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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Figured I'd give you guys an update.

I'm calling my doctor today to see about making a GI specialist appointment.

In a nut shell, after random meals my stomach goes into horrible cramping and I have diarrhea.

Yesterday was so bad the pain lasted 4 hours.

I really can't take this anymore and I don't even care about how uncomfortable a colonoscopy is, I need to know what's going on.

I thought I was in the clear after the appendectomy

Fuck me I just want to feel normal again...


Figured I'd give you guys an update.

I'm calling my doctor today to see about making a GI specialist appointment.

In a nut shell, after random meals my stomach goes into horrible cramping and I have diarrhea.

Yesterday was so bad the pain lasted 4 hours.

I really can't take this anymore and I don't even care about how comfortable a colonoscopy is, I need to know what's going on.

I thought I was in the clear after the appendectomy

Fuck me I just want to feel normal again...

you will be back to your old self and exceed that soon bro

get well soon
Colonoscopy isn't uncomfortable, they gave me conscious sedation and I fell asleep. When I woke up, there wasn't any lingering discomfort either.

By far the worst part is having to do the cleanse the day before. They give you a gallon of stuff to drink in the space of an hour and it tastes terrible, and then you pee out of your butt for the rest of the evening.
Figured I'd give you guys an update.

I'm calling my doctor today to see about making a GI specialist appointment.

In a nut shell, after random meals my stomach goes into horrible cramping and I have diarrhea.

Yesterday was so bad the pain lasted 4 hours.

I really can't take this anymore and I don't even care about how uncomfortable a colonoscopy is, I need to know what's going on.

I thought I was in the clear after the appendectomy

Fuck me I just want to feel normal again...

Best of luck. Hopefully it is just an intolerance to something and you can sort it out quickly.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Figured I'd give you guys an update.

I'm calling my doctor today to see about making a GI specialist appointment.

In a nut shell, after random meals my stomach goes into horrible cramping and I have diarrhea.

Yesterday was so bad the pain lasted 4 hours.

I really can't take this anymore and I don't even care about how uncomfortable a colonoscopy is, I need to know what's going on.

I thought I was in the clear after the appendectomy

Fuck me I just want to feel normal again...

Good luck brother, I'm sure they'll find the parasite and you'll be free and clear before you know it.

What do you want to know?
I did my fair share of searching and learning back when i wanted to hop on.
Feel free to PM is needed.

Maybe this:


Just clarifying here that I haven't read the book nor do I know anything about the subject matter. I just know that the book is on sale in the Greyskull store so it can't be total shit. There's a thread on the GSLP forums as well if I remember right.

Thanks, both of you. I look at it as more of a life choice - I don't want to have unrealistic expectations on how I'll feel or what I'll need, but I also want to be safe, which is why I'm visiting a doctor beforehand and plan on speaking candidly with her about what I'm doing.

I've been happy with my gains, but obviously not content, not yet. What I mostly want to know is what I should take or add to it to offset a lot of the side effects that are very easy to offset.

Also would like to see a nice "Fuck NO" list that tells me things I absolutely shouldn't do. I just want to educate myself a lot more before diving in. This is all before I've even worked out how I'll obtain gear.

I desperately need help. Currently I stand at 355 lbs and I would like to drop to about 220, but be built. I have absolutely no idea what exercises to do early on to get things going. Should I just do cardio? I don't want loose skin (might be unavoidable) so I should do weight training as well, right?

I know its a lot to ask for someone here to help out a stranger, but if anyone has a weekly workout plan optimized for heavy people trying to lose weight but be built, I'd greatly appreciate it.

My other issue is my diet. I stopped eating all types of fried foods and stopped drinking soda, but I just don't know what to make for my meals. I eat grilled chicken and egg whites, but thats mostly the extent of my meals everyday with fruit sprinkled in. I know I'm definitely not eating enough calories which is why I need help. Pro-tip: I'm a picky eater which makes things rough. I'm looking to do a 1000-1200 diet, so if anyone can point me in to any direction I'd be thankful.

More calories and concentrate, first, on your diet and being more mobile. You'll risk getting hurt if you are carrying around that much weight. Focus on diet first, muscle LATER. Once you start shedding those pounds (walk walk walk and DIET DIET DIET) then it's time to introduce some weight liftings.

I'm sure you'd be ok with lifting beforehand, but getting your body stretched out and a little bit more accustomed to physical activity should be first on the list. And eat more than 1k per day. Do what a helpful dude above said, get MyFitnessPal app and track ya shit. Buy a food scale. Be strict. You WILL get results. Keep your expectations in check. Fuck advertising. Understand how your body actually works, and what natural changes are.

Hi FitGAF.

I was wondering how you all felt about bodyweight exercises for someone who just wants to tone up a little bit. I want to lose weight and gain a bit of strength. I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder or anything. For the past two weeks, I've been running 4 miles/day and doing pushups and pullups with a little bit of abs/core work mixed in. I've also been eating better. More salads, salmon for protein (salmon is easy to cook). I usually eat two fruits for breakfast to jumpstart my day and have been drinking water. I do give in at times and eat chocolate however.

Do you have any advice for a new FitGAFer? My goal is to reduce body fat and tone up.

Alright my friend, good on you looking to change a bit. If you want to lose weight, diet. If you want to gain strength, lift. Do both. You won't "accidentally" look good. You have to bust your ass for years to do that.

In the meantime bust your ass until you're happy. Pull ups are good. Get under some weight and start lifting. You have to develop a strength core first before you can get meaningful change.


Do you guys use heart rate monitor/calorie burn counter watches?

I was looking at the Polar FT4 but I don't like the chest strap. Just want a wristwatch only. Any recommendations? My friend has the pebble smartwatch with a few fitness apps but it doesn't look too accurate

You need the chest strap to be accurate. There are a few wrist devices now like the Basis that can measure heart rate, but it's still less accurate.

When I got my FT7, it came with an older version of the strap. The one that's available separately now is more comfortable.
Anyone have any good info on diet plans that work for cutting?

I'd like to begin working on the gut so come next summer I can go shirtless with pride.


Fit GAF chefs!!!

Is it cheaper to buy all your protein in bulk? I was thinking of getting a Costco membership so I can buy all the meats I need.

Also someone should probably start a Fit GAF cookbook thread for those who have no idea what to cook besides the grilled chicken and brown rice slop.

Wish I had the space to have a large freezer and stock up on proteins when they go on sale.

I wanted spaghetti last night but didn't want to mess with a large pot and wait for the spaghetti to cook. There were better things to do like play Pushmo World on WiiU!

Microwaved some leftover rice and then browned some lean ground turkey meat seasoned with black pepper and then poured in a jar of Newman's Own tomato and basil and simmered it for a bit. Topped with a little shredded colby jack and some grated parmesan and it really hit the spot.


ain't no veggie, however these babies cost 1.99 and contain 11.2g protein per sausage. just 15 mins in the oven. taste nice and a good alternative if you fancy cutting back a bit on meat


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Not sure what i admired more, the weight or the fact that there's no spotter.

What do you want to know?
I did my fair share of searching and learning back when i wanted to hop on.
Feel free to PM is needed.

Thanks man.

Dat face tho. Like the Red Skull

That's a result of the setup. My face gets that red whether it's just the bar or 410lbs. I get very tight.

Awesome stuff. You totally had 415 in you, but you'll be there in no time either way.

I just realized I use the exact same grip (ring finger over the knurl, thumb wrapped around). Maybe I can be like Brolic someday!

Lol, thanks man.
Looks like I'll be reading Anabolics - over 1k pages though, sure sounds like a heck of a reference guide.

Anyone ever read it? This appears to be the be-all-to-end-all information tome.

1049 pages is definitely not weekend reading.

Vince, lemme know what the consensus is between oral steroids vs injection steroids.

My friend keeps pushing these capsules claiming to be "better than creatine" and I don't trust the guy when it comes to anything.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Looks like I'll be reading Anabolics - over 1k pages though, sure sounds like a heck of a reference guide.

Anyone ever read it? This appears to be the be-all-to-end-all information tome.

1049 pages is definitely not weekend reading.

Vince, lemme know what the consensus is between oral steroids vs injection steroids.

My friend keeps pushing these capsules claiming to be "better than creatine" and I don't trust the guy when it comes to anything.

Uhhh, what's going on here.

Are you two really entertaining the thought of using steroids?


1049 pages is definitely not weekend reading.

Vince, lemme know what the consensus is between oral steroids vs injection steroids.

My friend keeps pushing these capsules claiming to be "better than creatine" and I don't trust the guy when it comes to anything.

Did he tell you the name of the stuff?
To my experience, oral steroids are weaker than the injected ones and they are also very damaging to the liver.They are often used as a secondary drug (or even tertiary) on steroid cycles.


1049 pages is definitely not weekend reading.

Vince, lemme know what the consensus is between oral steroids vs injection steroids.

My friend keeps pushing these capsules claiming to be "better than creatine" and I don't trust the guy when it comes to anything.

If you're actually gonna get on gear no reading is too short. Best to know everything you possibly can about something like that before using.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
1049 pages is definitely not weekend reading.

Vince, lemme know what the consensus is between oral steroids vs injection steroids.

My friend keeps pushing these capsules claiming to be "better than creatine" and I don't trust the guy when it comes to anything.

I wouldn't listen to a single thing I say and instead ask a specialist. Even armed with whatever I'm armed with knowledge-wise after doing a lot of research, I'm still going to talk with specialists.

Uhhh, what's going on here.

Are you two really entertaining the thought of using steroids?

I am, yeah. :/ I want to learn first, though, and discuss things with doctors in that field. My health is a prime concern, but I've noticed that science has been making big strides in this department in the past decade. Want to give it all a good look first.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

And the last few posts make me realize how many people are on or have tried gear. It's increasingly looking like me and a few others here are the last Nattys.

Not even a prohormone.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I wouldn't listen to a single thing I say and instead ask a specialist. Even armed with whatever I'm armed with knowledge-wise after doing a lot of research, I'm still going to talk with specialists.

I am, yeah. :/ I want to learn first, though, and discuss things with doctors in that field. My health is a prime concern, but I've noticed that science has been making big strides in this department in the past decade. Want to give it all a good look first.


And the last few posts make me realize how many people are on or have tried gear. It's increasingly looking like me and a few others here are the last Nattys. Even at my gym I'm surrounded by dudes on Gear.

Me? Not even a prohormone.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

And the last few posts make me realize how many people are on or have tried gear. It's increasingly looking like me and a few others here are the last Nattys.

Not even a prohormone.

I want to look at the landscape and see how things have changed with how science has progressed. I'm more open to the idea, but I've got my health in mind. I guess if I seriously had my health in mind, I wouldn't even entertain the thought.

I still want to get educated, though. Even though I probably won't ever try it. I do want to learn more.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Everything I've read so far indicated my liver would get fucked, fast, from this. Not being a drinker of any sort, I'd hate to have anything do that.

My main concern would be enlarged heart or heart damage, which is just...no. I'm not gonna fuck with anything that does that. I guess the verdict is out though about entertaining the thought, it's not gonna happen. YOLO for real.


Everything I've read so far indicated my liver would get fucked, fast, from this. Not being a drinker of any sort, I'd hate to have anything do that.

My main concern would be enlarged heart or heart damage, which is just...no. I'm not gonna fuck with anything that does that. I guess the verdict is out though about entertaining the thought, it's not gonna happen. YOLO for real.

Would be interesting to see how the bodybuilders of old (meaning 1960-70's, early 80's) fare compared to modern bodybuilders health-wise. I mean internally speaking. Do they have enlarged hearts or liver problems? I mean Arnold, Zane and the rest still look pretty healthy and don't seem to have any (public) health problems that men of their age wouldn't normally have.

What I'm getting here is that if these men don't suffer from any dangerous side effects, then is there some kind of "safe" limit to taking anabolics? We know that in the old days even the pros probably took A LOT less than your average gym rat takes today. And nowadays most pro BB'rs drop dead shortly after turning 45 because their heart explodes or something.


Does being under 75g put you into Ketosis or anything? Is that amount just for glycogen restoring?

It's likely how his macros work out with that much protein and getting the proper amount of fat. If Cooter gets 180g of protein and 75g of fat that's already at almost 1500 calories.

I'm not. I grew up with asthma and had a steroid inhaler.

But, I'd like to know what they are and how they work.

Also, I'd like more info on creatine. I don't fully understand the science.

That was probably a corticosteroid. Not anabolic, used for reducing inflammation

Creatine is pretty simple. The phosphate groups to turn ADP into ATP in your muscle cells is carried by phosphocreatine, which is just as it sounds: phosphorylated creatine. Supplementing creatine just makes more phosphocreatine available, which means more ADP can be turned into ATP, which is where that extra boost in strength output originates.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Does being under 75g put you into Ketosis or anything? Is that amount just for glycogen restoring?
Don't think so. Mainly when you only have so many calories to get in a day filling them with carbs makes it hard to get the protein required when running at such a low number of calories. It's tough to get 180gs of protein and only eating 1800-2200 calories. Throw in a decent amount of carbs and it becomes even harder.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Creatine is fascinating though, really fun learning why it does what it does and how.


Creatine is fascinating though, really fun learning why it does what it does and how.

It's actually probably one of the best examples of a simple metabolic pathway in the body. It's more or less "organic compound do" with not much in between its production and its degradation into creatinine
Don't think so. Mainly when you only have so many calories to get in a day filling them with carbs makes it hard to get the protein required when running at such a low number of calories. It's tough to get 180gs of protein and only eating 1800-2200 calories. Throw in a decent amount of carbs and it becomes even harder.

What do you eat for proteins coots. Having a hard time filling them with something that is not whey powder


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

And the last few posts make me realize how many people are on or have tried gear. It's increasingly looking like me and a few others here are the last Nattys. Even at my gym I'm surrounded by dudes on Gear.

Me? Not even a prohormone.

I'm in your club and always will be big guy.


Don't think so. Mainly when you only have so many calories to get in a day filling them with carbs makes it hard to get the protein required when running at such a low number of calories. It's tough to get 180gs of protein and only eating 1800-2200 calories. Throw in a decent amount of carbs and it becomes even harder.

Thanks man, you look boss btw. Do you do any cardio or just lifting?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
What do you eat for proteins coots. Having a hard time filling them with something that is not whey powder
All kinds of meat
Cottage cheese
Peanut butter
Greek yogurt

That's about it. I mix that with heavy doses of veggies like green beans, Brussels spouts, brocoli, artichokes, and leafy greens.


Does being under 75g put you into Ketosis or anything? Is that amount just for glycogen restoring?

From what I've read, too much protein itself can kick you out of ketosis, but if Cooter's lifting heavy and doing 1.0g per pound of BW for protein, then there's a chance he could be in ketosis (probably closer to trace ketosis than full blown). Technically speaking, you can be in ketosis with under 100g carbs, but much more likely if you're under 50g. If we just pick 2000 cals as a mid-point of his cut diet and hard cap at 75g carbs, that means 720 cal from protein and 300 cal from carbs. Which means to hit 2000 cal, Cooter would need ~109g of fat to meet his daily caloric target.

Anyway, all that to say that I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that Cooter could be in trace ketosis, but most likely he *just* avoids it by virtue of carbs being a bit higher combined with his protein intake.

All kinds of meat
Cottage cheese
Peanut butter
Greek yogurt

That's about it. I mix that with heavy doses of veggies like green beans, Brussels spouts, brocoli, artichokes, and leafy greens.

Nuts and eggs as well. I have an omelette every day for breakfast. Mmm eggs.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Damn, how did you lose 55lbs in 2 months?

If you have a secret let me know, so I can bulk up to 280-290lbs this winter.

I ate nothing but chopped salads and chicken. Lots of calorically negligible filler. Two hours of cardio, stretching, push ups and chin ups and crunches.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks man, you look boss btw. Do you do any cardio or just lifting?
Thank you. Appreciate it! Here and there. I'll do a short light HIIT on the bike or play some Raquette Ball. Not very often though.

Nice Bowser. I forgot eggs. I eat about 400 calories worth of peanut butter every day.
Its been a long time since I've posted in here. Happy to say that my back feels 100%.

I'm in your club and always will be big guy.

Same here. Even if I never hit my goals I want to stay clean.

All kinds of meat
Cottage cheese
Peanut butter
Greek yogurt

That's about it. I mix that with heavy doses of veggies like green beans, Brussels spouts, brocoli, artichokes, and leafy greens.

Wow I'm glad my diet is the way it is now. I eat the same food groups. If your doing it then I know its the right path.


Hi FitGAF.

I was wondering how you all felt about bodyweight exercises for someone who just wants to tone up a little bit. I want to lose weight and gain a bit of strength. I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder or anything. For the past two weeks, I've been running 4 miles/day and doing pushups and pullups with a little bit of abs/core work mixed in. I've also been eating better. More salads, salmon for protein (salmon is easy to cook). I usually eat two fruits for breakfast to jumpstart my day and have been drinking water. I do give in at times and eat chocolate however.

Do you have any advice for a new FitGAFer? My goal is to reduce body fat and tone up.

The "toned" physique that you want is probably more possible through normal bodybuilding routine. Don't worry about lifting too heavy and end up like Arnold. It's not going to happen overnight. The bodybuilder body type takes years, lots of hard work and in most cases lots of drugs. So don't worry and go do a proper weight lifting routine instead of body weight. It's just a faster and more efficient way of getting to where you probably want.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I desperately need help. Currently I stand at 355 lbs and I would like to drop to about 220, but be built. I have absolutely no idea what exercises to do early on to get things going. Should I just do cardio? I don't want loose skin (might be unavoidable) so I should do weight training as well, right?

I know its a lot to ask for someone here to help out a stranger, but if anyone has a weekly workout plan optimized for heavy people trying to lose weight but be built, I'd greatly appreciate it.

My other issue is my diet. I stopped eating all types of fried foods and stopped drinking soda, but I just don't know what to make for my meals. I eat grilled chicken and egg whites, but thats mostly the extent of my meals everyday with fruit sprinkled in. I know I'm definitely not eating enough calories which is why I need help. Pro-tip: I'm a picky eater which makes things rough. I'm looking to do a 1000-1200 diet, so if anyone can point me in to any direction I'd be thankful.

I helped a friend get down from higher than where you are down to around 250 lbs. in about a year. I would totally recommend a very high-fat ketogenic diet to get the weight down. I feel it works the best because it allows you to eat delicious foods that are highly satiating. I would also recommend that you do not do any kind of intense cardio as it's going to do more damage than good at your weight. Unless we're talking swimming or something. Instead of cardio, so with some weight training.

I could go more in-depth if you'd like, but ultimately the path you take has to be your decision. Either way, I think you need to get rid of that dietary fat phobia you appear to have.

Hi FitGAF.

I was wondering how you all felt about bodyweight exercises for someone who just wants to tone up a little bit. I want to lose weight and gain a bit of strength. I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder or anything. For the past two weeks, I've been running 4 miles/day and doing pushups and pullups with a little bit of abs/core work mixed in. I've also been eating better. More salads, salmon for protein (salmon is easy to cook). I usually eat two fruits for breakfast to jumpstart my day and have been drinking water. I do give in at times and eat chocolate however.

Do you have any advice for a new FitGAFer? My goal is to reduce body fat and tone up.

If your goal is to reduce body fat and/or perform better, I would recommend not eating fruit in the morning for starters. You're shutting down that fat mobilization processes that are strong when you wake up by spiking your blood sugar and releasing insulin. I'd recommend delaying that fruit intake until later in the day.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Uhhh, what's going on here.

Are you two really entertaining the thought of using steroids?

I don't think it's a big deal if you do it correctly, don't abuse it, or claim natty; especially in tested competitions; but we all know the elites "nattys" are on shit. My buddy is on low dose of test and turnabol sp? I've read a bit to inform myself but I don't think it's for me. Plus I don't care about being cut and it's the only reason I'd take em. I have high blood pressure and cholesterol so any oral steroids are out of the question. I also hate needles and even pinning with insulin needles for peptides and I would get huge itchy welts that lasted a week so I had to quit that. Whenever I get my blood drawn or an IV I get lightheaded and dizzy, lol 200+lbs and scared if needles.


Thank you. Appreciate it! Here and there. I'll do a short light HIIT on the bike or play some Raquette Ball. Not very often though.

Nice Bowser. I forgot eggs. I eat about 400 calories worth of peanut butter every day.

Peanut butter is amazing. Godly food. I could easily down 1,000 calories worth if I wasn't watching my intake (or decided I wanted to bulk).


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I'm switching back to 8-10 reps for everything. Time to gain size.
From the admittedly little I have read, I see no scenario where taking gear will improve your physical health and odds are you're going to do slight if not significant damage to your body in the long-term. I'm fine if people want to use them, but I think every that considers it needs to do a lot of research and really consider their goals.
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