between bulking and cutting.

a couple of pics for reference




Back on the banded train.

Banded deads up to 295x3. Then an unbanded 295 3x5, followed by some snatch grip deads, barbell rows and barbell curls.
On one hand I can try to cut out the gut completely and become one gangly ass motherfucker for a bit, or try to start putting on muscle now and hope to flatten the stomach in the future as i start alternate between bulking and cutting.

a couple of pics for reference



I was a similar build to you (maybe a bit more muscular) when I decided to start bulking. Sure, you can get rid of that last bit of flab, but if you're doing it for aesthetics then you'll look much better if you have a bit more meat to work with.

Others might tell you different, but I felt like I wasted 6 months trying to get shredded, when I really didn't have enough muscle to get shredded with. Plus, as I've got bigger I'm caring far less about a little belly as it's far more in proportion with a generally larger physique (I'm still tiny, but not a coathanger any more).


Fitness GAF, what's a good way to determine if it's time to bulk?

I've been losing weight since summer and i'm down to about 6' 5" 196-202 (give or take what the scale decides to tell me) and while I still have some paunch I feel like i'm in a sort of weird skinny fat purgatory. The weight loss sorta curbed in early november and then I went on vacation for a a little over a week and ate a shit ton so now I'm ready to get back on the horse, but I'm not sure what one to get on here.

On one hand I can try to cut out the gut completely and become one gangly ass motherfucker for a bit, or try to start putting on muscle now and hope to flatten the stomach in the future as i start alternate between bulking and cutting.

a couple of pics for reference



Honestly, don't get caught up in bulks and cuts. I say just eat, follow a program with linear strength progression (like the one in the OP) sleep and start putting on some solid mass.
Fitness GAF, what's a good way to determine if it's time to bulk?

I've been losing weight since summer and i'm down to about 6' 5" 196-202 (give or take what the scale decides to tell me) and while I still have some paunch I feel like i'm in a sort of weird skinny fat purgatory. The weight loss sorta curbed in early november and then I went on vacation for a a little over a week and ate a shit ton so now I'm ready to get back on the horse, but I'm not sure what one to get on here.

On one hand I can try to cut out the gut completely and become one gangly ass motherfucker for a bit, or try to start putting on muscle now and hope to flatten the stomach in the future as i start alternate between bulking and cutting.

a couple of pics for reference



I wouldn't worry about "bulking" or "cutting" yet. That's really for folks that have been regular weightlifters for a few years that are actively sculpting something specific.

Eat a healthy, regular diet and strength train. It's about consistency right now. Worry about the fine tuning later.
I feel ya dude. I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this, but older guys at the gym are the worst. They just don't give any fucks and tend to be the ones that give out unnecessary advice. Also dance around nude in the lockerroom like everyone wants to see.

I don't give any fucks either though. If you give me attitude I will not give you any respect, and will call you out on shit. Gym is home.


Honestly, don't get caught up in bulks and cuts. I say just eat, follow a program with linear strength progression (like the one in the OP) sleep and start putting on some solid mass.

I wouldn't worry about "bulking" or "cutting" yet. That's really for folks that have been regular weightlifters for a few years that are actively sculpting something specific.

Eat a healthy, regular diet and strength train. It's about consistency right now. Worry about the fine tuning later.

I was a similar build to you (maybe a bit more muscular) when I decided to start bulking. Sure, you can get rid of that last bit of flab, but if you're doing it for aesthetics then you'll look much better if you have a bit more meat to work with.

Others might tell you different, but I felt like I wasted 6 months trying to get shredded, when I really didn't have enough muscle to get shredded with. Plus, as I've got bigger I'm caring far less about a little belly as it's far more in proportion with a generally larger physique (I'm still tiny, but not a coathanger any more).

Thanks for the responses, does a healthy, regular diet mean eating right around maintenance while following the SS program in the OP, or should I go a bit above maintenance while I do this.

Also, at what rate do you add more weight to your sets. Say I'm going three times a week, Should I try to push the increment of weight up every training day, starting with whatever i'm comfortable with on set 1 and then by whatever the last set is trying to reach a new max?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the responses, does a healthy, regular diet mean eating right around maintenance while following the SS program in the OP, or should I go a bit above maintenance while I do this.

Also, at what rate do you add more weight to your sets. Say I'm going three times a week, Should I try to push the increment of weight up every training day, starting with whatever i'm comfortable with on set 1 and then by whatever the last set is trying to reach a new max?
I'd go for a bit above maintenance. Do the same weight for all sets, but increase the weight every training day, e.g. day 1 100 3x5, day 2 105 3x5 etc...


Thanks for the responses, does a healthy, regular diet mean eating right around maintenance while following the SS program in the OP, or should I go a bit above maintenance while I do this.

Also, at what rate do you add more weight to your sets. Say I'm going three times a week, Should I try to push the increment of weight up every training day, starting with whatever i'm comfortable with on set 1 and then by whatever the last set is trying to reach a new max?

If the intention is to increase strength, you should definitely be eatting above maintenance, though at first you'll be gaining stength without a significant increase in caloric intake. Those newbie gains don't last long, unfortunately.

As far as how to add weight, the SS book covers this and it's definitely worth a read in general. But essentially you do all three of your five set reps at the same weight. If you complete all three sets, add weight the next time you do that movement. Five lbs for bench and OHP, ten for squats and deadlifts.

J. Bravo

I would go with A if you can affort the difference.

Personally, I hate waiting for the racks and less crowded makes me happier then anything else.
Do you ever lift after 10? Do you do heavy deadlifts?
All the other stuff, sauna etc are things I have never used so I guess also depends on you again.

If the cheaper one is month to month, go there and try it first.
If both require 1 year, I would look at my income and go from there.
The 20 bucks difference can by a nice amount of quest bars!
i do like lifting after 10pm. the 24 hour gym is nice also because it's so close. but I visited the more expensive one and it is wayyyyy nicer. just very very small area. i mean plenty of room to squat and deadlift and bench. and they have round plates which is a big deal (not bumper, just round ones) because yes I deadlift heavy. definitely leaning towards option A.
Just noticed the "technically not allowed back..." bit.

What exactly did you do? lol

got fired from it like 3 years ago :p


After my back injury I couldn't squat or do much besides bench. Switching to an oly style squat and doing the oly lifts really helped me out.

Started squatting 95lbs on February 10th and been making slow progress on everything. Finally hit 225 on sn when I didn't even know if I'd ever squat that again was a great feeling.

Did you have a coach to teach you the snatch (and C&J)? Or did you self-teach?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Fitness GAF, what's a good way to determine if it's time to bulk?

I've been losing weight since summer and i'm down to about 6' 5" 196-202 (give or take what the scale decides to tell me) and while I still have some paunch I feel like i'm in a sort of weird skinny fat purgatory. The weight loss sorta curbed in early november and then I went on vacation for a a little over a week and ate a shit ton so now I'm ready to get back on the horse, but I'm not sure what one to get on here.

On one hand I can try to cut out the gut completely and become one gangly ass motherfucker for a bit, or try to start putting on muscle now and hope to flatten the stomach in the future as i start alternate between bulking and cutting.

a couple of pics for reference



Does the day of the week end in the letters d, a, and y? It's time to bulk.
Do any of you have experience with Iron Systems and their Hot Iron workout?

It pretty much combines all the worthwhile exercises recommended in the OT in one hour group courses.
(Squat, Bench Press, Deadlifts, Overhead Press, Power Cleans, Abdominal work, Bent Over Rows, Arm work)

I really enjoy it and it's more fun than doing the exercises individually by yourself.
In any case it's a good way to get started with all those exercises. Learning the movements under the watchful eye of an instructor.
So I would definitely recommend that for beginners if it is offered in your gym.

Also I have a question:
During bicycle crunches my left collar bone snaps out on the chest end. It's not painful but unpleasant and I worry that it could grind down the bone in time as I'm pretty sure it is not supposed to do that. Anyone else hear of this? I cannot find any useful information about it online. Might have to go to a doc to have it checked out.
During bicycle crunches my left collar bone snaps out on the chest end. It's not painful but unpleasant and I worry that it could grind down the bone in time as I'm pretty sure it is not supposed to do that. Anyone else hear of this? I cannot find any useful information about it online. Might have to go to a doc to have it checked out.

I've never had it happen on ab stuff (though some put pressure on my collar bones) but any shoulder stuff I do has mine grinding and clicking. I assume it means something is being worn away. =/
The day before yesterday I had a failure for the first time. It was OHP at 65 lbs 3x5. Managed 5/5/4 and I just wasn't able to handle that last rep.

Thinking back, I feel like my OHP form is questionable as well. I may want to get some form videos of that, and probably my Deadlift too. I'm worried that I'm arcing my back some and while I haven't had too much issue getting the weight up (at 155 1x5 for that) I'd rather get a better form before things get too bad and my lower back hates me for it.

The real issue is that I'm still not getting the right levels of protein in. I don't see how I'll be able to pull it off until I start cooking more often. My numbers I set for myself have me at 131g of protein, but I'm lucky if I manage 80 currently.
If you believe the studies (and I guess no reason not to), that amount of protein probably isn't holding you back at all. Well, unless you weigh like 250lb. Assuming you're managing to hit your calorie targets anyway.


there is joy in sucking dick
The day before yesterday I had a failure for the first time. It was OHP at 65 lbs 3x5. Managed 5/5/4 and I just wasn't able to handle that last rep.

Thinking back, I feel like my OHP form is questionable as well. I may want to get some form videos of that, and probably my Deadlift too. I'm worried that I'm arcing my back some and while I haven't had too much issue getting the weight up (at 155 1x5 for that) I'd rather get a better form before things get too bad and my lower back hates me for it.

The real issue is that I'm still not getting the right levels of protein in. I don't see how I'll be able to pull it off until I start cooking more often. My numbers I set for myself have me at 131g of protein, but I'm lucky if I manage 80 currently.

Cottage cheese and tuna fish are fantastic for quick and easy protein. I currently get the mid size cottage cheese containers that come with four servings. Eat half a canister which equals 28g protein. One can of tuna is around 21g. Add in two scoops of whey protein and you're already near 100g. This is a part of my daily diet during the first half the day.
Should have knocked his ass out and done dead lifts with his body.
Guy was monster status. I would have broken my hand on his jaw and he would have tossed me through the wall.

I feel ya dude. I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this, but older guys at the gym are the worst. They just don't give any fucks and tend to be the ones that give out unnecessary advice. Also dance around nude in the lockerroom like everyone wants to see.

I don't give any fucks either though. If you give me attitude I will not give you any respect, and will call you out on shit. Gym is home.
Ya, I'm pushing 40 and I don't go to the gym to make friends or put up with bs. I need to lift or I feel like shit. I'm gonna get my work in one way or another. I had lots of time that morning so I just waited but otherwise I would have set up a bar on the side.
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