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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Looking for some advice to help me lose a little weight and build up some stamina/endurance.

I am 33, but have been pretty much non active due to working retail for so many years. I got a membership at my local YMCA (chose them because they have fantastic basketball courts). I am 6'3, 218pds. I don't have any interest in getting buff and what not, but would like to shed down to 185-190 and mainly be able to actually start playing basketball again. I've been mostly running at the track a bit to build up some type of stamina but am experiencing pain in my knees (I'm guessing from carrying much more weight then I used to be). 7 years ago I weighted 166 pounds and could run and felt great, so not sure my legs/knees enjoy the extra 50 pds I've put on them.

So my biggest problem is that I am a type 1 diabetic, so I am struggling to push myself probably as hard/long as I should be to see some good results. After a week I am sleeping slightly better though.

I am very much intimidated by weight lifting, since I have almost no experience with it and while I used to see myself as strong, I have never been weight lifting strong.

My main goal 1st, is to build up some type of stamina so that I'm not dying after 20 minutes of cardio activity, and it would be great to know that if the pain I get when trying to run will go away after some time since I used to enjoy running in my youth.



I'm switching back to 8-10 reps for everything. Time to gain size.

For size, isn't it commonly suggested that 3-5 reps at heavy weight is better for size than 8-10 reps at more moderate weight?

Hey guys, what's a good protein powder?

My personal favorite is ON Gold Standard 100% Whey: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/opt/whey.html

Mocha Cappuccino and Double Rich Chocolate are my favorite flavors. Mint Chocolate Chip is good as well.

Also heard a lot of good things about Isopure Zero Carb: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/nb/lowcarb.html (specifically the Banana Cream and Dutch Chocolate flavors seem to be the most popular)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
From the admittedly little I have read, I see no scenario where taking gear will improve your physical health and odds are you're going to do slight if not significant damage to your body in the long-term. I'm fine if people want to use them, but I think every that considers it needs to do a lot of research and really consider their goals.

The only way I would ever do steroids is if I made a living from lifting.

That's it. And most people using them are just looking for short cuts/the easy way.
For size, isn't it commonly suggested that 3-5 reps at heavy weight is better for size than 8-10 reps at more moderate weight?

My personal favorite is ON Gold Standard 100% Whey: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/opt/whey.html

Mocha Cappuccino and Double Rich Chocolate are my favorite flavors. Mint Chocolate Chip is good as well.

Also heard a lot of good things about Isopure Zero Carb: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/nb/lowcarb.html (specifically the Banana Cream and Dutch Chocolate flavors seem to be the most popular)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The only way I would ever do steroids is if I made a living from lifting.

That's how I look at it. I started recreational lifting as a way to improve my health. Seems like drugging up just to accelerate things would be pretty counteractive to that goal.

Sure, I want to improve my numbers and 'look better' sooner rather than later, but the primary goal for me is still long-term well-being.
My personal favorite is ON Gold Standard 100% Whey: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/opt/whey.html

Mocha Cappuccino and Double Rich Chocolate are my favorite flavors. Mint Chocolate Chip is good as well.

Also heard a lot of good things about Isopure Zero Carb: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/nb/lowcarb.html (specifically the Banana Cream and Dutch Chocolate flavors seem to be the most popular)

I currently use ON Gold. I have the Mint Choco Chip atm, and it's pretty good. However, if it's your first protein powder, I recommend a different flavor. You could do the mocha or double rich choco as bowser recommended and even add peanut butter for a bit for flavor and cals/protein.

Question to all of Fit-Gaf,

My gf and I are trying out this program we saw on bodybuilding.com: 3 Weeks to Lean. We are currently on our 3rd week and the program has a "part 2" which I haven't gotten around to reading yet.

I am not really satisfied with my progress. I'm using this program as a way to lean just a little to get rid of extra weight while still trying to build strength. I also stopped taking creatine a week before starting this program so I'm looking a lot skinnier than I previously was.

It's only been 3 weeks and part of me think I should stick to it a little longer. But the other part of me wants to try a new program, which I'm considering trying 5-3-1. What would you recommend? I want to be able to clean bulk.

My gf on the other hand is trying to lose about 10 lbs and is very....slowly... losing.


+1 for ON Double Rich Chocolate. That stuff is gooooooood. I have a jug of chocolate Muscle Milk that I add a scoop with my ON and 2 cups whole milk when I want a little extra calorie boost but everything I have read is that Muscle Milk is not a a great choice. Tastes great though.


I just realized that I have been doing SS wrong and not properly alternating the A,B workouts. I have been only doing ABA week 1, ABA week 2, ABA week 3 instead of ABA week 1, BAB week2, ABA week 3. Oh well, I'll start doing it right tomorrow. I got the squats 3 times a week right though! <3
Looking for some advice to help me lose a little weight and build up some stamina/endurance.

I am very much intimidated by weight lifting, since I have almost no experience with it and while I used to see myself as strong, I have never been weight lifting strong.

My main goal 1st, is to build up some type of stamina so that I'm not dying after 20 minutes of cardio activity, and it would be great to know that if the pain I get when trying to run will go away after some time since I used to enjoy running in my youth.


I'm a big running proponent, but the bolded above sounds bad. You might be able to work back up to it, but if you are getting pain now you really should consider a different form of cardio and working back up to running slowly. I know that it sounds lame (especially to me, as I love running outside) but maybe start with something like an elliptical? Also, when you get back to running start small and make sure to work on your form as you build back up.
That was probably a corticosteroid. Not anabolic, used for reducing inflammation

Creatine is pretty simple. The phosphate groups to turn ADP into ATP in your muscle cells is carried by phosphocreatine, which is just as it sounds: phosphorylated creatine. Supplementing creatine just makes more phosphocreatine available, which means more ADP can be turned into ATP, which is where that extra boost in strength output originates.

And that extra strength output translates to what exactly? Increased muscle mass?
Faster recovery time? Allowing you to finish that last rep you struggle on towards the end?


I'm a big running proponent, but the bolded above sounds bad. You might be able to work back up to it, but if you are getting pain now you really should consider a different form of cardio and working back up to running slowly. I know that it sounds lame (especially to me, as I love running outside) but maybe start with something like an elliptical? Also, when you get back to running start small and make sure to work on your form as you build back up.

Thanks for the feedback, I was thinking about switching to an elliptical but hoped to not have to go that route as they tend to bore me.


Roids? Not even once.

Seem some horrid backACNE, massively dismorphed bodies and people who can't control their emotions on that shit.

The secondary key reason I lift (the primary to see strength/size gains) is because it feels like I'm doing something great for my mind and body. Roids would negate that.


Ran the Warrior Dash last Saturday. Obstacles are still as fun as ever and even though I can run 5k easily I still don't care for it. It's nice to know that sprinting up stairs is all the conditioning I need for 5k.

I'd love to do something more akin to Ninja Warrior. Less running, more obstacles.

It's nice that it's inclusive, though. There's people flying through the course in a little over twenty minutes and others taking over an hour. I ran a half-hour, even though it wasn't officially timed. There's a lot of bottlenecks on the course and some of the obstacles had lines when I got up to them. There's a competitive run that is timed first thing in the morning but it's just never piqued my interest enough to do it. I might go for it next year just to get a time in.

Also, I can't think of an outdoor festival with better eye candy than the Warrior Dash. It's a good-looking bunch, that crowd.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Roids? Not even once.

Seem some horrid backACNE, massively dismorphed bodies and people who can't control their emotions on that shit.

The secondary key reason I lift (the primary to see strength/size gains) is because it feels like I'm doing something great for my mind and body. Roids would negate that.

You'd be surprised how many normal looking/small dudes do cycles.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Shit, the entire reason I lift is for people asking me if I'm on steroids! ;) If I actually was what reason would I have?


Ran the Warrior Dash last Saturday. Obstacles are still as fun as ever and even though I can run 5k easily I still don't care for it. It's nice to know that sprinting up stairs is all the conditioning I need for 5k.

I'd love to do something more akin to Ninja Warrior. Less running, more obstacles.

It's nice that it's inclusive, though. There's people flying through the course in a little over twenty minutes and others taking over an hour. I ran a half-hour, even though it wasn't officially timed. There's a lot of bottlenecks on the course and some of the obstacles had lines when I got up to them. There's a competitive run that is timed first thing in the morning but it's just never piqued my interest enough to do it. I might go for it next year just to get a time in.

Also, I can't think of an outdoor festival with better eye candy than the Warrior Dash. It's a good-looking bunch, that crowd.

Take a look if the Civilian Military Combine is happening anywhere around you. It has some CrossFit influence - It starts with what's called "The Pit" which is a 5 min AMRAP of 3 movements which are different depending on what class/difficulty you sign up for (http://www.civilianmilitarycombine.com/about/#tab2) followed by a 4.5 mile obstacle course:


I'm planning on participating in the NYC one on Sept 27; never done one of these kind of things so I'm pretty excited and nervous haha.


That course looks awesome Bowser. Too bad I'm by Seattle - the Warrior Dash was just twenty minutes away from me. I feel spoiled by that. Hopefully that Combine can get more popular and make it's way over here.


Got some questions, will give a quick background. I'm 6ft, weigh 180lbs. Last September I casually lifted weights for a few months, it was basically just me learning stuff. Now I signed up and want to do it more seriously (I didn't have as much time and money to invest in it back then but now I do).

My main questions revolve around food. I gathered I need 180g of protein intake per day. I plan to work out Mon-Wed-Fri, maybe an extra day or two if necessary. I understand what kind of food I need to eat--chicken, fish, avocado, nuts, cottage cheese, rice, potato--but I don't know how to ration it. I am most interested in building strength, not as keen on definition.

How many meals am I looking at? I consume the protein shake after the work out, yes? What about something before it? How do I decide how to split the meals up? Say I have 200g of chicken breast, how would I divide it per meal?

I just need the basics on nutrition. Thanks so much! Subbed.



And the last few posts make me realize how many people are on or have tried gear. It's increasingly looking like me and a few others here are the last Nattys.

Not even a prohormone.

You seem to often mention prohormones like they are somehow different. They aren't they are just more dangerous. Almost all of them are illegal nowadays too. Well not that any of it matters anyway. I just see a lot of misconceptions that somehow prohormones are ok when they can actually really fuck you up.

I have a friend who is in the military so he wouldn't take steroids he took prohormones because he thought it would be ok. Well, if he had gotten tested it would have resulted in the same and he has severe gyno because he didn't treat them like steroids. He thought they were different.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Got some questions, will give a quick background. I'm 6ft, weigh 180lbs. Last September I casually lifted weights for a few months, it was basically just me learning stuff. Now I signed up and want to do it more seriously (I didn't have as much time and money to invest in it back then but now I do).

My main questions revolve around food. I gathered I need 180g of protein intake per day. I plan to work out Mon-Wed-Fri, maybe an extra day or two if necessary. I understand what kind of food I need to eat--chicken, fish, avocado, nuts, cottage cheese, rice, potato--but I don't know how to ration it. I am most interested in building strength, not as keen on definition.

How many meals am I looking at? I consume the protein shake after the work out, yes? What about something before it? How do I decide how to split the meals up? Say I have 200g of chicken breast, how would I divide it per meal?

I just need the basics on nutrition. Thanks so much! Subbed.
You don't need 180 unless you're running a calorie deficit. Also doesn't matter when you eat or how often.
You'd be surprised how many normal looking/small dudes do cycles.
I was shocked when I went to a gym and 3 rather small, fatty and slightly build up guys left the toilette cabin at the same time and one of them asked another if he trashed "it".
It could be totally sth different, but it seems that they took some roids.

I'm not even sure if at the age of ~18 these things show any effect while not being an professional.


I was shocked when I went to a gym and 3 rather small, fatty and slightly build up guys left the toilette cabin at the same time and one of them asked another if he trashed "it".
It could be totally sth different, but it seems that they took some roids.

I'm not even sure if at the age of ~18 these things show any effect while not being an professional.

Sounds like he asked his friend if he took a huge dump!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
There are a few but i just don't want anyone confused. I had edited my post above.

If you take any shit like that you should be educated on it (proper post/intra cycle treatment and what you're ingesting) and while you could pop dirty from prohormones, so long as you could prove what you were taking was legal, you'd be fine. (Plenty of people at my prison take them)

People need to realize orals have to pass through your liver, and that's gonna mess your shit up.

That said, most people are lazy and don't research shit anyway.


If you take any shit like that you should be educated on it (proper post/intra cycle treatment and what you're ingesting) and while you could pop dirty from prohormones, so long as you could prove what you were taking was legal, you'd be fine. (Plenty of people at my prison take them)

People need to realize orals have to pass through your liver, and that's gonna mess your shit up.

That said, most people are lazy and don't research shit anyway.

You'd be ok in the military as long as you proved it was prohormones? I was in the military for 10 years but it's been many years, I just figured you'd be busted.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
You'd be ok in the military as long as you proved it was prohormones? I was in the military for 10 years but it's been many years, I just figured you'd be busted.

If you could show what you were taking when you popped hot (and it would legitimately make you pop hot) the onus would be on them to prove you were doing something else.

It would be like popping hot for opiates when you're prescribed OxyContin or some other opiate based pain killer.

Legal over the counter supplements are just that, unless there's some weird law in ucmj/fed that says contrary, but I doubt it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If you take any shit like that you should be educated on it (proper post/intra cycle treatment and what you're ingesting) and while you could pop dirty from prohormones, so long as you could prove what you were taking was legal, you'd be fine. (Plenty of people at my prison take them)

People need to realize orals have to pass through your liver, and that's gonna mess your shit up.

That said, most people are lazy and don't research shit anyway.

I'm still reading, but this is a huge takeaway I found - there's almost NO (possibly are none, period) that are oral and don't severely fuck your liver in its face.

A few hours of heavy reading (boy what a job I have) and I'm going to have a consult and some blood work done to see what level of testosterone I'm at. It's a real big "oh that must be my problem, not because I'm actually lazy" etc going on, but I want to see what my numbers say before I say "shit maybe I'm not lazy" and so on.


is it ok to skip breakfast, because you wake up late, you have no time or any other reason? I understand that "no, it's not ok because doing that you eat more during lunch and burn less" or something, but what if you don't actually eat more for skipping it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
is it ok to skip breakfast, because you wake up late, you have no time or any other reason? I understand that "no, it's not ok because doing that you eat more during lunch and burn less" or something, but what if you don't actually eat more for skipping it.

It's always ok to skip breakfast, because breakfast is stupid.


is it ok to skip breakfast, because you wake up late, you have no time or any other reason? I understand that "no, it's not ok because doing that you eat more during lunch and burn less" or something, but what if you don't actually eat more for skipping it.

Meal timing doesn't actually matter all that much.


losing hair scares me from doing roids

i love my flowing locks

You don't lose hair from roids, it can however (based on your genetics) speed up the whole process. I know allot of people that have done it that still have all their hair.
Unless we're talking bodybuilder doses, then it's all gone.

The only way I would ever do steroids is if I made a living from lifting.

That's it. And most people using them are just looking for short cuts/the easy way.

Unfortunately, that's true. I've been training for 5 years and loved every minute of it. Then i see these guys training for a couple of months already hopping on gear lol. No discipline or dedication whatsoever, just a shortcut to 'aesthetics'.

Roids? Not even once.

Seem some horrid backACNE, massively dismorphed bodies and people who can't control their emotions on that shit.

The secondary key reason I lift (the primary to see strength/size gains) is because it feels like I'm doing something great for my mind and body. Roids would negate that.

All those things can be controlled, unfortunately people don't do their research and just hop on it without thinking.

yeah if you are going to juice/roid up, do not take anything orally. That is just asking for trouble.

Nothing wrong with it, at the right dosage off course. Also, there are liver protectors that will help with this.
Again, i know allot of people that did different things, including orals, that haven't noticed any problems.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not condoning all this stuff. But there's allot of misinformation out there, including here.
At one point in my life (1,5 year ago) i bought 3 vials of testosterone and wanted to hop on. I slept on it and in the end i didn't do it, sold all the stuff and kept lifting the normal way. But i did all my research, as you're supposed to do with this stuff.


is it ok to skip breakfast, because you wake up late, you have no time or any other reason? I understand that "no, it's not ok because doing that you eat more during lunch and burn less" or something, but what if you don't actually eat more for skipping it.

Breakfast is named literally for breaking your fast. Whenever you eat the first meal of the day, you are breaking the fast experienced from the last meal you ate the day before.

In that's sense of the word, it's impossible to skip breakfast!

In the sense of "eating a meal in the morning" you can skip whatever meals you want. There is no metabolic advantage to eating breakfast.
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