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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My OHP and Squat are weak.

Bench is what's killing, not those two. I just can't keep adding lbs to it. I will continue to squat heavy, but OHP..... I don't know....thinking about it. If I want to grow, I shouldn't do it too heavy.

My numbers are for 3 to 5 reps. That bench number is 3 reps. Madcaw has you building up the max weight. So you do 4x5 at lighter weights, building to the 250lbs 1x3. Make sense?

The following is my opinion:

Squat and DL should never be lower than bench press for someone who has been lifting for a decent amount of time unless injuries are holding them back. There are so many large muscles working in unison that with correct form they should greatly outpace bench. I suggest you post some form check vids so we can get to the bottom of this. You clearly have above average strength with that bench so getting your squat and DL in line shouldn't be too difficult.


What kind of events/lifts make up this competition?

He explains it in an eariler post. I'll just quote it for simplicity.
I got down to 209 a few years back, won't do that shit again while lifting, that's for sure. And I'll be competing novice at the strongman comp, so it should be pretty level playing field I would think. Here's the events and weights.

Yoke walk 60 feet 500lbs.
Press medley log 200lbs, circus DB 120lbs, block 200lbs. Block is AMRAP 60 seconds.
Car deadlift
Farmer carries 60 feet 210lbs
Atlas stones to varying height. Light stone to highest and so on. 180,200,220,240,260

I've never done stones before, or a circus DB and the heaviest I've gone on yoke is 485lbs, so I should be pretty good on novice, but not dominate.

If I did open, here would be the weights and events.

Open Men 231lbs.

Yoke 60 foot 650lbs
Press medley: log 260lbs, circus DB 150, 200lb block amrap on block
Car deadlift
Farmer carries 60feet 270lbs
Atlas stones 260,280,300,320,340

The yoke would crush me and I don't have time to add 100lbs to it safely and as I said, I've never loaded stones and as it is a 200lb sandbag is the best I've loaded so far.

If somehow I win Novice I can never do novice again and next year I'll compete open. I know even in novice there will be PEDs though. And as I said, in the push pull I know for a fact there are PEDs involved n


I fucked up.

Last night during Squats, my form took a nosedive during the last rep and I felt a sting in my lower back on my way up.

Got home, showered, and fell asleep with lower back pain. What's worse is that my right nut has a slight throbbing pain.

Its a new day and my right nut still hurts. More than the back tbh.

Am I dying?


I fucked up.

Last night during Squats, my form took a nosedive during the last rep and I felt a sting in my lower back on my way up.

Got home, showered, and fell asleep with lower back pain. What's worse is that my right nut has a slight throbbing pain.

Its a new day and my right nut still hurts. More than the back tbh.

Am I dying?
Everyone is dying!!! What have you done???
Oh no. I hope your back gets better soon.


I fucked up.

Last night during Squats, my form took a nosedive during the last rep and I felt a sting in my lower back on my way up.

Got home, showered, and fell asleep with lower back pain. What's worse is that my right nut has a slight throbbing pain.

Its a new day and my right nut still hurts. More than the back tbh.

Am I dying?

I checked with a doctor about your situation. This is what he told me.



Did you guys see the video of the woman breaking her leg doing leg press?

That trainer really fucked up there. She was obviously a novice and was better learning squats, which are safer.

I'm not going to link it due to the graphic nature of the video, but you can find it you google "leg press leg break".
Did you guys see the video of the woman break her leg doing leg press?

That trainer really fucked up there. She was obviously a novice and was better learning on squats, which are safer.

I'm not going to link it due to the graphic nature of the video, but you can find it you google "leg press leg break".

Why did I watch that.... My god.


Did you guys see the video of the woman break her leg doing leg press?

That trainer really fucked up there. She was obviously a novice and was better learning on squats, which are safer.

I'm not going to link it due to the graphic nature of the video, but you can find it you google "leg press leg break".

Yeah, I've seen it. Nasty as fuck.


Soccer. I was 10

Ah. I couldn't imagine you breaking it today outside a freak accident God forbid, given your beastly numbers and build.

But it could happen to anyone. I do hear femur fractures are extremely painful.

Hopefully, this woman recovers in full.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Ah. I couldn't imagine you breaking it today outside a freak accident God forbid, given your beastly numbers and build.

But it could happen to anyone. I do hear femur fractures are extremely painful.

Hopefully, this woman recovers in full.
I can confirm that they are indeed painful. The muscle spasms around the broken bone is the worst. Doc said it healed stronger so I don't give it any thought. I was back playing baseball within 5 months.


What did she do wrong?

She was a novice, weight was way too heavy, hyperextended her knee, not full range of motion, quad dominant, which is common for beginners.

Basically her trainer's fault. She shouldn't be leg pressing at that stage.

Learning the squat, developing full range of motion and building up her posterior chain, would've been better for a beginner like her.


Got the circus DB weight today with only a slight scare on my left shoulder. You will see it at the end of the video. All feels fine though and never felt pain, just noise like someone ripping jeans.

Nice lifts. Do you have access to the strongman equipment you don't have at home like stones and an actual circus dumbbell or will you only actually get to use those when you compete?


Still on 1400 calories, hit 185lb on overhead press today very easily. I had a lot more in the tank. Finished up my accessories and got out of there. Damn do I love lifting.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Posting for new page.

Getting ready for STL Strongest man.

Overhead press 230lb 5,4,4. Circus DB style press 95, 100, 110, 120 (competition weight). Only got 120 on right hand, but that's all I need.


Brolic, I look forward to your videos of you rocking this event.

Appreciate it. My wife is going, and she's going to record it for me.

Nice lifts. Do you have access to the strongman equipment you don't have at home like stones and an actual circus dumbbell or will you only actually get to use those when you compete?

I have a log, but it's only 8in, farmer handles, a yoke, and sandbags. The other stuff I need to go to a strongman gym in STL to get my hands on. it's about 40 min away and I'm going next week. I'm slowly building up my own collection of strongman implements. Gonna make my own circus DB out of propane tanks. And probably gonna make my own stones down the line.


It seems that my forced rest is working. I didn't go to the gym at all last week so I wouldn't be tempted to do anything particularly stupid but just rested and walked a little. I have been able to sleep without waking up to the pain but only once during the night which is absolutely awesome. I have then just added a cold treatment to the inflamed piriformis muscle and continued to sleep. For example yesterday I woke up on my own, felt fully rested and were thinking that there is a beautiful day ahead of me... just to realize that I slept way over 17 hours and that it is 10.11 pm already. I think I might need the rest after all that lack of sleep.

Also it's my birthday!

well, no backing out now. Just registered with NAS (North American Strongman) and filled out my entry form.

It's going down.
Good luck! I am looking forward to see videos of it. :D


Did you guys see the video of the woman breaking her leg doing leg press?

That trainer really fucked up there. She was obviously a novice and was better learning squats, which are safer.

I'm not going to link it due to the graphic nature of the video, but you can find it you google "leg press leg break".

Yeah I saw it a few weeks ago. Women and hypermobility are a scary combination sometime in the weightroom.

For those who don't want to watch it, basically her knee hyperextended and went like this:

Jason Blaha uploaded a video about it.
I had the weirdest experience today while doing OHP. Normally I get OHP out of the way first, but all racks were taken so I dicked around a bit with seated calf raises (because I wanted to save my energy for an OHP PR). I don't normally do seated calf raises, only standing BW style calf raises. When a rack finally opened up lower body was just shaking, and I really don't have a good reason why. It could have been the yips, but I'm not sure.
Posting for new page.

Getting ready for STL Strongest man.

Overhead press 230lb 5,4,4. Circus DB style press 95, 100, 110, 120 (competition weight). Only got 120 on right hand, but that's all I need.


Good luck broham, though you probably don't need it since you're one of the (if not the) strongest people in this thread.

Haven't posted much here myself, I've been concentrating on executing my diet for this cut. I'm not exactly hurting for food, but I'm hurting to eat the foods that would totally set me back at this point. My lifts are starting to hit their limits as a result as well. Setting an arbitrary date of May 1st, at which point I'll break it off with a 1kg donair or something and then attempt to eat a whole cheesecake. =|


Hey fitnessGaf I'm back with another question. I'm pretty new to this whole lifting thing, started for the first a bit over a month ago and I've been trying to incorporate squats for a couple weeks now without much luck. Every "why can't I squat" video I've checked for squats has pretty much been about flexibility but that isn't my problem. I can squat just fine without the bar, but when I have the bar on my shoulders the squat motion feels incredibly awkward and out of balance. I haven't added any weight to my squat because I perform so badly each time I've tried it. I've nearly fallen over once or twice in the middle of a squat every day I've tried now. So any advice for balance in the squat?

On the up side my bench press and deadlift are going up just fine. Today I did 3x5x155 for the bench, and 3x5x225 for the deadlift.


Starting to get stretch marks on my arms. Is there anything one can do about those? Had pretty strong stretch marks on my legs when I was heavy on cycling as a teen.


Broke under 250 this morning. Feels good but at the same time, feeling flat. Need to up my carbs a bit.

Nice! My workout partner is following the RP diet with me so we're making this like a competition to see who can lose weight and maintain strength the best. Join me in the post workout poptart/cereal meal. 219 this morning. Almost at 10lbs lost :)

Starting to get stretch marks on my arms. Is there anything one can do about those? Had pretty strong stretch marks on my legs when I was heavy on cycling as a teen.

Stretch marks you say??



Cooter cute dog. What's his name?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
He's a german shepherd/lab mix and his name is Stevie. He's pretty damn awesome. Actually let me sleep last night!
Nice! My workout partner is following the RP diet with me so we're making this like a competition to see who can lose weight and maintain strength the best. Join me in the post workout poptart/cereal meal. 219 this morning. Almost at 10lbs lost :)

Stretch marks you say??



Cooter cute dog. What's his name?

I should eat some cereal. I haven't had any in a while. PWO cereal today sounds great.

And +1 for dogs. I love em!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Two of my favorite breeds combined into one. I wish I had a bigger back yard for a dog like that.
Mine too. We drove 4 hours each way to get him Sunday in a spur of the moment road trip. Lady on Craigslist had 2 left and a lot of interested parties so we said what the hell and split. Kids will never forget that day. It was totally worth it.



Her hands are off-centered. Her thumbs are in different positions. The bar position is not aligned with her torso. And who's idea was it to have her wear a wristband. I bet it was the mom, definitely the mom.

You must be coach Rip-a-toddler. I've heard of you.
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