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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Don't forget to do your front squats, people!

2 weeks not doing them and I'm fried. Worked up to 335lbs paused and then did 225lbs for reps. Stopped at 7 because upper back was fried. 45 minutes in and out. Oh, and forgot my Oly shoes.


Good looking lift dude. I can't stand front squats and you make them look WAY easier than they are.

Also, looking great Kenyon. Amazing progress.


Don't forget to do your front squats, people!

2 weeks not doing them and I'm fried. Worked up to 335lbs paused and then did 225lbs for reps. Stopped at 7 because upper back was fried. 45 minutes in and out. Oh, and forgot my Oly shoes.


Agreed, I always do them on leg day.

Except when I do them, I look like my head is about to explode. When you do them, it looks like you're just casually picking up spare change from the floor.

Also, props to the woman who shows up at :40 sec. She had some meat on those arms.

At least, I think that was a woman or a 80's metalhead.
Hey Brolic how does front squatting in that belt feel? I haven't had to use it yet but I feel I'm getting closer to the point where I'll need it.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Good looking lift dude. I can't stand front squats and you make them look WAY easier than they are.

Also, looking great Kenyon. Amazing progress.

They still kill me, lol.
Agreed, I always do them on leg day.

Except when I do them, I look like my head is about to explode. When you do them, it looks like you're just casually picking up spare change from the floor.

Also, props to the woman who shows up at :40 sec. She had some meat on those arms.

At least, I think that was a woman or a 80's metalhead.

I always feel like I'm about to black out when I do them. And that's a woman, it's Jeanine Holtgrave, she's a figure model and she was in women's health magazine before. She just took first place in her first competition.

Hey Brolic how does front squatting in that belt feel? I haven't had to use it yet but I feel I'm getting closer to the point where I'll need it.

Feels fine, I use that belt for damn near everything. I like to front squat without a belt though. Feel I get more work on my abs.


I had to cut my leg workout short yesterday. My right hip flexor/adductor has been giving me shit when I'm in the hole and it really fucking sucks. My back feels all knotted up from deadlifts, I need a massage. I think I'll read becoming a supple leopard and do some active recovery today.
I had to cut my leg workout short yesterday. My right hip flexor/adductor has been giving me shit when I'm in the hole and it really fucking sucks. My back feels all knotted up from deadlifts, I need a massage. I think I'll read becoming a supple leopard and do some active recovery today.

I really need to get around to reading that book


My friend got overall champ in men's physique last night at the better bodies championship in Tx. Was a well deserved win. He's super humble which makes me so happy for him. His prep coach is the same as mine who also had two people place third and forth in the same class.

J. Bravo

My friend got overall champ in men's physique last night at the better bodies championship in Tx. Was a well deserved win. He's super humble which makes me so happy for him. His prep coach is the same as mine who also had two people place third and forth in the same class.

haha I came in here to say that one of my friends swept the Natural Southern States Classic Championships in Liberty, MO last night. it was her first comp and now she's a figure pro!
I don't have the funds for weights right now, so I was thinking of getting some resistance bands. I'm a total beginner (31 years old fwiw). Are bands a good start, or are they just going to lead to bad habits or something?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Need some advice. I'm wondering if it's okay to add drop sets to my work out. I've heard they're great for adding mass. Up until now I've mainly been doing a strength training routine. Here are my current lifts so far:

- OHP: 100 lbs. 3x5
- Bench: 135 lbs. 3x5
- Squat: 185 lbs. 3x5
- Deadlift: 215 lbs. 1x5
- Chin ups: 3x10

I'm not really looking to be super huge. A physique like this would be something I'd be more than happy with.

edit: and if it's okay to do so, what are some examples of drop sets I can do?


So if anyone remembers me and my extreme measures (didn't go with everything 100%) it has come to an end, will wait a week until water weight drops to see final results but it seems like 5-6kg loss.

There are visible changes and it can really be seen in clothes, still gonna continue with caloric deficit for a week or two but I guess now is the time to start bulking, I can keep shredding fat away forever but I'll never be happy since I don't have proper muscles underneath is, so time for a lean bulk and when I see some extra fat cut cut cut, should take a while but better then getting either fat again or becoming hungry skelly.

So, 200-300 bulk or push it up to 500? Need to recalculate my TDEE too in a week or so.


So if anyone remembers me and my extreme measures (didn't go with everything 100%) it has come to an end, will wait a week until water weight drops to see final results but it seems like 5-6kg loss.

There are visible changes and it can really be seen in clothes, still gonna continue with caloric deficit for a week or two but I guess now is the time to start bulking, I can keep shredding fat away forever but I'll never be happy since I don't have proper muscles underneath is, so time for a lean bulk and when I see some extra fat cut cut cut, should take a while but better then getting either fat again or becoming hungry skelly.

So, 200-300 bulk or push it up to 500? Need to recalculate my TDEE too in a week or so.

Two weeks at maintenance first. Then slowly add calories to see how high you need to go. 200-300 probably.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Bought beyond 5/3/1 just now. And after a cursory scan, I'm liking what I'm seeing. I'll explain later why I'm going back to 5/3/1 if anyone is interested. For now though I'm finishing out this plan until both competitions.


Oh there is a fitness thread :D

I started 7 weeks ago (never seen a gym from the inside before). I started with some exercises on machines and exchanged them with basic barbell exercises over the time. Now I'm at:

Squats: 7x90kg/200lbs
Deadlifts: 9x100kg/220lbs
Benchpress: 9x55kg/120lbs
Military Press: 9x35kg/77lbs

I'm also doing pull-ups, t bar rows, dips and at the end I do 1 triceps and 1 biceps isolation exercise on a machine. I'm doing all that every 2 days (Deadlifts and Squats alternating, just one of them). Benchpress, Deadlifts/Squats 4 sets and the rest 3 sets.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You know...the hardest part of cutting and eating clean is really only getting past the intial 3 or 4 days. Once you make it the cravings are drastically reduced and the hunger all but goes away. Sidenote, it's amazing how sweet quest bars taste when you virtually eliminate sugar from your diet.
Bought beyond 5/3/1 just now. And after a cursory scan, I'm liking what I'm seeing. I'll explain later why I'm going back to 5/3/1 if anyone is interested. For now though I'm finishing out this plan until both competitions.

I'm really interested in your opinions of beyond 5/3/1 and ways to improve on the structure of 5/3/1. I'm always mixing up my routine.


You know...the hardest part of cutting and eating clean is really only getting past the intial 3 or 4 days. Once you make it the cravings are drastically reduced and the hunger all but goes away. Sidenote, it's amazing how sweet quest bars taste when you virtually eliminate sugar from your diet.
Seriously. The Cookie Dough Bars are like eating heaven when you haven't had sugar in awhile.


Bought beyond 5/3/1 just now. And after a cursory scan, I'm liking what I'm seeing. I'll explain later why I'm going back to 5/3/1 if anyone is interested. For now though I'm finishing out this plan until both competitions.
Considering that you spent a year on 5/3/1 without increasing your strength and consequently swore off the program, I'm sure a good chunk of us are interested in what has convinced you to do a full 360 on Jim Wendler. Most people just bounce from program to program never giving them a full chance and I don't see you having done that at all, so yeah, spill the beans Brolic!
You know...the hardest part of cutting and eating clean is really only getting past the intial 3 or 4 days. Once you make it the cravings are drastically reduced and the hunger all but goes away. Sidenote, it's amazing how sweet quest bars taste when you virtually eliminate sugar from your diet.

Hunger's not my problem at the moment (rarely is on IF if I'm honest), trying to hit my weight / rep targets is. Only been on a cut for a couple of weeks but I'm already losing strength. Stupid body. It's not even a particularly crazy cut.

(I don't think all the mountain biking is helping)


More 5/3/1 love? Nothing stops this train.

Feel weird today, not strong but not weak. Really tired also. But I'm glad that this is 2 weeks in a row with a normal sleep schedule, so some adjustment period is to be expected.

Should be better once I eat and hit the gym.
More 5/3/1 love? Nothing stops this train.

Feel weird today, not strong but not weak. Really tired also. But I'm glad that this is 2 weeks in a row with a normal sleep schedule, so some adjustment period is to be expected.

Should be better once I eat and hit the gym.

I'll tell you this: 5/3/1's BBB is some tough but gud shit. 3rd week, first cycle currently.

Reached a new Deadlift PR yesterday, 2x160 kg. Atempted to go for a 3rd rep but didn't manage.

Followed up by 5x10x85 kg deadlift and 5×10×hanging leg raises.

Oh lordy.


I didn't like 5/3/1 too slow. The deload week was unnecessary most of the time. It got better when I'd just skip week 4 and go back to week 1.

Interested to hear what Brolic thinks.


Neo Member
I've also been looking at 531 this past week. While I do enjoy squating Im getting sick of doing it 3 times a week. I would ask for some opinions but its looking like 2 pages of positive for now.


I typically did a deload week every other cycle when I was training with 5/3/1. I'd probably just try to skip deload weeks altogether if I ran the program again.


At the tender age of 36 I'll take the deload week.

So hit the gym today and really underestimated myself. Hit 345 on squats easy peasy, felt like the bar was going to fly off when I was going back up. Strength through the roof. Happy happy. Good start to this 1s week.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I am. I think I remember you didn't like 5/3/1. Now you do?

I'm really interested in your opinions of beyond 5/3/1 and ways to improve on the structure of 5/3/1. I'm always mixing up my routine.

Considering that you spent a year on 5/3/1 without increasing your strength and consequently swore off the program, I'm sure a good chunk of us are interested in what has convinced you to do a full 360 on Jim Wendler. Most people just bounce from program to program never giving them a full chance and I don't see you having done that at all, so yeah, spill the beans Brolic!

You're right Francis. I made marginal gains over that year. Nothing spectacular. But it did do one thing, it kept me healthy.

I decided to go back to 5/3/1 because I'm already "strong enough" to compete in strongman. My powerlifts are strong enough. I need to improve my events. 5/3/1 will allow me to sustain and improve slowly my powerlifts while allowing me to keep from feeling beat to shit and letting me focus on events and conditioning. I remember thsts the only thing I really liked about 5/3/1.

Well I just finished "Beyond." He literally addresses all of my issues in his newest book. "Joker sets"'allow for auto regulated maximal training and "first set last" allows for extra volume. It's all in a way that can be done on the fly. He also says what I've been saying. Deload when you feel like it. Or use other deload templates.

So. now that I'm happy with my powerlifs and I want to be a competitive strongman, my focus has shifted away from maximal training, to sub max. I'm focusing more on conditioning and events. But, should I decide to throw some maximal training in, "beyond" has it outlined how to do it right.

And oddly enough, it's shit I didn't think about altering In 5/3/1, or I was altering it in a potentially negatively impacting way.

Either way, this is where I am. After my comp next week (and the following week) I'm doing 5/3/1 utilizing joker sets and first set last outlines as well as superset template.

Also, to anyone who took my advice and is doing Iron sport. Run it for 6 months and see how your body feels, honestly. If you think it's getting beat up, or starting to. Do some volume training for a bit, and switch back. ISSM is still my favorite maximal strength program so far.


Allright, so I've been working out for about 7 years now and I'm pretty experienced with it. One thing I never got into using was creatine. I heard bad things abut when starting out (bloating and it causing people to hold water weight, jitters) and decided against it. I'm not a big supplement guy in general.

But after becoming more educated on what creatine actually is, I'm considering adding it to my diet. Any suggestions on what brands I should look at? Does it really matter? Any studies or articles I should look into regarding its pros and cons? How do you guys feel about it in general?
It's fine, and as a general rule one brand isn't better than another... assuming you're not talking about random knockoff brands that are selling you bulking powder rather than actual creatine.


I used it back in high school when it first came on the scene big for football. I don't know how much it affected me, but our coaches supplied it for everyone that was in our Sports Development Program (basically hour class for varsity football players taking it seriously). Everyone bulked up pretty serious, hence my previous top of 325 on the bench and 500 Squat as an 18 year old.

I did order some again and thought I would take it mostly as an energy boost, just for the sake of science. I put on 3 lbs over the weekend, and I know I drank well over 80 oz of water yesterday while only peeing twice, both yellow.

I do feel bloated, but my muscles feel way less sore. I'll see how I do at the gym today.

J. Bravo

mr tough pants, how do you manage working a super physical job and still lifting heavy afterwards? I recently started do some work for a landscaping company, and it's mostly manual labor crap. today I need to deadlift, but I'm tired. how am I supposed to have the energy lol.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
mr tough pants, how do you manage working a super physical job and still lifting heavy afterwards? I recently started do some work for a landscaping company, and it's mostly manual labor crap. today I need to deadlift, but I'm tired. how am I supposed to have the energy lol.

Why do you think he eats what he eats and gets away with it? Plus he's a tough bastard.


Allright, so I've been working out for about 7 years now and I'm pretty experienced with it. One thing I never got into using was creatine. I heard bad things abut when starting out (bloating and it causing people to hold water weight, jitters) and decided against it. I'm not a big supplement guy in general.

But after becoming more educated on what creatine actually is, I'm considering adding it to my diet. Any suggestions on what brands I should look at? Does it really matter? Any studies or articles I should look into regarding its pros and cons? How do you guys feel about it in general?


Scientifically speaking it is extremely safe. Its an endogenous substance that your body will easily remove excess of unless you have a kidney condition.

I cant really find evidence that a person who eats a high animal protein diet really needs much of it, and the margins of performance on it are 10-12%. Largest effects were on vegan users who are naturally low in it.

I did not gain any weight from it, but I am on a deficit so it may have just slowed me down, which scares me a bit because I am still losing ahead of schedule. I didn't do a loading protocol but I am 4 weeks in on 6-8g daily.

The secondary effect fatigue reduction is probably more beneficial than anaerobic respiration. Hard for me to say if that is just me getting used to the increased workout regime(from being a lardass) or if it is helping.

Its pretty cheap from anywhere. I got mine from ON. 200 days worth is $35.00

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Stuck at 160 incline BB bench press for 6 reps. Decided to switch to Dbs and was able to hit 6 reps using the 75's :)! Definitely feels different than barbell.

J. Bravo

Managed 405x3 again, followed by 225x4x10. That's one more set than last time. My grip gave out AGAIN. I could have easily gotten 2-3 more reps 😒 I'm gonna look into getting some chalk. And maybe a belt, although I've never felt I needed one enough to justify the cost.

Did a bunch of upper back/biceps/forearms/grip stuff afterwards. My forearms are fried. I was having trouble shrugging 50s for 10 lmao.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

Scientifically speaking it is extremely safe. Its an endogenous substance that your body will easily remove excess of unless you have a kidney condition.

I cant really find evidence that a person who eats a high animal protein diet really needs much of it, and the margins of performance on it are 10-12%. Largest effects were on vegan users who are naturally low in it.

I did not gain any weight from it, but I am on a deficit so it may have just slowed me down, which scares me a bit because I am still losing ahead of schedule. I didn't do a loading protocol but I am 4 weeks in on 6-8g daily.

The secondary effect fatigue reduction is probably more beneficial than anaerobic respiration. Hard for me to say if that is just me getting used to the increased workout regime(from being a lardass) or if it is helping.

Its pretty cheap from anywhere. I got mine from ON. 200 days worth is $35.00

Hmmm, I didn't realize it was this cheap. I bought the $15 ON one from Amazon and am gonna try it out. Fatigue reduction is something I definitely could use a slight boost on. With weights getting heavier and heavier on 5x5 I'm starting to fail after the 3rd or 4th set.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Anyone care to share their workout Spotify playlist?

I'm in the process of making my own cause i listen to the same things all day.

Spotify webplayer is being stupid and not working but I've been enjoying this playlist lately.


It's mostly hiphop/rap with some house music thrown in.
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