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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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the piano man
Has anyone who has been lifting for a decent amount of time actually *never* experienced any kind of injury or sudden appearance of pain for an extended period of time?

Seems like almost everyone has posted at some point about lower back or shoulder pain.

A lot of people just don't have the flexibility in their ankles. Definitely start with body weight squats and see if they can even get into a proper squat position with good depth before even approaching the barbell.

Other than my right wrist, i've never had any other serious injury. Sime minor pains here and there but that's all

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Other than my right wrist, i've never had any other serious injury. Sime minor pains here and there but that's all

Doesn't have to be serious, was just wondering.

I know I had something weird happen in the right side of my lower back. Went away after a few months, but was definitely an annoying pain.
Has anyone who has been lifting for a decent amount of time actually *never* experienced any kind of injury or sudden appearance of pain for an extended period of time?

It's like when someone gets one of those crotch rocket motorbikes. It's just a matter of time until they get in an accident :)

Thanks for the response. I guess I'm starting to wonder if two years of dedication and time were worth it for the minimal pay out received.

Some days I admit I have to drag myself to the gym, but as soon as I pick up that weight everything changes. I love it. I enjoy seeing the regulars and talking some shit.

It's been 4 years now and there's no way I would be doing it if I didn't love it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's like when someone gets one of those crotch rocket motorbikes. It's just a matter of time until they get in an accident :)


It's just something I've been thinking about over the last few months or weeks and especially after Brolic got hurt. Almost makes it seem like injury is just inevitable when progressively heavier weights are involved.

J. Bravo

Too many people lack the strength and flexibility to perform a basic barbell squat with good form. I found that out when I've had people ask me to teach them how to squat. And if you're trying to coach them you have to figure out what the right cues are to get them to squat with proper form. Chest up? Knees out? Heels down? Tighten your back? It all depends on the individual and where they are failing and what they will respond to.

I've had a few unfit people ask me to help them and I've had to tell them that I'd rather they start with bodyweight squats before anything else. I'm not going to even try coaching someone who insists on squatting 135lbs more like a curtsy than a squat. Big egos like that tend to precede injuries.

And if they insist on barbell squatting you can always film them and get a form check from this thread, especially if you can't pinpoint what's wrong with their squats.

Has anyone who has been lifting for a decent amount of time actually *never* experienced any kind of injury or sudden appearance of pain for an extended period of time?

Seems like almost everyone has posted at some point about lower back or shoulder pain.

A lot of people just don't have the flexibility in their ankles. Definitely start with body weight squats and see if they can even get into a proper squat position with good depth before even approaching the barbell.
I can barely do a bodyweight squat myself though haha. But thanks for the advice fellas. My buddy bailed so I get to relax and watch the Ku game I recorded and play some ball afterwards. Definitely will film his squat if we ever train together.

As for me, I've only ever been hurt once from lifting. Tweaked my back squatting. Stopped squatting for that day, and the tweak didn't affect any of my other lifts (including deadlift), so I continued as usual, and by the time squat day came around (3 or 4 days later) I was good to go.

On the other hand, I did suffer an open tib/fib fracture playing basketball but even that only put me out of the lifting game for 6 weeks.


I've got a small question and I'm just looking for people's insight on this. I'm on a bulk and I'm not overgaining by any stretch, perhaps the opposite. I have a weakness for the new Jacked Spicy Taco Doritos and I can't seem to help myself by having a serving per day (6 chips, 140 calories, 8g of Fat, 1g of Sat. Fat). Is doing this going to play any type of factor in my body? I'm pretty much sticking with a pretty good diet otherwise.

Also, if it lists total fat as 8g with 1g of Sat. fat and 0g of Trans. fat, does that mean the rest is unsaturated?

J. Bravo

I've got a small question and I'm just looking for people's insight on this. I'm on a bulk and I'm not overgaining by any stretch, perhaps the opposite. I have a weakness for the new Jacked Spicy Taco Doritos and I can't seem to help myself by having a serving per day (6 chips, 140 calories, 8g of Fat, 1g of Sat. Fat). Is doing this going to play any type of factor in my body? I'm pretty much sticking with a pretty good diet otherwise.

Also, if it lists total fat as 8g with 1g of Sat. fat and 0g of Trans. fat, does that mean the rest is unsaturated?
Dunno about the fat question but if you fit the chips into your macros it should be okay.

Really though you should just not eat them. Get blackout drunk while eating hella chips and then when you are puking you won't crave them anymore :p jkjk just try and stop. Go down to a serving every 2 days then 3 then never.

Evo X

So I finally went to the Chiropractor today to get my left shoulder pain checked. Turns out I slipped a bicep tendon. :/

No bench press, overhead shoulder exercises, pullups or behind the back tricep extensions for a month.

He also said my back was sore and pelvis was out of alignment, so I should lay off the squats and deadlifts for a bit. Told me I was progressing too fast. My muscles grew larger to handle the extra weight, but the supporting ligaments, tendons, and joints did not.

Not sure what I'm gonna do now. I don't want to get hurt again, but at the same time, I don't want to lose the strength that I worked so hard these last few months to get.
Thanks for the feedback. I've spent the past week and a half making sure I was hitting parallel or below for 215 squats (scaled it back to 190 and worked up after realizing I wasn't hitting depth).

Using a box for depth is a VERY good thing. Hell, I sit and watch TV on my squat box sometimes using bottom-of-squat form, knees out, shoulders over center of gravity, back engaged. Builds muscle memory and helps posture.

When I started, the PT at the gym was trying to tell me to not squat below parallel, but I'm trusting that's some BS.

Squatting to parallel is hell on the knees. You spend too much time at the worst angle for torquing your knees. It increases injury rates for sure. When you squat deeper you build more strength and are only at parallel for microseconds.

PTs can SUCK. Some are terrible, some are great, some are OK.

My deadlift is probably low because I haven't tested how much I could actually lift/am still getting comfortable with the form. The other week when I was adding more weight I was pretty sure my form was off. I lift at my work's gym and don't always have the time/space to get the deadlift in. Will hopefully do more experimenting today. Initially I was also really slow to add weight while benching since I took a while to get comfortable and didn't have a spot. Am slowly but surely getting there.

Deload, work on perfecting form, keep adding weight (no more than 5lb per session), you'll get there. Don't even try to find your 1RM or 2RM for now, you might hurt yourself if you are already having form issues. It doesn't take that many weeks to crank that weight up when you are already adding 15lb every single week, and your form will follow you along since you aren't skipping ahead too much.


Well, it seems that today was the last pilates session this year. Also my gym will be nearly 3 weeks closed because of the Christmas holidays. Not good, not good at all. :( Oh well, at least I can talk with my physiotherapist and ask her opinion that it is actually good for the back to have a forced break or not. I better just do more stretches at home and so forth... ugh.

Count on it. Should be here in about a week or so.
Yay! I am looking forward to it. :D
I've got a small question and I'm just looking for people's insight on this. I'm on a bulk and I'm not overgaining by any stretch, perhaps the opposite. I have a weakness for the new Jacked Spicy Taco Doritos and I can't seem to help myself by having a serving per day (6 chips, 140 calories, 8g of Fat, 1g of Sat. Fat). Is doing this going to play any type of factor in my body? I'm pretty much sticking with a pretty good diet otherwise.

Also, if it lists total fat as 8g with 1g of Sat. fat and 0g of Trans. fat, does that mean the rest is unsaturated?

It has jacked in the name, so you should get pretty jacked.

Real answer: if you still get 40% of your daily calories from protein, 30% from fat and 30% from carbs then it won't be a problem.


Anyone get an update on Brolic? Both in how he's doing physically and whether his ban was changed to a non-permanent status?
Vince said it isn't a perma ban anymore from a few pages back:
Good news, I heard back, and Brolic's ban is no longer a perm. Good times for Fit-GAF.
He's still been uploading videos to YouTube. I wasn't sure if he would OK with me posting links on here for him, but here they are though with dates:
20141202 Front squat 225lbs x 10 (Beltless)
20141202 Front squat 275lbs x 5. (Beltless)
20141205 Deadlift 475x5 And Pendlay Row 315x5 (beltless)
20141208 Log press 220lbs x 3 (strict/Beltless)


The moment in the gym when you reach the end of your playlist and you hear gym sounds. Nasty. Can't tell if dudes is lifting weights or skeeting. Don't know how people lift without music.

Well I mean every one of the (two) gyms I've been a member at have always played music so I can't say I've ever lifted without listening to any lol. In all seriousness though I just can't do headphones while I'm weightlifting, too distracting and bothersome for me personally. The "gym sounds" and other people never bother me though as I kind of zone out while doing my sets and I don't even really hear the music at that point even.

Although I will say I definitely enjoy my current gyms music selection (non chain place) as they play an oldie's rock station and a funk station on satellite radio. Compared to the Golds I was a member at which had their own "Golds radio" BS with top pop playing mostly, oh and can't forget the Golds commercials. Made me hate rest time between sets lol.

Am 5'11", 165lbs. Started lifting a couple months ago, doing Starting Strength. Am working on 225 for squats, benching 150, deadlift 245. Anything else I should be doing besides pull/chin-ups to get my bench/upper body to catch up? Or should I just keep steadily adding weight wherever as I'm able?

Damn dude, I've got the opposite problem, I'm doing around the same numbers on squat my bench is up near 200 now. Fucking squats are killing me.

Try weed, it's less destructive and actually works. Also illegal, but it's easier to get than alcohol.

No doubt, if you're in Cali (or Washington/Colorado for the even easier option) then do yourself a favor and get a MMJ card. Always kills any aches/pain/headaches I have and is great just after a workout.

Has anyone who has been lifting for a decent amount of time actually *never* experienced any kind of injury or sudden appearance of pain for an extended period of time?

Seems like almost everyone has posted at some point about lower back or shoulder pain.

I haven't actually injured myself while doing a lift yet but I did tweak one of my shoulders while at the gym between LTE sets one night. Made a bad movement or something while laying on the bench and it took a couple weeks to get back to normal.

Squatting to parallel is hell on the knees. You spend too much time at the worst angle for torquing your knees. It increases injury rates for sure. When you squat deeper you build more strength and are only at parallel for microseconds.

That's interesting to hear, I've always done deep squats mainly because I found them easier, trying to stop at or just below parallel always felt like it took a lot more effort than dropping all the way down.

Since we're on the subject of squats I'm looking for some advice. As I mentioned above my squat numbers feel like they're starting to lag behind at this point and I'm not sure what to try. I've gotten up into the 200's a couple times now but I keep having trouble progressing and then I'll try deloading. Now I feel like I've got a mental block or something.

I'm eating enough and getting enough sleep, my other lifts aren't having the same issue either (doing SS btw). I also do squats at the beginning of my workout so that I'm fresh for them but I'm still having trouble. I've recorded myself in the past and my form looked ok plus had other people critique and they thought it was good, I'm hitting all the queues but I'm willing to make another video if anyone thinks that might be the/an issue.


I've been on SS for a while now and looking to move to a 3-day split routine.


23 / M / 190lbs / 5'11

Squat: 3x5 130kg (1RM unknown)
DL: 1x5 130kg (1RM unknown)
Bench 3x5 80kg (1RM unknown)

I dont have enough time to go gym 6 days a week, and pretty much every split routine calls for going 6 days a week.

Are there any alternate routines that could work for building size 3 days a week?
Has anyone who has been lifting for a decent amount of time actually *never* experienced any kind of injury or sudden appearance of pain for an extended period of time?

Seems like almost everyone has posted at some point about lower back or shoulder pain.
Oddly I've only actually injured myself once when lifting. Everything else has been real life (mostly really stupid, non events) stuff.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone get an update on Brolic? Both in how he's doing physically and whether his ban was changed to a non-permanent status?

Correct, it is no longer permanent and we will be overjoyed to have him back in Fit-GAF handing out knowledge and inspiration to the rest of us. He definitely gives back to this community, and we all appreciate the time and work it takes.
I need to get a mouthguard as when I'm doing weights I've got a tendency to grind my teeth. So much so that I've now got a groove where they touch.

Do I have to go the whole hog and have a dentist do impressions etc, or will I be ok with some off the shelf thing?
I need to get a mouthguard as when I'm doing weights I've got a tendency to grind my teeth. So much so that I've now got a groove where they touch.

Do I have to go the whole hog and have a dentist do impressions etc, or will I be ok with some off the shelf thing?

What do NFL players use? I'm pretty sure you can find store-bought mouth guards that should be fine for your purpose.


Good news from the doc, not structural damage to the tendon or the joint. Starting an NSAID regimen, hopefully that'll do the trick.
I've tried teaching other friends to squat and it did not work out at all. No idea what the issue is but they cannot even do an empty bar squat with good form. Not looking forward to this night lol.

Its the flexibility. I couldn't squat with an empty bar at one point because of tight hips/groin/hamstrings. Gotta get them to stretch and work on form.

Correct, it is no longer permanent and we will be overjoyed to have him back in Fit-GAF handing out knowledge and inspiration to the rest of us. He definitely gives back to this community, and we all appreciate the time and work it takes.

Yup the dude is awesome and very helpful. Glad he's coming back.


the piano man
so yesterday I got my zelda Tank Top and this is my small review:

I couldn't be any happier

.- Rather than a douchebag Gold's Gym tank top with the mini strings, which is what I was not looking for, it's a regular standard tank top anyone can use, not only the biggest of the beasts.

.- The Zelda Royal Family crest isn't in a shiny, bright yellow tone, it's dark gold which is exactly what I wanted. I didn't want to get attention with a bright color in a black shirt.

.- I went for a S size which was good, I like Tank tops with a somewhat tight fit, when it's too big it looks bad in my opinion.

.- if doesn't feel cheap at all, I thought it was going to be "fruit of the loom" stuff with a tacked on design but it feels legit, somehow.

.- store is www.etsy.com and they are located in Long Beach, California. They have tracking service to the whole world. I paid $20 dls which I felt was ok, I have bought more expensive gym clothes here in Germany.

.- it can be used at the beach or whenever you want to take a walk outisde under the sun and I don't think people would consider you an attention whore, it's just in the sweet spot.

.- I was at peek hours at the gym and nobody said or did anything, poor Zelda series, its dead :-( one ginger guy may have oogled but I am not sure.

Review: 10/10




Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Fantastic shit Sphinx! I love it. I would rock that in a heartbeat. Also, you've come so far BTW. Keep up the good fight.


Yep, physio this Friday. The back is sometimes alright and sometimes annoying as hell. It will get better with time, I know it will.

I am sure you are not giving yourself enough credit about what you have been doing. Even if you haven't been losing weight recently I am sure your body composition is getting better none the less. You looked awesome to begin with so I am confident that you are a total babe at the moment. :D

I am myself quite happy that even if this and last month haven't been as good food wise I haven't been gaining any weight. I am planning to keep this weight till the end of the year and then on January just clean my diet and lose the rest 30-35 pounds to get to my goal.

Glad you're going to physio, let me know how it goes. :)

Lol I'm fatter than ever. Absolute fucking cow. It's disgusting. After the holidays, its time to rev the self-loathing into high(er) gear. I'm going to start doing morning YAYOG and evening cardio. Back to cutting out carbs as much as possible.

Keep going! You'll get there! I never will (without liposuction and heavy heavy plastic surgery) but you definitely will! You're my role model :)


Forgive me FitGAF for I have sinned... I used a Smith machine for squats today :(

Actually I used it to work out if my physio has been way off in his analysis of my squat and why I can't hit depth with body weight squats, my physio has maintained for a few weeks it's my hip flexors, I've had a feeling it's lower down my leg as I have on going knee issues so wondered if it was related, it's not. It's also not my hip flexors.

It's my achilles tendon and ankle dorsiflexion, so FitGAF what stretches are going to help me resolve this please? (Not seeing my physio again until the new year)


Sphinx, this is super cool!!!!

Coincidentally, I'm play LOZ: A Link Between Worlds at the moment.

This tank is on my wish list.


Anyone fuck with myprotein? Saw on slickdeals they are selling 11lbs of whey for 54 bucks. Want to know which flavor is fuckwithable. Not really trying to have 11lbs of whey I can't stomach.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Some slow progress.

Did 245/265/285 x 2 front squat rather easily and tried 315 backsquat for a single. Front squats weren't so bad and backsquat was too much strain on the adductor. I'll probably stick with 135/225 for high reps and stretching. Will have to wait a few more weeks to add any real weight, but I can squat :)

I'm down to 195lbs and a bit lower bodyfat and now I have a throat cold/laryngitis. :(


Update: Been dieting almost four weeks now I've lost a ton of my love handle goodness. My arms are a bit more vascular, but that's about all I've noticed. Here's how I look now vs. about 5 days in.
Probably going to have a cheat meal Sunday. Been feeling pretty worn out of chicken and fish without salt.

The more I look at the pics the more I feel unchanged :/ I do feel a bit different though.




Hit a new bench max (155lbs) last night. I'm at a crossroads because I really like chasing strength gains, but I also want to lose a lot of weight, which seems hard to do simultaneously unless you're a pro athlete. Leaning to the former because cardio continues to bore me.


You look fucking great RoeBear. Keep up the good work. My favorite video to watch when I start to get a little unsure of my progress is Steve Pulcinella's Getting in the Cage.

Well my main reason for dieting was I wanted to do a show. The show I wanted to do was Jan 31st. So I didn't give myself enough time before hand to get where I would need to be which, I realized yesterday. I'm really still having some trouble accepting this truth which I why I can't see the progress that I have made.

I'm still going to keep my diet how it's been, especially since it's been cheaper than eating out all the time like I used to do.

J. Bravo

Ok so I need to fix my diet because I eat a lot of crap. I wanna get back down to 175 ish because I feel pretty heavy and slow at 190. I mean if I could be 190 with no fat and all speedy muscle that would be good. But for now I just need to lose the fat I gained.

I know what foods are good but how do I go about setting up a diet and actually knowing what to eat? When I get my macros, what do I do to fill them each day? What calculator should I use?

ediT: btw roebear just saw your pics. you are pretty much the kind of jacked/yoked/swole i want to be. great progress man.
Well my main reason for dieting was I wanted to do a show. The show I wanted to do was Jan 31st. So I didn't give myself enough time before hand to get where I would need to be which, I realized yesterday. I'm really still having some trouble accepting this truth which I why I can't see the progress that I have made.

I'm still going to keep my diet how it's been, especially since it's been cheaper than eating out all the time like I used to do.
You're doing great man keep it up. You've got great shape, great size, and you're really lean.

I have the same line of thought though. I can make progress, but unless I look like the ideal physique in my head... I don't take notice of where I've come from no matter how much other people acknowledge it.

Like right now I'm at this happy soft/big but not fat stage. I'm still losing fat, but it's much slower now so the changes aren't always apparent to me. Then couple that with this nagging idea in my head that if I am not shredded, then I'm not in good shape... it's a mess.

Someone told me to train for a show to get my head back in gear, but I'm terrified of the idea.

Also on a completely different note. Fedex has fucked up my Quest bar shipment and I don't know how. It was supposed to be here Wednesday and now it's in some bumfuck town called Justin, Texas. It's been in Texas for almost two days now, what the fuck? I also no longer have an "estimated delivery".


Update: Been dieting almost four weeks now I've lost a ton of my love handle goodness. My arms are a bit more vascular, but that's about all I've noticed. Here's how I look now vs. about 5 days in.

Probably going to have a cheat meal Sunday. Been feeling pretty worn out of chicken and fish without salt.

The more I look at the pics the more I feel unchanged :/ I do feel a bit different though.

Your commitment to this diet really shows in these pics. Great job.
We're you on the Butts vs Boobs thread?

i am now!

Update: Been dieting almost four weeks now I've lost a ton of my love handle goodness. My arms are a bit more vascular, but that's about all I've noticed. Here's how I look now vs. about 5 days in.

Probably going to have a cheat meal Sunday. Been feeling pretty worn out of chicken and fish without salt.

The more I look at the pics the more I feel unchanged :/ I do feel a bit different though.

crazy how much of a difference a month can make
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