It was so great to come back to all these photos of gorgeous people! Seriously I have just been going through all of them and smiling wide! They certainly motivate me to keep my mood high and just get over with these injuries so I can be as awesome as the rest of you! ^_^ FitGAF is the best GAF.
Silver linings. That's some progress. Hope it's not any sort of pinched nerve.
Good to hear. And if you haven't yet, invest in a lacrosse ball and foam roller and learn how to find and dissipate trigger points.
Thank you for both of you for replying.
I have now also talked with my physiotherapist and she said (and I agreed) that I better avoid working out other than Nordic walking and some light core muscle work before I meet with a specialist. I have already booked an appoitment with a physiatrist and I will be seeing her next Monday. We are going to talk about taking MRI.
It seems that it is herniated disc again, but I decided that this time we aren't not going to just guess what is wrong but really go it all through. It is also easier to heal it, when there if full understanding of what is going on. If it is herniated disc it will take most likely three to six months before the nerve ends have died and the recovery is more or less complete.
The pain have been unbearable once or twice and those times I haven't been able to even lift my leg off the ground when I have been laying down. It is now also radiating to my left leg (backside) all the way down to the toes. There has still been couple days when it hasn't been that bad. I haven't still felt good enough to try a foam roller since I fear I will just make it worse. I will wait till I have a proper diagnosis and I will treat it accordingly.
For future references I might need to buy a lacrose ball, foam roller I already own.
I assume this is partly genetic since my big brother has the same kind of problems and my father has been through three different back surgeries (none have helped).
I am still very optimistic about recovery even if at the same time horrified about possible muscle loss on the legs. I have also gained a bit of weight since bad died, stress and forced breaks of working out, but I don't worry about those since I know they will be quickly gone the thesis is done and I can fully concentrate to heal myself and get more cut.
Well, tired of seeing all the abs in here. So here is some fatboy lighting abuse from training today (pull-ups and DB presses). I'm definitely getting leaner, but I can obviously lose a lot more. I also noticed stability in my shoulder is shit. Need more standing DB presses. Here is the full log.
Weighed in at 233lbs today. Down 10lbs, 2 to go. Log press: 97x10, 147x5, 187x5, 197x5,5,7.
Pull ups: 5,5,8,5,8,5,5,5.
DB overhead press 35x18, 45x10,10.
Also decided to see how I'm progressing with fat loss, so lighting abuse pull-ups and DB press.
Tricep extensions, curls, and 3 way raises tonight.
Again, absolutely awesome video! I need to add that I would never think that you would be fat. Your look totally beastly and you have awesome back! Those pull ups were also epic.
I still love that you can walk around carrying things that I couldn't even get off the floor.
I am fairly sure that he could be easily carrying stuff we couldn't get off the floor and us at the same time...
Hit a new 1RM for my current bodyweight (67kg) over the weekend. 195kg!
Great stuff!
Yeah but I DEFINITELY don't think I have "too much" mass or that my mass is in any way shortening my lifespan.
Yet I'm still 20 lbs overweight lol
There is no way there is anything "too much" on you, if too hot doesn't count. With all honesty that is one extremely cut and good looking upper body.
That feel when you spot a reflection of some fine glutes in the mirror...then realize you're the only one in the gym...
Think my legs are 28" again
That is one fine ghetto booty! It is also amazing that you can make those trousers look thight on your legs.
2 more weeks of cutting to go!
Damn Sean! You look at the both time bigger and leaner than I have never seen you before! Congratulations!
thread's on a roll. everyone either doing amazing strength things or looking badass or both.
I am back in Yurope, wth my gym and equipment, ready to go for new PRs,
I remember the first pics I have seen of you - you are definitely getting a whole lot bigger! Always awesome to see pics of you.
Here's me for a weekish ago.
Also loving my Brute Belt so far though I haven't loaded it with heavy weight yet. Apparently it can go up to 4 plates? But it's a study belt and it's not a chain dip belt so it fits into a bag rather easily.
I need a gym bag now for all my belts and shit.
You look like the He-man actio man figure that I had when I was a kid.
See the resemblance?
Here's me from last week trying sumo for only the second time ever and using angles to show off any gains I might have. Conventional4lyfe!
Nice legs and arms and gotta love that angle as well!
Damn I am a twig compared to you beasts
I'm actually pretty fine with this but I would like to get better definition in the lower abs. Would squats help with that?
I guess not eating shit would help more than anything huh
You are really cut as you are. I must say that you have a really nice chest!
I'm just gonna tag along and post this minor progress pic. I took it this morning. Not much to show.
Oh well, not bad for an old guy, huh.
Love it! <3
You guys look great! Keep going after it and keep loving it!
I want in on this picture posting as well!
Im at my heaviest ive been in probably around 4-5 years (92kg at 189cm) but i feel great and although im not shredded im still pretty lean. For those that have read my earlier posts i now work out every day and i just take the day off if I feel like it. Which has resultet to 2 days of so far this year.
Ive also added a 30 minute stroll to each day, just to be able to eat a little more. No powerwalking or anything, just a nice relaxed walk. It also gets me off my lazy ass
You are always as impressive as I imagine you to be!
Damn in a bit of a bad mood now. Nutritionist/coach told me too stop working my arms for at least a month because they overpower my look. This isn't the first time I've heard this but when it comes from a pro it just makes me acknowledge it more. So now I need to replace it probably with a second back day.
Btw everyone looked great on the last page, keep it up!
Awwww. Poor babe.
From what I have seen, your legs are equally impressive though.