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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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$15 a month for me for a Worlds Gym. Not amazing but has everything I need. Would be cool if they had atlas stones, tires, and sleds though. Have always been interested in doing that stuff


Most I've paid for a gym was $60... But that was really more of a community center. Like YMCA, but Jewish. Lots of facilities.

Not having a gym membership has been great, but there are some things I miss about it too.



I pay about $500 a year, but I'm pretty sure that's about average for a cheap gym.

I could lift at my school's gym if I wanted to, and it would be significantly less, but again I need a 24 hour gym to survive.

There was a time in college I kinda got interested in lifting, walked into my school's gym and left after 10 minutes. Not knowing what I was doing plus being in the same place where a bunch of scholarship athletes were going at it was intimidating.

Wish I'd pushed through, didn't come back to it till I was way past prime age for beginners :/


Out of pocket expense for the doctor/xray of my shoulder was only $18. Noice. Still have the orthopedic surgeon to see on Wendnesday.

But honestly right now, my shoulder feels great. Hopefully the doc will give me the go ahead sooner than expected.

Im just so bored when I cant lift :(

There was a time in college I kinda got interested in lifting, walked into my school's gym and left after 10 minutes. Not knowing what I was doing plus being in the same place where a bunch of scholarship athletes were going at it was intimidating.

Wish I'd pushed through, didn't come back to it till I was way past prime age for beginners :/

I lifted in high school at the school gym as the same time as the football team. It was a little intimidating, but being in high school mostly everyone was dumb. Once I found that one exercise that I can do better than everyone, I was accepted into bro-hood


Where are you getting that from? Did you just cobble it together?

I feel like if you're doing purely calisthenics, you would be better off doing a lot more volume and variety.

You should definitely check out the Convict Conditioning book if you're sure you want to focus on bodyweight training.

It's funny you mention Convict Conditioning since this is exactly where I'm taking the exercises for the first two days.

That's a pretty solid routine, especially if you're just starting out w/ calisthenics (throw some chin ups in there while you're at it)

I would say for pullups, work towards 3x8 or 3x10 then start working on variations, archer pullups, L-pullups
With dips, somewhere around 3x15 then you can build towards elbow/russian dips
Also once you get to those numbers you should have the strength/core to being working on levers and MUs

Pistols and freeweight body squats are great but I still prefer squatting w/weight

Here are my numbers. I always do three sets. If I do N reps on the first set, I do N-1 on the second set and N-2 and the third. I'll just write the number of reps for the first set:

Day 1:
- Pulls ups: 9
- Pistol squats: 12
- Diamond push-ups: 18

Day 2:
- Pike push-ups: 21
- Handstand: 1 minute
- Hanging leg raises: 14
- Full bridges: 15

Day 3:
- Dips: 14
- Single-leg calf raises: 23
- Inverted rows: 14
- Side knee raises: 18

I'm thinking of making a few changes. Diamond pike push instead of normal pike push-ups as these are getting too easy. I don't think I will gain much more from the single-leg calf raises so I will do jumping rope with a single leg on my cardio days. I also want to throw in shrimp squats somewhere.

I will try the variations you mentioned for pullups and dips. I will also try dips on a single bar as a way to prepare for muscle ups.


Lol I'm dying right now

My new favorite YouTube Channel
Hahahah, that was brilliant! I am in love! <3

I laughed out loud to some of the comments in the vid and I think my coworkers think I might be a bit unstable. :p

Found this old pic of mine, i always had the feeling that my arms aren't growing that fast at all. Seems i was wrong.


I have no idea how old the pic is, i'm guessing 3 years or so.
Wow! That is so awesome comparison! Brilliant work! :p


I can grow 0 body hair....
Awwww, sweetie pie, I didn't mean it in that way. I was merely referring to the fact that if you are a lad and you happen to have some body hair, there is absolutely no need to bother to get rid of it. I am sure you are a sexy beast! ;)


That guy trims / shaves anyway. No way it grows like that naturally. :D
Hahaha, that might be the case. I had other photos in my mind as well, but they weren't forum appropriate though so I just went with that. They don't need to be that neat and the happy trail is extremely sexy so yeah, no need to shave. :p


Any advice for a soon to be new dad? I already get up at 4AM to work out, so I think I should be able to continue that, but maybe only a few times per week for a while until we get into a schedule... How did you guys work in gym time with your first newborn?
You're traveling a good path right now. I trained early morning after my son was born and that has made all the difference. I couldn't train in the afternoon - and I still can't get a good training session in at that time, he's too interested in what I'm doing! Downside of a home gym I suppose. So I train before anyone else wakes up and before I go off to work. For the better part of twenty-two months now - so depending on your situation a.m. training may be the better choice for a long time.

And congrats on the new kid!


Awwww, sweetie pie, I didn't mean it in that way. I was merely referring to the fact that if you are a lad and you happen to have some body hair, there is absolutely no need to bother to get rid of it. I am sure you are a sexy beast! ;)

Hehe, I know I was just messing with you. So yeah I can't grow any so I have a full chest tattoo to make up for my lack of hairy manliness.


Not trying to be negative but you're pretty much fucked. I know because I've been there... Twice. Those first months are brutal specially if it is your first kid. I had to help my wife a lot so I ended up quitting the gym at the time. It gets better down the road and with the second kid wasn't even so bad. You already have the right mentality working out so early so see if you can keep it up. You will get so fucking tired, tough.Congratulations, by the way. Best of luck.

Thanks - quitting the gym is absolutely not an option. I need it for my mental health.

You're traveling a good path right now. I trained early morning after my son was born and that has made all the difference. I couldn't train in the afternoon - and I still can't get a good training session in at that time, he's too interested in what I'm doing! Downside of a home gym I suppose. So I train before anyone else wakes up and before I go off to work. For the better part of twenty-two months now - so depending on your situation a.m. training may be the better choice for a long time.

And congrats on the new kid!

Thanks. I'm glad I already bit the bullet and am doing the morning workouts. I would be willing to cut it down to a few days a week if needed. I'm going to park my truck outside on the nights before so that I can slip out of the house without opening the garage door. That might keep anyone from waking up... Maybe
Any advice for a soon to be new dad? I already get up at 4AM to work out, so I think I should be able to continue that, but maybe only a few times per week for a while until we get into a schedule... How did you guys work in gym time with your first newborn?

Does your gym have child care? Take your older kid there while your wife's at home with the 2nd...it'll give her some one-on-one time with the newborn and after you can spend some quality time with the first, if that's an option.

Two weeks of cutting to go...down to 158 this morning, lower abs are getting less shy, still deadlifting 275x6.

Oh some ASSHOLE stole one of the 45s off the leg press while I went to spot my wife on the bench...I KNEW my second set felt way too light then I get up to rerack all the damn plates and I see one missing and some dickwad doing side bends with it 10 feet away. Learn some goddamned etiquette!


Stupid vanity question-

So as far as I know it doesn't work this way except for bullshit broscience, but are there any exercises that help you guys maintain that post gym pump for a few hours after?

Got an underwear run coming up in the not too distant future.


Can anyone estimate my bodyfat percentage? I feel like I'm very skinny already but I still don't see my abs at all. I can certainly feel them however. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs. How much weight do I need to lose?
Oh some ASSHOLE stole one of the 45s off the leg press while I went to spot my wife on the bench...I KNEW my second set felt way too light then I get up to rerack all the damn plates and I see one missing and some dickwad doing side bends with it 10 feet away. Learn some goddamned etiquette!

Question for you guys: How courteous are you to the other gymgoers?

I get really annoyed when I step away for a second to grab a paper towel to wipe down a barbell or something and continue my set and some asshole jumps in and assumes I'm finished. Doesn't even ask beforehand, which I've done to anyone sitting at a station how many sets they have left and patiently waited.
Well, it's taken a year and a half but I've finally lost all of the weight that I set out to lose (hit my target weight). I've lost far more muscle size than I ever intended, but I seem to have retained most of my strength. That, or my technique has improved a bit to counter it.

Time to bulk. First time I'll have ever consciously attempted to put on weight (muscle).
Question for you guys: How courteous are you to the other gymgoers?

I get really annoyed when I step away for a second to grab a paper towel to wipe down a barbell or something and continue my set and some asshole jumps in and assumes I'm finished. Doesn't even ask beforehand, which I've done to anyone sitting at a station how many sets they have left and patiently waited.

If you have weights still on the bar, then yeah, that's kind of fucked. If there are no weights and you don't have any stuff nearby, then I can see why someone would think you're done, and as long as they give it up as soon as you come back, I don't really see a problem with this.

As for me, I ask when someone is between sets how many sets they have left/if I can work in. If someone walks away I will give it about 30 seconds to see where they're going and then take over I'd they aren't just getting a drink or something.

The best way to hold your stuff is just put a towel on the bar. I think that is universally accepted as "someone is using this equipment."


I went in a little too hard with all you can eat sushi, fast food and drinking this week. I spilled over somethimg fierce. Last night I dreamt I was shaped like a potato. I guess my subconscious is telling me that im fucking up. #justgymratthings


I went in a little too hard with all you can eat sushi, fast food and drinking this week. I spilled over somethimg fierce. Last night I dreamt I was shaped like a potato. I guess my subconscious is telling me that im fucking up. #justgymratthings

Judging by your Instagram swolfies I'd say it's all in your head ;)


Stomach didn't feel half bad today so I went back to the gym! Nothing major. Final sets were

Squat 95 3x5

Bench 135 3x5

Pendlay row 135 3x5

Then some quick puff and fluff stuff.

Damn it felt good to squat again. And it will feel good squatting 3x a week as I recover. That's why I'm starting so low.
I've been sandbag training for the past few weeks and it's felt so good. Organic workouts with speed jump roping between is awesome. Still hitting the gym as well. Definitely feeling the results, and sleep has been great as well.


Well, it's taken a year and a half but I've finally lost all of the weight that I set out to lose (hit my target weight). I've lost far more muscle size than I ever intended, but I seem to have retained most of my strength. That, or my technique has improved a bit to counter it.

Time to bulk. First time I'll have ever consciously attempted to put on weight (muscle).
Wow! Huge congratulations for hitting that goal!

Any fancy comparison photos coming up by any chance?

My first goal is to heal my back, after that one lose all the extra fat and my dream would be to be healthy and to look good naked. :p

Hehe, I know I was just messing with you. So yeah I can't grow any so I have a full chest tattoo to make up for my lack of hairy manliness.

Don't get me all excited for nothing. Now you definitely need to share a pic or two of that manly awesomeness! ;)


Stomach didn't feel half bad today so I went back to the gym! Nothing major. Final sets were

Squat 95 3x5

Bench 135 3x5

Pendlay row 135 3x5

Then some quick puff and fluff stuff.

Damn it felt good to squat again. And it will feel good squatting 3x a week as I recover. That's why I'm starting so low.

You have much more self-control than I'd ever hope to have. After surgery I'd be (stupidly) jumping back into heavy sets. Shit, I'm in the position I am now because I thought I could go back to deadlifting shortly after injuring my glute not realizing what I had actually injured.


You have much more self-control than I'd ever hope to have. After surgery I'd be (stupidly) jumping back into heavy sets. Shit, I'm in the position I am now because I thought I could go back to deadlifting shortly after injuring my glute not realizing what I had actually injured.

When you look at the big picture, the squat will add up quick. In the beginning it will go up 30lbs a week. Deadlift will go up 20lbs one week and 10 the next.

Bench and ohp will go up 10lbs one week and 5 the next. So it's definitely a major ego check now, but I want to see how far I can go with it

Diets gonna be on point too. I'm looking at 25-2800 calories, 70g fat, 300g carbs and 200g protein.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Nice to have you back in the game, Sean! You'll be right where you were before the health trouble in no time at all.
If you have weights still on the bar, then yeah, that's kind of fucked. If there are no weights and you don't have any stuff nearby, then I can see why someone would think you're done, and as long as they give it up as soon as you come back, I don't really see a problem with this.

As for me, I ask when someone is between sets how many sets they have left/if I can work in. If someone walks away I will give it about 30 seconds to see where they're going and then take over I'd they aren't just getting a drink or something.

The best way to hold your stuff is just put a towel on the bar. I think that is universally accepted as "someone is using this equipment."

Yeah I've been lazy to not bring a towel with me instead of using paper towels.

Not anymore.


When you look at the big picture, the squat will add up quick. In the beginning it will go up 30lbs a week. Deadlift will go up 20lbs one week and 10 the next.

Bench and ohp will go up 10lbs one week and 5 the next. So it's definitely a major ego check now, but I want to see how far I can go with it

Diets gonna be on point too. I'm looking at 25-2800 calories, 70g fat, 300g carbs and 200g protein.

See, it's the ego that gets in my way. I think, "Fuck, I deadlifted 385 last winter, sure I'm sore but I'd be a puss if I didn't get 335 now!" and it clearly got me into trouble. It's gonna be an irritating road back but I'm gonna have to adopt some humility if I want to get there. Teach me your ways.

Have you done other mud runs like Tough Mudder? I've always wondered how Spartan race compares.

For those who haven't done one, just keep in mind yoga pants + wet mud doesn't really hold up. Not many girls seem to know this, making for a great day out.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Question fit-gaf, two questions:

1. Does my core seem small in comparison to the rest of my upper body? (I'm just gonna link the pics cause they might be too big)
2. Not to be too self conscious or anything, but does it look like I have moobs? D:


There's a difference between being cautious about upping the weight/deloading due to form compromises and having form so bad that the lift just doesn't count. Knees coming in during squats? Lift counts, just keep an eye on it and modify form/progression to try and fix it. Squats well above parallel? Doesn't count.

The upper back rounding during a deadlift is the former, whereas hitching the bar up on your shins without fully locking out would be the latter. Try to make sure that you're gripping and pulling the "slack" out of the bar as much as possible before you start the pull, as well pointing your chest forward/up.

What do you mean by the bolded exactly?


What do you mean by the bolded exactly?
Also Matugi put it nicely in an older post:
The slack is basically the flex the bar has. When you start your lift you want the bar to already have some level of tension (i.e. the bar is tight, it feels like you've already started the lift). Pulling the bar straight off the ground without pulling the slack out can kinda cause you to use too much arms and can lead to bicep pulls. It's also a good cue and can help you get a good, tight set-up.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The pulling the slack out of the bar thing is what finally got my deadlift form in a decent place. Was really the key thing I needed to keep in mind, apparently.

I've been making some steady progress and hit 235 lbs. today. Man, I love deadlifts, but they really, really take it out of me. I'm completely spent after my set.


The pulling the slack out of the bar thing is what finally got my deadlift form in a decent place. Was really the key thing I needed to keep in mind, apparently.

I've been making some steady progress and hit 235 lbs. today. Man, I love deadlifts, but they really, really take it out of me. I'm completely spent after my set.

If there's one thing I've learned with deadlifts, when you're done, you're done. Zero good will be achieved by trying to push beyond physical exhaustion. If you have poor form, the exhaustion is just gonna reinforce it even further. It's why a lot of 5x5 programs will have the working sets significantly below your 1RM - unlike things like bench and squat, just a single set of deadlifts of five reps at super heavy weights are enough to exhaust most people. Shit even squats do it, just not to the level deadlifts do.


Wow! Huge congratulations for hitting that goal!


Don't get me all excited for nothing. Now you definitely need to share a pic or two of that manly awesomeness! ;)

GAH! Let me work on losing 20lbs first :p Maybe I'll work up the courage to post a before pic lol.
I went in a little too hard with all you can eat sushi, fast food and drinking this week. I spilled over somethimg fierce. Last night I dreamt I was shaped like a potato. I guess my subconscious is telling me that im fucking up. #justgymratthings
Lmao. Don't even let that shit get to you. You look great and the effects of spilling over are gone after like a week.


I went in a little too hard with all you can eat sushi, fast food and drinking this week. I spilled over somethimg fierce. Last night I dreamt I was shaped like a potato. I guess my subconscious is telling me that im fucking up. #justgymratthings

Ha, went hard on one meal today as I was at Six Flags in NJ for the day celebrating a friend's birthday...crushed some chicken tenders, onion rings, and french fries. Felt bad for a minute, but man it tasted so so good going down lol.



Doing yoga and my weights routine now I think. Switch up. Maybe one or two cardios a week sprinkled in? Not sure. But yoga hurts my abs a lot so it must be doing something.

J. Bravo

I went in a little too hard with all you can eat sushi, fast food and drinking this week. I spilled over somethimg fierce. Last night I dreamt I was shaped like a potato. I guess my subconscious is telling me that im fucking up. #justgymratthings
I skipped my last 3 workouts because of alcohol. I'll start up again Monday haha
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