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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Woo! Deadlifted 215 lbs. just now! New personal best. :D

Slow, but consistent.

Climb up the hill, Oblivion...
Finally back on the gain train for OHP, got 3x5 at 137 pounds today. I actually felt like I could have done more which feels great because it has been so long since I moved up in OHP.

So at the moment my lifts are:
Deadlift - 140 kg's (308) 3x5
Squat - 130 kg's (286) 3x5
Bench - 80 kg's (176) 3x5
OHP - 62.5 kg's (137) 3x5

I'm also able to do reps on dips, chins and pulls with 10 kg's for quite a few reps. At the moment I feel I can go a lot further on my Deadlift. My OHP I think I could get 67.5 but we'll see. My squat is starting to stall but I'm hoping to push closer to 140.

My bench still sucks. I got 80 at 3x5 but it was a struggle. It's not even that far ahead of my OHP and if anything my form is far easier to maintain in OHP. My aim is to get to 100 kg's for 3x5 but at the moment I'd settle just for doing my bodyweight.

Just gotta keep pushing!

Edit: I weighed in at 182 pounds this morning but it fluctuates a little bit. If anything I think I might have lost weight, I may need to eat more I think.



First lower body day after coming back from vacation. 10 doubles on squats at 75% (295) and 5 triples on deadlift at 75% (365). If I don't keep track of sets like this I'll usually lose count and end up doing an extra set.


I just finished watching the IWF Weightlifting Documentary. Fantastic watch.

lol Lu Xiaojun and Liao Hui clubbing.

More of an advertisement then a documentary right?

Seemed like the equivalent of a travel documentary that is paid for by the city it covers.

Nice pictures thought and it made me more interested in that sport then before.
Going to look now if I can find something with a bit more depth and maybe willing to go to darker sides (like actually looking at WHY the chinese are so great and at what cost)


More of an advertisement then a documentary right?

Seemed like the equivalent of a travel documentary that is paid for by the city it covers.

Nice pictures thought and it made me more interested in that sport then before.
Going to look now if I can find something with a bit more depth and maybe willing to go to darker sides (like actually looking at WHY the chinese are so great and at what cost)


I think I'm gonna start my cut on Monday. I was gonna wait until after my 40th bday (apr27) but I'm at 280 now lol. I don't want to wait any longer but then i do


That's because they've got more drugs in them than a pharmaceutical factory.
I wouldn't doubt that. You would be naive to think there are no WLers taking drugs. Not too long ago 11 Bulgarian WLers were tested positive for Dianabol.

However the Chinese environment is very conductive of producing good athletes. Plus they have recovery very high on their priority and they have a curfew where everyone has to sleep by a certain time.

Edit: 21 Indian weightlifters caught in doping, provisionally suspended by IWF


That's because they've got more drugs in them than a pharmaceutical factory.

That was basically what I was alluding too.

There are similar cases here and there from athletes that "flee" the iron curtain or have fled, that talk about those training programs and how crazy the abuse is from childhood on.

A ton of former East German top athletes are still in legal litigation because of all the crazy stuff their trainers gave them with and without their knowledge.
There is a case of a female Track athlete for example where the stuff they gave her basically made her unable to have kids.

AND its pretty much known that Russia does not even test or enforce any restriction, so why would China? Culture is so western dominated that sports seems to be the thing were they can go for pride, and at any cost it seems.

SO thats the stuff I was thinking when you see super happy, super buff chinese people in that "documentary". Are they really that happy to be full time slaves of their sport?
What does it tell me about what you do when you "enjoy it" after 5 years of doing it?

But it sure did look nice and look at all the diversity at the end!


Do you guys count the weight of your clips towards your total? My gym has some barbell collars that weigh 2.5 lbs total but I never calculate them with my numbers. I figure that there probably is some variation with the barbells and weights that it doesn't really matter in the end?
More of an advertisement then a documentary right?

Seemed like the equivalent of a travel documentary that is paid for by the city it covers.

Nice pictures thought and it made me more interested in that sport then before.
Going to look now if I can find something with a bit more depth and maybe willing to go to darker sides (like actually looking at WHY the chinese are so great and at what cost)

It's an advertisement for the sport. "American weightlifting" is the only other WL doc I know of in English.


Brian Burke punched my mom
So I've been having some very loud knee popping/cracking and occassionally mild-moderate pain for the last month or so. The right knee grinds a bit but no cracking and not much pain. I squatted 400+ with the pain but I'm probably going to just stop completely for a while now. The weird thing is front squats felt good and back squats caused pain. I'll try to get a diagnosis and work around it until I can get it resolved. I'll have to find a quad exercise that doesn't hurt.

Injuries suck :(


My gym is closed from Friday till Tuesday. I haven't never seen the place so packed as it was on Thursday. I am afraid it will be the same thing when they will open it after Easter break. I might need to wake up early just to work out since generally students wants to sleep late and the evening time is the worst.

Cooter, as a random sitenote, will you do Official Progress thread also this year too? Hahah, mainly just asking since I am looking for different things to motivate me to cut. :p I mean I will anyways, but outside motivation works wonders as well.

Thanks for the kind words everyone,
I will not look for the traps on purpose, but if they find me, I will welcome them with open arms and treat them like a friend.

The wife, I'm sure, will come to like them and maybe one day, even love them.

Hahah, good for you. :D

Damn. That sucks. Poor lad.

This stuff is also the reason I am so worried about losing the muscles on my legs and ass when I can't really do that much with them for the time being. Will be in total at least two months of not being able to do squats or things like that. Oh well, no can do. At least I bike everywhere and do body weight squats once or twice a week.

Thanks Sadetar. :) Your weight loss/body transformation is already an awesome accomplishment! I'm sure you'll do all sorts of great things as you get healthier and stronger.

Oh, and sorry to hear about the job. Hope the search for whatever you choose to do next goes smoothly.
You are very welcome. :)

And thank you! I am far from satisfied since I am nowhere near were I want to be. I wish I would be able to work out more, but these stupid injuries slow me down.

What come to the job it might be just for the best that I don't get stuck to that place. After I graduate I will start to seek something else that would better fit my education. :D

That feeling when your back is getting large enough where you can't reach that itch.

I can come and scratch it for you... ;)

Was this video already posted?
I skip leg day | The smart ebike
Injuries suck :(

Yes, yes they do.

Edit - Another week, another additional 150kcal per day... and once again no weight gained. My body is being REALLY strange at the moment. I'm up 700kcal a day from what I was using a couple of months back. Maybe it's the warmer weather!

I'm not massively concerned though as I've got particularly visible body re-composition going on. I just need to re-find my level.


Went to a nice easter buffet today, had about 7 full lobster tails slathered with butter, about 50+ king crab legs, all slathered with butter, and at least 3 large steak pieces, also slathered with butter. Cause why not. Keto 4 lyfe. After all that food i felt like i had enough energy to fly out the window, everyone else wanted to sleep as they ate their ice cream and cake at the end, i got hit with energy levels unheard of. Such is keto life. Back on the strict train tomorrow.

Also, i'm down to 1 days worth of cake left, and i prepped 2 huge cakes, threw them in the oven... and the oven died. No heat at all. Tried to launch the pilot several times, nothing. Going to have someone look at it tomorrow. The cakes are in the fridge uncooked, i hope they survive.


What's the purpose of a female-only part in a gym when all the girls come over to the general area and block the benches to do strange leg exercises that you could do just as well at home? Seems like they all came to gym as it's a public holiday today. But well, it's Sweden, so you cannot say anything as otherwise you will get the feminist backlash.


So I earned a vacation from leg days by breaking a toe last night. Yay.

What say you FitGAF? Skip my normally scheduled legs days altogether or sub in extra upper body work in the mean time? It's a break in programming either way but skipping completely is leaving me in a bad place mentally.
So I earned a vacation from leg days by breaking a toe last night. Yay.

What say you FitGAF? Skip my normally scheduled legs days altogether or sub in extra upper body work in the mean time? It's a break in programming either way but skipping completely is leaving me in a bad place mentally.

As much as I'm usually against them why don't you do leg raises, curls, etc? Find a way.


So I earned a vacation from leg days by breaking a toe last night. Yay.

What say you FitGAF? Skip my normally scheduled legs days altogether or sub in extra upper body work in the mean time? It's a break in programming either way but skipping completely is leaving me in a bad place mentally.

20's year old stupid me - Walk it off.
30's year old seasoned me - Take some time off from legs to left the toe heal up.
Current me - I'm getting too old for this shit.


As much as I'm usually against them why don't you do leg raises, curls, etc? Find a way.

I'm somewhat limited in equipment as I work out at home - barbell, bench, rack with a pull-up bar. Leg raises and hanging leg raises would be doable, but things like leg extensions and curls would be out so I may be out of luck really hitting the main leg muscle groups. This has been the one drawback of moving to a home gym.


Yesterday for easter was my first non tracking day in 2 months. Ate ham, easter bread, mashed sweet potatoes, ice cream and canolis.

I didn't even want to weigh myself this morning.

In the rush of getting ready, my pants fit way better and I almost am down another notch on my belt. Hah, maybe a more relaxed day is exactly what I needed :)

lighting/filter/angle abuse but I'm feeling pretty good!!


Hey Szu, we hear that you're starting your cut.

That's great, we'll just set up a Five Guys burger joint within walking distance to your gym.

Again, have fun with you cut.
What's the purpose of a female-only part in a gym when all the girls come over to the general area and block the benches to do strange leg exercises that you could do just as well at home? Seems like they all came to gym as it's a public holiday today. But well, it's Sweden, so you cannot say anything as otherwise you will get the feminist backlash.

whats wrong with a little eye candy?

Yesterday for easter was my first non tracking day in 2 months. Ate ham, easter bread, mashed sweet potatoes, ice cream and canolis.

I didn't even want to weigh myself this morning.

In the rush of getting ready, my pants fit way better and I almost am down another notch on my belt. Hah, maybe a more relaxed day is exactly what I needed :)

lighting/filter/angle abuse but I'm feeling pretty good!!

beefy, if you ain't filtering you ain't trying


Yesterday for easter was my first non tracking day in 2 months. Ate ham, easter bread, mashed sweet potatoes, ice cream and canolis.

I didn't even want to weigh myself this morning.

In the rush of getting ready, my pants fit way better and I almost am down another notch on my belt. Hah, maybe a more relaxed day is exactly what I needed :)

lighting/filter/angle abuse but I'm feeling pretty good!!

Looking great man.

I'm starting my cut today. 276.4

gonna be a rough ride.


I think I might do 5 guys on my cheat day. It has been like a month and a half since I had fries or a burger. Maybe its time to treat myself

It has been forever but I am blown away by how many calories are in some foods and meals. Especially now since I am doing portion control for my meals. Some days it is really hard to maintain control and others it is really easy. Is there a way to not necessarily cheat on a regular day but to completely satisfying a craving ?


New 5s week started today, 5x310 on squats went really well. When in doubt, push through it, I always seem to have more energy then I think. Back to strict diet. Had my usual today and thank God, I love boring eating even tho it is technically still super delicious.


whats wrong with a little eye candy?
The ladies might be thinking the same and thus head to the general area.

In my opinion female-only parts are ridiculously stupid anyways.

Yesterday for easter was my first non tracking day in 2 months. Ate ham, easter bread, mashed sweet potatoes, ice cream and canolis.

I didn't even want to weigh myself this morning.

In the rush of getting ready, my pants fit way better and I almost am down another notch on my belt. Hah, maybe a more relaxed day is exactly what I needed :)
Looking good Sean! :p


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter, as a random sitenote, will you do Official Progress thread also this year too? Hahah, mainly just asking since I am looking for different things to motivate me to cut. :p I mean I will anyways, but outside motivation works wonders as well.

I can do that. Second Anual FitGaf Progress Thread. Or I can just bump last years? What do you think?


whats wrong with a little eye candy?

beefy, if you ain't filtering you ain't trying

Looking great man.

I'm starting my cut today. 276.4

gonna be a rough ride.

Looking good Sean! :p

Thanks guys. One more month to go then it's maintenance time. I've never done a maintenance phase before and I actually expect it to be a little difficult to get the weight stability down.

After that I dunno. Might lose for another 3 months. I'm kinda having fun with it.

I can do that. Second Anual FitGaf Progress Thread. Or I can just bump last years? What do you think?

I say new thread.


I can do that. Second Anual FitGaf Progress Thread. Or I can just bump last years? What do you think?
I say new thread.
I would also recommend doing a new one. :)

Thanks guys. One more month to go then it's maintenance time. I've never done a maintenance phase before and I actually expect it to be a little difficult to get the weight stability down.

After that I dunno. Might lose for another 3 months. I'm kinda having fun with it.
Sounds good. :D I am looking forward to see a whole lot of comparison pics on the way. ;)


So I feel really small whenever I look at myself in the mirror on this cut, since I didn't really bulk up that much prior to deciding to get lean, and I only started lifting around September 2014.

But then I see candid pictures like this, and I'm like....oh hello

I only plan on losing 5-10 more pounds, then I can start lean bulking.

It's true what they say that the day you start lifting is the day you become forever small.

Also need shorter swim trunks (eyeing some from chubbieshorts.com for their 5.5in inseams) to show off #summerquads
Week 9 of Strong Lifts 5x5 and I'm starting to hit a wall on some of my exercises. OHP last week and Bench/Row this week. I eat a good amount of protein, but I'm also trying to cut some now that I'm pushing 180. I dropped the lifts by 10 lbs and I am working on progressing. I think I've hit the limit of my beginner gains. Except for squats and dead lifts. Both of those are feeling really good. Hit 220 on my squat today.
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