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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Guys how important is a weightlifting belt when doing deadlifts, squats, etc? I've not yet done anything that heavy in them, but get a sore back from time to time (unrelated) and don't want to mess it out.

Also, where do you get them? I can't find anything that will fit me for a reasonable price here in the UK.


Where's the best place to get a deal on Quest bars? At GNC, they are $34.00 for a box of 12 with a gold membership (which I'm in) and buy 3 box get 1 free. That makes it $2.125 a bar.

The $10 off 20 coupon you get for signing up for their mobile alerts right now combined with buy 2 get 1 free on bars makes it around $15 a box after tax here. Best you're likely to see price wise.


Guys how important is a weightlifting belt when doing deadlifts, squats, etc? I've not yet done anything that heavy in them, but get a sore back from time to time (unrelated) and don't want to mess it out.

Also, where do you get them? I can't find anything that will fit me for a reasonable price here in the UK.

It's gonna be important when you start getting to the heavy weights to stabilize your back and keep you from extending it incorrectly. It's not necessary but is a real good idea to prevent injury. The most important thing it does is give you an impeding object to flex your abs against which is what actually helps to stabilize your spine.



Cottage cheese with pineapple chunks and blueberries tastes fucking amazing. The one thing cottage cheese has going for it vis-a-vis Greek yogurt is the smaller carb content for those following low carb..

I might need to do this.


Sean, hope you get better man. GI issues are awful and I don't fondly recall my colon inflammation bout in high school. 3 days of debilitating, crippling stomach cramps. It was no bueno.


Had a lazy food week when I didn't want to go to the grocery store which led to eating out a ton and dirty (not to mention expensive!). Don't think I did too much damage but it is funny how easy it can be to get in a rut quickly and my daily energy was significantly impacted. My fridge and freezer are in a sad state right now with only vodka in the freezer + condiments and peanut butter in the fridge.


Oh yeah, cooter looking awesome man. You too Darth.

And hope they find out what's wrong Sean, my mom has a stomach issue and has seen 10+ specialists, no one can find anything wrong with her. She has to eat like only 5 things or the pain is unbearable.

It's gonna be important when you start getting to the heavy weights to stabilize your back and keep you from extending it incorrectly. It's not necessary but is a real good idea to prevent injury. The most important thing it does is give you an impeding object to flex your abs against which is what actually helps to stabilize your spine.

The first time doing a deadlift with a belt literally felt like cheating. Its so good. Abs had so much more support.


The $10 off 20 coupon you get for signing up for their mobile alerts right now combined with buy 2 get 1 free on bars makes it around $15 a box after tax here. Best you're likely to see price wise.

Sweet jesus. I'm on this. I'm going to Vegas twice next month. I need some chocolate chip cookie dough bars to eat on the plane.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey Zoe, I did some toe spreads and felt nothing - no pain, no ache, no nothing. Is that how you felt, but still did them? Or did you feel an ache or stretch of some sort?


Good luck Sean, I hope they get to the bottom of it.

I'm no stranger to gastrointestinal issues myself, in 2006 I had to stay in the hospital for a week because I was pooping blood. Shit sucks.
Woot! My first Quest order from iHerb just arrived. I basically got three boxes for the price of two when compared to the Finnish prices. Pretty glad that I don't have to buy those 5$ Quest bars from the local supermarket anymore... Thanks Sadetar for convincing me to use iHerb.

Anyway, today was a bench day for me. Managed to 3 x 5 with 232lb which was alright. I'm only on my third training week after a three month break so trying to get my numbers up where they were before the break. Still about 15lb down in the bench. Squats are even more down since my leg training has been lousy all year due to a small non lifting related knee injury in December which kept me from leg training even before the break. My squat is down about 50lb and I'm doing the squats with the same weight as the bench. That shit ain't right. I hope the situation is corrected within a few months...


Hey Zoe, I did some toe spreads and felt nothing - no pain, no ache, no nothing. Is that how you felt, but still did them? Or did you feel an ache or stretch of some sort?

I feel my arch flexing (only on one foot) but nothing really around my toes. My toes rest a bit more spread out than they used to though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I feel my arch flexing (only on one foot) but nothing really around my toes. My toes rest a bit more spread out than they used to though.

Okay. I will keep working it because why not? Thank you.



This vid might help

Basically his advice is to breathe into your stomach brace your core, and tighten your glutes before you even begin the descent. Some people (maybe you, i dont know) breathe shallow and into their chest because of the heavy weight which forces the excessive hyperextension

I watched it yesterday but I'm wary of providing advice/tips for low-bar back squats when I high-bar backsquat squat; I can only base it on what YouTube videos I watched, so I hope you understand.
Something I noticed is how you break at your hips, you hyperextend the lower back. I think it could be better if you do it like this (feel free to watch the whole video). I think that's what CherryWoodFuton was getting at when saying to keep the spine neutral (straight). Also you might be going lower than you need to because you're having a bit of a lumbar flexion near the bottom of the squat.
Your last rep looked the best to me, minus going lower than needed. I'll probably revise this post when I get back home in an hour or two to make sure I said what I wanted to.

Thanks a lot for these videos and tips guys. Will try to film myself again tomorrow and see if I can correct some of this.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I've been Quest Bar free for about three months now. It's mostly a monetary issue but I have trouble not eating 3 or 4 a day when they are around. It's not as bad as I thought it would be.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

That isn't the original source (that's in the sources for the article, and I read the actual study) but it gives a decent albeit snarky overview. Again, good for the general population, not good for athletes.

Thanks, I'll give it a read.

At first glance, it seems to be focusing on elite athletes. And while it may be true that there aren't many (any?) examples of low-carbing elite athletes, I don't know if that means there cannot be. I also don't know what a possible requirement of glycogen for peak performance means for folks who just exercise (both aerobically and anaerobically) as a recreational activity. We also know that achieving peak performance typically requires PEDs, for example, but no one reasonable is encouraging those as part of an every day diet.

Anyway, I'm just throwing out some thoughts that were on my mind. I'll dig into the whole article and the studies it references a bit alter.

J. Bravo

Fuck basketball and fuck fast food and fuck bad sleep habits. Last set of squats today was a grinder. All of the above are killing my gains. Need more sweet potatoes!!
Great thread, FE!

I am back at the gym after my doctor gave me the go-ahead (he has advised against strenuous lifting until I am pain-free, so I guess I'll do not-so-strenuous lifting.)


Never skip leg days brehs

Bad day at the gym today; lost some progress in my bench press. My head was in a cloud too; just wasn't feeling it. I don't think I'm eating enough; lately I just haven't been hungry, and have been forcing myself to eat at times. Still maintaining 205 lbs, but I have a stubborn layer of belly fat that won't budge. Lifting used to take care of that, but I think I'll have to add some cardio at my age now, and I fucking hate cardio. Ugh; old man problems : /

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bad day at the gym today; lost some progress in my bench press. My head was in a cloud too; just wasn't feeling it. I don't think I'm eating enough; lately I just haven't been hungry, and have been forcing myself to eat at times. Still maintaining 205 lbs, but I have a stubborn layer of belly fat that won't budge. Lifting used to take care of that, but I think I'll have to add some cardio at my age now, and I fucking hate cardio. Ugh; old man problems : /

Sometimes you just have a shit day. Patience my friend. You'll get it back next time. Eat more!


Oh yeah, cooter looking awesome man. You too Darth.

And hope they find out what's wrong Sean, my mom has a stomach issue and has seen 10+ specialists, no one can find anything wrong with her. She has to eat like only 5 things or the pain is unbearable.

The first time doing a deadlift with a belt literally felt like cheating. Its so good. Abs had so much more support.

There's no way I would have hit 375 on squats last winter unbelted. Right as I got past parallel I started to loosen up and I thought I was going to fail. It was only forcing my abs against the belt that allowed me to remain tight and re-engage my glutes.
There's no way I would have hit 375 on squats last winter unbelted. Right as I got past parallel I started to loosen up and I thought I was going to fail. It was only forcing my abs against the belt that allowed me to remain tight and re-engage my glutes.

I asked this as a general question a page or so back but never really got a reply; how did you decide the time was right for a belt? I'm thinking it is close to a time where I would see a benefit from one, but I don't want to jump into using one sooner than necessary.


I've been cycling a lot the last few months, and it has taken its toll on my strength. My weightlifting numbers have gone down around 10%, but on the upside I've become a much better cyclist in that short time. It's hard to balance both types of training. Anyone here doing both weightlifting and cycling regularly, and succeeding at both?

My weekly routine goes mostly like this:
- Monday: rest
- Tuesday: strength training
- Wednesday: rest or moderate cycling
- Thursday: strength training
- Friday: rest
- Saturday: rest or moderate cycling
- Sunday: either strength training or a long/hard cycling session, mostly cycling


I asked this as a general question a page or so back but never really got a reply; how did you decide the time was right for a belt? I'm thinking it is close to a time where I would see a benefit from one, but I don't want to jump into using one sooner than necessary.

When you struggle to maintain your tightness just above and at parallel. It's interesting how the biomechanics of squats work: you are at your weakest just above parallel, which is one reason why people stop there. You can re-engage the glutes below parallel, but then you've lost your ab tightness. So I'd say start belting when you struggle to maintain tightness at parallel and then through. For me anything 315 and above (when healthy) requires a belt.


First gym day after vacation, it is probably going to suck right?

I dunno, I always find it depends on a bunch of factors - how long were you out of the gym? Were you cutting? Did you eat everything in sight?

Sometimes I feel like if I was out of a the gym for a week or so while on a cut, but ate generally "shittier" than on vacation, my strength is actually much better on that first day back in the gym. Probably because I get some needed energy/stamina from the extra calories along with resting my body.

But yeah, it could go the other way too lol.
I dunno, I always find it depends on a bunch of factors - how long were you out of the gym? Were you cutting? Did you eat everything in sight?

Sometimes I feel like if I was out of a the gym for a week or so while on a cut, but ate generally "shittier" than on vacation, my strength is actually much better on that first day back in the gym. Probably because I get some needed energy/stamina from the extra calories along with resting my body.

But yeah, it could go the other way too lol.
I ate pretty bad but no desert type foods and I went swimming everyday to try to get a workout so hopefully it will not be that bad. I guess I will find out in an hour.

Nelo Ice

So apparently Jimmy Rollin's dad works out at my gym. One of my gym friends just found out after chatting with the guy over the past year since they work out at around the same times. At 59 the guy is pretty damn swole. He was deadlifting 4 plates at 59 years old while I was squatting.

Also I squatted 255 lbs for the first time today!. Granted after doing 5 reps I could only do 2 reps the next set since I already knew I would be in a world of hurt if I tried any more. After that I lowered the weight to 250 lbs for my last set of 5.


Should be getting my resized inzer belt next week. I've been doing deficit deadlifts for the past few weeks, I did regular deadlifts yesterday and it really seemed to help a lot. Gonna start doing some more barbell hip thrusts again soon. I'm hoping that as I get re-acclimated to heavier deads that squats will feel easier again.

Huge bench PR +20 lbs on old 3 rep max.

385lbs x 3.


well done brother


Huge bench PR +20 lbs on old 3 rep max.

385lbs x 3.


Badass bro. Congrats.

And is there any gym in the world that doesn't have Linkin Park on their internet radio/playlists?

Also, to sort of give me more stuff to do while my shoulder heals, I am considering getting into Yoga. I don't have the best lower back, and since I will be hitting squats pretty hard the next few months, I figured it would help. Would also like to increase my general flexibility and fix posture.

Any recommendations on yoga programs? I saw a thread on DDP Yoga here on GAF, considering giving that a shot.


Tried hitting some golf balls at the range today. I can generate torque in my backswing fine but I can't rotate back around my hips without sharp pain. Looks like I'm stuck hitting pitches and punch shots for a bit lol. This is gonna be a fun recovery. Thankfully I can still punch a 5-iron straight about 190 so I'll be hitting that bitch off the tee if I play any time in the next two weeks.


Would also like to increase my general flexibility and fix posture.

Band pull-aparts, face pulls + external rotations:
Stretch pec-minor and medial delt area of the shoulders plus shoulder mobility stuff:

EDIT: Not shown above are stretching your biceps and thoracic extension mobility stretches (I would take it easy with this one because I'm wary of giving out advice when it involves the spine).
Above is my older post for someone else that was looking to improve posture. For general flexibility, I did Joe DeFranco's Limber 11.
Tried hitting some golf balls at the range today. I can generate torque in my backswing fine but I can't rotate back around my hips without sharp pain. Looks like I'm stuck hitting pitches and punch shots for a bit lol. This is gonna be a fun recovery. Thankfully I can still punch a 5-iron straight about 190 so I'll be hitting that bitch off the tee if I play any time in the next two weeks.

The middle of the venn diagram for Fit-Gaf and Golf-Gaf members now has expanded to two. I wish I could find time to play anymore, but I'm just too damn busy to justify leaving the house and responsibilities to my gf for 6+ hours.


Above is my older post for someone else that was looking to improve posture. For general flexibility, I did Joe DeFranco's Limber 11.

Thanks man. I saw that Joe DeFranco video a long time ago and was going to start doing it, but I forgot about it and couldn't find it again. Thanks for that.

And thanks for the other videos. I need to buy some resistance bands.
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