Went to the gym for probably the last time this year since I'm visiting home for Christmas. Here's my progress for the year:
I had great attendance this year. I went to the gym 6 times every week with the only exception being illness. However next year I think I need to be much smarter about how I work out. For as much as I've gone to the gym I don't know if the progress shown above represents that. Also I tend to get stuck at the same weight - I've been doing 5 + 3 reps 220 lbs bench for months now with no feeling of it getting easier. Not sure how to resolve that. It could be that I sleep very little, 4 to 5 hours a night. I don't like sleeping just because I have too much stuff to do.
I have started keeping logs of all my work outs though which should help a bit. That's one of my big resolutions this year to make myself more diligent. Also will be logging diet.
My diet this year was ok. I rely way too much on Quest and Oatmega bars. I also give in to office food sometimes, though I've been doing well on that the last couple months (there's often popcorn and granola bars and stuff out). My girlfriend just bought me a smoothie maker which I think will help.
Smoothie (grapes + pineapple + banana + spinach + celery + cucumber) + Cassien shake + bowl of oatmeal + handful of almonds is my food at work. At home I usually have a quest bar and some chicken or a protein shake. And of course I occasionally have a weak moment and eat a piece of cake or something at work.