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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I've actually become happy that I've taken all this time off from the gym. I've been sleeping normally and really feel a lot less stressed out. I may switch to weekends only for the gym, I might go during work. Not sure. But I've realized how much better life is when you aren't living life revolved around the gym. I'm still a lifer when it comes to lifting, but a break has really gotten some perspective out of me.

I'll probably make a decision after the new year on what direction to go in.


Exrx has a table for those exercises to give you idea of how strong you can aim to get. It's based on weight and gender.

So for instance in your case a 150lb male can squat 230lbs (roughly 2 45lbs plates per side) at the intermediate level and 315lbs (3 45lbs plates per side) at the advanced level.

Ah, that seems to be the most reasonable so far. 300#+ squat @ 150# is 2x+ BW; 2x BW squat achieved purely from SS or any other LP program is hard to believe.


the piano man
Gaf, I need an opinion here, I had in incident in the gym

I went to the power rack and asked the guy how long he was going to take, he says, jjust one more set, I think "yippee! no waiting!" I go and look for the small plates (didn't take more than 20 seconds) and when I come back I see two guys standing like they are just about to get in control of the power rack (the only one in the gym), I notice and tell them " are you guys wanting to get in? cause I already asked him and I am next in line".

they were super pissed but there was nothing that could be done, cause neither of us wanted to go through the hassle of changing everything, as they were going for heavy squats and I wanted to do over head press.

when I warm up and the guy sees I am doing OHP he asks "are you doing shoulder or leg?" I said "shoulder" he then says, "can you please do it outside of the power rack?" while pointing randomly to the floor with his finger and saying I can keep the barbell...

I ask " wait you mean I should do OHP lifting the bar... from the floor? like a clean & jerk?? cause I do need the power rack for a normal press" (I was geniunely puzzled, I wanted to see what he meant)"

he then was more pissed like " whatever man, do whatever the fuck you want" looking at me like "you have no fucking idea what you are doing and are wasting our precious time using the power rack to do your nonsense".

what is the etiquette here??

does a guy going to squat have priority over anyone else??

can I do a barbell OHP somewhere else?? I wouldn't know.

Can I do an OHP starting from the floor?? ( really??)

it's like they were going to have the squat session of their lives and I fucked it all up, and I didn't even use the power rack that long... I am still puzzled.


there is joy in sucking dick
I always use the power rack for pure OHPs. I guess you could clear it from the floor then do your presses but you're exerting energy just getting it into position. You got there first, so basically screw them.
They're assholes, sphinx. I've done OHP from the floor (basically just clean it up to the OHP starting position) in a pinch, but it's a bullshit thing to ever ask someone else to have to do and it's certainly non-ideal. I've also done OHP at a bench that is adjustable for upright/seated barbell presses; I just unrack the bar facing towards the bench, then take a few steps back to do my OHP, then step forward and re-rack. It's not feasible at all depending on the design of the bench, but it can also work in a pinch.

Personally though, I prefer to OHP in the squat rack or power cage, because cleaning it from the floor is non-ideal and most gyms I go to have really awkward benches that make it near impossible to safely take steps backwards to be able to get into an OHP position.

Regardless, those guys were dicks.

Oh, so the etiquette there is to finish up your OHP session and then bring over some dumbbells so you can do some curls in the rack. Make sure they're like 5-10 lbs max so you can do 3 sets of 50 extremely slow and controlled reps. Finally, drop a nasty fart as you finish just before they come over.
Yea those guys need to eat the fattest dicks. You're paying for the gym the same as those other knobs why can't you use the equipment when it's your turn how you like it?


the piano man
the weird thing about it is that the guy was telling me to do the exercise out of the power rack like he knew for a fact that it can also be done like that as equally as I was doing it in the power rack.

I mean he was very ripped, not a new guy to fitness all, that's why I was more puzzled, like "Is this ripped guy with that body telling me to do an OHP starting from the floor like it's the same thing??"

he seemed to be pissed cause I didn't know what he meant.

His last "whatever" comment was in a tone like "I don't have time to explain morons like you how things are done",

I did my thing and never looked back... but next time I'll follow Soka's etiquette step by step.


the weird thing about it is that the guy was telling me to do the exercise out of the power rack like he knew for a fact that it can also be done like that as equally as I was doing it in the power rack.

I mean he was very ripped, not a new guy to fitness all, that's why I was more puzzled, like "Is this ripped guy with that body telling me to do an OHP starting from the floor like it's the same thing??"

he seemed to be pissed cause I didn't know what he meant.

His last "whatever" comment was in a tone like "I don't have time to explain morons like you how things are done",

I did my thing and never looked back... but next time I'll follow Soka's etiquette step by step.

You were there before them, so you get dibs.
what is the etiquette here??

does a guy going to squat have priority over anyone else??

can I do a barbell OHP somewhere else?? I wouldn't know.

Can I do an OHP starting from the floor?? ( really??)

it's like they were going to have the squat session of their lives and I fucked it all up, and I didn't even use the power rack that long... I am still puzzled.
If you're pressing light enough that you can get it to rack position without wearing yourself out, I would offer to give up the rack if they're polite. If they're rude, keep it for as long as you need.

I usually do heavy sets first, then finish with light high reps. I have moved to the floor for my high rep sets if someone is waiting for the rack, since I can clean them no problem. But I have a back injury and no way can I clean my heavy sets.

I've been pressing in the rack for years and will have a confrontation every once in a while with someone who thinks it should only be for squats. I had one a couple weeks ago. After a while it'll stop phasing you. I feel no need to explain why I need to do it there unless they ask nicely.
Gaf, I need an opinion here, I had in incident in the gym

I went to the power rack and asked the guy how long he was going to take, he says, jjust one more set, I think "yippee! no waiting!" I go and look for the small plates (didn't take more than 20 seconds) and when I come back I see two guys standing like they are just about to get in control of the power rack (the only one in the gym), I notice and tell them " are you guys wanting to get in? cause I already asked him and I am next in line".

they were super pissed but there was nothing that could be done, cause neither of us wanted to go through the hassle of changing everything, as they were going for heavy squats and I wanted to do over head press.

when I warm up and the guy sees I am doing OHP he asks "are you doing shoulder or leg?" I said "shoulder" he then says, "can you please do it outside of the power rack?" while pointing randomly to the floor with his finger and saying I can keep the barbell...

I ask " wait you mean I should do OHP lifting the bar... from the floor? like a clean & jerk?? cause I do need the power rack for a normal press" (I was geniunely puzzled, I wanted to see what he meant)"

he then was more pissed like " whatever man, do whatever the fuck you want" looking at me like "you have no fucking idea what you are doing and are wasting our precious time using the power rack to do your nonsense".

what is the etiquette here??

does a guy going to squat have priority over anyone else??

can I do a barbell OHP somewhere else?? I wouldn't know.

Can I do an OHP starting from the floor?? ( really??)

it's like they were going to have the squat session of their lives and I fucked it all up, and I didn't even use the power rack that long... I am still puzzled.

No. You are a paying customer, waited your turn, and were going to use the equipment immediately. You need a power rack or some form of squat rack to do a OHP, unless you want to clean it (I'm assuming not because you are talking about doing OHP and not press in general). They were just being assholes. I would talk to management if they are a hassle in the future.


Ah, that seems to be the most reasonable so far. 300#+ squat @ 150# is 2x+ BW; 2x BW squat achieved purely from SS or any other LP program is hard to believe.

The first time I looked at that page it was a link to one of the specific charts, for some reason I assumed that the weights listed were for working weight and not 1RM. This time I actually read the front page and used the 1RM calculator, in an instant I've gone from novice to intermediate lol. I still feel like I've got a ways to go before I'm done with SS though (300lb squat lol! Squat is the only thing lagging behind for me atm.)

@sphinx: don't let it phase ya, I've done OHP in a squat rack 99% of the time. Dude needs to not get butt hurt over having to wait a few minutes for the equipment.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Productive BB bench day and heaviest I've gone in about a year.



The strong streak continued on inclline DB



Today was extremely eventful: I passed out, slept over 20 hours, had the highest fever in my life, a little cactus seems to be living in my throat and every single muscle in my body is aching. I am starting to think I have influenza.

Also I don't taste anything at the moment. This better go away before Christmas.

The good thing is the gym would anyways be closed after today so I don't feel too bad about not being able to go.

Are people generally going to work out normally during holiday season?

It was a rest day from weights. I did 45 min on a stairmaster.

Then, I started with some light calisthenics. However, I also had some fun with some hanging rings.

SwingIng around kinda makes me feel like a kid again.

Eventually, I fooled around with some more advanced calisthenics. I tried make more difficult and fun.

I think ended up doing Terry Crews version of a blurpee.

It has potentially no fitness value, but it looks cool.

Standing position drop into push up position. Kick legs through arms and end in sitting position. Roll backward and kip up into standing position. Slide legs out, place hands on floor, and raise lower body into handstand position. Drop back onto feet and kneel down. Do ninja jump into Van Damme jumping split kick.

That counts as one.

I call it a Szurpee.

I really should make another Fitness Fun video.
I totally loved your video! Who is the lady in the pink recording it for you? :D


Today was extremely eventful: I passed out, slept over 20 hours, had the highest fever in my life, a little cactus seems to be living in my throat and every single muscle in my body is aching. I am starting to think I have influenza.

Also I don't taste anything at the moment. This better go away before Christmas.

The good thing is the gym would anyways be closed after today so I don't feel too bad about not being able to go.

Are people generally going to work out normally during holiday season?

I totally loved your video! Who is the lady in the pink recording it for you? :D

Try to feel better.

The lady in pink is my wifey.


Is there any benefit to lifting fasted? I usually go to the gym about 10am and haven't ate anything since 7pm the night before. Should I eat something before I go?

Also my bench press is really low and I think its because of my weak chest. Any exercise I should be doing to help up my chest strength?
Is there any benefit to lifting fasted? I usually go to the gym about 10am and haven't ate anything since 7pm the night before. Should I eat something before I go?

I've heard benefits to lifting while fasting and I've heard benefits to lifting after eating a meal/snack (especially something with some carbs). Personally, if you're not feeling tired during your lifts, your strength/size is progressing, and you eat well overall each day, I wouldn't give it a second thought.

Also my bench press is really low and I think its because of my weak chest. Any exercise I should be doing to help up my chest strength?

Bench press.

But for real, bench press. I guess you could try some dumbbell presses, incline/decline presses, or dumbbell flies, but really, I think your chest will catch up if you just keep benching.


The first time I looked at that page it was a link to one of the specific charts, for some reason I assumed that the weights listed were for working weight and not 1RM. This time I actually read the front page and used the 1RM calculator, in an instant I've gone from novice to intermediate lol. I still feel like I've got a ways to go before I'm done with SS though (300lb squat lol! Squat is the only thing lagging behind for me atm.)

Don't worry, you'll get there :) Faster than me at least haha. I've been struggling to progress my HBBS consistently because I've been tweaking technique the last month or two. In the end (since last Monday), I went back to my original stance and started squatting with tempo/rhythm so my working weight is about 30# less than I was at.
Interesting how my OHP is the closest to "intermediate" region on strstd.com relative to my other lifts.


Is there any benefit to lifting fasted? I usually go to the gym about 10am and haven't ate anything since 7pm the night before. Should I eat something before I go?

Also my bench press is really low and I think its because of my weak chest. Any exercise I should be doing to help up my chest strength?

Whats your current numbers and programming like?

Gearing up for some band resistance deadlifts. I wanna hit 315x3. I think I can do it!!


Just for the hell of it, I wanted to test my bench strength the other day. I hit 385 on bench after an easy 365. I think I'm in striking distance of 4 plates.

deadlift is still ass though, still working on sumo for the next couple weeks. Maybe I'll run the cube program.
I don't post a whole lot, but figured I'd post personal fitness "year in review " summary.

At the beginning of the year I set out the following goals for myself:

Bench: 1rm 225
Squat: 1rm 275
Deadlift: working sets @ 315

I was off to a great start, putting up 1x215 on Bench in March. I then herniated a disc while doing working sets of squats, and proceeded to lose about 10 pounds. Throughout the year my Bench has had a hard time recovering.

After recovery from the disc, I took it easy. Within the last 4 months or so I've made great progress. I put up 5x5 on Bench last week. Last week I also put up 3x5 270 on Squats (a PR), and did 3x5 335 and 1x365 while Deadlifting. It was a great week.

Today I attempted to meet my Squat goal and hit 3 sets for 2 at 275. I was completely pumped. Then went to do some higher rep squats and proceeded to re irritate my disc. In a bit a pain now (and likely the rest of the year), but I know it too will pass.

All in all I am happy with my progress this year. Wish I could have hit my bench goal, but 2/3 isn't bad.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Heh, I was looking at this thread I made over a year ago complaining about being skinny:


It's amusing looking back and realizing how naive I was. There I was bitching that I didn't look any different considering I gained 12 lbs. in 3 months, and only started lifting for less than a month. Actually working out for a long time and fit-gaf have taught me much during this time.


the piano man

Congrats! keep the good work.

Heh, I was looking at this thread I made over a year ago complaining about being skinny:


It's amusing looking back and realizing how naive I was. There I was bitching that I didn't look any different considering I gained 12 lbs. in 3 months, and only started lifting for less than a month. Actually working out for a long time and fit-gaf have taught me much during this time.

before/after pics are required here!
I ate a large pizza all day myself last night. I feel like I'm keeping up the thread tradition while simultaneously ignoring my advice I posted in this thread the other day.


Nice job, Blue!


Completely smashed the 315 deadlift banded (felt like a good 50+ pounds at the top). The key is to use a lot of speed off the ground and really hump the bar at the end.

Then did unbanded 5,3,5 and left a little in the tank. Thought about going all out but I was pretty gassed from the banded sets.


Try to feel better.

The lady in pink is my wifey.
She looks so fit! Didn't you have a baby just a little while ago... :D

This far I have seen it only without voices since I have been too sick to get up to reach my headset. After Sean's comment, I think I need to watch it third time now. :p

Yay. Thank you! I already feel a bit better and I have actually also been able to eat today without my throat trying to assasinate me. I ate a pizza and chocolate. I need to say for my defence that I didn't buy them myself. After he realized I am sick I don't know what got into his head when he bought those to me
(either he knows me really well or not at all...)

So yeah, even if I am still sick, my feelings have been more or less like this:

I am doomed.

All in all I am happy with my progress this year. Wish I could have hit my bench goal, but 2/3 isn't bad.
That sounds awesome and I am happy to hear that you have managed to work out despite the herniated disk. Great work and keep it up!

before/after pics are required here!
Oblivion, I heartily agree with Sphinx! :D


I've mentioned it before, but I really do love the Target Mossimo shirts. I just picked up some new ones to replace the ones I got last year



Hmmm, went to do deadlifts today, got 425x2 clean, felt really damn strong. But while resting to attempt my 475lb lift, i just ran out of fuel in the tank. This happened with the overhead press also a few days ago. I got my set right before the last clean, but then the fire inside to push just went out. I dont know if this is from not working out in so long, or something changed with me. I'm actually really confused on what to do next, my plan was to go and finish up this 1s week, then restart it, but maybe i should try a all new routine like PHAT? I am not sure my ego could handle it. I am still plenty strong, felt really good on the lifts, just lacking motivation atm.

Oh, i should also mention that my grip was HORRIBLE today, on my unchalked warm up reps, i had the bar slip out of my hand, and even chalked up, it felt not 100%.


Junior Member
As you wish




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Probably should have cleaned up my mirror in the old one lol. My biggest regret is not taking as many before pics as I should have.

You look great dude. Good fucking work.

Hmmm, went to do deadlifts today, got 425x2 clean, felt really damn strong. But while resting to attempt my 475lb lift, i just ran out of fuel in the tank. This happened with the overhead press also a few days ago. I got my set right before the last clean, but then the fire inside to push just went out. I dont know if this is from not working out in so long, or something changed with me. I'm actually really confused on what to do next, my plan was to go and finish up this 1s week, then restart it, but maybe i should try a all new routine like PHAT? I am not sure my ego could handle it. I am still plenty strong, felt really good on the lifts, just lacking motivation atm.

Oh, i should also mention that my grip was HORRIBLE today, on my unchalked warm up reps, i had the bar slip out of my hand, and even chalked up, it felt not 100%.

Staleness man. Take a week off. Or try and find a training partner.

I've mentioned it before, but I really do love the Target Mossimo shirts. I just picked up some new ones to replace the ones I got last year

Envious of your big ass chest Sean!

Because everyone is posting 2014 recaps, I guess here's mine. I was as lean as I've ever been in the early part of the year (down to 176lbs) and I weighed myself yesterday and I was 208. 32lbs and while I'm a little soft in certain areas, I do feel like I've put on a good bit of muscle. Great year overall. Bulking rules.


the piano man


You look great dude. Good fucking work.

Staleness man. Take a week off. Or try and find a training partner.

Envious of your big ass chest Sean!

Because everyone is posting 2014 recaps, I guess here's mine. I was as lean as I've ever been in the early part of the year (down to 176lbs) and I weighed myself yesterday and I was 208. 32lbs and while I'm a little soft in certain areas, I do feel like I've put on a good bit of muscle. Great year overall. Bulking rules.

Thanks man. I've always had a barrel shaped chest, even when I was skinny. My bench is relatively weak so it's definitely more of a genetics thing.

Btw how tall are you? You don't look close to 208 in your pics. You hold the weight really well
Alright, just finished my last work out for this year. Had one more go at the bench max but failed to hit 135 kg (298 lb) so my max this year was 130 kg. Man, it was close. Got it over half way up but my triceps were a bit too weak to lock it out.

Earlier this week I also tested my one rep max at deadlift and got 182,5 kg / 402 lb which was a PR for me. Fairly pleased with that considering you could count my deadlift sessions this fall with one hand,

So, my end of the year results are 286,6 lb bench + 402 lb deadlift and 330,7 lb squat which makes my total 1019.3 lb. Finally over the 1000 lb break barrier! Well, I weigh 242 lb at the moment so it isn't that much but I'm happy with my numbers considering I've been to the gym only 2,1 times a week on average (according to my gym stats) during the last six months and had an almost three month break from the training before that. Well, I should be able to go to the gym a bit more often next year so hopefylly my average gym visits per week will be closer to four than two...
Hmmm, went to do deadlifts today, got 425x2 clean, felt really damn strong. But while resting to attempt my 475lb lift, i just ran out of fuel in the tank. This happened with the overhead press also a few days ago. I got my set right before the last clean, but then the fire inside to push just went out. I dont know if this is from not working out in so long, or something changed with me. I'm actually really confused on what to do next, my plan was to go and finish up this 1s week, then restart it, but maybe i should try a all new routine like PHAT? I am not sure my ego could handle it. I am still plenty strong, felt really good on the lifts, just lacking motivation atm.
Are you using emotion to get an energy boost before lifting? That will burn you out once it passes. I notice this happens to me when I'm really stressed, cuz I put all that negative energy into my lifts and sometimes I burn out before I'm supposed to be done. Then i just lower the weight. I don't mind since I'll feel relaxed after and a big reason I lift is emotional release.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just for the hell of it, I wanted to test my bench strength the other day. I hit 385 on bench after an easy 365. I think I'm in striking distance of 4 plates.

deadlift is still ass though, still working on sumo for the next couple weeks. Maybe I'll run the cube program.
King beast among civilian beasts.


Push Press or strict Standing Overhead Press?

Which do you all prefer?

I hear the latter is better for power, but I've been doing the Standing OHP for ages.
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