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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thank Christ

It's finally closed

The OT6 Ghost is now LOCKED UP!


No Love

Took the last two days off, now I'm ready to get back into it. A few nights ago when I was with San Diego I was training with a friend of mine and decided to go nuts... we did bench, incline bench, deadlifts, traps, shoulders, bent over barbell rows, etc. It was a nice "hit everything" session that really left me sore but well exercised.

That being said, I ain't gonna lie: I smoked weed yesterday, ate some bad stuff, and again ate a burger + fries today. Cheating once or twice a week really does make a huge difference though, and now I'm ready to start up a few intense weeks of clean eating and hitting the weights hard every day.


Hey fitGAF, I know this is more of a weight lifting OT but I have a question and it would be great if somebody could help. I run about 15-20 miles a week and done so for about 2 years now. The last three months my knee has been sore after runs (3 to 5 miles long) and at this point it really starting to bother me. I didn't hit or land on it hard and there is no swelling just soreness that kind feels like growing pains when I was little. I'm only 28 if this helps and I have rested the knee for up to 2 weeks at one point and still feels the same. Anybody know what the deal is? Thanks.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Anyone else get super hungry after Squats and Deadlifts? Man, those are appetite inducing lifts like no other.
I may be unique but lifting kills my appetite for at least 2 hours. I can go in starving but I always leave not hungry at all.
Hey fitGAF, I know this is more of a weight lifting OT but I have a question and it would be great if somebody could help. I run about 15-20 miles a week and done so for about 2 years now. The last three months my knee has been sore after runs (3 to 5 miles long) and at this point it really starting to bother me. I didn't hit or land on it hard and there is no swelling just soreness that kind feels like growing pains when I was little. I'm only 28 if this helps and I have rested the knee for up to 2 weeks at one point and still feels the same. Anybody know what the deal is? Thanks.

I ran track and xc in high school and have had plenty of miscelllaneous leg discomfort. I might be able to offer slightly more specific advice than, "go to a doctor if you're concerned."

There are many parts to the knee. Where is the pain? Inside the knee? Between the shin and kneecap? The quad muscle near the knee on the inner thigh?

How's your stride? If you smack your foot down heel-first that may be the cause. Your knees feel the impact more with a heel-strike stride than toe-strike. Running shoes theoretically have enough padding to offset the damage but it's not guaranteed to be enough.

It's only after a run? how long does it last? If the answer is "nonstop pain" you may want to consider a doctor.

Regarding the thread in general: Most of the posts are about weightlifting because even hobbyist weightlifters deliberate over programming or track progress. When it comes to running or cardio in general, the average person just does it without any thought to programming or measurements of performance. The majority of joggers don't seem to set goals beyond "consistently go jogging" for example. Treadmills and surface streets don't make for a fertile set of posting topics.....

If I start attempting to run with the goal of outracing my brother (a track athlete) then maybe I'll post about the progress but lifting is more fun for the moment..
Hey fitGAF, I know this is more of a weight lifting OT but I have a question and it would be great if somebody could help. I run about 15-20 miles a week and done so for about 2 years now. The last three months my knee has been sore after runs (3 to 5 miles long) and at this point it really starting to bother me. I didn't hit or land on it hard and there is no swelling just soreness that kind feels like growing pains when I was little. I'm only 28 if this helps and I have rested the knee for up to 2 weeks at one point and still feels the same. Anybody know what the deal is? Thanks.

My partner is having similar troubles and it has been tracked back to shoes and running style (the combination). Not sure there is a lot to do besides get that checked out.

toddhunter what is your meal plan?

Nothing consistent I'm afraid, which is something I really need to work on.


Thanks for the reply @fredrancour. The knee is sore before the run and than it goes away most runs but sometimes it's sore during and always sore after the run sometimes worse than others. After a few hours it goes away until I start bending it a lot or when I start to run.

I'm a mid-footer striker.

@toddhunter thanks for the reply also. Maybe I should switch my shoes and thinking about it I got a pair of Brooks running shoes and the pain really didn't start until I wore them. What was your partner's running style? Are you talking about foot strike?
@toddhunter thanks for the reply also. Maybe I should switch my shoes and thinking about it I got a pair of Brooks running shoes and the pain really didn't start until I wore them. What was your partner's running style? Are you talking about foot strike?

Yeah in her case she was hitting the side of her foot first on one side, which was pushing her leg in and putting pressure on the knee and lower back. The suggested fix was a shoe insert to level it out (apparently has helped so far, but it is a very recent thing).


Haha, went into a cornerstore after my workout and some old guy in there was shooting the shit with his friends, he pointed at me and said "Look at this fucking guy, what are you going to do if he goes berserk, nothing, he's not normal". I had to laugh, he went back to talking about how the Pope is the biggest criminal in the world as I was leaving.


I've already done some training before, but this summer I want to get fitter.

I'm planning to go Keto and doing both lifting and cardio.
I have resources for the diet and for lifting (this thread), but do you know how should I combine cardio with lifting?

Also, I'll have too much free time, most of the novice workouts seem to be 3 days with one day between each, and I'd like to go to the gym whenever possible. Any way to "modify" these workouts to make them daily?


I've already done some training before, but this summer I want to get fitter.

I'm planning to go Keto and doing both lifting and cardio.
I have resources for the diet and for lifting (this thread), but do you know how should I combine cardio with lifting?

Also, I'll have too much free time, most of the novice workouts seem to be 3 days with one day between each, and I'd like to go to the gym whenever possible. Any way to "modify" these workouts to make them daily?
You don't grow during the workout. You grow during the rest day which makes them as important as the workout itself.


Ok, then. So rest days are obligatory. Is cardio out of the picture these days?
It's a balancing act.
But if cardio is a must, hiit is amongst the best in preserving muscle mass.
Also, if you simply have to workout everyday, you can also do upper lower split. I think cooter is working out 6 days a week and you can't argue with his results. He is not a beginner lifter though.
Normally noobs are prescribed 3 days a week full body workout that includes the major compound lift.


Alright. Took 2 days off and hit the gym tonight for 3s week. Ohp went very well, on my last set which was 185x3, I just did them as singles. Got all 3 and more then content. I'm eating 2005 kcals a day weighing 261lbs, so still very happy to lift this much on such a cut. After I finished my accessory's, I did some farmers walks with 105-115lb dumbbells. That chalk really came in handy.

Apparently the Inuit have a long cultural tradition of being stacked.

Sounds like keto to me. What bros.


It's a balancing act.
But if cardio is a must, hiit is amongst the best in preserving muscle mass.
Also, if you simply have to workout everyday, you can also do upper lower split. I think cooter is working out 6 days a week and you can't argue with his results. He is not a beginner lifter though.
Normally noobs are prescribed 3 days a week full body workout that includes the major compound lift.

It depends on the rest of your routine, a hard HIIT session is similar to a heavy leg training session in terms of recovery

If you're cutting and doing a beginner programming that has you squatting 3x a week, adding further HIIT sessions will probably cause you to burn out unless you're among the genetic elite.
Who here has switched from low bar squats to high bar and why? Was wondering if maybe I should try high bar for a bit and see if I'm more comfortable with that


I've already done some training before, but this summer I want to get fitter.

I'm planning to go Keto and doing both lifting and cardio.
I have resources for the diet and for lifting (this thread), but do you know how should I combine cardio with lifting?

Also, I'll have too much free time, most of the novice workouts seem to be 3 days with one day between each, and I'd like to go to the gym whenever possible. Any way to "modify" these workouts to make them daily?

To truly do a hybrid training routine is not easy at all. Here's an interview with Alex Viada (Ultra-marathoner with a 700 lb squat) about what it takes.

Here's an article he wrote detailing an example routine and some more information: http://www.completehumanperformance...ce-training-for-strength-athletes-part-1.html

Pete Rock

I may be unique but lifting kills my appetite for at least 2 hours. I can go in starving but I always leave not hungry at all.
This also happens to me, on my lifting days I just want to fall asleep when I get home at 8pm but - nope - you got 3 lbs of food to eat, better get on it! Usually takes me twice as long, two hours versus one, to consume the exact same meal I ate at 2pm when I was "starving". Grrr.
I didn't hit or land on it hard
Yes you did, you were running. Running is a very battering sport and unless you are or plan on being a competitive runner you shouldn't do it. It is not an exercise for health, unless your definition of health includes beat up knees and ankles and shins.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I was planning on snapping some video of my 105 pull ups but I was strapped for time and no one was there. Didn't feel like setting it up. I will in the coming weeks.

One week until the summer progress thread. Gotta week to finalize that cut or crank out that mammoth DL PR! Get to it guys and gals!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm losing weight but I feel like I'm getting fatter.


Your standards are changing. Also, when some areas lean out, they can make other areas that haven't stand out even more. Love handles/muffin tops are a particularly egregious example.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
FE with the ridiculous gains.

What a difference a year can make.


That's only really particularly helpful if your room gets darker at night. Mine completely blocks outside light and my indoor lights are like the surface of the sun.

I'd end up struggling to even see if I used it (unless I had it also control my indoor lights!).

Well, either you're looking at your computer screen with your lights on, which wouldn't make a difference anyway if your room's lights are really as bright as you say, or you're looking at your screen with the lights off/in blackness, in which case the program above would probably help.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Gym pass expired and the gym was too crowded with curl bros. Squatting on carpet until the new local gym opens up in two weeks.

wanted to post this pic, me @ 240 last year vs me @ 242 this year

hoorah baybee

okay, now im done posting lol

Mass acquired.

Fuck ya FE.
Just set up a heavy bag and speed bag in my garage... And proceeded to spend 90 minutes out there dancing around them and punching the shit out of them. No idea how to throe a punch but I watched some videos and think I have the basics of a jab, power hit, hook, and uppercut. Got the speed bag down decently. Did some jump rope in-between sets. Fucking entire body and clothes were soaking wet with sweat by the end. Chugged so much eater throughout and afterwards.

I think I'm in love.
What are your goals for mountain biking?

Right now it's increased endurance. I do very long distance events and I can't really maintain my speed for as long as I'd like.

However, I'm also quite concerned with aesthetics... last time I did a specific cycling training course I lost most of my muscle and started to look a lot like Bradley Wiggins. That was not a good look for me, at all.

This guy does some interesting stuff, but I'm not at a point where I'm ready to try it yet: http://www.bikejames.com/


Just set up a heavy bag and speed bag in my garage... And proceeded to spend 90 minutes out there dancing around them and punching the shit out of them. No idea how to throe a punch but I watched some videos and think I have the basics of a jab, power hit, hook, and uppercut. Got the speed bag down decently. Did some jump rope in-between sets. Fucking entire body and clothes were soaking wet with sweat by the end. Chugged so much eater throughout and afterwards.

I think I'm in love.

Now you will stay true to your username! Sokasokasoka
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