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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Starting to get stretch marks on my arms. Is there anything one can do about those? Had pretty strong stretch marks on my legs when I was heavy on cycling as a teen.

Creams, oils, vitamin E soaps, and a diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins. You need to go full Cleopatra if you're lifting for aesthetics. Or for health, as the skin is an important organ.

But seriously, Bio-oil and a vitamin E soap seem to diminish stretch marks on my skin. I wash my torso and arms with that instead of regular soap, so give it try.
Hey fitnessGaf I'm back with another question. I'm pretty new to this whole lifting thing, started for the first a bit over a month ago and I've been trying to incorporate squats for a couple weeks now without much luck. Every "why can't I squat" video I've checked for squats has pretty much been about flexibility but that isn't my problem. I can squat just fine without the bar, but when I have the bar on my shoulders the squat motion feels incredibly awkward and out of balance. I haven't added any weight to my squat because I perform so badly each time I've tried it. I've nearly fallen over once or twice in the middle of a squat every day I've tried now. So any advice for balance in the squat?

On the up side my bench press and deadlift are going up just fine. Today I did 3x5x155 for the bench, and 3x5x225 for the deadlift.

Is the bar back far enough on your back? Are you doing high bar or low bar squats?

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Squat and Deadlift day: Currently been on a strength plateau for about 3 weeks. Currently hitting 375 lb deadlift for 6 reps. Trying to get to 8 reps before I move up to 385. I think it is because I started a cut.
Squat and Deadlift day: Currently been on a strength plateau for about 3 weeks. Currently hitting 375 lb deadlift for 6 reps. Trying to get to 8 reps before I move up to 385. I think it is because I started a cut.
I had deadlift and squat day today too. Nothing breaks you down, wears you out, and makes you more proud than this day.


Hey fitnessGaf I'm back with another question. I'm pretty new to this whole lifting thing, started for the first a bit over a month ago and I've been trying to incorporate squats for a couple weeks now without much luck. Every "why can't I squat" video I've checked for squats has pretty much been about flexibility but that isn't my problem. I can squat just fine without the bar, but when I have the bar on my shoulders the squat motion feels incredibly awkward and out of balance. I haven't added any weight to my squat because I perform so badly each time I've tried it. I've nearly fallen over once or twice in the middle of a squat every day I've tried now. So any advice for balance in the squat?

On the up side my bench press and deadlift are going up just fine. Today I did 3x5x155 for the bench, and 3x5x225 for the deadlift.

Maybe try posting a video of you attempting a squat with just an empty bar and people can help from there.
whats the general thought on grip hooks

As a guy who works with computers all day and is super concerned about joint health, I'm a little concerned about my grip strength getting in the way of increasing my weight. I know general concensus is "if you can't grip it, you can't lift it", but honestly health and safety come before my pride for this particular lift.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
whats the general thought on grip hooks

As a guy who works with computers all day and is super concerned about joint health, I'm a little concerned about my grip strength getting in the way of increasing my weight. I know general concensus is "if you can't grip it, you can't lift it", but honestly health and safety come before my pride for this particular lift.

General consensus is fucking stupid.

Do you plan on competing? In powerlifting you have to grip it, in strongman you do not, you can use straps.

If you don't plan to compete at all fuck everyone else. I will say though, grip strength is important to overall health. It will become a weak point t and you will end up having to work it anyway. And by weak point I mean you will begin getting pain. Also hook grip doesn't work grip strength, it basically turns your hands into straps.

It seems that my forced rest is working. I didn't go to the gym at all last week so I wouldn't be tempted to do anything particularly stupid but just rested and walked a little. I have been able to sleep without waking up to the pain but only once during the night which is absolutely awesome. I have then just added a cold treatment to the inflamed piriformis muscle and continued to sleep. For example yesterday I woke up on my own, felt fully rested and were thinking that there is a beautiful day ahead of me... just to realize that I slept way over 17 hours and that it is 10.11 pm already. I think I might need the rest after all that lack of sleep.

Good luck! I am looking forward to see videos of it. :D

Thanks! And I often find myself sleeping 8-10 hours. It's not a big deal. Glad you're able to sleep.

Good luck broham, though you probably don't need it since you're one of the (if not the) strongest people in this thread.

Haven't posted much here myself, I've been concentrating on executing my diet for this cut. I'm not exactly hurting for food, but I'm hurting to eat the foods that would totally set me back at this point. My lifts are starting to hit their limits as a result as well. Setting an arbitrary date of May 1st, at which point I'll break it off with a 1kg donair or something and then attempt to eat a whole cheesecake. =|

Thanks man, but I'm only one of the strongest, not the strongest. And even if I was, I wouldn't boast about it, such things are fleeting and only make you a giant D bag. Part of the reason I am where I am is because of this thread and the people in it.


Thanks man, but I'm only one of the strongest, not the strongest. And even if I was, I wouldn't boast about it, such things are fleeting and only make you a giant D bag. Part of the reason I am where I am is because of this thread and the people in it.

Yeah, we know how you deal with D bags. You throw them over a 62 inch bar.


whats the general thought on grip hooks

As a guy who works with computers all day and is super concerned about joint health, I'm a little concerned about my grip strength getting in the way of increasing my weight. I know general concensus is "if you can't grip it, you can't lift it", but honestly health and safety come before my pride for this particular lift.

I would lift without straps until grip was my limiting factor then go with straps. Then work on grip as an accessory. Do all warm up lifts without straps too.


At this point I just don't know where this strength is coming from. Still on 1400 calories, and got 410 on deadlift easy. It was one of my best pulls in fact. Felt so stupid strong. How is this possible.

Oh well, bench day left and this 1s week is finished.
At this point I just don't know where this strength is coming from. Still on 1400 calories, and got 410 on deadlift easy. It was one of my best pulls in fact. Felt so stupid strong. How is this possible.

Oh well, bench day left and this 1s week is finished.

I was wondering the same thing, How do you get the energy to do those numbers with such low calories? You eat more carbs on workout days right? Is it only post workout?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Bish can do what he does because of passion and willpower. Don't underestimate what these two things working in tandem can accomplish.


Finally got around to hitting 335x3x3 on deadlift, and if there's a lesson to be learned, it's that it's time to invest in chalk


I was wondering the same thing, How do you get the energy to do those numbers with such low calories? You eat more carbs on workout days right? Is it only post workout?

17g net carbs a day everyday. I don't carb up.

Bish can do what he does because of passion and willpower. Don't underestimate what these two things working in tandem can accomplish.

This is also true. My resolve is relentless.


I just finished watching BodybuildingRev's video "Improve Your Squat! Full Mobility Workshop (eng sub)" [1:22:07], which seems to be a followup to their "Squat Like A Weightlifter - FULL Workshop (eng sub)" [1:01:04] video. If you guys have about 2.5H to spare, I think it's worth the watch, especially the mobility one. He presented the interesting concept of arthrokinetic reflex in the beginning, which I never knew about before.

The videos may seem to be bias towards high bar squats, but the attendees are all from different areas (powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding, running, and a few more I don't remember).
6 hours of mountain biking today, and also a major cheat day. Glad to be back out in the outside world, all this indoor training was starting to drive me a bit nuts.


Hey guys first time posting in this thread! Anyways got a question, I been trying to get back in shape and bulk up and been looking around for a good Olympic bench set.

Its been a while since I did heavy weights but last time I bench pressed was 280lbs which was a year ago lol. I was wondering if this set is of good quality and can hold enough weight ( don't trust the description on the site) and worth the price. I don't want to squat or bench heavy weights and have this shit fall apart on me lol http://mobile.walmart.com/ip/Gold-s-Gym-XRS-20-Olympic-Workout-Bench/5280822


Made 12 days of food yesterday:


And a selfie from after the gym yesterday. Sorry about lighting. Ignore the hair, im growing it out even more so haven't styled or cut it in a while.

About 242lbs in that pic. Majority of my fat is in belly sadly, pretty lean elsewhere. 5'11.


And a selfie from after the gym yesterday. Sorry about lighting. Ignore the hair, im growing it out even more so haven't styled or cut it in a while.

About 242lbs in that pic. Majority of my fat is in belly sadly, pretty lean elsewhere. 5'11.

You certainly don't look like a guy who's ever had an obesity issue. Amazing work.


Nearly two weeks without basicly any leg work. No squats, long walks (on the beach or otherwise), deadlifts, walking lunges, staircase work out or even pilates. I feel that my ass is just fading away. That in mind I took a quick pic while shopping (no good mirror in my apartment to take pics like this) and I am trying to convince to myself that the situation isn't as bad as my feelings about it are.

At the same weight, left is 2014 autumn and right is 2015 spring.

Thanks! And I often find myself sleeping 8-10 hours. It's not a big deal. Glad you're able to sleep.
You are very welcome. :)

Thank you. That comment made me feel instantly better. I have the whole week been sleeping +12 hours, but I am fairly sure that my body really needs it. Next Monday I am meeting up with my physiotherapist and hopefully she is satisfied enough with the rest progress that she will let me continue working out.

Also awesome new video! How long time do you have now to lose that 20 pounds by the way? When will they check your weight for the competition?

I just watched Pumping Iron last night after my workout. Got such a big post workout pump that I wanted to go back to the gym and workout some more lol.
Lol. I must admit that I am also always the most motivated after I have already worked out. :p

My sleep gains are getting killed because of this guy
Oh my gods! That pic is so very cute!

You must now post pics (containing you and Stevie) that will totally blow my mind. ^_^

Made 12 days of food yesterday:

And a selfie from after the gym yesterday. Sorry about lighting. Ignore the hair, im growing it out even more so haven't styled or cut it in a while.

About 242lbs in that pic. Majority of my fat is in belly sadly, pretty lean elsewhere. 5'11.
That food pic made me sooooo hungry. Can you come and cook for me too? :p

And even more importantly than that, you look absolutely amazing! Definitely good looking shoulders and arms. ;)
Made 12 days of food yesterday:

And a selfie from after the gym yesterday. Sorry about lighting. Ignore the hair, im growing it out even more so haven't styled or cut it in a while.

About 242lbs in that pic. Majority of my fat is in belly sadly, pretty lean elsewhere. 5'11.

Hey bish, mind passing me the recipe and the storage method for that? Looks pretty good, i could make it a staple on my diet with a few more vegetables.
F the Over head press! Week 7 of strong lifts 5x5 and I am just not making the progress the program wants me to. I've lost all confidence in the lift. I was scheduled to do 95 but I dropped it down to 85 after it became too much on the first set. Internet says its a shoulder exercise but it feels like I'm pushing wih my arms. Is that normal?

Anyway, I plan to stick it out and stay on program. Squatting has become completely different once I passed my body weight.


Nearly two weeks without basicly any leg work. No squats, long walks (on the beach or otherwise), deadlifts, walking lunges, staircase work out or even pilates. I feel that my ass is just fading away. That in mind I took a quick pic while shopping (no good mirror in my apartment to take pics like this) and I am trying to convince to myself that the situation isn't as bad as my feelings about it are.
You're not going to lose any significant amount of muscle in just two weeks. Your health is worth the two weeks of rest.


Hey bish, mind passing me the recipe and the storage method for that? Looks pretty good, i could make it a staple on my diet with a few more vegetables.
I assume that it is the one that he has shared on Nutrition Thread. :)

Bish has been wonderful at sharing recipes to be honest. :p

You're not going to lose any significant amount of muscle in just two weeks. Your health is worth the two weeks of rest.
Thanks Zoe. So I try to tell to myself. Hard to explain and I know it is utterly stupid, but it is mentally quite rough not to be able to do anything.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Sadetar, the 20lbs shy of competition weight refers to the yoke weight. Competition is a 500lb yoke. I only need to lose 10lbs before May 8.


Thanks so much everyone. I am still the 350lb no muscle fat dude inside, have not much confidence unless i'm at the gym, where i feel like i'm in my natural element. And of course, on fitgaf.

You certainly don't look like a guy who's ever had an obesity issue. Amazing work.

Next time i post pics, you'll see what i'm talking about, was pretty bad. But hey, it's gotten a lot better! And i was going to do my dexa scan on march 28th but now i want to wait another 2-3 weeks to do it, just because i got some quest bars on sale and i immediately got kicked out of keto every single time i ate one and it set me back weeks. I'm giving my bars away to my sister in law just to not have them in the house.

That food pic made me sooooo hungry. Can you come and cook for me too? :p

And even more importantly than that, you look absolutely amazing! Definitely good looking shoulders and arms. ;)

I get asked to cook for others all the time actually. I should turn that into my full time job, healthy cooking bish.

Hey bish, mind passing me the recipe and the storage method for that? Looks pretty good, i could make it a staple on my diet with a few more vegetables.

I assume that it is the one that he has shared on Nutrition Thread. :)

Bish has been wonderful at sharing recipes to be honest. :p

Yep, thats the recipe. I weigh it out on a food scale, portion control it, and its all pre-determined calorie/macro wise ahead of time. I keep it very simple because really, why add the complication of coming up with stuff to eat everyday. Easier to eat the same thing, know exactly what your macros are, and only have to cook once every few weeks. I understand that eating the same thing can get old, but what is more important, sure fire diet without any concerns over hitting your macros everyday to hit your goal, or having a change of pace for food.

Plus the meal is freakin delicious. I destroy it when it comes to lunch time, and i've been eating this for months, its still incredible.
I just finished watching BodybuildingRev's video "Improve Your Squat! Full Mobility Workshop (eng sub)" [1:22:07], which seems to be a followup to their "Squat Like A Weightlifter - FULL Workshop (eng sub)" [1:01:04] video. If you guys have about 2.5H to spare, I think it's worth the watch, especially the mobility one. He presented the interesting concept of arthrokinetic reflex in the beginning, which I never knew about before.
Started watching this the other night but haven't gotten through it yet. I thought it was really fascinating how he compresses the guy's wrist joint and he loses all his strength in his leg.
Good morning FitGaf.

Need a bit of advice regarding pull ups. They've been part of my work out for a long time and my plan was always to be able to do 3 sets of 10 and then start adding weight.

Problem is, for the the last year my first set has varied anywhere between 6-9 pull ups, never quite hitting the 10 mark. Then the following sets are usually between 5-7.

So on an average day my sets will look anywhere from 9,7,6 to 7,6,7 or 8,6,5 etc.

Essentially I feel as if I'm plateauing. Am I better off just forgetting about hitting the mystical 10 rep mark and chaining 10kg to myself and go from there? Or should I stick it out?

Simple problem yes, but it's frustrating as hell.

Body weight is 82kg btw.


Neo Member
What up Fitnessgaf. Just dropping by to say hi cause I got a gym membership today and also decided to set up meetings with a personal trainer two times a week for three months cause I don't know the first thing about working out.

We'll see how this goes. Kind of nervous tbh. Not the working out part, but being surrounded by big, fit guys. Being a tiny gay boy my entire life, walking into the gym today and seeing everyone working out, I was like, these are the kinds of guys I've spent the last 23 and a half years avoiding.

The staff was super nice though and made me feel welcome, and I'm sure I won't really care once I get into it, but I still have to admit it was kind of scary.

Also: my sister's a registered dietitian, so I'm using her as a resource for the food part of getting fit.
Essentially I feel as if I'm plateauing. Am I better off just forgetting about hitting the mystical 10 rep mark and chaining 10kg to myself and go from there? Or should I stick it out?

Seems psychological as much as anything. I'd throw some weight on and do some time at lower reps for a while. As long as you're capable of making a few reps with reasonable form, you'll make progress.
Good morning FitGaf.

Need a bit of advice regarding pull ups. They've been part of my work out for a long time and my plan was always to be able to do 3 sets of 10 and then start adding weight.

Problem is, for the the last year my first set has varied anywhere between 6-9 pull ups, never quite hitting the 10 mark. Then the following sets are usually between 5-7.

So on an average day my sets will look anywhere from 9,7,6 to 7,6,7 or 8,6,5 etc.

Essentially I feel as if I'm plateauing. Am I better off just forgetting about hitting the mystical 10 rep mark and chaining 10kg to myself and go from there? Or should I stick it out?

Simple problem yes, but it's frustrating as hell.

Body weight is 82kg btw.

Doing the same exercise, same number of reps every time is bound to result in a plateau, your body will stop trying to adapt once it thinks it's "good enough". Force it out of its comfort zone, do lat pulldowns, rows or something else to activate your back.
Seems psychological as much as anything. I'd throw some weight on and do some time at lower reps for a while. As long as you're capable of making a few reps with reasonable form, you'll make progress.

Doing the same exercise, same number of reps every time is bound to result in a plateau, your body will stop trying to adapt once it thinks it's "good enough". Force it out of its comfort zone, do lat pulldowns, rows or something else to activate your back.

Yeah, have been starting to think it's in my head alright. Cheers, I should be able to hit a few out with some weight added, see what happens!


Good morning FitGaf.

Need a bit of advice regarding pull ups. They've been part of my work out for a long time and my plan was always to be able to do 3 sets of 10 and then start adding weight.

Problem is, for the the last year my first set has varied anywhere between 6-9 pull ups, never quite hitting the 10 mark. Then the following sets are usually between 5-7.

So on an average day my sets will look anywhere from 9,7,6 to 7,6,7 or 8,6,5 etc.

Essentially I feel as if I'm plateauing. Am I better off just forgetting about hitting the mystical 10 rep mark and chaining 10kg to myself and go from there? Or should I stick it out?

Simple problem yes, but it's frustrating as hell.

Body weight is 82kg btw.

Either go ahead and add weight or try doing more throughout the day without out going to muscular fatigue (Greasing the Groove). Pull-ups and chin-ups are great for Greasing the Groove style training, particularly because it's easy and cheap to put a pull-up bar in any doorway in your home or office.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Nearly two weeks without basicly any leg work. No squats, long walks (on the beach or otherwise), deadlifts, walking lunges, staircase work out or even pilates. I feel that my ass is just fading away. That in mind I took a quick pic while shopping (no good mirror in my apartment to take pics like this) and I am trying to convince to myself that the situation isn't as bad as my feelings about it are.

At the same weight, left is 2014 autumn and right is 2015 spring.

I don't wanna be that dude, but uh, you have nothing to worry about, seriously.


Hey guys first time posting in this thread! Anyways got a question, I been trying to get back in shape and bulk up and been looking around for a good Olympic bench set.

Its been a while since I did heavy weights but last time I bench pressed was 280lbs which was a year ago lol. I was wondering if this set is of good quality and can hold enough weight ( don't trust the description on the site) and worth the price. I don't want to squat or bench heavy weights and have this shit fall apart on me lol http://mobile.walmart.com/ip/Gold-s-Gym-XRS-20-Olympic-Workout-Bench/5280822

I suggest looking at Craigslist and seeing if you can get a higher quality set for the same price. If you were going to try to squat with that you'd probably need a spotter, I don't think those safety bars look low enough or long enough to help if your rep fails.

It actually looks like a decent set if you can't find anything better. The only thing I've noticed with sets like that is that the steel isn't the best quality, but at the price you can't really complain. Also, it does look like the bench is separate from the rack, so you can pull it out and do squats.


Started watching this the other night but haven't gotten through it yet. I thought it was really fascinating how he compresses the guy's wrist joint and he loses all his strength in his leg.
Yeah. He says that's arthrokinetic reflex, I started read a bit into it. Basically compression or jamming of joints will cause your CNS to generate less power in your activities to protect your joint from further "damage". There a demo video on YouTube where the demonstrator compressed the wrist, jawbone, elbow, and thumb and they all gave the same results: couldn't generate power from his leg to maintain his leg position. Very interesting IMO.
Yeah, have been starting to think it's in my head alright. Cheers, I should be able to hit a few out with some weight added, see what happens!
I like how Phraks GSLP Variant does weighted chin-ups. 2x5, 5+. So you do two sets of 5 and then as many reps as possible (AMRAP) on the last set. If you get 5 or more, increase the weight by 2.5lbs next time you do the lift. Same idea should be applicable for pull-ups. Another way I guess is you increase the total volume of pull-ups; if you have a pull-up bar at home, you can do a few every time you walk pass it.
I like how Phraks GSLP Variant does weighted chin-ups. 2x5, 5+. So you do two sets of 5 and then as many reps as possible (AMRAP) on the last set. If you get 5 or more, increase the weight by 2.5lbs next time you do the lift. Same idea should be applicable for pull-ups. Another way I guess is you increase the total volume of pull-ups; if you have a pull-up bar at home, you can do a few every time you walk pass it.

That's not a bad idea at all. I currently do something similar when increasing my weight with squats and deadlifts.

What's a good number of pull ups to rep at if you're adding weight? 6 maybe?

J. Bravo

bros! weighed myself after my workout and pre workout shit, and I clocked in at about 198!! then tried 2 more scales, one was closer to 195, the other was 197.2! so close to 200. I wasn't even trying to hit 200 but I am super close and got so hype. I took an "almost 200" selfie but prob wont post it haha. and to think it's time to start cutting in 5 days :( never really been on the hype bulk train until now....sucks its already time to get off it haha.
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