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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I hate being so goddamn short. Time to spend 5 minutes re-racking my weights below my pecs because my bicep feels like it's about to rip off. No wonder I'm not progressing on bench press.

Edit: fuck it, I'll just come back tomorrow, it's not worth risking injury.


385 deadlift today. A new PR

Went for the 405. Got it to my hips, didn't hump the bar and couldn't get it unless I did some serious hitching. Next time...

so now my total is 955. I can taste that 1000lb total!


I want to start out doing basic weight training on the machines in the gym but I am coming up short finding an app showing the machines to use. When it comes to weight to start with do I just guess? I have seen plenty of rep and set recommendations for beginners but nothing regarding actual weight.


I forgot to reply to this and I was reminded by seeing an ankle stretch video in an article lol. Here's something you can do. Really, any variation of that works. My friend would put his foot on a desk and then lean forward like in the video (without the dowel and all cushion). Here are a few more from Bryce Lewis:
Ankle Mobility and one of the Big Ten
DE Deadlift Setup and Lower Body mob (timestamp to the achilles stretch)

You can check out Kelly Starrett and MobilityWOD for more mobility related stuff. Good luck.

Cheers for taking the time to find my post to reply ;)

just having a quick try at the standised test that was mentioned in one of the links confirmed my assessment from the original post, so I guess it's more stretching for me.

I want to start out doing basic weight training on the machines in the gym but I am coming up short finding an app showing the machines to use. When it comes to weight to start with do I just guess? I have seen plenty of rep and set recommendations for beginners but nothing regarding actual weight.



Wow, busy at work, sleep schedule a mess, food wasn't prepped for over a week, had to get a new car, and more happened so I just got back to the gym tonight for 1s week. Problem is I've not been lifting for about 3 weeks? I'll need to check my post history to see exactly.

Anyhow, I got 185lbsx2 on overhead press clean, but couldn't hit 205x1. I just didn't have the fire in me today. I'll be more strict, and my boss is letting me leave whenever I want to hit the gym, so I can live a normal sleep schedule and hit the gym worry free. Will be nice.

Hitting the gym really felt good tho. Also, lightest I've ever been, down to 248lbs and my size 36 pants are feeling looser.


Going through some old pictures on my phone....found this one:

I think that's 165. Wtf guys, I cannot do that anymore. I gotta get back on the strength train. I'm gonna squat today and do shoulders, traps, calves, then on Monday I'm starting 5/3/1 up again. I made hella gains the first time, and I got nothin but time so this should be fun.

ugh and I'm continuing to look through these pictures, and I find some swelfies I took. Goddamn I was a lot bigger than I am now. It's depressing lol. This was all within the last 6-8 months too. FUCK I'm gonna go lift

Wait a sec, the guy hiding in the background is the same guy from this previous pic.

I need a new routine.

I'm just finishing up Westside for Skinny Bastards (WS4SB) and now I need something new, other German Volume Training.

WS4SB has my absolute favorite split; Upper body and Lower body twice a week.

My other typical routine is German Volume Training (GVT). It's straight forward and will push you. My favorite element of it is the 90 sec only rest time between sets, which I have carried on to all of my routines.

I guess the only thing left is a one body part per week routine, which I've tried before, but outside GVT, they only rendered ok results. That may be because I don't life heavy, because I'm adamant about lifting solo.

Recommendations would be great!

Side note: One of my New Year resolution for 2015 is to include MMA and Boxer training in my fitness training.
I need a new routine.

I'm just finishing up Westside for Skinny Bastards (WS4SB) and now I need something new, other German Volume Training.

WS4SB has my absolute favorite split; Upper body and Lower body twice a week.

My other typical routine is German Volume Training (GVT). It's straight forward and will push you. My favorite element of it is the 90 sec only rest time between sets, which I have carried on to all of my routines.

I guess the only thing left is a one body part per week routine, which I've tried before, but outside GVT, they only rendered ok results. That may be because I don't life heavy, because I'm adamant about lifting solo.

Recommendation would be great!

One of my New Year resolution for 2015 is to include MMA and Boxer training in my fitness training.

have you tried a Push/Pull/Legs routine? Layne Norton's PHAT seems fun as well.

"The Bad:

If you’ve read my post about training each muscle group once per week, then you should already know that it is the least effective weight training frequency."

I agree! I respond much better to twice-per-week muscle group training. That's another reason why I always recommend WS4SB.

I may try their 'The Rotating Push/Pull/Legs Split', so I hit each group twice.

This routine looks solid, but involves a lot of movement around the gym and probably a long break-in period.

I'm 45 mins to an hour in the gym, then I'm out!

Thank bruh!
Big setback with my back. Not sure what I did yesterday but after being generally improved, it's more painful than ever. Had to hit the max dose of ibuprofen and if that doesn't do enough I'm going to hit the rum later. =/
I agree! I respond much better to twice-per-week muscle group training. That's another reason why I always recommend WS4SB.

I may try their 'The Rotating Push/Pull/Legs Split', so I hit each group twice.

This routine looks solid, but involves a lot of movement around the gym and probably a long break-in period.

I'm 45 mins to an hour in the gym, then I'm out!

Thank bruh!

you can also to Push/Pull/Legs/Off/Push/Pull/Legs/Off etc.

J. Bravo

Decided to go with westside for skinny bastards as outlined here. Great first day on it. Got 215 for my 5 rep max on bench which was surprising.

I'm going to follow the template as such:

MONDAY (A.M.) - MAX-EFFORT Upper Body lift
MONDAY (P.M.) - Sprint work, conditioning, GPP or skill training
TUESDAY - OFF or Restoration techniques
WEDNESDAY - Sprint work, conditioning, GPP or skill training
FRIDAY - Sprint work, conditioning, GPP or skill training
SATURDAY - Lower Body lift
SUNDAY - OFF or Restoration techniques

until I lose some body fat and then maybe I will add in a couple lifting days. great program tho.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Leg slowly getting there did some more front squirts even though I have the flu, did 245/275/295/315 x 2-3. Back squat is still an issue only did 315x3 a few times to see how it felt and it's just off.
you can also to Push/Pull/Legs/Off/Push/Pull/Legs/Off etc.

Or Lower/Upper/Fullbody which I'm gonna give a shot for my next cycle. I have learned the hard way that 4 days a week lifting just burns me out; I've tried it a couple times this past year and I can do it for about 2 months before something gets injured and I have to take too much time off.


It seems I haven't been the only one recently with the fucked up back. To all those I wish a very quick recovery!

I myself met with the physiotherapist last Friday. The herniated disk is acting up again. She said stricly to avoid any kind of deadlifts till the end of January when I will meet her again. Couple weeks off from the gym would be good according to her as well. I also need to continue doing my daily stretches, pilates and nordic walking. Oh well, it could have been worse I guess. I think I might anyways try to go to gym tomorrow and have gym free time around Christmas when the place is anyways closed.

It does. Nowadays, my duration of foam rolling is shorter because I don't find many tight areas. I foam roll pretty frequently; every night on my off day, but I might change it to the night after my workouts.
This is a relief to hear! My physiotherapist adviced me to get a foam roller and use it at least on the back of my thighs and calves. I have tried it couple times (before someone stole them from the gym) and it hurt like hell. She also mentioned that it would be most beneficial for me to do them after work out but before stretches. Have you noticed any differences depending when you do them?

sphinx, that Zelda tank top is the best ever! <3 Also you are way bigger than when I came here the first time. You look like a total badass in that outfit!

Update: Been dieting almost four weeks now I've lost a ton of my love handle goodness. My arms are a bit more vascular, but that's about all I've noticed. Here's how I look now vs. about 5 days in.

Probably going to have a cheat meal Sunday. Been feeling pretty worn out of chicken and fish without salt.

The more I look at the pics the more I feel unchanged :/ I do feel a bit different though.
You also look different! Solid work! You do look great at the moment.

Ahhhh, had a big dude who competes come up to me at the gym earlier asking for my opinion on face pulls.

He then finished the convo saying that he hadn't seen anyone at the gym big enough to ask for advice, but then I showed up.

Really made my day, lol.
That is so awesome! :D

Glad you're going to physio, let me know how it goes. :)

Lol I'm fatter than ever. Absolute fucking cow. It's disgusting. After the holidays, its time to rev the self-loathing into high(er) gear. I'm going to start doing morning YAYOG and evening cardio. Back to cutting out carbs as much as possible.

Keep going! You'll get there! I never will (without liposuction and heavy heavy plastic surgery) but you definitely will! You're my role model :)
Oh sweetie, I don't believe you are fatter than ever. Don't be silly. I am confident that with your dedication and working out your body composition is way better than it used to be. Also if I can do it (I will), you can do it as well. The only thing that is keeping you from your goal is yourself. So just don't do that to yourself. :)

When I was around 16-year-old I thought I was fat and ugly and all that. Now when I look at the photos of those times when I was a teenager I think that I was actually a totally normal weighted somewhat pretty girl and I feel sorry that I didn't see it back then. Nowadays I try to be happy with who I am and what I look like even if I am aiming at the same time to be the best possible version of myself. I don't want to look pictures of this time when I am 60 and think that damn I was nice looking back then and shame that I didn't see it then. I have learnt that you gain nothing with feeling miserable about yourself.

Although it's been a really crappy year training wise it feels good to end it on a hight note. I've had an incredibly stressfull year due to relationship issues (which have made me move twice) and changes at work which have caused a lot of extra hours at the office. When you add some small lifting and not lifting related injuries to the mix and a couple of +month long breaks from the training. it's a small miracle I've been able to achieve a couple of PR's recently,

Well, the first PR isn't wasn't what I was aiming for. At the beginning of August, I weighed about 103 kg (227 lb) but a few weeks ago my weight was 112 kg (247 lb) which is the heaviest I've ever been. However, it's not all bad. I think I definitely look more muscular now than in the summer and my strength is up too. Can't weight to cut though...

Anyway, just got back from the gym and achieved one of my training goals this year which was a 150 kg (ca 330 lb) squat. Man it felt nice to achieve that. I would have tried a higher weight if my gym had a proper squatting cage but 150 kg will do for now. Next week I will try my maxes at bench and deadlift and I'm pretty sure my total will be over 450 kg / 1000 lb.
I have been thinking what you have been up to. Good to hear that you have been able to hit your records though. You can just think you have been bulking and be happy about it. The last couple months I have also been mainly maintaining or losing so little it isn't really even worth mentioning. Back on cut on January.

Also good luck hitting the total of 1000lb!

Just be careful not to record it if you're in the UK.
Oh my gods. I am laughing so hard right now. :D


This is a relief to hear! My physiotherapist adviced me to get a foam roller and use it at least on the back of my thighs and calves. I have tried it couple times (before someone stole them from the gym) and it hurt like hell. She also mentioned that it would be most beneficial for me to do them after work out but before stretches. Have you noticed any differences depending when you do them?

I can't say because I used to do them before my workouts, but to do it along with my dynamic warm-ups, it just took too much time. I then changed it to doing them on my off-days and I've been doing that for many months. I haven't tried doing my massages and foam rolling during the workout nights, so it's just an experiment I want to try out.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
For the last couple of months I had not made the bar touch my chest on Chest days. I decided to reduce the weight 10% and make every rep touch my chest while maintaining great form. My chest was on fire today, could definitely feel the difference.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Squats are killing my left bicep. I got to another heavy set of squats and, even with a lower rack height, I had to struggle to get the bar back up. It was like my spine compressed more than usual. Heavy squats are hard.

I don't know if any exercise is safe, so I'm going to rest a full night and see what I can do Wednesday. I guess I'll keep lowering that rack height.

J. Bravo

I've never understood how squats use your biceps. At least, they've never been sore for me or I've never felt any usage during heavy squats.

It kind of sounds like you aren't keeping everything else tight enough if your spine is compressing.
For the last couple of months I had not made the bar touch my chest on Chest days. I decided to reduce the weight 10% and make every rep touch my chest while maintaining great form. My chest was on fire today, could definitely feel the difference.

GOOD JOB! Definitely makes a difference.

I have to constantly remind myself that you must chest-tap. The only good thing about not chest-tapping is that it keeps continuous strain on your muscles, but the range from a chest-tap makes up for it, and has proven better from me and now you.

I didn't have to reduce my weight at all when I started concentrating on chest-tap; I just had to stay confident in that I could get the bar back up. It was all fear, FUCK FEAR.
GOOD JOB! Definitely makes a difference.

I have to constantly remind myself that you must chest-tap. The only good thing about not chest-tapping is that it keeps continuous strain on your muscles, but the range from a chest-tap makes up for it, and has proven better from me and now you.

I didn't have to reduce my weight at all when I started concentrating on chest-tap; I just had to stay confident in that I could get the bar back up. It was all fear, FUCK FEAR.

I try to think of it as "touching the bar to my T-shirt" rather than my chest to try and resist bouncing off of my chest. Someone mentioned that specific phrase in here years ago and it stuck with me I guess. But, yeah, hitting the full range of motion can make a big difference.
I tend to stop a bit short when doing flat or incline bb bench. I feel the stretch then go back up. My arms are really long so I don't like going all the way down, even though I really should *shrug*


For the last couple of months I had not made the bar touch my chest on Chest days. I decided to reduce the weight 10% and make every rep touch my chest while maintaining great form. My chest was on fire today, could definitely feel the difference.

Well, yeah, you're limiting your range of motion. It's analogous to half squatting. The are where you were stopping short likely coincides with the "dead zone" aka where most people fail reps when going heavy. It's good that you switched back to a full ROM


I've never understood how squats use your biceps. At least, they've never been sore for me or I've never felt any usage during heavy squats.

It kind of sounds like you aren't keeping everything else tight enough if your spine is compressing.

It doesn't really but when I first started, my biceps start burning from a squat set being relatively long. Turns out I was just squeezing the shit out of the bar and that causes my arm to flex and eventually start fatiguing. After realizing that, I started to relax a little bit.


the piano man
I agree! I respond much better to twice-per-week muscle group training.

I figured this out like half a year ago, that doing one muscle group once a week was not enough, In my experience, all muscles are restored and DOMS gone after 4 days. By the 7th day they begin to feel flat, loose and soft and it feels like I lost everything and I'm starting from scratch every time, longlasting progress takes forever to manifest.

but to pull it off with a sensible routine that involves twice-a-week muscle grouping and that doesn't have you at the gym for 3 hours per session is incredibly fucking difficult and you can't miss a single workout, otherwise it's worse than the once per week standard routines,

I failed misserably when I tried it, my life is too chaotic to ever entertain the idea of doing such routines over a long period of time, maybe if I ever have another job and ...life
I was hoping to break the 300 lb bench barrier today but had to settle for 286,6 lb / 130 kg which equals my PR from January. I was hoping that 286 would feel "easy"and go for 300 after that but 286 felt a bit too heavy. Well, I wasn't feeling that fresh today to begin with so I might have a go at 300 next week.

I have been thinking what you have been up to. Good to hear that you have been able to hit your records though. You can just think you have been bulking and be happy about it. The last couple months I have also been mainly maintaining or losing so little it isn't really even worth mentioning. Back on cut on January.

Also good luck hitting the total of 1000lb!

It's been a roller coaster here but I might shoot you a pm about that later this week. Anyway, it's definitely been a dirty bulk here. I've been eating tons of ice cream, chocolate bars, pizza and all other junk and downed them with Red Bulls. Not good. I will start my cut in January too so looking forward to getting my waist back...

Should have no problems hitting the 1000 lb. I will only need a 170 kg / 375 lb deadlift and my PR is 10 kg more than that. I think I will try it already tomorrow even though I usually have a day off after the chest day. Can't wait.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I've never understood how squats use your biceps. At least, they've never been sore for me or I've never felt any usage during heavy squats.

It kind of sounds like you aren't keeping everything else tight enough if your spine is compressing.

I'm not using them during the exercise itself, but when I walk forward to re-rack the bar has creeped down to where my arms need to help the bar over the edge. Partially I think that the bar is too smooth and sliding down my back, but since there's nothing I can do about that, I will keep lowering the rack.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I figured this out like half a year ago, that doing one muscle group once a week was not enough, In my experience, all muscles are restored and DOMS gone 4 days. By the 7th day they begin to fall flat, feel and soft and it feels like I lost everything and I'm starting from scratch every time, longlasting progress takes forever to manifest.

but to pull it off with a sensible routine that involves twice-a-week muscle grouping and that doesn't have you at the gym for 3 hours per session and is incredibly fucking difficult and you can't miss a single workout, otherwise it's worse than the once per week standard routines,

I failed misserably when I tried it, my life is too chaotic to ever entertain the idea of doing such routines over a long period of time, maybe if I ever have another job and ...life
I must be unique then because I only hit each muscle directly once a week and it works for me. However, they do get hit indirectly more than once a week due to my splits. An example of this is doing bis on say Thursday and then hitting back on Sunday. My bis are on fire during back day. So I don't technically work them twice a week but it sure feels like I do. Same goes for back day and DL day 3 days later and chest followed by tris later that week.


I figured this out like half a year ago, that doing one muscle group once a week was not enough, In my experience, all muscles are restored and DOMS gone 4 days. By the 7th day they begin to fall flat, feel and soft and it feels like I lost everything and I'm starting from scratch every time, longlasting progress takes forever to manifest.

but to pull it off with a sensible routine that involves twice-a-week muscle grouping and that doesn't have you at the gym for 3 hours per session and is incredibly fucking difficult and you can't miss a single workout, otherwise it's worse than the once per week standard routines,

I failed misserably when I tried it, my life is too chaotic to ever entertain the idea of doing such routines over a long period of time, maybe if I ever have another job and ...life

You don't need 3 hours man, just do some kind of basic Upper/Lower or Push/Pull. I usually take 1h-1h30min tops and I take a long rest time between my heavy sets (3-4mins).


the piano man
thanks sadetar ;)

I must be unique then because I only hit each muscle directly once a week and it works for me. However, they do get hit indirectly more than once a week due to my splits. An example of this is doing bis on say Thursday and then hitting back on Sunday. My bis are on fire during back day. So I don't technically work them twice a week but it sure feels like I do. Same goes for back day and DL day 3 days later and chest followed by tris later that week.

yeah that true too, that's why doing once a week isn't bad at all, I just think 7 days is more time than my body needs.

You don't need 3 hours man, just do some kind of basic Upper/Lower or Push/Pull. I usually take 1h-1h30min tops and I take a long rest time between my heavy sets (3-4mins).

I have a problem figuring out how the shoulder-chest day would be feasible.

just putting bench press and OHP on the same day seems iffy too me, not to mention the shitton of accesory you could do for both body parts.

but I maybe I should learn and educate myself. if reputable sources recommend it, then it should work.


the piano man
thanks sadetar ;)

I must be unique then because I only hit each muscle directly once a week and it works for me. However, they do get hit indirectly more than once a week due to my splits. An example of this is doing bis on say Thursday and then hitting back on Sunday. My bis are on fire during back day. So I don't technically work them twice a week but it sure feels like I do. Same goes for back day and DL day 3 days later and chest followed by tris later that week.

yeah that true too, that's why doing once a week isn't bad at all, I just think 7 days is more time than my body needs so instead of hitting it indirectly after a couple of days, I'd rather hit a body part "hard" again on the 4th or 5th day instead of on the 7th or 8th,

You don't need 3 hours man, just do some kind of basic Upper/Lower or Push/Pull. I usually take 1h-1h30min tops and I take a long rest time between my heavy sets (3-4mins).

I have a problem figuring out how the shoulder-chest day would be feasible.

just putting bench press and OHP on the same day seems iffy too me, not to mention the shitton of accesory you could do for both body parts.

but I maybe I should learn and educate myself. if reputable sources recommend it, then it should work.


I like splitting it up

Deads - OHP - Squat - Bench.

Leaves space between the upper and lower big exercises and gives you plenty of rest only hitting an exercise once a week.
just putting bench press and OHP on the same day seems iffy too me, not to mention the shitton of accesory you could do for both body parts..

Yeah I fucked up my other shoulder a bit last month when I tried OHP after the bench which I never do. I knew that I had to skip the planned OHP later that week so decided to do chest and shoulders on the same day but my shoulders didn't like that at all. I still can't do OHP without feeling a bit pain on the other delt. My OHP is already way down from from the beginning of this year so not too happy that I have to skip even more OHP sessions. Well, at least the front DB presses feel ok.
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