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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Man, my light weight shoulder day kills me more than it should. I do 135x4x10 OHP followed by a ton of raises front, side, and rear with tris superseted in.


I really need help with consistency. I know it's all on me but I mess up more often then I'd want. I'm so focused on things, motivated and big plans for future but still screw up. Less in going to the gym than diet. Gym I'll miss if I'm tired, got ton of shit to do and it's not often, I'll usually do 3 times a week and cardio if I have time but diet.. the diet sigh.
One day I did fine, yey, but then I went out and forgot to account for that during the day, so extra ~1200 calories from 5-6 beers, then eating after that, double and some calories I should have ate that day (1000-1500 on top of tdee). Other day I was having sugar cravings hard, went out bought bunch of shit, ate it and that was over 1k calories of crap. Then as day went on I got super hungry of course, energy crashed due to sugar and I ate and ate and went 1000 cals over what I needed sigh. Eat perfectly whole day, friend invites me to go see a movie, and I must eat something during that time so bunch of cals from that snack.

These are just some examples, it doesn't happen every other day but often enough to hamper my progress in reducing bf %. More often I'll do little screw ups, like eat great for half a day then when I go out I get bit over my tdee, or sometimes eat sugary shit but still be in deficit but just not as big.

So yeah, any advice on this? I think willpower is key here, I really need to get it under control but it's just not so easy for me since my self control seems to be lacking at times. It's easy now when I think about it, oh just plan better and say no, don't have to do this do that but when the times comes I screw up :\
I really need help with consistency. I know it's all on me but I mess up more often then I'd want. I'm so focused on things, motivated and big plans for future but still screw up. Less in going to the gym than diet. Gym I'll miss if I'm tired, got ton of shit to do and it's not often, I'll usually do 3 times a week and cardio if I have time but diet.. the diet sigh.
One day I did fine, yey, but then I went out and forgot to account for that during the day, so extra ~1200 calories from 5-6 beers, then eating after that, double and some calories I should have ate that day (1000-1500 on top of tdee). Other day I was having sugar cravings hard, went out bought bunch of shit, ate it and that was over 1k calories of crap. Then as day went on I got super hungry of course, energy crashed due to sugar and I ate and ate and went 1000 cals over what I needed sigh. Eat perfectly whole day, friend invites me to go see a movie, and I must eat something during that time so bunch of cals from that snack.

These are just some examples, it doesn't happen every other day but often enough to hamper my progress in reducing bf %. More often I'll do little screw ups, like eat great for half a day then when I go out I get bit over my tdee, or sometimes eat sugary shit but still be in deficit but just not as big.

So yeah, any advice on this? I think willpower is key here, I really need to get it under control but it's just not so easy for me since my self control seems to be lacking at times. It's easy now when I think about it, oh just plan better and say no, don't have to do this do that but when the times comes I screw up :\

Willpower isn't what you seem to be lacking. It looks like you are lacking in good alternatives. Craving sugar? Chew some gum. Going to the movies? Buy some water if you feel the need to give them extra money. When you view food as fuel instead of a button you can eat to deliver pleasure to the brain, then you'll have an easier time going about it. Find some lower calorie snacks if you just can't break the habit. A lot of it comes down to what is easy. Plan your meals ahead of time. Make some meals ahead of time. Have something you can easily fall back on when you are hungry. You're aware of how much you are eating, and that's doing better than most.


I just read that the food babe is full of shit article after Layne Norton reposted an image mocking her on his Instagram. That was a hilarious read and I can't believe people are so lazy to educate themselves that they fall for that kind of stuff. You can even see comments similar to hers in nutrition/health threads that pop up here.


I guess I'm addicted to taste. I know if I saw food as fuel it would be much easier but I really feel like it's one of the life's greatest pleasures and find it hard to completely restrict some things. IIFYM I guess, and I do plan, take all in account but still manage to somehow mess up, just say !@#$ this and go ahead without having part of me telling me "no, don't do it". I will be thinking about it next time for sure and try to figure out why I do it. Now it seems like #yolo thing, do it and don't think of consequences.

Oh and I do chew a lot of gum, it's helping me a lot, I used to eat a lot of candy every day, now only once in a while when I go dumb and buy a bunch of things and eat it all in same day. And movies it's hard, I really like nachos they have there and I only go there once a month or less which is fine but I conditioned myself sort of, I always watch tv show or movie while eating, hard to do it without, it's more about attention here and having hard time doing just one thing at the time.
I'm also using myfitnesspal almost every day so I've got it covered that way too, I usually add things ahead and plan my day like that.
We'll see, I'll go carefully now and with renewed motivation and I'll update on my progress with this.
I guess I'm addicted to taste. I know if I saw food as fuel it would be much easier but I really feel like it's one of the life's greatest pleasures and find it hard to completely restrict some things. IIFYM I guess, and I do plan, take all in account but still manage to somehow mess up, just say !@#$ this and go ahead without having part of me telling me "no, don't do it". I will be thinking about it next time for sure and try to figure out why I do it. Now it seems like #yolo thing, do it and don't think of consequences.

Oh and I do chew a lot of gum, it's helping me a lot, I used to eat a lot of candy every day, now only once in a while when I go dumb and buy a bunch of things and eat it all in same day. And movies it's hard, I really like nachos they have there and I only go there once a month or less which is fine but I conditioned myself sort of, I always watch tv show or movie while eating, hard to do it without, it's more about attention here and having hard time doing just one thing at the time.
I'm also using myfitnesspal almost every day so I've got it covered that way too, I usually add things ahead and plan my day like that.
We'll see, I'll go carefully now and with renewed motivation and I'll update on my progress with this.

Being mindful of what you eat sometimes means not doing anything else when you eat. It's a hard habit to break.

I love gummy bears. They are my candy of choice. I don't buy them anymore, but when my wife buys them I'll suck on a few before spitting them out. I love the taste, but I can't taste what I swallow. I'm not trying to fill up on gummy bears so I don't feel bad at all about spitting them out.


It really comes down to how much you really want it. My desire to be thin and muscular is much higher then to eat some food that is not only bad for me, but will set me back on my goals. Food is just macros, treat it that way till you hit your goal. By then you likely won't want to go back to the way you eat anyway.

It's also a heck of a lot easier once you get to the body fat percentage you want to get back to it. So eating more at that point will be easier to sustain.


Week 9 of Strong Lifts 5x5 and I'm starting to hit a wall on some of my exercises. OHP last week and Bench/Row this week. I eat a good amount of protein, but I'm also trying to cut some now that I'm pushing 180. I dropped the lifts by 10 lbs and I am working on progressing. I think I've hit the limit of my beginner gains. Except for squats and dead lifts. Both of those are feeling really good. Hit 220 on my squat today.

When you are stalling a bunch doesn't stronglifts recommend moving down to 3x5 and eventually 1x5? Have to tried lowering your volume on the lifts you are peaking on?



Yay! Thank you in advance. I aim to post something on July/August and hopefully have something to show.

I have nothing to show, but as always I'll join it.

ACE 1991

How does this diet look? Going for a slow bulk of 2600-2700 cal/day (175lb at 5'8''):
3 eggs on two pieces of wheat toast
mid morning wheat bagel with natural PB
Afternoon snack of 1 serving of 0% fat greek yogurt with frozen fruit
Mid afternoon consists of wheat bread PB sandwich and a protein bar and a banana
2 servings of 1% milk mixed with serving of protein powder after the gym

This puts me at about 2200 then I have a small serving of whatever my girlfriend cooks for dinner to get me to 2600/2700.

Toy anyone else in this calorie range, what does your diet look like? Might be too much sugar in my diet with all the fruit, but idk.


So I went to some hotel gym. They don't have a squat rack, but they have a Smith machine. So I thought why not. Probably better than nothing.
I was wrong. It's horrible to squat on a Smith machine. I can see how you can fuck yourself up with it now. I ended up doing goblet squat with some barbells.


Neo Member
Well its been 1 month since SS. Just wanted to share my progress here as I don't think my entourage cares... but im proud, and this thread is the cause of my lifestyle change.

Bench 95 to 135
Squat 125 to 215
Deadlift 155 to 225
Overhead 65 to 85
Power clean 75 to 95
Bent over 75 to 100

Only reason DL is close to squat is I was admittingly scared of the weight increases at the beginning, no im comfortable and it should properly outpace the squat soon.


So I went to some hotel gym. They don't have a squat rack, but they have a Smith machine. So I thought why not. Probably better than nothing.
I was wrong. It's horrible to squat on a Smith machine. I can see how you can fuck yourself up with it now. I ended up doing goblet squat with some barbells.

Now, that I think about it. I'm actually perturbed that my gym has three smith machines, but only one squat rack and power cage.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Well its been 1 month since SS. Just wanted to share my progress here as I don't think my entourage cares... but im proud, and this thread is the cause of my lifestyle change.

Bench 95 to 135
Squat 125 to 215
Deadlift 155 to 225
Overhead 65 to 85
Power clean 75 to 95
Bent over 75 to 100

Only reason DL is close to squat is I was admittingly scared of the weight increases at the beginning, no im comfortable and it should properly outpace the squat soon.

Dude! Absolutely amazing progress for one month. You are a strong guy to begin with if you are squatting 215 after a month. Keep going!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Well its been 1 month since SS. Just wanted to share my progress here as I don't think my entourage cares... but im proud, and this thread is the cause of my lifestyle change.

Bench 95 to 135
Squat 125 to 215
Deadlift 155 to 225
Overhead 65 to 85
Power clean 75 to 95
Bent over 75 to 100

Only reason DL is close to squat is I was admittingly scared of the weight increases at the beginning, no im comfortable and it should properly outpace the squat soon.

Putting my progress to shame, good work dude you should feel proud.


I always enjoy watching Chinese WLers.
It just dawned on me that the channel is called Ma Strength. Ma is Chinese word for horse.
At least in Cantonese, you can translate 'strength' to Cantonese (phonetically, it is 'lick') and it'll be "ma lick" (phonetically again), which translates to 'horsepower' in English.
Dude! Absolutely amazing progress for one month. You are a strong guy to begin with if you are squatting 215 after a month. Keep going!
Probably due to high body weight (too?) I think, at least compared to me. Great progress though.


Went to a nice easter buffet today, had about 7 full lobster tails slathered with butter, about 50+ king crab legs, all slathered with butter, and at least 3 large steak pieces, also slathered with butter. Cause why not. Keto 4 lyfe. After all that food i felt like i had enough energy to fly out the window, everyone else wanted to sleep as they ate their ice cream and cake at the end, i got hit with energy levels unheard of. Such is keto life. Back on the strict train tomorrow.

Also, i'm down to 1 days worth of cake left, and i prepped 2 huge cakes, threw them in the oven... and the oven died. No heat at all. Tried to launch the pilot several times, nothing. Going to have someone look at it tomorrow. The cakes are in the fridge uncooked, i hope they survive.

7 lobster tails with butter = 1,500 calories (minimum)
50 king crab legs with butter = 1,500 calories (minimum)
3 Steaks with butter = 2,000 calories (minimum)

At minimum, that was 5K calories in one meal. Goddamn dude. Aren't you trying to LOSE weight?

Well its been 1 month since SS. Just wanted to share my progress here as I don't think my entourage cares... but im proud, and this thread is the cause of my lifestyle change.

Bench 95 to 135
Squat 125 to 215
Deadlift 155 to 225
Overhead 65 to 85
Power clean 75 to 95
Bent over 75 to 100

Only reason DL is close to squat is I was admittingly scared of the weight increases at the beginning, no im comfortable and it should properly outpace the squat soon.

Incredible progress. Be really proud dude.


Yesterday for easter was my first non tracking day in 2 months. Ate ham, easter bread, mashed sweet potatoes, ice cream and canolis.

I didn't even want to weigh myself this morning.

In the rush of getting ready, my pants fit way better and I almost am down another notch on my belt. Hah, maybe a more relaxed day is exactly what I needed :)
I was pretty worried about weighing myself this morning as well. I just got back from a short trip and while I lived off of Quest bars for most of it, I did go out a couple of times and ate quite a bit. Fortunately I've had a whoosh over the past couple of weeks; I was stuck at 180+ from January up till late March, then finally cracked into the 170s range and today I weighed in at 173 so I'm feeling good. :)

Thanks guys. One more month to go then it's maintenance time. I've never done a maintenance phase before and I actually expect it to be a little difficult to get the weight stability down.
Maintenance worries me too, especially given how weird bodies can be, which can make tweaking difficult. Fortunately I still need to drop another 20 to 30 pounds so future me can worry about that. :D

Well its been 1 month since SS. Just wanted to share my progress here as I don't think my entourage cares... but im proud, and this thread is the cause of my lifestyle change.


Only reason DL is close to squat is I was admittingly scared of the weight increases at the beginning, no im comfortable and it should properly outpace the squat soon.
Good numbers! When I restarted weight lifting in January I kept my squat and deadlift kind of close together too at first even though I knew I could deadlift more. It's not a bad strategy to take, especially until you can figure out what your back can handle.


Neo Member
Dude! Absolutely amazing progress for one month. You are a strong guy to begin with if you are squatting 215 after a month. Keep going!

I always enjoy watching Chinese WLers.

At least in Cantonese, you can translate 'strength' to Cantonese (phonetically, it is 'lick') and it'll be "ma lick" (phonetically again), which translates to 'horsepower' in English.

Probably due to high body weight (too?) I think, at least compared to me. Great progress though.

7 lobster tails with butter = 1,500 calories (minimum)
50 king crab legs with butter = 1,500 calories (minimum)
3 Steaks with butter = 2,000 calories (minimum)

At minimum, that was 5K calories in one meal. Goddamn dude. Aren't you trying to LOSE weight?

Incredible progress. Be really proud dude.

Much appreciated. Could be due to body weight, im sitting at 204 steady.


7 lobster tails with butter = 1,500 calories (minimum)
50 king crab legs with butter = 1,500 calories (minimum)
3 Steaks with butter = 2,000 calories (minimum)

At minimum, that was 5K calories in one meal. Goddamn dude. Aren't you trying to LOSE weight?

Not for nothing but having meals like that isn't always a bad thing. It shocks your system into metabolizing food better. I had a 3k+ meal on Friday where I was weighing 193 and now I'm 189.

Also he does keto so high fat+protein.


7 lobster tails with butter = 1,500 calories (minimum)
50 king crab legs with butter = 1,500 calories (minimum)
3 Steaks with butter = 2,000 calories (minimum)

At minimum, that was 5K calories in one meal. Goddamn dude. Aren't you trying to LOSE weight?

The trick is to avoid the buffets. Of course, if I happen to accidentally stumble into this situation, then I can tell you I'm not coming in last place on the buffet line.

If it's a race, then I'm going to put the human race behind me and go into beast mode.


Also, i'm down to 1 days worth of cake left, and i prepped 2 huge cakes, threw them in the oven... and the oven died. No heat at all. Tried to launch the pilot several times, nothing. Going to have someone look at it tomorrow. The cakes are in the fridge uncooked, i hope they survive.

IS that some kind of a keto cake you make?


I might get some hate for going this extreme or for what I'm about to do but here it goes:

my plan, starting tomorrow is as follows: a cycle of DNP (4 days 250 then 15 500mg, got that much left) while I follow intermittent fasting and PSMF diet and both lift 3 times a week and do cardio whenever I can. With all this I should lose A LOT of remaining fat and hopefully drop sub 15% levels where I'll finally be happy. I know this is all very hard but I think I'll be able to do it since it's very strict on what to eat so don't have much wiggle room there unless I wanna screw up on purpose, and also the day by day loss will just be more motivating. This will be followed by reverse diet of adding 100 calories per week and introducing carbs slowly until I get to lean bulking phase, surplus of 200-400 calories on top of my TDEE.
I have pre pics, I will take post pics too, if I really go through this 100% and don't play around I really believe I will achieve what I need and from there on do things properly, without this forever cutting slow ass progress mode.

Now I know this is far ahead but after year or more of lifting properly when I finally stop progressing in both strength and more importantly size, I will also do steroids, I'm that serious about all this, just need to get through this month and start it all.

Thoughts? I know main criticism is why go through all this, and future plan, without proper consistency, you'll just revert back to old ways etc, but I truly believe, no I know I won't, as soon as I'm done shredding bit more weight and bf% the motivation and everything will skyrocket even more. Anything is possible tho but knowing myself I think I'll go through with it all.

P.S. Friend on that there test dbol cycle, the gainz oh the gainz and it can be done much more efficiently and effectively than what he's doing.

Edit: There's really no need to say any of this but I'm looking for thoughts and well it will in a sense make me more accountable, gotta do it and go through with it now, additional motivation to finish it :)


had to google dnp:

What is DNP?

For purposes of this article we will stick to the physiological application of DNP. If I had to describe DNP in one word…poison. DNP prevents normal chemical reactions at the cellular level. It impedes the normal function of cellular metabolism.

First time I´ve heard about it, very interesting.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I might get some hate for going this extreme or for what I'm about to do but here it goes:

my plan, starting tomorrow is as follows: a cycle of DNP (4 days 250 then 15 500mg, got that much left) while I follow intermittent fasting and PSMF diet and both lift 3 times a week and do cardio whenever I can. With all this I should lose A LOT of remaining fat and hopefully drop sub 15% levels where I'll finally be happy. I know this is all very hard but I think I'll be able to do it since it's very strict on what to eat so don't have much wiggle room there unless I wanna screw up on purpose, and also the day by day loss will just be more motivating. This will be followed by reverse diet of adding 100 calories per week and introducing carbs slowly until I get to lean bulking phase, surplus of 200-400 calories on top of my TDEE.
I have pre pics, I will take post pics too, if I really go through this 100% and don't play around I really believe I will achieve what I need and from there on do things properly, without this forever cutting slow ass progress mode.

Now I know this is far ahead but after year or more of lifting properly when I finally stop progressing in both strength and more importantly size, I will also do steroids, I'm that serious about all this, just need to get through this month and start it all.

Thoughts? I know main criticism is why go through all this, and future plan, without proper consistency, you'll just revert back to old ways etc, but I truly believe, no I know I won't, as soon as I'm done shredding bit more weight and bf% the motivation and everything will skyrocket even more. Anything is possible tho but knowing myself I think I'll go through with it all.

P.S. Friend on that there test dbol cycle, the gainz oh the gainz and it can be done much more efficiently and effectively than what he's doing.

Edit: There's really no need to say any of this but I'm looking for thoughts and well it will in a sense make me more accountable, gotta do it and go through with it now, additional motivation to finish it :)

Since you asked for it with "thoughts?"

Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. You say you're serious, but you won't even do it without PEDs. You're looking for an easy way out and you will fail and be worse off than you were before.

Plus you're shitting this thread up with steroid use. So my thought? Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit and take it somewhere like Bb.com.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah, I don't have a clue about DNP but what's posted above doesn't make it sound very safe.

Regarding the Dbol, if that is the route you choose to go down I would absolutely max out your natural progression and one year of lifting is far from maxing out. Whatever you decide, be safe and responsible and don't fall into the physiological addiction that I see many people fall into of never really getting off completely. I would advise against it but if you do make sure to research the hell out of it.

EDIT: And I endorse what Brolic said. This isn't the place to find steroid advice.


You definitely will not stop progressing in size or strength after a year a lifting. You sound like you are new to this and are just about to start lifting so you have a lot to learn before you should even be thinking about taking PEDs.

EDIT: I just saw that you were the same person that is unmotivated to stick to your diet and go to the gym consistently so what you're really trying to do is still be lazy but make gains. That's how not serious you are about any of this.


so I am still a fat guy but I am losing weight right now and I somehow magically lost 4 inches on my thigh in a month. My trainer was really shocked. Lost two inches on my waist and pretty much lost everywhere but my shoulders. Is there any reason to be concerned with my shoulders gaining size and everything else shrinking? I already have broad enough shoulders to begin with

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
so I am still a fat guy but I am losing weight right now and I somehow magically lost 4 inches on my thigh in a month. My trainer was really shocked. Lost two inches on my waist and pretty much lost everywhere but my shoulders. Is there any reason to be concerned with my shoulders gaining size and everything else shrinking? I already have broad enough shoulders to begin with

No. People carry fat differently.


Since you asked for it with "thoughts?"

Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. You say you're serious, but you won't even do it without PEDs. You're looking for an easy way out and you will fail and be worse off than you were before.

Plus you're shitting this thread up with steroid use. So my thought? Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit and take it somewhere like Bb.com.

Well said man. I've always liked that FitGAF wasn't an outwardly pro-steroid forum.

Not for nothing but having meals like that isn't always a bad thing. It shocks your system into metabolizing food better. I had a 3k+ meal on Friday where I was weighing 193 and now I'm 189.

Also he does keto so high fat+protein.

I completely agree. I had two burgers from 5 guys, a seasoned fries and a peanut butter shake the other day but there's a huge difference between 3,000 calories and 6,000-7,000...in one meal! Don't get me wrong, I respect that Bish can do it, but that's a lot of food.


I might get some hate for going this extreme or for what I'm about to do but here it goes:

my plan, starting tomorrow is as follows: a cycle of DNP (4 days 250 then 15 500mg, got that much left) while I follow intermittent fasting and PSMF diet and both lift 3 times a week and do cardio whenever I can. With all this I should lose A LOT of remaining fat and hopefully drop sub 15% levels where I'll finally be happy. I know this is all very hard but I think I'll be able to do it since it's very strict on what to eat so don't have much wiggle room there unless I wanna screw up on purpose, and also the day by day loss will just be more motivating. This will be followed by reverse diet of adding 100 calories per week and introducing carbs slowly until I get to lean bulking phase, surplus of 200-400 calories on top of my TDEE.
I have pre pics, I will take post pics too, if I really go through this 100% and don't play around I really believe I will achieve what I need and from there on do things properly, without this forever cutting slow ass progress mode.

Now I know this is far ahead but after year or more of lifting properly when I finally stop progressing in both strength and more importantly size, I will also do steroids, I'm that serious about all this, just need to get through this month and start it all.

Thoughts? I know main criticism is why go through all this, and future plan, without proper consistency, you'll just revert back to old ways etc, but I truly believe, no I know I won't, as soon as I'm done shredding bit more weight and bf% the motivation and everything will skyrocket even more. Anything is possible tho but knowing myself I think I'll go through with it all.

P.S. Friend on that there test dbol cycle, the gainz oh the gainz and it can be done much more efficiently and effectively than what he's doing.

Edit: There's really no need to say any of this but I'm looking for thoughts and well it will in a sense make me more accountable, gotta do it and go through with it now, additional motivation to finish it :)

My thoughts are that if you want to talk about steroids, start your own thread.

Also, I've read lots of stories about people on DNP....be careful and don't die. It's one of the legit most dangerous things out there.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Think I may try 300lb farmers today. We will see how it goes.

Well said man. I've always liked that FitGAF wasn't an outwardly pro-steroid forum.

I completely agree. I had two burgers from 5 guys, a seasoned fries and a peanut butter shake the other day but there's a huge difference between 3,000 calories and 6,000-7,000...in one meal! Don't get me wrong, I respect that Bish can do it, but that's a lot of food.

I'd like to believe it's not even a secretly inwardly pro-steroid forum, but id be naive to believe that nobody is or has done them. I can only speak for myself (never touched them, not even once).

This forum needs to stay away from that bullshit though. There's too many beginners and people trying to "get there." Don't need to feed the belief that "everyone is doing it" more than what's already out there.


Think I may try 300lb farmers today. We will see how it goes.

I'd like to believe it's not even a secretly inwardly pro-steroid forum, but id be naive to believe that nobody is or has done them. I can only speak for myself (never touched them, not even once).

This forum needs to stay away from that bullshit though. There's too many beginners and people trying to "get there." Don't need to feed the belief that "everyone is doing it" more than what's already out there.

Right. Well said again.

Can't wait to see that 300 lbs walk. The warmer weather is going to make them so much more comfortable.
So are vegans SOL when it comes to macros?

For protein, you've got beans/lentils which have 3-4x as much carbs as protein; or nuts/seeds which have 2-3x as much fat as protein and still as much carbs as protein.

The only high protein source is soy, which apparently is a sucky protein even aside from its estrogen-boosting properties or whatever.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So are vegans SOL when it comes to macros?

For protein, you've got beans/lentils which have 3-4x as much carbs as protein; or nuts/seeds which have 2-3x as much fat as protein and still as much carbs as protein.

The only high protein source is soy, which apparently is a sucky protein even aside from its estrogen-boosting properties or whatever.

Beans are also exceptionally high in fiber. As a carb source they aren't bad. Nuts/seeds are high in fat, but healthy fat and soy is pretty much over demonized.

If I was "vegan." I'd still be using dairy, eggs and whey though.


I might get some hate for going this extreme or for what I'm about to do but here it goes:

my plan, starting tomorrow is as follows: a cycle of DNP (4 days 250 then 15 500mg, got that much left) while I follow intermittent fasting and PSMF diet and both lift 3 times a week and do cardio whenever I can. With all this I should lose A LOT of remaining fat and hopefully drop sub 15% levels where I'll finally be happy. I know this is all very hard but I think I'll be able to do it since it's very strict on what to eat so don't have much wiggle room there unless I wanna screw up on purpose, and also the day by day loss will just be more motivating. This will be followed by reverse diet of adding 100 calories per week and introducing carbs slowly until I get to lean bulking phase, surplus of 200-400 calories on top of my TDEE.
I have pre pics, I will take post pics too, if I really go through this 100% and don't play around I really believe I will achieve what I need and from there on do things properly, without this forever cutting slow ass progress mode.

Now I know this is far ahead but after year or more of lifting properly when I finally stop progressing in both strength and more importantly size, I will also do steroids, I'm that serious about all this, just need to get through this month and start it all.

Thoughts? I know main criticism is why go through all this, and future plan, without proper consistency, you'll just revert back to old ways etc, but I truly believe, no I know I won't, as soon as I'm done shredding bit more weight and bf% the motivation and everything will skyrocket even more. Anything is possible tho but knowing myself I think I'll go through with it all.

P.S. Friend on that there test dbol cycle, the gainz oh the gainz and it can be done much more efficiently and effectively than what he's doing.

Edit: There's really no need to say any of this but I'm looking for thoughts and well it will in a sense make me more accountable, gotta do it and go through with it now, additional motivation to finish it :)

DNP stands for Damn Nice Pussy right? I've done a few cycles of that.


Sorry didn't know it was not allowed, figured since it's big part of lifting it would be ok but I understand why not and fully expected to get shit for it.
Thanks for all the advice, I get it all and thought about all that myself, but we'll see how it goes.

And speaking of shortcuts, not necessarily things that I won't mention anymore after this, I have fairly open minded view toward it, if you can do it safely go ahead no need to take a long road. I've been spending a lot of time with gym people, at gym and online and a lot of my free time now is dedicated to fitness(guess it's like my main hobby/source of fun now) so maybe that's why I'm influenced. Last thing to get fixed is killing my cravings but if this month goes fine I'm pretty sure I'll be able to stick with even less restrictive diet from then on (plus bulk which should be easier). And I fully intend to work toward my natty limit before giving serious thought to starting something else. I might be developing slight body dysmorphia, starting to believe unless very genetically blessed you can't look "great" natty but hopefully that goes away as I grow.... But sorry again for mentioning this is the last post on this subject, hopefully next ones will be with good progress and then bulk bulk, size and strength gains :)
DNP stands for Damn Nice Pussy right? I've done a few cycles of that.

As for steroid use yea like Cooter said you shouldn't be doing it if you haven't maxed out your natty gains yet. In my personal opinion if you're not competing in any "drug tested" powerlifting meet, a sport, or a "natural" bodybuilding contest using gear just to get jacked is fucking stupid as fuck and can really kill your health


I had my first taste of Quest chips this week and I am HOOKED. They're not best tasting things in the world (and in no way are they substitute for real chips) but man do they hit the craving/snacking spot which I am getting frequent'y on this cut. Great macros too. Just ordered another box of them. 😭
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