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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Incredibly Naive
you stretching and using a foam roller?

Honestly using the foam roller on my back did more bad than good. Got any good guides? Also need some good stretches. I know in my head I have to deload. I do a MWF and mondays feel awesome, and the week continues to go down hill from there. It's 90% my left trap, which for a couple weeks caused the left side of my neck to just stiffen like a board. Now it's my trap starting to tighten up despite my neck feeling mostly better. I just don't want to damage my spine at all with the severe tightness.

On top of this I've been dealing with costochondritis for 6 months now and while it's leveled off I know it can't get better without significant rest. Sucks I just don't want to lose my gains :(.
These last few pages, centered around cake, make me happy its cheat-day.

Tonight, post-workout I'm going to conquer a cacao roulade and a pizza. Haven't had pizza in 2 years.
Damn 3k. I'm at 2300 right now and it kinda sucks.

6'2 248 lbs. Carrying a good amount of muscle. I could prolly cut down to 2500 but really dreading the day I will. Doing cardio so I can eat more lol.

Plus, I have been trying something new. High reps around 3-4 sets at 15-20 reps. I can finally see some veins in the right light.


6'2 248 lbs. Carrying a good amount of muscle. I could prolly cut down to 2500 but really dreading the day I will. Doing cardio so I can eat more lol.

Plus, I have been trying something new. High reps around 3-4 sets at 15-20 reps. I can finally see some veins in the right light.

Ah yeah very good point. Sitting at 5'8, 218lbs. That's a big height/weight difference.

10lbs down! One more month to go before I try a month of maintenance.


Couldn't squat much today. I think I may have strained my groin so I'm resting instead.

I'm just terrified of going down for a squat and finding my testicles in my chest.
I can feel his lost gains fuuu.

Btw anyone recommend a program after I go off of GSLP this week?.Think I've done everything I can since in particular I nearly got the full 5 reps for deadlif but grip strength failed me after the 4th rep. I still can't get the full 3x5 for OHP since I still run out of steam after the 3rd rep on the final set. Squat I barely got 225 lbs and my bench I also barely got the last rep on my 3rd set. And for reference I weight about 140 lbs.

I think I've maxed out what I can possibly do on GSLP/SS and I'm planning on going into maintenance and or cutting next week.

Current Numbers
OHP: 95lbs 3x5
Bench: 165 lbs 3x5
Squat: 225 lbs 3x5
Deadlift 305 1x5

You can do what I did and moved on from GSLP to 531. It's a good program if you don't mind the slower progression weight wise

Are you stalling on all of your lifts multiple times?

Nelo Ice

You can do what I did and moved on from GSLP to 531. It's a good program if you don't mind the slower progression weight wise

Are you stalling on all of your lifts multiple times?

Yeah I did 5/3/1 before but stalled but I think that was due to me not eating enough and it's probably one of the reasons I stalled when I first lifted with SS/GSLP. Was just curious if there were any other programs since I've heard other fitgafers mention programs that have faster progress than 5/3/1.

I mainly stall on OHP since like I mentioned I run out of energy on the last set after doing about 3 reps. Besides that I've stalled on squats and bench but have managed to bring them up after a few deloads. Getting a full 3x5 165 lb bench felt like a miracle and I figured I'd have to switch to 5/3/1 again or something else to move past 160.

Besides those lifts, my deadlift has shot up by an insane amount. My previous PR last year was 305 lbs for 1x2. And of course I struggled immensely getting there. This go around nothing felt that ridicuously heavy until I hit 3 plates. And even then I think I could have pulled 315 lbs for 1x5 if I had chalk since my grip strength was gone after the 4th rep.

This is all after I wasn't able lift consistently for about 5 months. I started lifted regularly and switched back to SS/GSLP in January to get my strength back up relatively quickly.


Nelo Ice, look into Madcow, Texas Method, and CanditoTrainingHQ's 6 Week Strength Program. These suggestions are based on watching parts of Jason Blaha's Q&A videos, not from my experience because I'm still a newbie lol.

I should note Candito's program focuses on the PLing lifts: squats, bench, deadlifts.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Finished that bag. Got it loaded once. Then backed off for reps at lower weight. Shit killed me.

250lbs over 48" bar once. 150lbs over 48" bar x 10.


3x3 @ 190lbs OHP (one of my sets)

come at me Cooter, lol

Dude, I'm impressed. Strict as hell and without a belt or wraps. Good shit.

Nelo Ice, look into Madcow, Texas Method, and CanditoTrainingHQ's 6 Week Strength Program. These suggestions are based on watching parts of Jason Blaha's Q&A videos, not from my experience because I'm still a newbie lol.

I should note Candito's program focuses on the PLing lifts: squats, bench, deadlifts.

Quoting this to get it on new page.
Always impressive Brolic. Also impressive C****er's. 190 3x3 would make me so happy right now. And I couldn't even do half a pistol squat lol.
Just got back from the gym:

Weighted dips are now 2x6x+10kg

Took a crack on OHP at 57,5kg; managed 3x3

Atempted 2x6x+17,5kg on weighted pull-ups

Pounded1x5x155kg deadlift

What the fuck, dude! You must have some serious willpower.

Naw mate. Just a proper diet. With the right nutrition such cravings are non-existant. Plus the long term reward from your discipline will encourage you to keep eating healthy.

So, speaking of the pizza here's what I went with: cheese, meatballs, tomatoes and chilisauce.

Pizzeria owner was quite generous with allowing me to wait with pay till tomorrow since they were closing.

Gorged that filth down like a starved viking, at the time of this writing, whilst snacking on my cacao roulade and flooding that with my trusty creamy chocolate banana proteinshake.


I've noticed I'm getting loose skin and slightly visible stretch-marks (tiger scratches) underneath my hips area. Seems like learning to squeeze my glutes while lifting is actually paying off!


Its been over a year for me since i've ate a slice of actual pizza. Pizza toppings? Sure, but actual full pizza slice? Nope. It's really easy to say no.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Damn stuck on a strength plateau with weighted chinups +50lbs for 4-5 reps. I usually tend to do my work sets in the 4-6 range then drop the weight 10% and try to hit 6-8 reps but I have been stuck for the past couple of weeks at this weight. Any recommendations?

I was however able to hit 145 lbs for 6 reps in the OHP today so that is a new PR :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Damn stuck on a strength plateau with weighted chinups +50lbs for 4-5 reps. I usually tend to do my work sets in the 4-6 range then drop the weight 10% and try to hit 6-8 reps but I have been stuck for the past couple of weeks at this weight. Any recommendations?

I was however able to hit 145 lbs for 6 reps in the OHP today so that is a new PR :)

Lose weight. Ha

Do you try different hand positions or just stick with chin ups? Do you have a body weight pull up day? The idea is to use your body weight day to work on explosion and height above the bar. Strictly doing chins will not allow you to really focus on that like a pull up will.

Also, being stuck for a few weeks is nothing and quite common. You shouldn't expect to be adding weight very often when you reach the point where you are at.


The OHP responds best to high volume, which is why I prefer doing them at least twice a week. Such a great movement too. Hits a lot of muscles. Way better than the bench.

Pavel Tsatsouline said, "To press a lot you must press a lot"

Simple but true lol.
Yeah I did 5/3/1 before but stalled but I think that was due to me not eating enough and it's probably one of the reasons I stalled when I first lifted with SS/GSLP. Was just curious if there were any other programs since I've heard other fitgafers mention programs that have faster progress than 5/3/1.

I mainly stall on OHP since like I mentioned I run out of energy on the last set after doing about 3 reps. Besides that I've stalled on squats and bench but have managed to bring them up after a few deloads. Getting a full 3x5 165 lb bench felt like a miracle and I figured I'd have to switch to 5/3/1 again or something else to move past 160.

Besides those lifts, my deadlift has shot up by an insane amount. My previous PR last year was 305 lbs for 1x2. And of course I struggled immensely getting there. This go around nothing felt that ridicuously heavy until I hit 3 plates. And even then I think I could have pulled 315 lbs for 1x5 if I had chalk since my grip strength was gone after the 4th rep.

This is all after I wasn't able lift consistently for about 5 months. I started lifted regularly and switched back to SS/GSLP in January to get my strength back up relatively quickly.

Nelo Ice, look into Madcow, Texas Method, and CanditoTrainingHQ's 6 Week Strength Program. These suggestions are based on watching parts of Jason Blaha's Q&A videos, not from my experience because I'm still a newbie lol.

I should note Candito's program focuses on the PLing lifts: squats, bench, deadlifts.

Yea Nelo I agree those are all awesome novice/intermediate programs. Can't go wrong with those. Just pick the one that interests you the most

Nelo Ice

Yea Nelo I agree those are all awesome novice/intermediate programs. Can't go wrong with those. Just pick the one that interests you the most
Thanks for the help guys. Yeah from what I've briefly skimmed, Canditos program looks good. I'll look into the others as well and start one of them next week.

On a side note, watched that Omar Isuf video on muscle ups and just tried practicing them now. It's gonna take me awhile to get the intial swing down. Still doing can't get my head around makin my arms move like a lat pull down and making space away from the bar. I'm so use to attempting a muscle up going straight up.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks for the help guys. Yeah from what I've briefly skimmed, Canditos program looks good. I'll look into the others as well and start one of them next week.

On a side note, watched that Omar Isuf video on muscle ups and just tried practicing them now. It's gonna take me awhile to get the intial swing down. Still doing can't get my head around makin my arms move like a lat pull down and making space away from the bar. I'm so use to attempting a muscle up going straight up.

Straight up is harder and more rewarding IMO. I feel much more worked than if I do them with a swing.


I just can't go through a year without having to skip upper-body lifts due to some issue. Last year was because I injured my wrist, now it's because minor tendonitis in my shoulder (s) from work. Bench and OHP hasn't been moving much over the year.

An observation I made today: Last week I did DLs at the beginning of the session (because I had to skip upper-body lifts) and I only got 185#x7 in the CF Lite TRs. However today I found out the gym closes on Sunday due to Easter, so I had to DL today right after my squats and I didn't have my CF Lite TRs. I did the same weight as last week because I wasn't sure how it would go my adiPower and I got 185#x9. Am I just stronger with adiPower because it puts me in better leverages or am I missing something? I honestly don't remember how I felt going from using the adiPower for months (May to around December '14) to flat shoes on DLs.

Nelo Ice

Straight up is harder and more rewarding IMO. I feel much more worked than if I do them with a swing.
Yeah one day I'll be going straight up. Otherwise I wanna be able to get one with the swing just so I can even get up. Figure I'll eventually get to a muscle up with pure strength once I get one with a swing down. Right now I think it's more my form since I think I have the strength to do at least 1 with a swing. Doubt I have the power to go straight up atm.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Lose weight. Ha

Do you try different hand positions or just stick with chin ups? Do you have a body weight pull up day? The idea is to use your body weight day to work on explosion and height above the bar. Strictly doing chins will not allow you to really focus on that like a pull up will.

Also, being stuck for a few weeks is nothing and quite common. You shouldn't expect to be adding weight very often when you reach the point where you are at.

Yeah, been trying to lose weight. Seem to be stuck because of shitty dieting. However, when I weighed a bit less I did notice it was a bit easier to do them. Gotta stick to my diet.

I generally only do weighted chins once a week and that will be the only day I would target my back. I do it every friday, should I started doing BW chinups on mondays? How many reps/sets?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah, been trying to lose weight. Seem to be stuck because of shitty dieting. However, when I weighed a bit less I did notice it was a bit easier to do them. Gotta stick to my diet.

I generally only do weighted chins once a week and that will be the only day I would target my back. I do it every friday, should I started doing BW chinups on mondays? How many reps/sets?
I would. Have a bw day with the goal of improving your speed and height. Use multiple hand positions. Start out with sets of 10 and drop naturally as you fatique. I typically finish with sets of 4-6. Shoot for 100-125 total.


Just had a dozen wings double deep fried and sugar free bbq sauce, so good. This weekend will be the big easter meal and then im going to get as strict as possible. Learning to sleep on the weekends is rough, i just want to stay up.

Anyhow, got my routine figured out for my next 5/3/1 session, new 1's will be: 190 ohp, 415 deadlift, 235 bench, 345 squat. Feel confident i'll be getting some good results. But again, with all this extra eating, who knows. Will have to take it as it goes.
Just had a dozen wings double deep fried and sugar free bbq sauce, so good. This weekend will be the big easter meal and then im going to get as strict as possible. Learning to sleep on the weekends is rough, i just want to stay up.

I'm right there with you breh. Having a polish easter dinner with the family on monday in combination with my birthday. I can only dread what delicious, polish, homemade cuisine will be on the table.

The only validation in this sidetracking is that'll add some extra energy for heavier lifts that I'll atempt to cash in later - want to try getting 1x1x170 kg deadlift by end of april.

J. Bravo

He fucked up his shoulder so he just stopped doing anything?

I mean, with a fucked up shoulder you can't really do anything. upper body is pretty much 100% out of the equation. don't think u could squat or deadlift with a fucked up shoulder. i mean you could do lunges and probably goblet squats and whatnot. can't really do cardio except long slow distance bullshit that sucks and no one likes, even the people that say they do.
Cut struggles are real. Used to be able to do hammer incline press 3+ plates at 8-10 reps but now, just getting 5-6 is a pain. I swear, for my size, I should be a hell of a lot stronger. Oh well, can't be serving two masters at this point in the game. It is just annoying seeing the drops when you know you are capable of more.

Chest has always been my weak point. Super evident atm.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, I'm proud to say that about a year and a half since I started, I've gone from 120 lbs. to almost 160 lbs. Initially it was no problem once I started eating like a normal human being (before that I would get between 500-1000 calories a day), and the first 30 lbs. easily came. But goddamn, it's become so fricken hard to gain weight these most recent ten pounds. This week especially, I've only gained about half a pound, even though I've been eating way more than the week before.

Why must things be difficult? :(
I really should start cutting as I have a number of cycling events coming up... but I'm not yet happy with how much I've managed to put on.

J. Bravo

well apparently slow pitch softball fucks you up. i slid like 10 feet after the 1st baseman tripped me trying to tag the base (this doesn't sound bad, but the infield is gravel. my forearms, thighs, and left hip are sporting some nice abrasions), my right thumb/hand feels like i jammed the fuck out of my thumb, and my left bicep feels like I strained it somehow.

i'm assuming the latter 2 are from never having swung a bat other than shagging fly balls with a friend. and i was usually the one catching them lol.

probably going to take the weekend plus monday off the gym while i try to recover a bit...
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