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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Hey guys, sorry for the dumb question but is there a reason it seems some people turn to Keto when cutting versus just plain eating less calories than maintenance? I mean, I realize at the end of the day it comes down to calories out > calories in, but are there any advantages to keto?


Here's a video of me squatting 225lbs for 5 and then 4 reps. Not terribly great angles, but I just asked some random dudes to record me.

side view:


What do you guys think? 225lbs is still hard for me to do, but I can do 3 sets x 5 reps most days. Same for 235. But when I get to 245, it all goes to hell.

Those aren't bad high bar squats. Watch your descent, the first video showed you dropping into the squat a bit too much. Increase the weight by five pound jumps if you have issues with 10lb increases. Also gain some weight, your lack of muscle mass is holding you back.


Actually, you don't. I went away from this a long time ago. The only time the bar "drags my shins" is right at the beginning of the lift. The only thing you need to do, is to be sure the bar doesn't swing away from you.

And you can't go wrong with doing chins.

I definitely think the bar was swinging away from me since the only time I feel it on my shins is on the ground. Likely, my problem is that since I have my shoulders forward and my arms reaching back that I then swing the bar outward and then pull up. That also might explain why deadlifting and squating the same weight takes about equal effort for me (on my third week though).

I think I better just drag that bar across my whole body for a while so that I get used to the feeling and then make changes after I know what the heck I am doing.

I will add some chins though.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys, sorry for the dumb question but is there a reason it seems some people turn to Keto when cutting versus just plain eating less calories than maintenance? I mean, I realize at the end of the day it comes down to calories out > calories in, but are there any advantages to keto?

People will say otherwise, but calories out > calories in is an oversimplification and really ignores what's happening inside your body with the food you put in it.

A ketogenic diet has a variety of distinct advantages, the primary of which is that your body turns to free fatty acids and ketones for energy. Decreased insulin secretion also allows for and even encourages the release of stored body fat for energy use.

This is a long video, but I highly recommend this presentation by Dr. Peter Attia that kind of talks about all of this stuff. Some really interesting data from self experimentation from him:



Hey guys, sorry for the dumb question but is there a reason it seems some people turn to Keto when cutting versus just plain eating less calories than maintenance? I mean, I realize at the end of the day it comes down to calories out > calories in, but are there any advantages to keto?

Some people think that keto works better at fat loss and muscle retention.

Personally I have not seen that to be the case. Glycogen depletion will drop more weight initially as you lose water, but you'll find athletic activity is impacted as you cripple an energy pathway. What it does do is increase compliance; if you know you can't eat carbs and ever do then that blows a hole in your calories for the day. It also tends to be pretty filling; cheese and bacon work better than cereal at keeping you full. Whenever I want to drop a few pounds, I always cut carbs first. Not to keto, but down.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Some people think that keto works better at fat loss and muscle retention.

Personally I have not seen that to be the case. Glycogen depletion will drop more weight initially as you lose water, but you'll find athletic activity is impacted as you cripple an energy pathway. What it does do is increase compliance; if you know you can't eat carbs and ever do then that blows a hole in your calories for the day. It also tends to be pretty filling; cheese and bacon work better than cereal at keeping you full. Whenever I want to drop a few pounds, I always cut carbs first. Not to keto, but down.

Evidence seems to indicate that there's actually a big benefit to more aerobic activity with a ketogenic diet.

Heavy weight lifting performance will almost certainly be negatively affected, though.


I gotta work on dragging the bar up my legs while deadlifting. I seem to have a tendency to push the bar away at the start, which means less power and a sore lower back. I also have to remember to tell myself to tighten up my muscles before I lift. That is probably a requirement when I get into heavier weight, but I need to get into these habits early.

Oh, if I am replacing power cleans with pendlay rows for Starting Strength, should I add anything else to make up for it? LIke chin ups or something? Or just go with the row?

Chins are a part of starting strength, you add them at the end of workouts once you're a couple of weeks in. You may want to consider speed deadlifts or just doing teh cleans though, as cleans are the funnest thing do do. You literally toss a heavy weight into your shoulders, how cool is that?
Hey guys, I did a shitload of squat volume yesterday and a little while afterwards I noticed my left hamstring was cramping up. Today it's quite sore and tight and tender - I have another squat day in 2 days. Will I be okay to squat again then if I make sure to stretch it out over the next couple of days?


Chins are a part of starting strength, you add them at the end of workouts once you're a couple of weeks in. You may want to consider speed deadlifts or just doing teh cleans though, as cleans are the funnest thing do do. You literally toss a heavy weight into your shoulders, how cool is that?

That doesnt sound very cool for my back. It just seems like a lot of complicated movements that could fuck you up if you don't have good form. I'd rather save myself the trouble of trying to learn that on my own and maybe getting hurt and simply do something a bit sub-optimal, but still good.

I think Mark would call me a bad name :(


Evidence seems to indicate that there's actually a big benefit to more aerobic activity with a ketogenic diet.

Heavy weight lifting performance will almost certainly be negatively affected, though.

I disagree, if you mean athletic performance. A recent study of highly trained cyclists found that their top and average power output was negatively affected across the board when they went into keto (a month of keto to ensure full fat adaption). Tested before and after. If keto helped endurance athletes then trust me they would all be on keto. It is both heavily studied and highly competitive at high levels, and almost any edge is exploited.

Your glycolytic pathway and energy stores are a boost to athletic performance in almost any sport.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate keto, I just recognize who it is best for; a sedentary person with insulin resistance. Active hormonally healthy people just need to trim calories and stay active to have effective fat loss.


Hey guys, I did a shitload of squat volume yesterday and a little while afterwards I noticed my left hamstring was cramping up. Today it's quite sore and tight and tender - I have another squat day in 2 days. Will I be okay to squat again then if I make sure to stretch it out over the next couple of days?

Eat, sleep, rest and you'll know in two days. You may have overdone it or you may not. Be careful though, don't want to tweak it.
I'm making myself protein pudding. Fingers crossed it ends up nice!

That actually turned out surprisingly well. Maybe a little sweet for my tastes, but I t think someone with a sweet tooth would love it. I think next time I might do it with water rather than milk... or add some salt or something. :D

Basic idea was from here: http://www.leangains.com/2010/09/high-protein-recipes-and-jack3d-review.html

Feel a bit protein overloaded now. This whole bulking thing is hard bloody work.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I disagree, if you mean athletic performance. A recent study of highly trained cyclists found that their top and average power output was negatively affected across the board when they went into keto (a month of keto to ensure full fat adaption). Tested before and after. If keto helped endurance athletes then trust me they would all be on keto. It is both heavily studied and highly competitive at high levels, and almost any edge is exploited.

Your glycolytic pathway and energy stores are a boost to athletic performance in almost any sport.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate keto, I just recognize who it is best for; a sedentary person with insulin resistance. Active hormonally healthy people just need to trim calories and stay active to have effective fat loss.

Mind sharing a link if you have it on hand? I'll try to dig up some stuff that indicates otherwise. The video I linked above is just n=1 stuff, but there are some very interesting data that Peter Attia took from himself in regards to performance and such. I think the good stuff starts around 22:00 if you're interested.


Here's a video of me squatting 225lbs for 5 and then 4 reps. Not terribly great angles, but I just asked some random dudes to record me.

side view:


What do you guys think? 225lbs is still hard for me to do, but I can do 3 sets x 5 reps most days. Same for 235. But when I get to 245, it all goes to hell.
Those actually look fine to me, except you cut depth a bit too early in one rep I think (the back view video, hard to say for the side view video). How long are your rests in between sets?
Instead of going from 235 to go 245, go to 240. If you have fractional plates you can do 237.5 or something. High bar back squats are a bit harder to progress than it is with low bar back squats.
Because form-wise, your squats look fine, it might be either you're not eating enough, have poor recovery, or it's time to move onto another program for squats.
Stop bouncing. There's no reason for it. It looks okay but you lack any sort of tightness (a lot of that is because you are bouncing) and you are currently divebombing your squats. Doing that at high weights is gonna cause you to get stuck in the hole and injure yourself.
Speed is fine actually. Andrew, from CaliforniaStrength, is closer to divebombing in squats: video. Or even Milko Tokola's squats: video.
Mind sharing a link if you have it on hand? I'll try to dig up some stuff that indicates otherwise. The video I linked above is just n=1 stuff, but there are some very interesting data that Peter Attia took from himself in regards to performance and such. I think the good stuff starts around 22:00 if you're interested.

I've seen data that points both ways. What's most likely in this case (and it's been discussed in a number of articles) is simply that certain athletes respond better to high carb and other athletes respond better to low carb.

My best times have always happened when I was on a diet with a reasonably high amount of carbs (so much so that I will change my diet weeks before an event if I'm low carb at the time). However, I know people that swear the other way. Seems like everyone really is different.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I've seen data that points both ways. What's most likely in this case (and it's been discussed in a number of articles) is simply that certain athletes respond better to high carb and other athletes respond better to low carb.

My best times have always happened when I was on a diet with a reasonably high amount of carbs (so much so that I will change my diet weeks before an event if I'm low carb at the time). However, I know people that swear the other way. Seems like everyone really is different.

While there's no doubt that everyone really is different, I also find a lot of inconsistency in how a low-carb/ketogenic diet is laid out. I'll often find that the protein/fat ration is way too high in favor of protein, or it's a very calorie-restricted diet as well as being a ketogenic diet.


Just picked up some 10lbs weights for my Jillian workout.

...Nope. I won't be able to use those without injuring myself. Maybe, maybe in the bicep circuit. But that's it.
after I got called out here and once at the gym because my grip was to wide on the OHP, I decided to start all over from zero about a month ago and got my grip to about shoulder width, (that's like a complete hand closer to the center, compared to my past grip!!!)

it feels soooo much better, like the bar is attached to my torso on start position.

thanks for pointing it out guys

Right! At first it feels like you're not gonna make it, but with the correct grip it becomes therapeutic. Seriously, when I have discomfort or a slight pain because of bench press, OHP makes me feel better the next workout.
I thought I've seen it all, but nothing could have prepared me to what I saw today at the gym:

a guy doing Clean & Press in a smith machine.

Guilty as charged. I was experimenting on how how to maintain a vertical bar path. Tried this with most of the lifts when I started strength training to establish my form.
Hey guys, I did a shitload of squat volume yesterday and a little while afterwards I noticed my left hamstring was cramping up. Today it's quite sore and tight and tender - I have another squat day in 2 days. Will I be okay to squat again then if I make sure to stretch it out over the next couple of days?

you got a foam roller to loosen things up? or maybe a massage stick? Also srink plenty of fluids if you're noticing cramps



Since starting weightlifting 5 weeks ago I've gained 7 pounds and my waist is exactly the same. I take a preworkout that has creatine so I'm sure some of that is water weight and my stomach is actually at least a little smaller. Still, it feels weird gaining weight after I've spent a year dropping it. (Cardio and calorie deficit, wish I'd found this thread earlier).


Neo Member
Speed is fine, actually you wanna be fast, but not at the expense of remaining tight. As for the bouncing at the top, it's not a big deal really, it happens to me too. It's because you're locking out fast at the top.

Watch. Mine does it too.

Oh, I see. Yeah, I've got to remember to stay tight. But I think maybe I'm tightening up wrong? I usually just flex/tense up as much as I can and try to go into the lift right after, but the tightness never seems to last the entire length of the lift. I also sometimes worry that I strain to much before I even start, and tire myself out. Do you have any advice on that?

Those aren't bad high bar squats. Watch your descent, the first video showed you dropping into the squat a bit too much. Increase the weight by five pound jumps if you have issues with 10lb increases. Also gain some weight, your lack of muscle mass is holding you back.

Those actually look fine to me, except you cut depth a bit too early in one rep I think (the back view video, hard to say for the side view video). How long are your rests in between sets?
Instead of going from 235 to go 245, go to 240. If you have fractional plates you can do 237.5 or something. High bar back squats are a bit harder to progress than it is with low bar back squats.
Because form-wise, your squats look fine, it might be either you're not eating enough, have poor recovery, or it's time to move onto another program for squats.

Speed is fine actually. Andrew, from CaliforniaStrength, is closer to divebombing in squats: video. Or even Milko Tokola's squats: video.

I know I've got to gain weight, but the feeling of bloat makes me very uncomfortable and I basically shit out food as fast as I eat it (milk and peanut butter especially). How much should I be trying to gain a week or a month? I think I've added 40lbs since freshman year, and I'm a junior now.

The last rep on the back view was kind of crap, you can see me pause to gather my energy but it didn't work. I don't know why I got so tired, but I did another set of 5 just fine. My breaks are decently long, warming up I usually wait as long as it takes me to change the plates. And on my last 3 sets I usually wait around 1-2 minutes, but sometimes longer if I'm tired and the gym is relatively empty.

Our gym has 2.5lbs weights, so I'll try incrementing with those and see if I make any progression.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Oh, I see. Yeah, I've got to remember to stay tight. But I think maybe I'm tightening up wrong? I usually just flex/tense up as much as I can and try to go into the lift right after, but the tightness never seems to last the entire length of the lift. I also sometimes worry that I strain to much before I even start, and tire myself out. Do you have any advice on that?

I know I've got to gain weight, but the feeling of bloat makes me very uncomfortable and I basically shit out food as fast as I eat it (milk and peanut butter especially). How much should I be trying to gain a week or a month? I think I've added 40lbs since freshman year, and I'm a junior now.

The last rep on the back view was kind of crap, you can see me pause to gather my energy but it didn't work. I don't know why I got so tired, but I did another set of 5 just fine. My breaks are decently long, warming up I usually wait as long as it takes me to change the plates. And on my last 3 sets I usually wait around 1-2 minutes, but sometimes longer if I'm tired and the gym is relatively empty.

Our gym has 2.5lbs weights, so I'll try incrementing with those and see if I make any progression.

If nothing else, it's pretty damn cool that you're getting into lifting while still young. Not only that, but you're already lifting more than two plates on squats. That's nothing to scoff at.

I don't know if you plan on going to college, but if you do, you'll be able to make one damn impressive physique in your four years there with all that free time. You were smart enough to figure this stuff out and get your form right instead of just dicking around with dumbbell curls like so many others.

Good stuff!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Might have gout, might have bursitis. I can't figure out which but my metatarsals on my big toe fucking HURT.


I just had to cut my workout short one set into my bench presses. :( Elbow tendonitis. Gotta know when to call it quits. At least I got my deadlifts in..


Made my day Petrie. Thanks man.

Hey man it's the truth. I've been slacking on my diet even if I'm hitting my lifts hard and this just re-motivates me to get the other stuff in check.

At least my A1C this checkup is down from 6.9 to 6.1. Not quite back into the 5s like I want it, but that's solid numbers for a diabetic.


Oh, I see. Yeah, I've got to remember to stay tight. But I think maybe I'm tightening up wrong? I usually just flex/tense up as much as I can and try to go into the lift right after, but the tightness never seems to last the entire length of the lift. I also sometimes worry that I strain to much before I even start, and tire myself out. Do you have any advice on that?

I know I've got to gain weight, but the feeling of bloat makes me very uncomfortable and I basically shit out food as fast as I eat it (milk and peanut butter especially). How much should I be trying to gain a week or a month? I think I've added 40lbs since freshman year, and I'm a junior now.

The last rep on the back view was kind of crap, you can see me pause to gather my energy but it didn't work. I don't know why I got so tired, but I did another set of 5 just fine. My breaks are decently long, warming up I usually wait as long as it takes me to change the plates. And on my last 3 sets I usually wait around 1-2 minutes, but sometimes longer if I'm tired and the gym is relatively empty.

Our gym has 2.5lbs weights, so I'll try incrementing with those and see if I make any progression.

1-2 minutes is a short rest for a set of squats. Try extending your rest breaks to 3-5 minutes; your improved recovery will really let you get those bigger weights. And later sets too!


Today so didn't go as planned. When I was leaving for work I felt awesome, took my gym things with me but quite much as soon as I hit the working place, I started to feel really, really bad. I felt so dizzy and I wanted to puke. I went to lay down and have my legs up for a while. After an hour and five minutes my colleague comes to check on me. I don't know did I fall asleep, pass our or what... but I have no memory of that hour what so ever. When he came in I was laying in the floor. I just left home and I am definitely going to skip a gym today and maybe even tomorrow. Sucks.

Now I am just laying at home and I don't really know what to think. At work my boss went through everything with me and asking how many calories I have eaten, how much I have drank, how much I work out. She also pointed out that I have lost a whole lot of weight recently and was worried do I get enough energy. With all honesty I don't think it has anything to do with my work out or diet. I assume that even if I have thought that I have drank enough I may have not. It has been over 30 Celsius / 86 Fahrenheits for weeks now and I think I have just hard time adjusting to it. This better be nothing serious.

Now I'm curious what height you put me on?
Hahah, I actually thought you were perhaps an inch or two shorter. :p No offence.

I HAVE to have at least 1 each day
Hahah, ok, this made me feel so much better and I don't feel that quilty about it anymore! :D

Jesus guys. I've never really bought into this "pump" thing but today I did a hi rep chest/bi day because of elbow soreness and I barley recognized my arms! Holy crap! I had veins I didn't know I had popping out and I swear they grew a half inch. Wow
I have been like "wow" already every time you have posted a photo. :p But hey, good thing you are being pleased with it as well.

That actually turned out surprisingly well. Maybe a little sweet for my tastes, but I t think someone with a sweet tooth would love it. I think next time I might do it with water rather than milk... or add some salt or something. :D

Basic idea was from here: http://www.leangains.com/2010/09/high-protein-recipes-and-jack3d-review.html

Feel a bit protein overloaded now. This whole bulking thing is hard bloody work.
That berry fluff thing in there looked very delicious. :p


Mind sharing a link if you have it on hand? I'll try to dig up some stuff that indicates otherwise. The video I linked above is just n=1 stuff, but there are some very interesting data that Peter Attia took from himself in regards to performance and such. I think the good stuff starts around 22:00 if you're interested.


That isn't the original source (that's in the sources for the article, and I read the actual study) but it gives a decent albeit snarky overview. Again, good for the general population, not good for athletes.


Yesterday I tried out the first of three general core/rehab exercises Dr. Stuart McGill recommends to replace the traditional crunch/sit-up/jackknife/anything that stresses your lumbar spine. It's called the curl up, and basically you lay flat with one leg straight out and the other bent, you brace your core, lift your shoulders while keeping your neck neutral (only like 3-4 inches), and hold.

I felt nothing while doing them. I feel all the soreness/tightness now. There's a reason why this man is considered the foremost expert on spinal injuries. Holy shit


Wow, i was 18 pages behind on this thread, took a while to read all of it and im going to select quote a lot of stuff, sorry if some of it is a tad old lol.

On the gym front, ive started my 10th session of 5/3/1. Im still cutting on keto, i hit a new low of 256lbs but then i had a large family get together + a funeral the next day, so i cheated and had some carbs both days. Im back into it now tho. Been to the gym twice, did OHP and went pretty well, and i got my brothers old lifting belt (its nothing special) and deadlift was SO MUCH EASIER, wow im going to hit my new PR on DL this cycle guaranteed, literally felt like cheating using it. Once i outgrow this one (and lose more fat), i'll get a nicer belt. Also, what lifts are you supposed to use the belt for? I know for sure Deadlift and Squat, but what about OHP? Bench?

so do you guys get in some extra nutrition just before bed or do you have a cut-off point?

always figured getting in an extra dose of protein before bed is beneficial as the night is a long period without intake and a key time of recovery and growth. so always make sure to get something in (a shake/protein snack) especially on workout days.

If i go to the gym, i save my protein shake from that day till after the gym. Otherwise, no, i make sure to hit my macros and thats the most important part.

Hey guys, sorry for the dumb question but is there a reason it seems some people turn to Keto when cutting versus just plain eating less calories than maintenance? I mean, I realize at the end of the day it comes down to calories out > calories in, but are there any advantages to keto?

Keto usually has you eating food that keeps you full longer, so you end up eating less, which makes having a deficient calorie intake a lot easier. It isn't magic, but its really nice benefit. I also think i'm a lot more alert in keto as well.

Some people think that keto works better at fat loss and muscle retention.

Personally I have not seen that to be the case. Glycogen depletion will drop more weight initially as you lose water, but you'll find athletic activity is impacted as you cripple an energy pathway. What it does do is increase compliance; if you know you can't eat carbs and ever do then that blows a hole in your calories for the day. It also tends to be pretty filling; cheese and bacon work better than cereal at keeping you full. Whenever I want to drop a few pounds, I always cut carbs first. Not to keto, but down.

I lift very heavy weights, and im in keto the entire time. In fact, i lift a heck a lot heavier now then i did when i had a normal diet of chicken and rice and salsa. My personal experience is that on keto, i'm the strongest ive ever been. However, im not doing anything other then lifting.

While there's no doubt that everyone really is different, I also find a lot of inconsistency in how a low-carb/ketogenic diet is laid out. I'll often find that the protein/fat ration is way too high in favor of protein, or it's a very calorie-restricted diet as well as being a ketogenic diet.

This is an excellent point, people go to Keto to lose fat, so they're at a deficit, and then they wonder why they suffer at the gym at times. Well, you're cutting, its not supposed to be easy. Keto + over maintenance and then let me know how your gains are. From my own experience, its been terrific.

FYI, rolling the bar doesn't help lol.

I laughed pretty hard, especially after watching that video.

Got back into lifting this week. Trying to nail a routine but the bigger problem is my eating. I eat TERRIBLE and it's usually the main reason why I stop working out. Does anybody have a suggestion on what to start out with for breakfeast/lunch/dinner and anything in between? Need protein mayne

I honestly believe that diet should be the very first thing people get in order when they want to get back into a change of lifestyle. Everyone needs to get a handle on food then go on from there, IMO of course. If i had known then what i know now about eating, macros, etc, i'd have hit my goal weight months ago.

What's the life path I have to traverse in order to get a body like this???????????????????????????????????

Link to video


I reeeeeally don't think he got there flexing knees, doing pushups and throwing weighted balls around....

That dude has one insane body, basically perfect. Its unfortunate he is very likely on gear, but man he looks terrific.

The way I see the gym is that's when I really think about ME, and I'm honest with myself. My body performs honestly, it gives what I put into it. I can't lie to it, I can't lie to my numbers, so it's time to get real. Plus when you feel shitty about something you can put effort into something physical right then and there. It's therapeutic but I believe I have deeper issues. Clinical depression as well.

When i hit the gym, i basically spend all the energy i have in me there, with some loud awesome trance music playing in my earbuds, i just go till i got nothing left, and that really helps with mood and feeling terrific. Before i started lifting, i had pretty bad depression, but its extremely rare to have it creep up anymore. I never took medication for it, and i never will. Lifting really gets me high in that way, i love it.


And the last few posts make me realize how many people are on or have tried gear. It's increasingly looking like me and a few others here are the last Nattys.

Not even a prohormone.

Will always be natty.

Out of curiousty when you guys are strapped for time and have to cut out a day from your routine how do you alter your other days?

What ive done is train when i can. I used to have set exact days i would train, and when i miss a day due to life, it would set my entire week off track and i'd get mad at myself for it. I love working out, i love power lifting, but it is not going to rule my life. I have a set schedule for my routine, day 1 OHP, day 2 DL, etc etc. I just go, do my thing for that day, then cross it off till the next one. That sometimes means i take 1-2 days off inbetween days, and that is fine. The stress of keeping such a strict gym schedule of say MT/TF is rough imo.
Yesterday I tried out the first of three general core/rehab exercises Dr. Stuart McGill recommends to replace the traditional crunch/sit-up/jackknife/anything that stresses your lumbar spine. It's called the curl up, and basically you lay flat with one leg straight out and the other bent, you brace your core, lift your shoulders while keeping your neck neutral (only like 3-4 inches), and hold.

I felt nothing while doing them. I feel all the soreness/tightness now. There's a reason why this man is considered the foremost expert on spinal injuries. Holy shit



It might be the camera angle but it looks like your back is too hyperextended causing you to round your lower back when you descend. Try to keep a neutral spine throughout the lift. Other than that your depth is good

Thanks, I think I see what you're talking about. Any tips on how to keep my spine "neutral"? I think what makes my back hyperextended is that I'm trying to make sure I break at the hips before the knees, so I tend consciously jut my butt back first and that's what's causing my back to lengthen.

Any others who've watched and can offer any advice/tips?
Thanks, I think I see what you're talking about. Any tips on how to keep my spine "neutral"? I think what makes my back hyperextended is that I'm trying to make sure I break at the hips before the knees, so I tend consciously jut my butt back first and that's what's causing my back to lengthen.

Any others who've watched and can offer any advice/tips?


This vid might help

Basically his advice is to breathe into your stomach brace your core, and tighten your glutes before you even begin the descent. Some people (maybe you, i dont know) breathe shallow and into their chest because of the heavy weight which forces the excessive hyperextension

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Might have gout, might have bursitis. I can't figure out which but my metatarsals on my big toe fucking HURT.

To add on to this it may also be a stress fracture, won't know until I visit a doctor. FUCK.

I did hit the gym just fine last night, it hurt but none of my lifts were significantly affected save my squat.


Thanks, I think I see what you're talking about. Any tips on how to keep my spine "neutral"? I think what makes my back hyperextended is that I'm trying to make sure I break at the hips before the knees, so I tend consciously jut my butt back first and that's what's causing my back to lengthen.

Any others who've watched and can offer any advice/tips?

I watched it yesterday but I'm wary of providing advice/tips for low-bar back squats when I high-bar backsquat squat; I can only base it on what YouTube videos I watched, so I hope you understand.
Something I noticed is how you break at your hips, you hyperextend the lower back. I think it could be better if you do it like this (feel free to watch the whole video). I think that's what CherryWoodFuton was getting at when saying to keep the spine neutral (straight). Also you might be going lower than you need to because you're having a bit of a lumbar flexion near the bottom of the squat.
Your last rep looked the best to me, minus going lower than needed. I'll probably revise this post when I get back home in an hour or two to make sure I said what I wanted to.


To add on to this it may also be a stress fracture, won't know until I visit a doctor. FUCK.

I did hit the gym just fine last night, it hurt but none of my lifts were significantly affected save my squat.

How's your toe alignment? I started getting pain there when my arch was collapsing, but I managed to fix it before it got too bad.


No idea. Hmm..

If your big toe is pointing towards your other toes, then you're going to start having issues. For exercises you can do toe spreads (be sure to keep them on the same plane), and when you're just sitting around you can use bunion pads to keep them separated.

Even if that's not the issue, it's a huge help with yoga to work on your toe spread.

Edit: now that I think of it, I first got pain there when I started doing yoga again.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If your big toe is pointing towards your other toes, then you're going to start having issues. For exercises you can do toe spreads (be sure to keep them on the same plane), and when you're just sitting around you can use bunion pads to keep them separated.

Even if that's not the issue, it's a huge help with yoga to work on your toe spread.

Edit: now that I think of it, I first got pain there when I started doing yoga again.

I'm hoping it isn't a stress fracture. I've got to wait until Thursday to see my physician. Really throws a wrench in everything, and I did just get back to yoga last week. Hmm indeed...I'll look up toe spreads and see if they help anything or if I feel a sharp pain.


Where's the best place to get a deal on Quest bars? At GNC, they are $34.00 for a box of 12 with a gold membership (which I'm in) and buy 3 box get 1 free. That makes it $2.125 a bar.


Saw a bruh wearing gloves and benching 285 4 inches above his chest this morning.

Down another 2 pounds...211 to 205 in about 3-4 weeks. I'll take it. Another 20 to go.
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