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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
194 this morning. Getting there guys. If this bulk accomplished anything I know my traps grew and possibly my chest. I'm anxious to shed this last 10-15 and get some relevant before and afters.

EDIT: Looking awesome Roe! Yeah, dem arms kinda take over and I know that can be a problem for competing like you plan to do but just know there are millions of gym goers who would give a right nut to have your problem. Just keep OHPing heavy with lots of raises and your delts will catch up.


You have clearly managed to maintain some muscles since those are good numbers to start with! I am wondering how big lad you are currently weight and height wise.
6', 196lbs (as of last night). Broad chest and shoulders, huge thighs and calves.

My legs are already pretty swole just from running/trail running. But I've probably been able to maintain just through everything I do around the property. For example, building an acre perimeter horse fence which required something like 80 65lb bags of concrete, ~50 8'x6" poles. Most of that was dug and placed by hand, since we had to go around tree roots and the like. Plus moving alfalfa bales. Unloading literally a ton of that stuff every other week during the fall/winter. Working a push weedwacker along fucktons of hotwire to keep the grass from shorting it. That sort of thing.

My newish rural life has some benefits I suppose. I'll start up the #swelfie routine to track progress :p




hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
First day at the new Crunch fitness that opened up right by my house ($9.99 style basic gym). Granted it was a Friday afternoon, but I couldn't believe not a single person even approached the squat rack. They were all either on the smith, bench, or cardio machines. It probably won't last since the actual grand opening is tomorrow but seeing all these free racks and benches brought a tear to my eye after what I deal with at the uni gym.
First day at the new Crunch fitness that opened up right by my house ($9.99 style basic gym). Granted it was a Friday afternoon, but I couldn't believe not a single person even approached the squat rack. They were all either on the smith, bench, or cardio machines. It probably won't last since the actual grand opening is tomorrow but seeing all these free racks and benches brought a tear to my eye after what I deal with at the uni gym.

People uneducated about weight lifting are afraid of free weights. If its not a machine they don't want to do it.

edit: Unless its bench. EVERYONE knows how to bench (with shit form).


Shamelessly shaved today to see if I'm making progress. Definitely seeing changes. Have veins appearing around my mid-section now :)

I think of I can make it to 7%BF I will go back up to maintenance calories and ride out the summer.

So I missed the photo page from the other day so I felt left out and had to take some pictures. Sorry for the dumb faces :/
Currently 10 weeks out and 187 in the morning.

Hopefully they brighten Sadetar's day!

Whoa dudes!!!, mighty impressive!!!, how i wish i could attain a similar physique as yours. Sadly i can't because... i'm a freaking ectomorph and my weight class (boxing) keeps me from going up in weight (if i could lol), anyways... quite inspiring... Kudos to both of you guys!!!


Great documentary on International Weightlifting Foundation


Someone posted this a couple pages back, not really something I would call a documentary but more in the vein of advertisement/promo video.

Still, looks great and nice to see more spotlight on that sport.

What iddqd said. I honestly probably shouldn't have posted it a few pages back because it's something I rather share with people that are into Olympic weightlifting and there are only a handful on FitGAF that actually do it (I can count it on a single hand).


Hahaha I've never seen this before!

My co-worker is always throwing up 150+ more pounds than me on the bench and I always tell him it's b/c he has t-rex arms. My arms wing span is a few inches longer than I am tall (phelps sytle). One day I'm going to nerd out on him and calculate the different in forces or torque or whatever he needs compared to what I need so show him I'm actually stronger. (most likely not)


So on the weekends, i've been experimenting here and there. Trying new foods, eating a ton of calories, seeing whats going to happen. I've been eating 4-6k calories on fri-sun past 2 weekends, and i gained nothing other then one day, where i gained .4lbs, then lost 1 entire pound the next day (and lowest i've ever been). I am just eating keto stuff and i dont know if i'll be capable of gaining when the time comes.

Oh well, still more testing to be done. I just made a keto Stir Fry using cauliflower rice and sesame oil + eggs/chicken + more and it is out of this world. Might be my new daily.


I haven't had much back pain as an adult but I still remember when I had a spinal tap as a kid and falling out of a wheelchair my bed and everything else because of it. Back pain is one of the worsts kinds of pain because the really bad ones can make you immobilized and feeling completely helpless. It's good that you're already taking precautions with the pain medication as well. Just keep that positive attitude going!!!!

I always like being witty so I had to add that spoiler just for you ;)
I can agree with you that it can be totally immobilizing. Also when it is bad there isn't that much you can do about it. At least I feel that it is getting slightly better. I haven't had any pain medication since Thursday which is absolutely brilliant. :D

Hahah, I really appreciated it. It certainly made my day! :p

6', 196lbs (as of last night). Broad chest and shoulders, huge thighs and calves.

My legs are already pretty swole just from running/trail running. But I've probably been able to maintain just through everything I do around the property. For example, building an acre perimeter horse fence which required something like 80 65lb bags of concrete, ~50 8'x6" poles. Most of that was dug and placed by hand, since we had to go around tree roots and the like. Plus moving alfalfa bales. Unloading literally a ton of that stuff every other week during the fall/winter. Working a push weedwacker along fucktons of hotwire to keep the grass from shorting it. That sort of thing.

My newish rural life has some benefits I suppose. I'll start up the #swelfie routine to track progress :p
Your stats don't sound at all bad, especially considering that you are beginner currently, but then again you have been quite nicely maintaining with all that work. Good for you!

Oh and you better take loads of comparison pics! I am expecting you to post your starting point and progress photos after like half a year so be ready! I wouldn't mind a pic right now (you know, just to know where you're right now...) ;)


Hit 150 x 5 x 3 on bench today and 255 x 5 x 1 on deadlifts today. Still working on 225 x 5 x 3 for squats. Figured I'd get in on the pic train. Was in a hurry and trying to also show quads. Apologies for the bright lighting + how white I am :p
Gonna try to work extra hard these next few days before I hit the road for vacation.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
We're in full blown get shredded mode now! I've strung 7 days straight of 2000 calories, 200p, and sub 75 carbs. Dropping almost a half pound a day. Yeah buddy!


Started with 15 mins on treadmill, 15 incline 3.2-3.7 speed.
195 on scale
3x5 @ 235 Squat
3x5 @ 100 Overhead Press
3x5 @ 35 Tricep Extension
3x10 Glute Bridge
3x5 @ 25 Dumbell Curls
Finished with 30 mins on eliptical, 14-18 resistance, mostly 5.5-6.5 speed.

Lots o' stretching too.

For fun, posted these in the Weightloss thread before, but you guys might enjoy.

One day I'll feel more comfortable for shirtless pics. :p


the piano man
mkenyon, in your 2012-2013 pics you look 22-24 years old (in case you are wondering, this is a compliment!).

but turns out you got married in 2008, mind blown.

congrats on the progress in any case!
Just finished the first week of Candito's strength program.

The leg workouts have way more volume than I'm used to working with.

Also kind've realizing that I've never done a deadlift before. I estimated my max to be a bit higher than my squat, but once I hit the working sets, I couldn't do it.


Hit 150 x 5 x 3 on bench today and 255 x 5 x 1 on deadlifts today. Still working on 225 x 5 x 3 for squats. Figured I'd get in on the pic train. Was in a hurry and trying to also show quads. Apologies for the bright lighting + how white I am :p

Gonna try to work extra hard these next few days before I hit the road for vacation.

You look good dude, you are well proportioned... what i mean is that your arms seem to match the width of your legs, they are nicely balanced. With more work and dedication i'm sure your results will be even more impressive.


Posting here instead:

So, I had been working on twice a week at the gym, + some exercises at home, for around two-three months. I went on vacation for a month and didn't exercise at all during that time, only swam in the ocean for a bit over a week, strong waves (just enough for someone to surf). I don't think swimming/standing in the water was much of an exercise.

But what I noticed is that I am now more physically fit than I ever was. I don't understand why. I thought it might be reduced sexual activity (I had the same happen on another vacation before), I heard before that it can be a contributing factor (basically no frequent jerking off, only occasional sex). I have a more prominent six pack than before, bigger biceps, and the legs appear more fit too.

Do some people do this? Work out for some time, stop for a month, to get more gains? I'm really curious to figure out how it happened, since it's the second time I notice this in the same situation (workout, then stop for a month while on vacation and also reduced sexual activity = more fit).

Edit: Also, in both occasions, I would eat very little in the morning, almost nothing during the day, and have a complete meal at dinner only. I never felt more hungry than I would normally when I usually eat three times a day, and I didn't lose weight (I gained around three pounds).


You look good dude, you are well proportioned... what i mean is that your arms seem to match the width of your legs, they are nicely balanced. With more work and dedication i'm sure your results will be even more impressive.

Thank you! When I do get comments, it's usually something about having large calves. Gonna continue working hard.


Made a coconut cake that is incredible, very low carb and 0 sugar, super sweet and delicious. In face, i had people who eat normal food try it and they all got 2nds. Its pretty amazing. Ontop of all of that, it has no dairy in it also. I'm thinking i could possibly switch my entire meals to non-dairy next, not for any other reason other then to try it out. We'll see......


Just finished the first week of Candito's strength program.

The leg workouts have way more volume than I'm used to working with.

Also kind've realizing that I've never done a deadlift before. I estimated my max to be a bit higher than my squat, but once I hit the working sets, I couldn't do it.
Good luck with your week 2 workouts. Even more leg volume!


Well, I pretty much overdid it at eating today.
I had a ton of food and some ice cream cake. I don't really care because I only get to celebrate my son's first birthday once.
Made a coconut cake that is incredible, very low carb and 0 sugar, super sweet and delicious. In face, i had people who eat normal food try it and they all got 2nds. Its pretty amazing. Ontop of all of that, it has no dairy in it also. I'm thinking i could possibly switch my entire meals to non-dairy next, not for any other reason other then to try it out. We'll see......

Got recepie?

Well, I pretty much overdid it at eating today.
I had a ton of food and some ice cream cake. I don't really care because I only get to celebrate my son's first birthday once.

Worth it IMO


Got recepie?

I threw away some of the containers already LOL, so i dont have exact. But rough around the edges:

12oz bobs red mill unsweetened shredded coconut
8 egg whites
19oz can coconut cream
4 tablespoons almond flour/meal
sweetner of choice (i used a lil bit of liquid sucralose from walmart squeezable)

Blend it all together, bake @ 350 and check when done with toothpick, then put on broiler and crisp the top of it. Here is a pic of the finished product. Each square is ~~230 calories and 4g net carbs (sliced into 16 pieces, the pictures show it cut into 24 piece size).



Posting here instead:

So, I had been working on twice a week at the gym, + some exercises at home, for around two-three months. I went on vacation for a month and didn't exercise at all during that time, only swam in the ocean for a bit over a week, strong waves (just enough for someone to surf). I don't think swimming/standing in the water was much of an exercise.

But what I noticed is that I am now more physically fit than I ever was. I don't understand why. I thought it might be reduced sexual activity (I had the same happen on another vacation before), I heard before that it can be a contributing factor (basically no frequent jerking off, only occasional sex). I have a more prominent six pack than before, bigger biceps, and the legs appear more fit too.

Do some people do this? Work out for some time, stop for a month, to get more gains? I'm really curious to figure out how it happened, since it's the second time I notice this in the same situation (workout, then stop for a month while on vacation and also reduced sexual activity = more fit).

Edit: Also, in both occasions, I would eat very little in the morning, almost nothing during the day, and have a complete meal at dinner only. I never felt more hungry than I would normally when I usually eat three times a day, and I didn't lose weight (I gained around three pounds).

I dunno, sounds weird. Anyhow I think it's more likely that it's your diet that is to blame rather than not jerking off. Sounds like you somehow recomped by doing some sort of pseudo intermittent fasting by eating most of your calories in the evening, while leaving very little to the rest of day. Also swimming counts of course as an activity but it depends how much you did it.

If you would've lost weight then it would be easier to pinpoint. Loss of bodyfat usually makes your muscles look bigger because they "pop out" more.


So far, so good. I haven't taken any pain medication since Thursday and yesterday I was able to do a very light, short core training. It caused slight discomfort, but not any real pain. Tomorrow I am meeting up with the physiatrist and hopefully after that I know more about how to proceed.

Started with 15 mins on treadmill, 15 incline 3.2-3.7 speed.
195 on scale
3x5 @ 235 Squat
3x5 @ 100 Overhead Press
3x5 @ 35 Tricep Extension
3x10 Glute Bridge
3x5 @ 25 Dumbell Curls
Finished with 30 mins on eliptical, 14-18 resistance, mostly 5.5-6.5 speed.

Lots o' stretching too.

For fun, posted these in the Weightloss thread before, but you guys might enjoy.

One day I'll feel more comfortable for shirtless pics. :p
That is absolutely awesome transformation! Truly inspirational!

Also just so you know, I am waiting those shirtless pics already! :D

One day I'll get to a point where I'm comfortable posting progress pics...

One day.
Awwww. I'll be waiting. :p

I threw away some of the containers already LOL, so i dont have exact. But rough around the edges:

12oz bobs red mill unsweetened shredded coconut
8 egg whites
19oz can coconut cream
4 tablespoons almond flour/meal
sweetner of choice (i used a lil bit of liquid sucralose from walmart squeezable)

Blend it all together, bake @ 350 and check when done with toothpick, then put on broiler and crisp the top of it. Here is a pic of the finished product. Each square is ~~230 calories and 4g net carbs (sliced into 16 pieces, the pictures show it cut into 24 piece size).
That looks totally delicious! You are creating me cravings you know.

Well, I pretty much overdid it at eating today.
I had a ton of food and some ice cream cake. I don't really care because I only get to celebrate my son's first birthday once.
Definitely worth it!

Thank you! When I do get comments, it's usually something about having large calves. Gonna continue working hard.
Oh you got me there - those were the first thing I noticed as well. They are impressive.

Then again I do think you look overall really nice. You have a good frame to work with and if you add a year or two, you most likely look like a sexy beast. Just saying. ;)
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