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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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So I have to wait to see my regular doctor tomorrow but I was able to talk to a family friend who's a doctor about it. She told me to look up the FODMAP diet and sure enough I was eating something from it whenever I had pain.

She said I could have developed something from undergoing surgery.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
You don't lose hair from roids, it can however (based on your genetics) speed up the whole process. I know allot of people that have done it that still have all their hair.
Unless we're talking bodybuilder doses, then it's all gone.

Unfortunately, that's true. I've been training for 5 years and loved every minute of it. Then i see these guys training for a couple of months already hopping on gear lol. No discipline or dedication whatsoever, just a shortcut to 'aesthetics'.

All those things can be controlled, unfortunately people don't do their research and just hop on it without thinking.

Nothing wrong with it, at the right dosage off course. Also, there are liver protectors that will help with this.
Again, i know allot of people that did different things, including orals, that haven't noticed any problems.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not condoning all this stuff. But there's allot of misinformation out there, including here.
At one point in my life (1,5 year ago) i bought 3 vials of testosterone and wanted to hop on. I slept on it and in the end i didn't do it, sold all the stuff and kept lifting the normal way. But i did all my research, as you're supposed to do with this stuff.

Hah, we've been training for the same amount of time. Next month will begin my 6th year training.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I have to wait to see my regular doctor tomorrow but I was able to talk to a family friend who's a doctor about it. She told me to look up the FODMAP diet and sure enough I was eating something from it whenever I had pain.

She said I could have developed something from undergoing surgery.

Oh boy. Well, at least it gives you something to go on tonight. Keep us posted.
You don't lose hair from roids, it can however (based on your genetics) speed up the whole process. I know allot of people that have done it that still have all their hair.
Unless we're talking bodybuilder doses, then it's all gone.

Unfortunately, that's true. I've been training for 5 years and loved every minute of it. Then i see these guys training for a couple of months already hopping on gear lol. No discipline or dedication whatsoever, just a shortcut to 'aesthetics'.

All those things can be controlled, unfortunately people don't do their research and just hop on it without thinking.

Nothing wrong with it, at the right dosage off course. Also, there are liver protectors that will help with this.
Again, i know allot of people that did different things, including orals, that haven't noticed any problems.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not condoning all this stuff. But there's allot of misinformation out there, including here.
At one point in my life (1,5 year ago) i bought 3 vials of testosterone and wanted to hop on. I slept on it and in the end i didn't do it, sold all the stuff and kept lifting the normal way. But i did all my research, as you're supposed to do with this stuff.

Thanks for the info. I myself have never heard of any good coming from orals but never really tried to go further than that. All the research I heard was stay away and go with needles.
I'm still reading, but this is a huge takeaway I found - there's almost NO (possibly are none, period) that are oral and don't severely fuck your liver in its face.

A few hours of heavy reading (boy what a job I have) and I'm going to have a consult and some blood work done to see what level of testosterone I'm at. It's a real big "oh that must be my problem, not because I'm actually lazy" etc going on, but I want to see what my numbers say before I say "shit maybe I'm not lazy" and so on.

I wonder if one has low testosterone the side effects of steroids are just as bad. Makes no sense but human body gonna human body


I wonder if one has low testosterone the side effects of steroids are just as bad. Makes no sense but human body gonna human body

They are the same. Which is to say not actually that bad. The major side effects that suck supposedly are when you are coming off it and need to do post cycle therapy. I've never come off of it because I did develop low nature testosterone production, so I don't know what that is like.
Front squat form check please: http://youtu.be/whK6Dt_8Qb4

I stopped at 135 lbs today although I normally would do a few sets of 5x175 lbs... Looked at the video after this set and said "shit... this doesn't look very good" so I wanted to stop for today with this until I got some suggestions. I see some heel raising, a lack of tightness, and my torso isn't as perpendicular to the floor as I think it needs to be. Any suggestions appreciated and I'm happy to deload if needed to improve my form.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's always ok to skip breakfast, because breakfast is stupid.

Fuck, yeah. Breakfast (or the "morning meal" for people who are arguing semantics) is the most important meal of the day... to skip.


Man, I can't get on that skip breakfast train. I love eating in the morning. Eggs, bacon, breakfast sausages, gimmie all of it.


Man, I can't get on that skip breakfast train. I love eating in the morning. Eggs, bacon, breakfast sausages, gimmie all of it.

it's just incredibly hard to have the appetite for a large meal in the morning i find

i think that's partly down to on a weight lifting bulk diet you eat whenever you want and i tend to consume something very late too 9-11pm meaning i won't wake up completely starved like many

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I can't get on that skip breakfast train. I love eating in the morning. Eggs, bacon, breakfast sausages, gimmie all of it.

Hell, yeah. I just bring all of that to work and eat around noon or 1 p.m. or so instead of in the morning hours.


it's just incredibly hard to have the appetite for a large meal in the morning i find

i think that's partly down to on a weight lifting bulk diet you eat whenever you want and i tend to consume something very late too 9-11pm meaning i won't wake up completely starved like many

See, I generally don't eat anything after 9pm at the latest, and that's usually just my protein shake after lifting (which for me is just 1 scoop of whey mixed with 8oz of water). So by the time I eat breakfast (generally 10am), I'm fucking starving.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
hey Blackflag - is your TRT covered by your insurance? How much do you pay for it?:

I just talked to an office and they quoted, to me, out of pocket about $56 to get started, and $56 every two weeks. It's not TRT but they say if they do find that I need it, that's the approximate cost. If you would rather PM me and discuss is there that's fine too.

Just convinced there's some sort of hidden fees that'll fuck me in my eyeballs...you know how these things go.
Front squat form check please: http://youtu.be/whK6Dt_8Qb4

I stopped at 135 lbs today although I normally would do a few sets of 5x175 lbs... Looked at the video after this set and said "shit... this doesn't look very good" so I wanted to stop for today with this until I got some suggestions. I see some heel raising, a lack of tightness, and my torso isn't as perpendicular to the floor as I think it needs to be. Any suggestions appreciated and I'm happy to deload if needed to improve my form.

It looks pretty good to me. The hardest part for me is keeping the torso perpendicular so I feel you there. To stop the feel raising I make sure I power through the middle of my foot. That might sound weird but I make sure my weight is right over the middle of my feet, that way I don't get tempted to lean as I come back up.


hey Blackflag - is your TRT covered by your insurance? How much do you pay for it?:

I just talked to an office and they quoted, to me, out of pocket about $56 to get started, and $56 every two weeks. It's not TRT but they say if they do find that I need it, that's the approximate cost. If you would rather PM me and discuss is there that's fine too.

Just convinced there's some sort of hidden fees that'll fuck me in my eyeballs...you know how these things go.

I'll PM you.


Could anyone here post a video showing the correct way to perform dumbell fly/raises to really target the delts on the arms to give that broad look?

Think my form has been off with them for sometime now.



Have anybody tried Quest protein bars with the flavour Coconut Cashew? If you have, do you consider it being good, moderate or bad? I really love coconuts and I wouldn't mind it to be sweet either. This far my favourite has been the cookie dough one. :p

Anyone have any good info on diet plans that work for cutting?

I'd like to begin working on the gut so come next summer I can go shirtless with pride.
Oh, I am liking that goal. :p Keep at it sweetie!

Shit, the entire reason I lift is for people asking me if I'm on steroids! ;) If I actually was what reason would I have?
Hahahah. <3

Its been a long time since I've posted in here. Happy to say that my back feels 100%.
Yay! I am very happy for you! ^_^

So I have to wait to see my regular doctor tomorrow but I was able to talk to a family friend who's a doctor about it. She told me to look up the FODMAP diet and sure enough I was eating something from it whenever I had pain.

She said I could have developed something from undergoing surgery.
Awwww, well, I am sure you can soon figure out what it is and get better!


it's just incredibly hard to have the appetite for a large meal in the morning i find

i think that's partly down to on a weight lifting bulk diet you eat whenever you want and i tend to consume something very late too 9-11pm meaning i won't wake up completely starved like many

I find that eating later is really helping me to make it through a full night (7-8 hrs) of sleep. Otherwise, I tend to wake up with a headache around 3-4. Breakfast is made the night before and I usually take it with me to work and eat around 9:30-10:00 in the morn.
My first two were that way. Didn't even find this forum until. 2011.

I'm not a big regretful person. But it does bum me out a bit how much more I know about fitness and nutrition now that I'm an old fart dad as opposed to when I was actually a high school / college athlete and had all the time in the world to put into it. So much time spent in the weight room just wasting time (I had some concept of small / steady regular progression, but did all sorts of odd exercises and didn't know jack about form) and I cut weight for wrestling by just eating very little and basically no fat at all. I could have been so much stronger if I had a clue then. Still, better late than never.


Could anyone here post a video showing the correct way to perform dumbell fly/raises to really target the delts on the arms to give that broad look?

Think my form has been off with them for sometime now.


Lead with your elbow.


I'm not a big regretful person. But it does bum me out a bit how much more I know about fitness and nutrition now that I'm an old fart dad as opposed to when I was actually a high school / college athlete and had all the time in the world to put into it. So much time spent in the weight room just wasting time (I had some concept of small / steady regular progression, but did all sorts of odd exercises and didn't know jack about form) and I cut weight for wrestling by just eating very little and basically no fat at all. I could have been so much stronger if I had a clue then. Still, better late than never.
Well, at least you have done things earlier on as well, even if it not in the best possible way. :D

I started working out more or less this year. :p Sometimes I think that why on earth I didn't start doing something earlier when I had the chance, but then again I am doing it now, so I tend not to use energy to regrets either. Plus I joined the FitGAF quite much when I started. You sweetie pies have been a huge motivation boost to be honest! <3 I nowadays honestly enjoy working out and can't wait to start to go to gym three times a week, hopefully I will get the permission to do so this year.

J. Bravo

vince, i'm sure you have figured this all out already. but if you take steroids, do not do anything oral. that shit fucks your liver up bad. everything i've read is to do a cycle of only test, cycle off, then do test and your chosen steroid(s). you have to baseline with test every cycle. preload with milk thistle and liver health, then you take that shit during and after the cycle. buy something called cycle assist for during the cycle which honestly most of them have milk thistle and such in them. you will need a PCT (post cycle therapy), post cycle to get your hormones and body back to normal. you might need a test booster as well to return your natural test production back to standard, but i'm not sure. there are numerous other things you need such as nolvadex, progesterone, clomid and many others.

basically, i know very little :p just what i've gathered from a couple of my close friends who are/have done cycles and the internet. and most of what i just typed is from memory. good luck and let us know what you decide.

edit: you have to sleep big and eat even bigger because otherwise you won't make any gains. when the cycle is over, you have to keep eating big otherwise you'll lose a lot. no drinking. find someone who knows how (your doctor) to show you where and how often to inject. there are different types of testosterone that you inject every other day, or every 3rd day, or once a week, or every day. that's actually inaccurate, they're all test, just have different esters attached which controls how long it takes for the test to be released in your body.
edit: good article on diff types of test


Could anyone here post a video showing the correct way to perform dumbell fly/raises to really target the delts on the arms to give that broad look?

Think my form has been off with them for sometime now.


Lead with your elbow.


sorry to be so pushy but any sort of video for the above would be much appreciated

i see sooooo many variations and hear much different info about that exercise that without visual guidance on the correct method i feel i will never get it right.


Quest is teasing a new flavour


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
vince, i'm sure you have figured this all out already. but if you take steroids, do not do anything oral. that shit fucks your liver up bad. everything i've read is to do a cycle of only test, cycle off, then do test and your chosen steroid(s). you have to baseline with test every cycle. preload with milk thistle and liver health, then you take that shit during and after the cycle. buy something called cycle assist for during the cycle which honestly most of them have milk thistle and such in them. you will need a PCT (post cycle therapy), post cycle to get your hormones and body back to normal. you might need a test booster as well to return your natural test production back to standard, but i'm not sure. there are numerous other things you need such as nolvadex, progesterone, clomid and many others.

basically, i know very little :p just what i've gathered from a couple of my close friends who are/have done cycles and the internet. and most of what i just typed is from memory. good luck and let us know what you decide.

edit: you have to sleep big and eat even bigger because otherwise you won't make any gains. when the cycle is over, you have to keep eating big otherwise you'll lose a lot. no drinking. find someone who knows how (your doctor) to show you where and how often to inject. there are different types of testosterone that you inject every other day, or every 3rd day, or once a week, or every day. that's actually inaccurate, they're all test, just have different esters attached which controls how long it takes for the test to be released in your body.
edit: good article on diff types of test

Lots of good info here - thanks for it, Qwark. I'm finding a lot of this out as I go (READING! Not using) and it's definitely interesting.
I want to thank those who responded to me. I will replace fruit in the morning with egg whites. I will also incorporate some weightlifting into my routine if that'll get me toned and cut faster.

I just wanted to know, how do you feel about a routine/plan that is simple bodyweight exercises such as pullups, pushups, squat, lunge, burpees, etc? Can you get cut while doing just these things? Or is it a must to incorporate weights?


So due to my shoulder injury, I mentioned before that I decided that I am going to start doing Smolov this week. Today I went in and maxed out just to get my starting point to compare with my 1RM in 13 weeks, and after a few days rest I will start Smolov later this week.

I used to primarily do high-bar squats but I decided to make the switch to low bar as it seems like it will avoid weight pressing down on my shoulder. The odd thing is that my max with high bar squat is 335 pounds from 2 weeks ago. After a few warm up sets, I started working my way to 335, and 335 went up stupidly quick. Kept adding weight and I somehow worked up to 375 lb. If I hadn't done so many sets, I would say 385 might have been possible.

Is there that much of a difference from bar position in terms of the targeted muscles that my max just flew up 40 pounds out of no where? Maybe I have weak quads and stronger glutes/hamstrings?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I want to thank those who responded to me. I will replace fruit in the morning with egg whites.

No, no, no! If you're going to eat anything in the morning, make sure it is mostly fat. Lots of protein and no fat will just make that excess protein turn into glucose. The body needs to make energy from something. It's already using fatty acids by the time you wake up (since you fasted while asleep), so it will happily continuing doing so in the morning when you feed it fat. You shut down that process by consuming foods that are high in material that can be converted to glucose (carbs = easily converted into glucose, protein = can be converted to glucose via a less efficient process).

If you're afraid of fat and are just going to replace that fruit with egg whites, then you might as well just stick with the fruit. At least it will taste good.

I will also incorporate some weightlifting into my routine if that'll get me toned and cut faster.

I just wanted to know, how do you feel about a routine/plan that is simple bodyweight exercises such as pullups, pushups, squat, lunge, burpees, etc? Can you get cut while doing just these things? Or is it a must to incorporate weights?

Body weight exercises are great and convenient. You can totally get muscular and shredded just doing calisthenics. They are great for stretching, too.

However, your strength gaining potential will be limited if you do not use weights.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
OMG don't mention KFC... I could go for 410lbs of fried chicken right now Brolic just press it on the table for me to eat!

Had some the other day. It was glorious.

That's some serious shit. You shouldpost it like once a day. Congrats!

I missed this earlier, too wrapped up in my own shit.

That's goddamn beast mode. God DAMN.

I think that, despite your goals, Brolic should be an inspiration and reminder how far the human body can be taxed naturally.

He's on a non stop PR smashing train

Looks like it might be a totally new product to me.

Thanks guys!
It looks pretty good to me. The hardest part for me is keeping the torso perpendicular so I feel you there. To stop the feel raising I make sure I power through the middle of my foot. That might sound weird but I make sure my weight is right over the middle of my feet, that way I don't get tempted to lean as I come back up.

Thanks for the comment. I will keep working on it and focus on my feet a bit more based on your advice. Still gonna work on keeping more upright.

J. Bravo

Wow these squats. 4x9 @ 255. I feel like I drank too much at a concert where I was next to the speaker for the whole show. I can't hear and I am dizzy.&#127829;


What do you guys think of this bodyweight routine?

Day 1:
- Pulls ups
- Pistol squats
- Diamond push-ups

Day 2:
- Pike push-ups
- Handstand
- Hanging leg raises
- Full bridges

Day 3:
- Dips
- Single-leg calf raises
- Inverted rows
- Side knee raises

Am I missing any major muscle group or exercise? My goal is strength.


What do you guys think of this bodyweight routine?

Day 1:
- Pulls ups
- Pistol squats
- Diamond push-ups

Day 2:
- Pike push-ups
- Handstand
- Hanging leg raises
- Full bridges

Day 3:
- Dips
- Single-leg calf raises
- Inverted rows
- Side knee raises

Am I missing any major muscle group or exercise? My goal is strength.
Do you have access to a barbell?


Yes but I would rather not use any weight, unless it's really necessary. I like being able to exercise pretty much anywhere.
Dips and pull ups are the only worthwhile exercises in your routine if your main goal is strength. Even then you really won't get anywhere with a bodyweight routine if you want to get stronger.


This is what I'm currently doing but I will move on to harder variations eventually such as one-arm pushups and handstand pushups.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What do you guys think of this bodyweight routine?

Day 1:
- Pulls ups
- Pistol squats
- Diamond push-ups

Day 2:
- Pike push-ups
- Handstand
- Hanging leg raises
- Full bridges

Day 3:
- Dips
- Single-leg calf raises
- Inverted rows
- Side knee raises

Am I missing any major muscle group or exercise? My goal is strength.

Where are you getting that from? Did you just cobble it together?

I feel like if you're doing purely calisthenics, you would be better off doing a lot more volume and variety.

You should definitely check out the Convict Conditioning book if you're sure you want to focus on bodyweight training.
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