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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Whichever gives you the most energy to get through it? I'm in the camp that thinks it doesn't matter.

I'm agreed. I've been doing HIIT fasted (and full out Tabata HIIT, not the sort you can do an hour of, without dying anyway) and you'll be surprised at how little difference it makes.

Longer sessions (1h+) are a completely different story though. I'd want to be getting come carbs on board for that.


3.8-4Kcal a day of absolutely clean nutrition and I can't gain any appreciable weight (6' 182lb medium frame) My heart is not a neutron star, beats the same as all the others.

You realize you're talking to a woman half a foot (?) shorter than you, right?

Her maintenance is probably half that.
I only have 40 days before my trip. :(

Eating never does anything for me except make me fat. I really shouldn't be eating as much as I do already. It's disgusting. I hate food. :((((

If you guys think the cardio isn't doing anything, I'll switch one for my weight circuit. 3 cardio, 3 weights instead of 4/2.

40 days is still enough time to get the results you desire.

Stop looking in the mirror, stop stressing so much, focus on your workout and use this thread as a place to vent about your workouts. Eat more, avoid dairy fat or have it sparingly(it seems like your body doesn't respond well to dairy fats, my body is similar to that so I've cut it mostly out), and simplify your meals. You can do big portions of salads with lots of veggies and feel full much faster. Oatmeal is your friend for breakfast.

40 days is not an eternity, but if you're working out 6x a week and not giving yourself good rest, it'll feel like one.


Can't see much in this pic, but I'm feeling pretty good about the direction things are headed.

I may actually end up ahead of my 210 goal by September, which may be a good or bad thing. We'll have to see. I've been keeping fat loss as slow as I comfortably want it to, but damn it's hard to not dive. I can't wait to be ripped as fuck again.

Looking great :)


3.8-4Kcal a day of absolutely clean nutrition and I can't gain any appreciable weight (6' 182lb medium frame) My heart is not a neutron star, beats the same as all the others.

You realize you're talking to a woman half a foot (?) shorter than you, right?

Her maintenance is probably half that.

Yeah, while I agree that Leeness probably needs to up her calories a bit and reduce the constant cardio, in no way shape or form should see be taking in 4,000 calories. A 6'0" male's caloric maintenance is WILDLY different from a female who is at least half a foot shorter than you, probably more.


:((((( But then what will get rid of all the fat?

I have to agree with others. Cardio is the least important factor if you want to lose weight. Diet is by far the most important, followed by strength training. 5 lbs weights with tons of reps does not sound like strength training to me. Personally, I would just ditch cardio all together because its sucking up a lot of your energy and willpower. Well, just do some daily walks. THat should be good enough.

I think you are eating far too little. That sounds like a crash diet to me and those never work. A proper diet is all about developing sustainable habits. Cut sugar, cut processed foods (this includes processed grains) and eat high fat, high protein food along with heeps of veggies. I wouldn't bother counting calories, just control your portion size. That will be a very satiating diet.

I recommended this book in this thread already, but I think it is fantastic. The Power of Habit. My problem has always been overeating due to boredeom. I eat very good foods, but, well, a whole crap ton of fruit and dairy is going to put on weight no matter what. This gave me an understanding that you simply can't tell yourself you will use your willpower not to eat. That will not work. You will lose in the long run. You have to identify how your habit works and then change that habit into a better one. So boredom -> eating went to boredom -> consciously do something interesting/engaging.

Also, do something about your stress


Stress is no joke.
I have to agree with others. Cardio is the least important factor if you want to lose weight. Diet is by far the most important, followed by strength training. 5 lbs weights with tons of reps does not sound like strength training to me. Personally, I would just ditch cardio all together because its sucking up a lot of your energy and willpower. Well, just do some daily walks. THat should be good enough.

I think you are eating far too little. That sounds like a crash diet to me and those never work. A proper diet is all about developing sustainable habits. Cut sugar, cut processed foods (this includes processed grains) and eat high fat, high protein food along with heeps of veggies. I wouldn't bother counting calories, just control your portion size. That will be a very satiating diet.

I recommended this book in this thread already, but I think it is fantastic. The Power of Habit. My problem has always been overeating due to boredeom. I eat very good foods, but, well, a whole crap ton of fruit and dairy is going to put on weight no matter what. This gave me an understanding that you simply can't tell yourself you will use your willpower not to eat. That will not work. You will lose in the long run. You have to identify how your habit works and then change that habit into a better one. So boredom -> eating went to boredom -> consciously do something interesting/engaging.

Also, do something about your stress


Stress is no joke.

this right here

So much help in this thread, hang in there Leeness!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
3000 calories is way too high.

That's fine. It will just mean pretty much unlimited (until full) eating for her during the feeding window. Pete's suggestion was sound.

I would argue that it's the focus on calories as a number rather than the types of food being consumed that is the problem, but I know a lot of people will not agree.

What's good to eat before doing hill sprints? Protein? Carbs? Nothing?

Depends on what your diet is like. If you're doing a ketogenic diet, then nothing is probably the correct answer.

If you typically eat carbs for every meal, then, depending on the length and intensity of the workout, you'll probably need something that can be converted into glucose quickly.


That's fine. It will just mean pretty much unlimited (until full) eating for her during the feeding window. Pete's suggestion was sound.

I would argue that it's the focus on calories as a number rather than the types of food being consumed that is the problem.

While his suggestion to up her calories is fine, to say something like 3,500-4,000 calories is what she should take in is not. Hell, my maintenance caloric intake is somewhere around 1,950-2,000 calories - if I took in 3,500-4,000, no matter whether they were "clean" or "dirty," I'd put on a shit ton of weight. Absolute/fixed caloric recommendations are asinine. Caloric intake depends on a host of details, including gender, activity level, and bodyweight among others.


I only have 40 days before my trip. :(
Woman, pull yourself together!

You look effing gorgeous and you should realize that yourself. Stop stressing about the trip, eat healthy, move moderately and start to enjoy your life more and the gains will float your way eventually.

What you honestly need to also do, is to stop having those extremely negative ideas about yourself, since they will and have poisoned your mind - no matter how beautiful photos there would be of you, you would be unable to realize it and enjoy them. So first and foremost change your mindset.

You don't even realize how sad it makes me to see an adorable pretty woman like yourself to trash talk like that about herself. I love your body and you wouldn't in a million years talk that negatively about anybody else. Why on earth you are doing it to yourself? Stop it.

I know you have been like this in these forums for years - craving for acceptance of others. There has been tens if not honestly hundreds of praising comments of you. I remember times when you were even a bit smaller and more fit and yet as uncertain about yourself as you are now. Don't you realize that no matter what you will look like you won't be happy if you don't change your way of thinking.

Can't see much in this pic, but I'm feeling pretty good about the direction things are headed.

I may actually end up ahead of my 210 goal by September, which may be a good or bad thing. We'll have to see. I've been keeping fat loss as slow as I comfortably want it to, but damn it's hard to not dive. I can't wait to be ripped as fuck again.
Well, you certainly look happy so it must be good. :D

I've been yoga-ing my dick off lately and it's been lovely. I feel...dense. Still lifting on the schedule though, just more yoga..
Everyone seems to say so. This far I have done only pilates once a week, but I definitely need to try it out once I feel my back actually bends a bit better without totally numbing my leg.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
While his suggestion to up her calories is fine, to say something like 3,500-4,000 calories is what she should take in is not. Hell, my maintenance caloric intake is somewhere around 1,950-2,000 calories - if I took in 3,500-4,000, no matter whether they were "clean" or "dirty," I'd put on a shit ton of weight. Absolute/fixed caloric recommendations are asinine. Caloric intake depends on a host of details, including gender, activity level, and bodyweight among others.

I don't think you would, honestly. Anecdotally, I know that's not necessarily the case, but my sample size is too small to apply this to everyone, obviously.

But, yeah, 3,000 calories of food in a short feeding window is difficult for anyone, much less someone who has been eating 1,200 a day. I feel if she just eats until full and maybe a bit more during that window she would be fine.


Once my stomach issues clear I can go back to lifting maybe even next week since I'll be at full recovery from surgery.

Originally I was going to hop right back into ironsport.

But given I should do a pretty significant de load on squats and Deads, I think I'm going starting strength style and replace cleans with rows.

A Day
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Pendlay Row 3x5

B Day
Squat 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
OHP 3x5

Then alternate ABA and BAB weeks.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Once my stomach issues clear I can go back to lifting maybe even next week since I'll be at full recovery from surgery.

Originally I was going to hop right back into ironsport.

But given I should do a pretty significant de load on squats and Deads, I think I'm going starting strength style and replace cleans with rows.

A Day
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Pendlay Row 3x5

B Day
Squat 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
OHP 3x5

Then alternate ABA and BAB weeks.

Looks solid. My only worry would be that I wouldn't be up for heavy OHPs after deadlifts. I always try to deadlift last since it takes so much out of me.

How long have you been out of the gym, again?


Junior Member
Leeness, you gotta destress. You look good, your hip to waist ratio is awesome, you have a fantastic figure. You're going to drive yourself into an early grave with all this stress.

I agree with the guys that you need to up your food a little bit. I was 5'5" and 180 lbs and made very steady, healthy weight loss by doing 1350-1400 calories a day, high protein and low carb. I averaged 1 pound a week down to 150, which has been sustainable.

I also agree that the amount of cardio you are doing is probably stressing your system too much. You need to rest, both mentally and physically.


Folks, I'm in! Started today, next day is Monday. Did core exercises and a bit of weights for chest, the core stuff was really hard for me. Looking forward to doing this consistently. Also found out my blood pressure was a bit higher, likely due to coffee and stress. Apparently I'm also well hydrated and my body fat is 17%. Interesting stuff.


I don't know what's going on but I just saw Sadetar's reply to you. All I'm going to say is be happy, smile more, and most importantly be honest with yourself. You will achieve great success that way.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Once my stomach issues clear I can go back to lifting maybe even next week since I'll be at full recovery from surgery.

Originally I was going to hop right back into ironsport.

But given I should do a pretty significant de load on squats and Deads, I think I'm going starting strength style and replace cleans with rows.

A Day
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Pendlay Row 3x5

B Day
Squat 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
OHP 3x5

Then alternate ABA and BAB weeks.

I'm doing basically the same thing. Been mostly out of the gym for the past 6 months due to an old injury flaring up, and I need to build my strength base back up before jumping back into 5/3/1. I'm planning on starting with just that basic template for the first 2-3 weeks and then adding in chins to A and dips to B.


:3 This doesn't sound right.
It definitely isn't.

Due to very tense muscles and a nerve pinch in my back my physiotherapist have said I am not allowed to for example to try to touch my toes while having somewhat straight legs. I do a muscle and nerve stretching program every day to solve this problem. It is getting better, but the numbness isn't yet gone. So I am working on it and getting there eventually. :D


Ugh ugh ugh, what is happening?? I feel fatter than I did a month ago.

Please please tell me I'm just losing my mind and I don't look like a cow??


What am I doing wrong?? Help. I can't go to Europe looking like this.

I'm going to go and cry myself to sleep.

You are losing your mind and don't look like a cow. You are curvy in the best way in my opinion and you look great.

I agree with many others saying you need to eat more but better and cut out some of the cardio and add heavier lifting. You will absolutely make a difference in the 40 days you have before your trip. I would also smile and laugh as much as possible. Lifting and laughing are a great combo for the good feels.

I don't know if I posted this in here ever, but this is some good lunchtime reading for everyone because it's simply a goddamn good article and is enlightening:

The quest for the most addictive creation, and more.

I read this last year but I just want to say that everyone who is interested in junk food should read it. Super fascinating and enlightening stuff.


Thank you for the advice everyone, but I can't eat more. I just can't. It would give me way too much anxiety. I'm sure I'm already closer to 1300/1400 with little things like milk and whatnot.

I will go and get some heavier weights for my strength circuit at least. I can barely do the 5lbs ones though. Maybe I'll switch between 5 and 10 in circuits that won't fuck up my arms. But maybe I should be lifting something heavy enough to make me cry, maybe then it will work. :/


If I cut out dairy, I get almost no fat except for almonds/butter/coconut oil. :( I really like my milk and cottage cheese and ricotta cheese. No oatmeal. Carbs are no no no other than a small amount of berries.

Ugh, if you guys say less cardio and more weights, I'll do my weight circuit more. I know it's not your "lift super heavy" routines, but it's what is available to me.

Also, people saying to eat clean, that's all I generally eat. Meat, veggies, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, coconut oil, tea, water, ricotta cheese and berries. I don't change this up at all. No bread/pasta/rice, no junk except sometimes when I'm at my parents on Saturdays.

At the moment, I'm stuck on asparagus, so my dinner is usually a crockpot meat of the week, asparagus cooked in butter (for fat) and then a little bit of onion cream cheese on them.

No salt. No sugar. I use stevia in tea.
At 1300 calories you're going to be eating clean, or you're likely eating nothing at all.

When you say that it's what's available to you, what do you mean? If you have access to circuit training with weights then you almost certainly have access to free weights which can give you a massive variety of moves to work with.


Ugh, if you guys say less cardio and more weights, I'll do my weight circuit more. I know it's not your "lift super heavy" routines, but it's what is available to me.

With weights the size you're doing, I would probably classify your circuit as cardio rather than weight lifting.

I mean I was doing Body Pump with 25kg on the bar for the heaviest sets, and I still considered it cardio.


At 1300 calories you're going to be eating clean, or you're likely eating nothing at all.

When you say that it's what's available to you, what do you mean? If you have access to circuit training with weights then you almost certainly have access to free weights which can give you a massive variety of moves to work with.

I don't have access to a gym with all these barbells and 100lbs weights and whatnot.

I just have my little free weights in my apartment.

With weights the size you're doing, I would probably classify your circuit as cardio rather than weight lifting.

I mean I was doing Body Pump with 25kg on the bars for the heaviest sets, and I still considered it cardio.

It's both-ish but it's not cardio in the way that my kickboxing is or whatever. :(

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How long do ya'll Starting Strength dudes wait between sets? Sometimes I'm going a full 2 minutes man, I gotta get dem reps

For me it was whenever I was ready. Sometimes you gotta take a little extra time to make sure you don't fail. I never got hung up on rest time. I just did my sets at my own pace.


How long do ya'll Starting Strength dudes wait between sets? Sometimes I'm going a full 2 minutes man, I gotta get dem reps

5 mins or so for squats and bench. 3-5 for OHP and pull-ups. 2-3 for PC and Bentover rows. I have failed one work-set (squats) since I started. It takes a lot out of me and I have no problem taking the time to make sure I am ready.
2nd day of Stronglifts.

Squat I'm still not sure how to position the bar, apparently for stronglifts it's supposed to be low bar but I'm still not 100% sure what that means. I tried putting the bar on my back but I don't think I have the shoulder flexibility to do that. I try to do shoulder dislocations every night but I still need a really wide grip. With bench I had to increase start the weight at 60KG instead of 20 in order for the thing to actually be something that can be called a workout. Barbell Rows I started with the standard 30KG which was insanely light, but I still get light headed from bending down to do them which is a bit worrying.


Looks solid. My only worry would be that I wouldn't be up for heavy OHPs after deadlifts. I always try to deadlift last since it takes so much out of me.

How long have you been out of the gym, again?

Only 6 weeks. So probably no massive strength loss, but I do have to start pretty low due to the surgery.

I figure I'll be in good shape by the holidays to restart Ironsport


2nd day of Stronglifts.

Squat I'm still not sure how to position the bar, apparently for stronglifts it's supposed to be low bar but I'm still not 100% sure what that means. I tried putting the bar on my back but I don't think I have the shoulder flexibility to do that. I try to do shoulder dislocations every night but I still need a really wide grip. With bench I had to increase start the weight at 60KG instead of 20 in order for the thing to actually be something that can be called a workout. Barbell Rows I started with the standard 30KG which was insanely light, but I still get light headed from bending down to do them which is a bit worrying.

Just below the spine of the scapula. The position is correct when you do a rep and the bar doesn't move around or slide down.

How about a 18 minute video on low bar position and grip care of Rip?

edit: I have been watching and enjoying Alan Thrall's videos as well. Here is his high vs low bar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs_Ej32IYgo

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
2nd day of Stronglifts.

Squat I'm still not sure how to position the bar, apparently for stronglifts it's supposed to be low bar but I'm still not 100% sure what that means. I tried putting the bar on my back but I don't think I have the shoulder flexibility to do that. I try to do shoulder dislocations every night but I still need a really wide grip.

Watch this for starters:


With bench I had to increase start the weight at 60KG instead of 20 in order for the thing to actually be something that can be called a workout.

Bad idea. You shouldn't be treating this as a race or something. Starting light is the key with a beginner-oriented linear progression routine. You need to use these early workouts that may not seem like a workout to really focus on form. If you start at a point where the weight feels even kind of heavy, you're just going to stall that much quicker and probably end up with sloppy form or half/quarter-reps to boot.

Barbell Rows I started with the standard 30KG which was insanely light, but I still get light headed from bending down to do them which is a bit worrying.

This really should not be happening.

Check out this section on the Stronglifts website regarding the Barbell Row technique:



the piano man
Wow that guy is one of the most gorgeous guys I've seen. Damn. He just needs body hair.

Also tut tut. Lift and set goals to better yourself not to get another's body. You know this!

But anyway, keeping a tight diet and you can cut down to that BF with some time. Getting that big is another story. However you really don't need to be that big to pull off a similar look, just need to be cut.

If you want that exact physique though....

it took me a while to actually know what I really want but I am pretty sure now

like many guys here that are short and with a narrow frame, I am stuck with "lean gains" and a sick pack by dropping my BF if I want to look "the best I can" with the body I was given..... well, sorry for the vulgar vocabulary now (and it's not directed to your post, I just say in general) but FUCK THAT right in the ass.

I want to get a broad back, big arms that captures attention, traps, legs and ass. definition or chiseled body is something I will care about when and if I ever consider there is enough muscle mass to chisel and work on to begin with, right now?? eat, lift and sleep.

basically, I am paying attention to your line "getting that big is another story". That is the story that interests me, first and foremost, if that's the work of steriods and hormones, fine, at least I know. if it takes me 8-10 years of healthy eating and certain kind of workouts then, I'd try my best to do it. I am not in a hurry,

is a long research all this, we'll see.


the piano man
Lifting folks, how do you deal with calluses building up?

watch them as they appear??

today I did back. back days are the days were calluses build up,

I see my hands and think "oh well" and that´s using liquid chalk. Some more hardcore folks surely go dripping blood


Yeah poked around Google some and see some suggestions, but am curious to hear opinions here on the subject. Presently just saying screw it and leaving them be.


Can't see much in this pic, but I'm feeling pretty good about the direction things are headed.

I may actually end up ahead of my 210 goal by September, which may be a good or bad thing. We'll have to see. I've been keeping fat loss as slow as I comfortably want it to, but damn it's hard to not dive. I can't wait to be ripped as fuck again.

I'm trying to get in that frame of mind man. I want to get as low as I can until like Nov. then do the mother of all clean bulks.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Holy fuck that Alan Thrall vid was thorough as fuck. Thanks for that

Damn! You weren't kidding. That was a good video. Going to check out his other content.

Not sure I agree with his wide-grip position on the low-bar squat, but then again, I just followed Rippetoe's advice first. I'll give it a try next time I'm in the gym and see if it somehow produces more tightness than a much shorter grip.
Damn! You weren't kidding. That was a good video. Going to check out his other content.

Not sure I agree with his wide-grip position on the low-bar squat, but then again, I just followed Rippetoe's advice first. I'll give it a try next time I'm in the gym and see if it somehow produces more tightness than a much shorter grip.

Yea I think its a preference thing too. I also differ at his head position during the squat. Looking slightly downward makes my upper back round so I found looking straight ahead helps alleviate that.


Lifting folks, how do you deal with calluses building up?

Let them build up, then pick at them during boring office meetings. Then eventually pick at them too much causing them to bleed. Then your hand hurts and you are mad at yourself for taking it too far.

Rinse and repeat.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yea I think its a preference thing too. I also differ at his head position during the squat. Looking slightly downward makes my upper back round so I found looking straight ahead helps alleviate that.

Yeah, I think looking almost straight ahead works better for me, too. Then again, I'm always squatting in a space where the wall is very close in front of me, so looking 8 to 10 feet ahead is often impossible.

Watching the rest of that video... damn squat shoes look like they might be a damn good investment. Almost seems like cheating.
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