The moment in the gym when you reach the end of your playlist and you hear gym sounds. Nasty. Can't tell if dudes is lifting weights or skeeting. Don't know how people lift without music.
Well I mean every one of the (two) gyms I've been a member at have always played music so I can't say I've ever lifted without listening to any lol. In all seriousness though I just can't do headphones while I'm weightlifting, too distracting and bothersome for me personally. The "gym sounds" and other people never bother me though as I kind of zone out while doing my sets and I don't even really hear the music at that point even.
Although I will say I definitely enjoy my current gyms music selection (non chain place) as they play an oldie's rock station and a funk station on satellite radio. Compared to the Golds I was a member at which had their own "Golds radio" BS with top pop playing mostly, oh and can't forget the Golds commercials. Made me hate rest time between sets lol.
Am 5'11", 165lbs. Started lifting a couple months ago, doing Starting Strength. Am working on 225 for squats, benching 150, deadlift 245. Anything else I should be doing besides pull/chin-ups to get my bench/upper body to catch up? Or should I just keep steadily adding weight wherever as I'm able?
Damn dude, I've got the opposite problem, I'm doing around the same numbers on squat my bench is up near 200 now. Fucking squats are killing me.
Try weed, it's less destructive and actually works. Also illegal, but it's easier to get than alcohol.
No doubt, if you're in Cali (or Washington/Colorado for the even easier option) then do yourself a favor and get a MMJ card. Always kills any aches/pain/headaches I have and is great just after a workout.
Has anyone who has been lifting for a decent amount of time actually *never* experienced any kind of injury or sudden appearance of pain for an extended period of time?
Seems like almost everyone has posted at some point about lower back or shoulder pain.
I haven't actually injured myself while doing a lift yet but I did tweak one of my shoulders while at the gym between LTE sets one night. Made a bad movement or something while laying on the bench and it took a couple weeks to get back to normal.
Squatting to parallel is hell on the knees. You spend too much time at the worst angle for torquing your knees. It increases injury rates for sure. When you squat deeper you build more strength and are only at parallel for microseconds.
That's interesting to hear, I've always done deep squats mainly because I found them easier, trying to stop at or just below parallel always felt like it took a lot more effort than dropping all the way down.
Since we're on the subject of squats I'm looking for some advice. As I mentioned above my squat numbers feel like they're starting to lag behind at this point and I'm not sure what to try. I've gotten up into the 200's a couple times now but I keep having trouble progressing and then I'll try deloading. Now I feel like I've got a mental block or something.
I'm eating enough and getting enough sleep, my other lifts aren't having the same issue either (doing SS btw). I also do squats at the beginning of my workout so that I'm fresh for them but I'm still having trouble. I've recorded myself in the past and my form looked ok plus had other people critique and they thought it was good, I'm hitting all the queues but I'm willing to make another video if anyone thinks that might be the/an issue.