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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Junior Member
Thanks man. I've always had a barrel shaped chest, even when I was skinny. My bench is relatively weak so it's definitely more of a genetics thing.

Btw how tall are you? You don't look close to 208 in your pics. You hold the weight really well

Genetics are awesome when they work out in your favor! haha.

And I'm 5'11". I eat a lot of creatine so I probably hold quite a bit of water weight.


Junior Member
Push Press or strict Standing Overhead Press?

Which do you all prefer?

I hear the latter is better for power, but I've been doing the Standing OHP for ages.

Push press for me! More weight moved = more awesome. Plus my strict press is weak as shit (like 145) and I can push press 250.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Lol holy shit. You look like a different person. Good stuff.

You look great dude. Good fucking work.

Success! :) you have to love those first year gains, You've done a great job on your delts and upper body.

You've left the realm of "skinny" for good, which is very nice

Go celebrate!!!

Thanks, guys! Always makes me glad to see people notice a difference. It's funny, when I started, I mainly had the goal of just filling out and nothing more. But now I want to really get jacked. It's true what they say: "the day you start lifting is the day you will start to feel forever small". Or something to that effect...

Anyway question. I was trying to do bench press yesterday (the first time in weeks cause of finals) but I was feeling a lot of strain on my upper arms. I'm 99% it has to do with my form.



Went to the gym for probably the last time this year since I'm visiting home for Christmas. Here's my progress for the year:


I had great attendance this year. I went to the gym 6 times every week with the only exception being illness. However next year I think I need to be much smarter about how I work out. For as much as I've gone to the gym I don't know if the progress shown above represents that. Also I tend to get stuck at the same weight - I've been doing 5 + 3 reps 220 lbs bench for months now with no feeling of it getting easier. Not sure how to resolve that. It could be that I sleep very little, 4 to 5 hours a night. I don't like sleeping just because I have too much stuff to do.

I have started keeping logs of all my work outs though which should help a bit. That's one of my big resolutions this year to make myself more diligent. Also will be logging diet.

My diet this year was ok. I rely way too much on Quest and Oatmega bars. I also give in to office food sometimes, though I've been doing well on that the last couple months (there's often popcorn and granola bars and stuff out). My girlfriend just bought me a smoothie maker which I think will help.

Smoothie (grapes + pineapple + banana + spinach + celery + cucumber) + Cassien shake + bowl of oatmeal + handful of almonds is my food at work. At home I usually have a quest bar and some chicken or a protein shake. And of course I occasionally have a weak moment and eat a piece of cake or something at work.


Went to the gym for probably the last time this year since I'm visiting home for Christmas. Here's my progress for the year:


I had great attendance this year. I went to the gym 6 times every week with the only exception being illness. However next year I think I need to be much smarter about how I work out. For as much as I've gone to the gym I don't know if the progress shown above represents that. Also I tend to get stuck at the same weight - I've been doing 5 + 3 reps 220 lbs bench for months now with no feeling of it getting easier. Not sure how to resolve that. It could be that I sleep very little, 4 to 5 hours a night. I don't like sleeping just because I have too much stuff to do.

I have started keeping logs of all my work outs though which should help a bit. That's one of my big resolutions this year to make myself more diligent. Also will be logging diet.

My diet this year was ok. I rely way too much on Quest and Oatmega bars. I also give in to office food sometimes, though I've been doing well on that the last couple months (there's often popcorn and granola bars and stuff out). My girlfriend just bought me a smoothie maker which I think will help.

Smoothie (grapes + pineapple + banana + spinach + celery + cucumber) + Cassien shake + bowl of oatmeal + handful of almonds is my food at work. At home I usually have a quest bar and some chicken or a protein shake. And of course I occasionally have a weak moment and eat a piece of cake or something at work.

Very nice progress over the past year.

In response to your strength question, what's your current programming look like? What do you do 6 days a week? Sometimes less is more.


Just alternating upper body and lower body / core days, so three of each per week. Deadlifts are one day a week (on lower body day). I don't do squats because honestly I don't know how to do them correctly but I'm gonna get a training session in a couple weeks (this bodybuilder lady i know gives $5 lessons! crazy).

The 7th day is usually devoted to running (average 10-13 miles atm), and then I do a shorter run in the middle of the week on a core day (5-6 miles). Not sure if that would affect my strength much. I also bike 1.5 hours per day (work commute).

My daily workout routines are not organized at all, which is a point I'm going to address in 2015. I stay on task while at the gym, but I just kind of go from station to station randomly. Not sure if there's a benefit to doing lifts in a certain order but I need to look into that.


Just alternating upper body and lower body / core days, so three of each per week. Deadlifts are one day a week (on lower body day). I don't do squats because honestly I don't know how to do them correctly but I'm gonna get a training session in a couple weeks (this bodybuilder lady i know gives $5 lessons! crazy).

The 7th day is usually devoted to running (average 10-13 miles atm), and then I do a shorter run in the middle of the week on a core day (5-6 miles). Not sure if that would affect my strength much.

My daily workout routines are not organized at all, which is a point I'm going to address in 2015.

It sounds like your diet is down pat (judging by your pictures). Now it's time to pick a solid strength program and follow it to a T. There's a lot to chose from, just make sure it's not some goofy bodybuilder.com tons of reps shit. It should have you consistently pushing heavier weights on a consistent basis to break PRs.

Also post your squat videos here! We'll all help out.


It sounds like your diet is down pat (judging by your pictures). Now it's time to pick a solid strength program and follow it to a T. There's a lot to chose from, just make sure it's not some goofy bodybuilder.com tons of reps shit. It should have you consistently pushing heavier weights on a consistent basis to break PRs.

Also post your squat videos here! We'll all help out.

thanks man! will do


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Went to the gym for probably the last time this year since I'm visiting home for Christmas. Here's my progress for the year:


I had great attendance this year. I went to the gym 6 times every week with the only exception being illness. However next year I think I need to be much smarter about how I work out. For as much as I've gone to the gym I don't know if the progress shown above represents that. Also I tend to get stuck at the same weight - I've been doing 5 + 3 reps 220 lbs bench for months now with no feeling of it getting easier. Not sure how to resolve that. It could be that I sleep very little, 4 to 5 hours a night. I don't like sleeping just because I have too much stuff to do.

I have started keeping logs of all my work outs though which should help a bit. That's one of my big resolutions this year to make myself more diligent. Also will be logging diet.

My diet this year was ok. I rely way too much on Quest and Oatmega bars. I also give in to office food sometimes, though I've been doing well on that the last couple months (there's often popcorn and granola bars and stuff out). My girlfriend just bought me a smoothie maker which I think will help.

Smoothie (grapes + pineapple + banana + spinach + celery + cucumber) + Cassien shake + bowl of oatmeal + handful of almonds is my food at work. At home I usually have a quest bar and some chicken or a protein shake. And of course I occasionally have a weak moment and eat a piece of cake or something at work.

Wow, you look awesome! Height/weight?


Went to the gym for probably the last time this year since I'm visiting home for Christmas. Here's my progress for the year:


I had great attendance this year. I went to the gym 6 times every week with the only exception being illness. However next year I think I need to be much smarter about how I work out. For as much as I've gone to the gym I don't know if the progress shown above represents that. Also I tend to get stuck at the same weight - I've been doing 5 + 3 reps 220 lbs bench for months now with no feeling of it getting easier. Not sure how to resolve that. It could be that I sleep very little, 4 to 5 hours a night. I don't like sleeping just because I have too much stuff to do.

I have started keeping logs of all my work outs though which should help a bit. That's one of my big resolutions this year to make myself more diligent. Also will be logging diet.

My diet this year was ok. I rely way too much on Quest and Oatmega bars. I also give in to office food sometimes, though I've been doing well on that the last couple months (there's often popcorn and granola bars and stuff out). My girlfriend just bought me a smoothie maker which I think will help.

Smoothie (grapes + pineapple + banana + spinach + celery + cucumber) + Cassien shake + bowl of oatmeal + handful of almonds is my food at work. At home I usually have a quest bar and some chicken or a protein shake. And of course I occasionally have a weak moment and eat a piece of cake or something at work.
You look extremely good! Awesome progress for a year... also damn you are gigantic what comes to your height!

Oblivion, that is some great job right there! You are definitely bigger!

She did work out with me for a while. This video was taken way before the baby.
I am going to blame it to my sickness, I think I was too feverish to check the dates. :p

And damn, lucky her to be able to work out with you! :D


I'm having a big conflict right now with my bench. I've had a couple unsuccessful weeks with getting up my bench 1RM and I kinda want to forget about training for strength and focus more on size. If I start working towards hypertrophy, will I maintain my 1RM or will it lower as a result, in general?


the piano man
Went to the gym for probably the last time this year since I'm visiting home for Christmas. Here's my progress for the year:

Nice! diet on point = more definition.

I tried yesterday to do a 1yr progress comparison pic but I can't seem to find 2 pics that match in light and stance, I am happy with how I look bigger, which was basically my only goal the whole year through, but I'd like to show a comparison that looks legit and not with help of lighting :p

if I am satisfied I'll use cooter's fitness progress thread to show it.


Hit the gym for bench tonight, i actually felt incredible. I hit every single rep other then a new attempt at 260lbs, but i got 235 for 2 really easily. I actually felt that fire back tonight. I think i over reacted and just needed to hit the gym hard again, now i feel like the plan will be to deload 40-50lbs on the lifts, then restart 5/3/1 on those numbers. I've accepted the fact that i honestly no longer am interested in lifting heaviest possible, asthetics are what i'm after, which at this point is just losing fat and retaining muscle i've already built. Ego got in the way, now im ready again i feel.

Staleness man. Take a week off. Or try and find a training partner.

I think the problem was i took 1 month off in the first place. Thanks tho man. BTW, you look terrific in your new pics, you're a serious beast.

Are you using emotion to get an energy boost before lifting? That will burn you out once it passes. I notice this happens to me when I'm really stressed, cuz I put all that negative energy into my lifts and sometimes I burn out before I'm supposed to be done. Then i just lower the weight. I don't mind since I'll feel relaxed after and a big reason I lift is emotional release.

Yes, that was exactly it. After i read your post, i sat and thought about it, and i really do use my emotions for energy right before a big lift. I thought about that today and was able to retain it. Thanks for that, really is your whole body, physically and mentally, that makes this all happen.

I have squats left, then body weight circuit day, where i'll work on grip again. Damn, feel so hyped once again. I hope everyone here has a merry christmas, what a year its been.


Junior Member
Yes, that was exactly it. After i read your post, i sat and thought about it, and i really do use my emotions for energy right before a big lift. I thought about that today and was able to retain it. Thanks for that, really is your whole body, physically and mentally, that makes this all happen.

I have squats left, then body weight circuit day, where i'll work on grip again. Damn, feel so hyped once again. I hope everyone here has a merry christmas, what a year its been.

I read a book a few months ago ("Squat Every Day" by Matt Perryman) and he talks a lot about the overused and misused "CNS fatigue". He posits that it's not necessarily a physiological thing but more a byproduct of having to constantly pump yourself up for big lifts and being drained emotionally afterwards. Maybe it's just confirmation bias because that's how I like to train, but I squat up to a heavy single (usually around 90% of my training max) 6 days a week and I no longer have to take any sort of preworkout or yell or pump myself up for a big lift anymore. I'm able to save that for PR attempts and as a result, I recover from daily workouts much, much better.


I read a book a few months ago ("Squat Every Day" by Matt Perryman) and he talks a lot about the overused and misused "CNS fatigue". He posits that it's not necessarily a physiological thing but more a byproduct of having to constantly pump yourself up for big lifts and being drained emotionally afterwards. Maybe it's just confirmation bias because that's how I like to train, but I squat up to a heavy single (usually around 90% of my training max) 6 days a week and I no longer have to take any sort of preworkout or yell or pump myself up for a big lift anymore. I'm able to save that for PR attempts and as a result, I recover from daily workouts much, much better.

I find, what works best for me, is having a certain level of intensity and playing the lift out in your head. This has led to a lot less "holy shit that's heavy" moments. I used to approach the bar all casual-like which made it really hard to get focused, tight and start the lift.


Whats your current numbers and programming like?

Im just starting out but I was just really disappointed in my bench...50% of my body weight and I struggled with 3sets/ 5reps. Here's basically what I'm doing:

Goal: Gain strength and size/Lose fat

3-4 days a week

Upper days:
30min full body circuit
Bench Press 3sets/5reps
Lat pulls 3sets/10reps
Bent over rows 3sets/10reps
Curls 3sets/10reps
Hammer curls 3sets/10reps

Lower days
30min full body circuit
Leg press 3sets/10reps
Leg extensions 3sets/10reps
Leg curls 3sets/10reps
Deadlift 3sets/5reps
Sumo squats 3sets/10reps *just body weight until I gain strength*

Diet mostly consists of salad w/ spinach and baby kale, chicken breasts, steak, brown rice, broccoli, fruit (apples/oranges/bananas) and fruit smoothies

Supplements are only fish oil and UMP protein by Beverley International
I left bench for last and I think maybe I'm running out of steam by the time I get to it. That's why I wondered if I should be eating before hand. I'm trying to stick to about 2100 calories a day but this time of year makes it difficult. Also having difficulty eating 220g of protein a day...I average about half what I am supposed to be getting. Any suggestions in diet or exercise programs.

Unfortunately my wife and I signed up at planet fitness where there is little to no free weights but I can deadlift at home for now since I'm not doing much weight. Yesterday I saw a guy doing what looked like some form of deadlift in the smith machine but looked more like a straight leg deadlift or something.


Jesus Christ, I started 5/3/1 today and started with Squats. For accessory work I went with the "Boring but Big" method. Which was Squats 5x10 50% and Leg Curls 5x10. My legs are dead right now. But that was fun. Was a nice change of pace from SL5x5.


I think I hate bulking. My scale keeps jumping up even though I'm positive I'm not eating enough to warrant that weight gain. Not feeling too hot in the mirror either. I'm at least getting stronger I think. Is lifting 20 more pounds than I did two months ago decent at least?
I think I hate bulking. My scale keeps jumping up even though I'm positive I'm not eating enough to warrant that weight gain. Not feeling too hot in the mirror either. I'm at least getting stronger I think. Is lifting 20 more pounds than I did two months ago decent at least?

20 lbs more in what lift? 20 lbs more for OHP is a big difference than 20 lbs more on deadlift.

heh, I think I might APT

explains why my gut sticks out so far compared to my chest

Welp... you know what you must do. Bust out the stretching, foam rolling, etc etc.
20 lbs more in what lift? 20 lbs more for OHP is a big difference than 20 lbs more on deadlift.

Welp... you know what you must do. Bust out the stretching, foam rolling, etc etc.

Yeah, I admit that I don't foam roll at all and don't do nearly enough stretching. I am going to focus more on the hip flexors and more core work. Start doing foam rolling.

I don't think it is bad but I am pretty sure there are signs that it is there. It really would explain why my gut really does extend out even if I drop a fair amount of fat.

This is a whole new world for me. Any info as far as correcting it would be greatly appreciated.


20 lbs more in what lift? 20 lbs more for OHP is a big difference than 20 lbs more on deadlift.

Well for example I now bench up to 185 whereas before I benched up to 165, my shoulder press has gone up from up to 150 to 170, and overall I've just been lifting heavier and it's damn painful.
Yeah, I admit that I don't foam roll at all and don't do nearly enough stretching. I am going to focus more on the hip flexors and more core work. Start doing foam rolling.

I don't think it is bad but I am pretty sure there are signs that it is there. It really would explain why my gut really does extend out even if I drop a fair amount of fat.

This is a whole new world for me. Any info as far as correcting it would be greatly appreciated.

As I recall, there was a NeoGAF thread on it here... which linked to this Bodybuilding.com thread. I'm sure three are more updated sources out there, but those seemed very helpful at the time I read through them. Haven't needed them personally though as I think I'm APT-free.
As I recall, there was a NeoGAF thread on it here... which linked to this Bodybuilding.com thread. I'm sure three are more updated sources out there, but those seemed very helpful at the time I read through them. Haven't needed them personally though as I think I'm APT-free.

Thanks. I will start work on it asap. More glute work, more hip mobility, more stretching.


I will post a pic later today to see if I really do have APT and want your guys opinion as well.


edit: here is a pic from earlier this year, can take another today if this isn't clear enough



Well for example I now bench up to 185 whereas before I benched up to 165, my shoulder press has gone up from up to 150 to 170, and overall I've just been lifting heavier and it's damn painful.

There's only a 15lb difference in your OHP and bench?

That doesn't seem right.
Hey FitGAF,

I was wondering if someone could help me with cancelling my gym membership. I got a gym membership (contract) at Anytime fitness a few months ago, but now I "wish to no longer be bound by a contract" and wanted to get advise to accomplish that. I've read the terms and agreement and cancellation policy; unfortunately I don't seem to qualify (I'm not moving, not disabled, don't think they're running out of business, etc). I do plan to still write a letter and hand it to them, but want to make sure I'm fully prepared and successful. Any help would be appreciated

Also, seeing all these progress pics are motivating. Don't think I'm ready to show off mine yet haha. Good Job guys!
Guys, because of the holidays this week I will be eating like crap and missing a few workouts (will try to get in at least 2). How far back will this week set me? Will I get fat?


Guys, because of the holidays this week I will be eating like crap and missing a few workouts (will try to get in at least 2). How far back will this week set me? Will I get fat?

Not as far as me... I some how managed to align my deload week with this week, will need to look at the calendar better next year...
Guys, because of the holidays this week I will be eating like crap and missing a few workouts (will try to get in at least 2). How far back will this week set me? Will I get fat?

Happens to almost all of us. I normally have rest days on Sundays, Saturdays, and Wednesdays, so in preparation for missing the gym this Wednesday through Saturday (basically just missing a Thursday and Friday lifting session but possibly extended through Sunday) I decided not to take any rest days over this past weekend. It means I'm running like 6 straight lifting days, but so far I haven't felt any weakness and have been OK having just finished day 5 an hour ago. It's non-ideal, but it is the best I could do with the upcoming 4-5 days off I'll have to take due to travelling/gym closure.

But, the truth is, you'll be fine. Just try not to go totally crazy with what you eat, especially if you're currently trying to lose weight/fat. If you're trying to bulk up... well, fuck it, eat eat eat and hit the weights hard when you return.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Not as far as me... I some how managed to align my deload week with this week, will need to look at the calendar better next year...
I handle this problem by never having a deload week. ;-)

I just had an athetic performance focused trainer who I respect tell me that you should never work 90% of your 1RM in both DL and squat in the same week due to CNS issues. I've been doing it for 2 straight years with only ever missing a week maybe twice in that time. I now plan to rotate the two with heavy work on one at 90%ish and higher rep stuff with the other at no more than 60%. It should help both lifts because I am never fresh when I DL and squat.


I handle this problem by never having a deload week. ;-)

I just had an athetic performance focused trainer who I respect tell me that you should never work 90% of your 1RM in both DL and squat in the same week due to CNS issues. I've been doing it for 2 straight years with only ever missing a week maybe twice in that time. I now plan to rotate the two with heavy work on one at 90%ish and higher rep stuff with the other at no more than 60%. It should help both lifts because I am never fresh when I DL and squat.

I've put to much in the last 6 months, only missing at most two days before being back on it, I've gone 3 days now and I can feel my body just sighing in relief, it's an odd feeling :-S

I imagine it's one I'm going to get used to though, for xmas my orthopod prescribed staged arthroscopic surgeries and another 12 weeks in physio :-/

But a weeks break from pushing yourself is always a good idea, even if the deload os only down to 50-60% of your max.


Junior Member
If you really take that mindset literally you'll end up sacrificing form and safety for a bigger number. Besides, if you push-press vs just strictly pressing, you're not actually lifting more with your upper body.

Yeah I didn't mean more weight at any cost. Obviously if you can't do it right, more weight is detrimental.


the piano man
So good ol' grandpa Sphinx turned 37 today so I visited Hamburg and spent all day there.

I went to the fitness stores and after 2.5 years I am finally chinging my Gym bag!!

little steps towards taking this more seriously, lol.

My resolution for 2015? get a trainer, a bodybuilder that puts me to work with military discipline. I hope I can find that here where I live



So good ol' grandpa Sphinx turned 37 today so I visited Hamburg and spent all day there.

I went to the fitness stores and after 2.5 years I am finally chinging my Gym bag!!

little steps towards taking this more seriously, lol.

My resolution for 2015? get a trainer, a bodybuilder that puts me to work with military discipline. I hope I can find that here where I live

That looks like my bag. I keep my squat shoes, sleeves, wraps, chalk and bands in mine. All the essentials.

My 2015 resolutions

1,000lb powerlifting total
Injury free
I wanna look like a big mothafucka
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