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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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The middle of the venn diagram for Fit-Gaf and Golf-Gaf members now has expanded to two. I wish I could find time to play anymore, but I'm just too damn busy to justify leaving the house and responsibilities to my gf for 6+ hours.

I love golf. I max out my swing speed close to 115mph. I can carry my drives 300 yards when I'm on. I just hope this disc injury doesn't keep me out for too long or dramatically affect my swing speed. I'm doing all the proper core exercises on a typical rehab timeline, so it shouldn't, and I've been able to golf with back issues before, but it's a bummer not being able to play.


Thanks man. I saw that Joe DeFranco video a long time ago and was going to start doing it, but I forgot about it and couldn't find it again. Thanks for that.

And thanks for the other videos. I need to buy some resistance bands.

Thank you for reposting these, I needed them.

No problem. I should make it clear that what I outlined in that post is for the slouching or kyphotic posture (because that's what the person wanted to fix). We should also keep an eye on our pelvic tilt and make sure it isn't excessive (posterior pelvic tilt and anterior pelvic tilt or lordosis). Exrx has a pretty nice page on it and it includes what I posted: link.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Should be getting my resized inzer belt next week. I've been doing deficit deadlifts for the past few weeks, I did regular deadlifts yesterday and it really seemed to help a lot. Gonna start doing some more barbell hip thrusts again soon. I'm hoping that as I get re-acclimated to heavier deads that squats will feel easier again.

well done brother

Badass bro. Congrats.

And is there any gym in the world that doesn't have Linkin Park on their internet radio/playlists?

Also, to sort of give me more stuff to do while my shoulder heals, I am considering getting into Yoga. I don't have the best lower back, and since I will be hitting squats pretty hard the next few months, I figured it would help. Would also like to increase my general flexibility and fix posture.

Any recommendations on yoga programs? I saw a thread on DDP Yoga here on GAF, considering giving that a shot.

Thanks guys. According to rep calculators that should put me at or near 425lb bench. I'll feel this cycle out and see. And that linkin park part is part of a mix cd. I was recording, otherwise I'd have hooked up my phone.

My morbid sense of curiosity is piqued... Link please.

shitty form?



Thanks guys. According to rep calculators that should put me at or near 425lb bench. I'll feel this cycle out and see. And that linkin park part is part of a mix cd. I was recording, otherwise I'd have hooked up my phone.

Not hating on Linkin Park. I like the older stuff, probably entirely due to nostalgia.

At the gym I go to, their playlist seems to be Linkin Park, Disturbed, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Disturbed, Disturbed, song about Enrique Iglesias fucking you, Linkin Park.


That hanging barbell.

Holy shit he has extra dumbbells thrown on top. What the fuck this is so stupid, although I guess he just set a world record for <1" range-of-motion leg presses... so yeah that's OK or some shit I guess.

I guess if a car was flipped over and I was pinned underneath it, it would be good to know that this guy could move it a few centimeters. Maybe after a few days I could get free.

And I know those machines are sturdy as all hell, but that surely has to exceed a weight limit? I would be terrified to be under that thing.

Pete Rock

Hmm, that is ridiculous. This reminded me of something else though. To take this conversation in a slightly different direction, what is up with Isometrics? Bruce Lee incorporated them in his training to a significant degree and I am curious if anyone else sees value in them. From what I understand you basically set up the bar in the smith machine at the appropriate height and perform a maximum exertion compound lift against this static (infinite) weight for X seconds as one repetition. I have no experience either way but have thought about it, his guidelines on everything else are pretty much solid.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Hmm, that is ridiculous. This reminded me of something else though. To take this conversation in a slightly different direction, what is up with Isometrics? Bruce Lee incorporated them in his training to a significant degree and I am curious if anyone else sees value in them. From what I understand you basically set up the bar in the smith machine at the appropriate height and perform a maximum exertion compound lift against this static (infinite) weight for X seconds as one repetition. I have no experience either way but have thought about it, his guidelines on everything else are pretty much solid.

They have merit. Mostly for work at a sticking point, and I wouldn't do them in a smith machine.

How I would incorporate them is to set a blocking bar just before the sticking point. And pull/push as hard as you can against it. I've seen plenty of lifters incorporate it and it seems to help them, I've yet to experiment with it though.

I also know my inmates have been using it to great effect for hypertrophy after I told them how to do it with the limited resources they have.


Hmm, that is ridiculous. This reminded me of something else though. To take this conversation in a slightly different direction, what is up with Isometrics? Bruce Lee incorporated them in his training to a significant degree and I am curious if anyone else sees value in them. From what I understand you basically set up the bar in the smith machine at the appropriate height and perform a maximum exertion compound lift against this static (infinite) weight for X seconds as one repetition. I have no experience either way but have thought about it, his guidelines on everything else are pretty much solid.

Sounds like planks but for compounds lifts. Basically working the muscle to fatigue by "flexing" it.

I feel like decline training would reach the same goal more efficiently though. Iso training seems bunk to me


Holy hell did that even come off the hooks? Haha

I think one end came up maybe a quarter of an inch. Although it is hard to tell since the bar is bending so much.

I would imagine if it actually was lifted, the bar would break. I don't think they make a barbell with a 39,000 pound max load.


New avatar!...because that's how I feel squatting 105 tonight ;-D

Actually, I took a video and noticed I am tending to lean back instead of sit back at the start. Gotta get the feel of the motion again. It was almost like Id slightly good morning back and THEN open up my hips, instead of opening my hips AS I sit back.

Oh well, squatting 3x a week should clear that up fast.


Welp... Used 10lbs weights today for the first time.

I could not do push outs with them :( I did rows, flys, and uppercuts with them, but push outs, no. I did like two, and then my arm spasmed. Lovely.



Welp... Used 10lbs weights today for the first time.

I could not do push outs with them :( I did rows, flys, and uppercuts with them, but push outs, no. I did like two, and then my arm spasmed. Lovely.

I don't know what a push out is, but I'm assuming it's an isolation move. Isolation lifts can be quite challenging, even at lower weights. You might need a smaller jump than 5 pounds, depending on the muscles used. How many reps did you do in the past with 5 pounds?

Also, it's not necessary to use the same weight for each lift. Just use an appropriate weight for each exercise.
There is something about the leg press machine that just turns your average gym goer into a fucking idiot.

From going too heavy, going too light, using 2.5 lb plates....

I was doing leg presses the other day (I like them, sue me) and someone left the machine in the lowest position possible, aka the safety catch position to keep you from dying. There were 2 plates on the left side, and 7 on the right. What?


I don't know what a push out is, but I'm assuming it's an isolation move. Isolation lifts can be quite challenging, even at lower weights. You might need a smaller jump than 5 pounds, depending on the muscles used. How many reps did you do in the past with 5 pounds?

Also, it's not necessary to use the same weight for each lift. Just use an appropriate weight for each exercise.

Yep, isolation. Just a simple standing shoulder exercise with weights kind of like a chest press but a "cool down" to more difficult moves (which I wasn't doing today, but I KNOW I will not be able to do those with 10s lol).

Ummm it's like two sets of 10-15. I just do as many as Jillian says. :D

Yeah, I'm definitely going to be switching between 5 and 10. I think I can do my bicep circuit with 10s (maybe), but the shoulder and tricep circuits, I'd most likely horribly injure myself or dislocate my arms lol.
Sounds like planks but for compounds lifts. Basically working the muscle to fatigue by "flexing" it.

I feel like decline training would reach the same goal more efficiently though. Iso training seems bunk to me

Isometric training is certainly not bunk and is especially good at strengthening sticking points as Brolic alluded to by making one stronger at that angle and +/- 15 degrees of that angle by forcing one to recruit all their muscle fibres in that position. For example if you were weak mid-shin in your deadlift, you train isometrics by deadlifting normally but pausing for a few seconds in the mid-shin position, or you could go into a power rack and set the pin at the mid-shin position and deadlift from the floor against the pin.

It has been proven for strength gains, can be used for hypertrophy, and can be used with barbells and bodyweight.

The big downside to isometric training is that it can be draining on the CNS.
I finally realised yesterday that I wasn't a complete weakling. I don't know why, but every time people posted their numbers here I assumed that they were in kg... even when they clearly weren't. /o\


Went to bed at 10:00, two year old woke up just before 1 am. My wife went to to take care of him - she takes the night before I lift, I take the off days.

At 3am she came back to bed tapped me on the shoulder. "I'm tagging out. Give him 30 minutes to see if he goes to sleep on his own."

30 minutes later he's still talking loudly. Not crying or screaming but clearly not going to sleep on his own. Dammit. Happens sometimes. So I take over at 3:30 and get him back to sleep at 4:30. I get up at 5:30 to lift and I never made it back to sleep after he went down. Just laid there in the bed for an hour till the alarm went off.

Made a strong cup of coffee, went to work out... Blasted through one stall on bench press and ran head first into a new one on deadlift. To the point where after the third rep I was getting dizzy.

Fuck two year molars, man. Teething is the worst.


Clearly did not eat enough yesterday (workout day)...worked out...felt fine, took a brisk walk in the afternoon, felt fine.

Wife comes home and wants to go on another walk with our baby...halfway through that walk I'm just absolutely gassed, and was gassed the rest of the night. Not sure if I was just low on cals or ultra low on carbs.

When we got back I said fuck it, cut up an avocado and made some guac and ate that with a few tortilla chips and salsa. I didn't mind doing that for the amount of activity I did yesterday and I knew my carbs and calories were probably ridiculously low as it already is...just there's only so much I can eat before I get full.

Dinner was almost half a rotisserie chicken and about a cup of mashed sweet potatoes.


Man, I had a horrible time lifting today. I was struggling with every lift today. Even during my warm up lifts, it felt off. On squats I was having problems going all the way to parallel, even during light lifts. Bleh. I don't feel sore or hurt, maybe I'm just tired. Don't know. Going to use some icy hot today and tomorrow, hopefully Friday will turn out better.


Isometric training is certainly not bunk and is especially good at strengthening sticking points as Brolic alluded to by making one stronger at that angle and +/- 15 degrees of that angle by forcing one to recruit all their muscle fibres in that position. For example if you were weak mid-shin in your deadlift, you train isometrics by deadlifting normally but pausing for a few seconds in the mid-shin position, or you could go into a power rack and set the pin at the mid-shin position and deadlift from the floor against the pin.

It has been proven for strength gains, can be used for hypertrophy, and can be used with barbells and bodyweight.

The big downside to isometric training is that it can be draining on the CNS.

So it's more or less decline training but with less focus on the entire eccentric phase and more focus on the individual spot at which you are struggling with any given lift?


Why I love 5/3/1 even if some others don't:

June 15th on my 1s week I hit 235lbs on bench for 2 reps. Solid.

Yesterday I did the same weight for my 3s week and hit 6 reps. When I hit 245 next week for my 1s, I know I am going to blast through it even though just a month ago there was no way.

I guess I just love that I hit a PR every single workout essentially. I can look at the numbers and see literal progress each day.

The 1.5x BW bench I'm chasing is starting to feel within reach with a little bit of cutting. Hoping by year's end!

Don't get me wrong, I respect all the other lifts, but bench had been such a struggle for me for so long with form and weird clavicle injuries that it's the lift I'm proudest of for sure.
Did some kids game yesterday where I had to pick up a two inch tall box from the floor without bending my knees or using my hands. Seems I'm still reasonably flexible and I managed it... though right after if felt like I'd annihilated my hip joints.

Getting old.


Thanks a lot for these videos and tips guys. Will try to film myself again tomorrow and see if I can correct some of this.

CherryWoodFuton, Chocobro, others - here's me doing 160x5 on squats this morning: http://youtu.be/fVLGOaimFt0.

Any better? Tried not to go as low as before and shorten my hip movement (lol didn't notice the music they were playing in the gym since I had my headphones in).

Side note: I don't normally lift in the morning so I took a scoop of some MusclePharm Assault pre-workout that I had lying around. Holy shit, never again, I'll just drink some coffee. I didn't really feel all that energetic, but my ears, knuckles, and elbows were itching like a mofo, like there was something crawling all over 'em. So annoying.


CherryWoodFuton, Chocobro, others - here's me doing 160x5 on squats this morning: http://youtu.be/fVLGOaimFt0.

Any better? Tried not to go as low as before and shorten my hip movement (lol didn't notice the music they were playing in the gym since I had my headphones in).

Side note: I don't normally lift in the morning so I took a scoop of some MusclePharm Assault pre-workout that I had lying around. Holy shit, never again, I'll just drink some coffee. I didn't really feel all that energetic, but my ears, knuckles, and elbows were itching like a mofo, like there was something crawling all over 'em. So annoying.

Not bad at all. Definitely to depth and your bar path looks good.

You just need to work on the smoothness of the lift. You kind of jerk back and then start sitting back.

Oh and the itchy feeling was from Beta Alanine. Stick to coffee like you said ;) It's the nectar of the gods anyway! I'm already on cup #2.


Not bad at all. Definitely to depth and your bar path looks good.

You just need to work on the smoothness of the lift. You kind of jerk back and then start sitting back.

Oh and the itchy feeling was from Beta Alanine. Stick to coffee like you said ;) It's the nectar of the gods anyway! I'm already on cup #2.

Thanks for taking a look. I was trying to mimic this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMFHgVN_pcg&feature=youtu.be&t=2m41s

But yeah, it was kinda herky jerky, although part of it was definitely being a bit distracted due to the damn itchy feeling I had haha.

Already had a large iced coffee, about to go grab another :p

Shark Gun

Neo Member
Hi FitGaf

I've been a long time reader but first time poster :) Much respect to all of you, your progress and swoleness is scary. Two years ago I clocked in at around 130 kg or around 290 pounds. I decided I couldn't go on like this and like countless times before decided to loose weight. A good friend of mine recommended lifting as a weight loss strategy coupled with the right diet. Long story short I lost around 45 kg or 100 pounds.

The thing is I can't seem to loose my love handles and my belly completely and get quite frustrated by that. I realize it was a million times worse before but of course my standards concerning myself have changed and I really want to get rid of this needless fat.

So far I'm hitting the gym three times a week. I started to do treadmill sessions of around 40 minutes additional to the lifting. Admittedly my diet could be a little better over the last few weeks. After finishing a challenge run here in Switzerland I slacked off a bit.

Does FitGaf have any advice whatsoever on how to tackle this the best way possible.


Hi FitGaf

I've been a long time reader but first time poster :) Much respect to all of you, your progress and swoleness is scary. Two years ago I clocked in at around 130 kg or around 290 pounds. I decided I couldn't go on like this and like countless times before decided to loose weight. A good friend of mine recommended lifting as a weight loss strategy coupled with the right diet. Long story short I lost around 45 kg or 100 pounds.

The thing is I can't seem to loose my love handles and my belly completely and get quite frustrated by that. I realize it was a million times worse before but of course my standards concerning myself have changed and I really want to get rid of this needless fat.

So far I'm hitting the gym three times a week. I started to do treadmill sessions of around 40 minutes additional to the lifting. Admittedly my diet could be a little better over the last few weeks. After finishing a challenge run here in Switzerland I slacked off a bit.

Does FitGaf have any advice whatsoever on how to tackle this the best way possible.

Love handles and lower belly flab is all diet. Gonna have to probably track calories, eat at a deficit and have little to no cheats if you want to get rid of those. I'm in the same boat right now, it sucks lol.


CherryWoodFuton, Chocobro, others - here's me doing 160x5 on squats this morning: http://youtu.be/fVLGOaimFt0.

Any better? Tried not to go as low as before and shorten my hip movement (lol didn't notice the music they were playing in the gym since I had my headphones in).

Yeah, it looks better. Wouldn't hurt to go a tad bit lower though; you can go closer to your old depth if your lower back isn't bothered by the slight lumbar flexion. Here is a side-by-side picture from your squat videos and how I feel about depth; this is my opinion of course.
Not bad at all. Definitely to depth and your bar path looks good.

You just need to work on the smoothness of the lift. You kind of jerk back and then start sitting back.
That jerk back is just him breaking at the hips. It's just something Alastair does as shown in OmarIsuf's How to Low Bar Squat video. It's up to Bowser if he wants to keep it as is or break at the hips smoothly while maintaining a neutral spine. I think both can work.


Thanks for taking a look. I was trying to mimic this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMFHgVN_pcg&feature=youtu.be&t=2m41s

But yeah, it was kinda herky jerky, although part of it was definitely being a bit distracted due to the damn itchy feeling I had haha.

Already had a large iced coffee, about to go grab another :p

You're on the right path it just takes some practice. Try setting up a camera and a box around squat depth and practice sitting back into it.

Dave Tate says it takes 1000 reps to learn a new movement so get to practice :)

Shark Gun

Neo Member
Love handles and lower belly flab is all diet. Gonna have to probably track calories, eat at a deficit and have little to no cheats if you want to get rid of those. I'm in the same boat right now, it sucks lol.

Sucks big time. But yeah I basically knew that I have to watch my diet a lot better. Would you recommend more cardio or less lifting, should I change something in that matter?


Sucks big time. But yeah I basically knew that I have to watch my diet a lot better. Would you recommend more cardio or less lifting, should I change something in that matter?

I don't think there's really much you can do besides buckling down on diet and maintaining your lifting intensity (i.e. weight on the bar). I've always read that when it comes to getting abs/cutting stubborn fat, it goes:

Diet >> Lifting >>> Cardio

Although when you start to get fairly lean (12-15% BF), adding in LISS (preferably fasted) for 20-30 min 3-4x a week can be helpful (I believe Lyle McDonald has recommended this). Sounds like you're already adding 40 min of cardio (assuming it's LISS) on your lifting days so looks like you're doing as much as you can besides getting your diet in order (which ironically is the most important part! ha).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
From my personal experience I would break down what it takes to get visible abs as the following....

95% diet
5% lifting
Yup, 0% cardio.
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