I guess we all want what we can't have then.
You look phenomenal and your chest is just huuuuge!The feels you get when you hit that right spot under those gym lights.Leaning out feels good.
Down to 204 this week. I'm enjoying being back on keto, it's been fun. I've had so much steak. Started doing weighted pullups/dips as well, hopefully they'll improve even on this cut. *shrugs* Just happy to be in the groove again.
Regarding your bf%, you're a girl, thick (good thick), and have big boobs. I feel like your bf% is going to be naturally high. Also, the scales are inaccurate.
Thank you both. Perhaps I just shouldn't think about it too much. I am trying to get to use to rely on the mirror more since to me it matters way more than just the numbers anyway. At the moment I just think that I look like a sack of potatoes. Need to still drop weight and get firmer. Hopefully before the end of this year I would be on my goal weight. Injuries just keep bothering me all the time and stress doesn't make eating right any easier.+/- 10% body fat... which basically makes them useless. Not even reliable enough to trend with.
Awww, thank you! I keep saying to myself that 50 pounds is ok, even if not really yet enough for my goal. Injuries, forced rest, work, graduating thesis and all that have just kept me with maintaining and I haven't had the real drive to push it (and at the moment my physiotherapist would anyways kill me if I would try). I am waiting that I would heal a bit, would be able to sleep more than couple hours in a row and actually get the damn diet in order again. Hopefully in the end of summer I am more cut.50 pounds in a year is awesome! You should really be proud. Dont let a number dictate how you feel. Just keep doing what you are doing, it obviously works!
Some people can get the results they want without counting calories, but personally i feel its a great tool to get the best results possible.
Hahah, I didn't need to really ask that. You know a person is desperate when he offers free diet and scaling. If you are a professional and have a good customer base you have no need for that.Yeah counting calories just doesn't work... I feel like the last 5 days I've wasted away to nothing while counting calories. If that was his answer I'd be like "why would anyone want to hire you then"?
So I guess I lose my fat first from my stomach region faster than anything else.
Haha thanks!Also as a sidenote I have been staring those pics way longer than I should have. Nice glasses and facial hair.![]()
roebear, your before pic there is basically my goal. Great job man.
I know I am still overweight but I was still shocked when I got a free scaling and it said my bf % is 45,5. It might be correct, but it honestly feels a bit high. I have no idea how inaccurate they possibly can be. Perhaps I am just fatter than I thought.![]()
Feels bad man when a plate fell on your toe. Thank God I didn't break anything.
Haha thanks!
I really enjoy being the first one more. Counting everything gets tiresome, and I miss almond butter with almost every meal lol.
The feels you get when you hit that right spot under those gym lights.Leaning out feels good.
Down to 204 this week. I'm enjoying being back on keto, it's been fun. I've had so much steak. Started doing weighted pullups/dips as well, hopefully they'll improve even on this cut. *shrugs* Just happy to be in the groove again.
Yeah counting calories just doesn't work... I feel like the last 5 days I've wasted away to nothing while counting calories. If that was his answer I'd be like "why would anyone want to hire you then"?
So I guess I lose my fat first from my stomach region faster than anything else.
Yeah counting calories just doesn't work... I feel like the last 5 days I've wasted away to nothing while counting calories. If that was his answer I'd be like "why would anyone want to hire you then"?
So I guess I lose my fat first from my stomach region faster than anything else.
I've added front pause squats to my DL day, but it's only been a week since I did that so obviously I don't know how much it'll help. That said, it's so frustrating to see my squat regressing so much while everything else has been going up extremely smoothly. I kind of miss the frequency of heavy squats I had with SL5X5 that sometimes I want to go back. :/
lol, I always stand like that and idk why. I like locking out my knees.I wish I had your forearms. Unrelated, it looks like someone put your knees in the wrong place in that pic thanks to those huge shorts.![]()
lol, I always stand like that and idk why. I like locking out my knees.
And my forearms look weird. I have the physique of a gorilla.
The one to the left resembles a body so much. Awesome lift dude, really impressive.
Any recommendations for a 4 day hypertrophy split? I've been running this since September, but I think it's time to move on. Here are my lift #'s:
Squat: 235x8
Bench: 185x6
OHP: 125x8
I do Romanian DL's at 245x8
Lyle's Generic Bulking Routine is supposed to be one of the better ones.
Just checked your link and it seems that the workout routine on that site is pretty similar to that of Lyle's.
It was only 1 lbs but I screamed like a mofo. It was a direct hit because I was not wearing any shoes. Kinda swolen today. I guess sometimes being swole is bad.ouch, how heavy?
It was only 1 lbs but I screamed like a mofo. It was a direct hit because I was not wearing any shoes. Kinda swolen today. I guess sometimes being swole is bad.
Probably not. Lift and get your intake right. You'll lose weight and get stronger, for the short term at least (this doesn't really work for experienced lifters)Basically my question is should I lose weight before I start lifting?
Probably not. Lift and get your intake right. You'll lose weight and get stronger, for the short term at least (this doesn't really work for experienced lifters)
Ignore the whole losing weight quicker by lifting thing. The basic argument is that the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns at rest... technically true but it's such a minuscule amount that it might as well be nothing.
There are many massive success stories here of posters who essentially lifted and dieted their way out of obesity without ever touching cardio. So if cardio doesn't work for you, focus on what does. Once you've lost some weight you'll likely feel a lot different about your cardio fitness anyway.
Well heres the first video I'm posting to Fit Gaf. I have a longer explanation in the video description but its fair to say I'm pretty fatigued as its my last set of the day. Any and all comments are welcome: youtube. Ignore the bullshit at the beginning. I didn't feel like editing it.
Yeah counting calories just doesn't work... I feel like the last 5 days I've wasted away to nothing while counting calories. If that was his answer I'd be like "why would anyone want to hire you then"?
So I guess I lose my fat first from my stomach region faster than anything else.
So, it's like your got the upper body of a gorilla and the lower body of a horse.
Oh dude, you had me laughing out loud...
Am I wrong??? Look at the guy.
He's like a mythical fantasy creature that lifts weights and plays video games.
Well heres the first video I'm posting to Fit Gaf. I have a longer explanation in the video description but its fair to say I'm pretty fatigued as its my last set of the day. Any and all comments are welcome: youtube. Ignore the bullshit at the beginning. I didn't feel like editing it.
How do you guys deal with having a vacation right in the middle of your programming? I'll be gone for a week and won't have access to the gym. So it cuts into the transition from hypertrophy to more strength focused lifting. Afraid I'll come back and find myself weaker than before.
Looks damn solid to me Duff.
Nice work, big guy. I liked how gently you brought down each rep.![]()
Looks like very solid pulls especially for 90% of your max. Actually based on how smooth they were I would say you're shortchanging yourself and it may be closer to 85% of your max.
Looked solid, and you're a big dude!
How do you guys deal with having a vacation right in the middle of your programming? I'll be gone for a week and won't have access to the gym. So it cuts into the transition from hypertrophy to more strength focused lifting. Afraid I'll come back and find myself weaker than before.
You'd be surprised at how little, if any you will lose. The more likely outcome is that your body will appreciate the week off and you'll come back and kick ass. I just do a couple of extra warm up sets when I come back from a week off.
I'll probably just end up doing that. Do more warmup weights before my working sets. Don't want to be in for a rude awakening when I come back.Go on vacation, pickup where you left off, or roll back one week.
Are they tested Brolic?
Yeah, it will be loaded with them. As long as you know that going in you can temper expectations. I still think you'll be near the top though which is amazing by itself. I think I'm actually just as curious to see you get down to 230. haI doubt it, nothing was posted about it in the rules and strongman like powerlifting and BB is loaded with PEDs. Im not worried though, I'll see how I do being just me.
The push pull definitely isn't tested and its unsanctioned. I KNOW I'll be lifting against juicers, most of them are my gym buddies.
Yeah, it will be loaded with them. As long as you know that going in you can temper expectations. I still think you'll be near the top though which is amazing by itself. I think I'm actually just as curious to see you get down to 230. ha