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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Good news!

I had my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon about my shoulder. He disagrees with my physician's diagnoses, and that I do not have an AC Shoulder Separation. He said my problem is indeed the AC joint, but it is just strained. No sign of separation. He said if pain persists in 3-4 weeks he can get me a cortisone shot.

And the most important thing, is that I got the go ahead on doing deadlifts! Hurray!

He just told me I should avoid upright rows, benching (especially incline), military press, and lat pull downs for a little while longer.

I am relieved.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You're too much Sadetar. By far the most positive person in here!

Weighed myself today after 5 days under the same conditions and at the same time. 177.5! I'm in unchartered territory right now.

My 3x bw DL goal is dropping by the week! If I drop another pound 530 will do it!


Good news!

I had my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon about my shoulder. He disagrees with my physician's diagnoses, and that I do not have an AC Shoulder Separation. He said my problem is indeed the AC joint, but it is just strained. No sign of separation. He said if pain persists in 3-4 weeks he can get me a cortisone shot.

And the most important thing, is that I got the go ahead on doing deadlifts! Hurray!

He just told me I should avoid upright rows, benching (especially incline), military press, and lat pull downs for a little while longer.

I am relieved.
Oh I am so happy for you! I can easily feel you there since I remember how relieved I was when I was told that there is no permanent damage in my spine.

So yes, that definitely is some great news! :D

You're too much Sadetar. By far the most positive person in here!
Awww, thanks honey! ^_^

I mean every word I say. It is just so easy to stay positive when I am surrounded by all the awesome people in here! <3






Keep doing whatever you're doing and you'll accomplish whatever you're trying to achieve.




Back in Feb I posted some transformation pics. You guys were very kind with the praise, which meant a lot. A couple posters told me to focus on adding a little size, specifically to my chest. Here's where I'm at so far:





I've added about 5-6 lbs of muscle (in 6 months) and a little over 1/2" to my pecs.

Advice on what to focus on PLEASE!!

Nice work man! Now it's time to grow your wings (lats)
Great work Bum, you can definitely see how much size you've put on. Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll go far.

Man all of you lean guys are making me impatient to get back to being cut up. It's been over a year since I was last super lean:


I wanna make that guy feel small soon.

Err small and fat. He's already tiny. :)
There is something about the leg press machine that just turns your average gym goer into a fucking idiot.

From going too heavy, going too light, using 2.5 lb plates....

I was doing leg presses the other day (I like them, sue me) and someone left the machine in the lowest position possible, aka the safety catch position to keep you from dying. There were 2 plates on the left side, and 7 on the right. What?
Lol, funny you mention this. I had to wait the other day for some knucklehead who was doing, like, 8 sets of 40 reps with a 25 lb plate on each side. Yes, a 50lb leg press! Talking about he likes to feel the burn. No, motherfucker, you like to waste everyone's time!


Lol, funny you mention this. I had to wait the other day for some knucklehead who was doing, like, 8 sets of 40 reps with a 25 lb plate on each side. Yes, a 50lb leg press! Talking about he likes to feel the burn. No, motherfucker, you like to waste everyone's time!

Although I haven't seen someone do a 50lb leg press, I have seen people take up the machine for literally 45 minutes.

I feel like I am the only motherfucker that only takes 5 minutes. I love doing insane drop sets on the leg press right after I am done squatting. Usually start at 720lb, and do sets of 10 (or as many as I can), strip off 90lb and repeat. No rest. Knock out 8 sets in just a few minutes.

That is pretty much the only thing I do on the leg press.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks for all the feedback guys...you honestly make the working out so much easier!
That's what we do man. Push each other, praise each other when deserved, and guide each other when needed. It does help. That's why FitGaf is best GAF!


I have now missed two training days in a row thanks to dizzyness and passing out / nearly passing out. I really don't know what is going on, but I am not going to take another day off from work cause of this. Also if I feel more or less ok tomorrow, I am trying to go to gym to do at least something light. I feel super quilty because of this. I have even forced myself to drink mineral water even if I quite much hate anything with bubbles. All my muscles also ache so badly that I have taken extra magnesium and I am just hoping I will feel fine tomorrow. I am fairly sure this is due to heat and me being stupid and not eating and drinking accordingly.

Not feeling great either today. Kind of nauseous all day. I can still do 5 days this week so I think I'm going to take the night and down some gravol.

Make sure you're drinking 80oz of water at least when it's so hot. Hot here too, so drink drink drink!

Hopefully that is it and you're not coming down with something crappy. Sleep long tonight and hopefully feel better in the morning!
Hello FitGAF,

I've been lurking for about the past month or so, slowly acquiring knowledge from all the helpful and friendly folks here. But now, I would like some advice/feedback.

I'm a male, age 24, 5 feet 7 inches, 155 lbs, and 16% Body Fat. My goal weight and bf% is 170 lbs. at 12-13% body fat. I began Starting Strength about a month ago and have seen good progress (essentially at or near novice standards for all lifts except my squat, which is at 230 3x5) and have in general been eating a pretty clean bulk diet. Should I continue to bulk and eat at a caloric surplus, or should I focus on lowering my body fat percentage first (eat at a caloric deficit) before bulking?

I've read conflicting opinions via Google searching. Some say I should eat to maintenance levels at my goal weight/bf%, which means ~2850 kcal TDEE per IFcalc. Alternatively, others say it's more important to reach goal bf% first because 1) you build muscle more easily when you're leaner and 2) it's time consuming and mentally frustrating to have to reach your goal weight, be unsatisfied with your increased bf% (since it's unrealistic to gain only muscle), and cut below your goal weight to then ahve to yo-yo bulk back to it.

So I would appreciate any opinions or suggestions everyone may have. I can provide pictures of my current physique if that would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hello FitGAF,

I've been lurking for about the past month or so, slowly acquiring knowledge from all the helpful and friendly folks here. But now, I would like some advice/feedback.

I'm a male, age 24, 5 feet 7 inches, 155 lbs, and 16% Body Fat. My goal weight and bf% is 170 lbs. at 12-13% body fat. I began Starting Strength about a month ago and have seen good progress (essentially at or near novice standards for all lifts except my squat, which is at 230 3x5) and have in general been eating a pretty clean bulk diet. Should I continue to bulk and eat at a caloric surplus, or should I focus on lowering my body fat percentage first (eat at a caloric deficit) before bulking?

I've read conflicting opinions via Google searching. Some say I should eat to maintenance levels at my goal weight/bf%, which means ~2850 kcal TDEE per IFcalc. Alternatively, others say it's more important to reach goal bf% first because 1) you build muscle more easily when you're leaner and 2) it's time consuming and mentally frustrating to have to reach your goal weight, be unsatisfied with your increased bf% (since it's unrealistic to gain only muscle), and cut below your goal weight to then ahve to yo-yo bulk back to it.

So I would appreciate any opinions or suggestions everyone may have. I can provide pictures of my current physique if that would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!

I would continue eating 300 or 400 calories above maintenance and lifting heavy. It's really a preference thing. Also, I've never heard about it being easier to build muscle while you're leaner. I'm calling BS on that. The quickest way to acquire the muscle you seek is eating right and lifting hard. Best case scenario is you gain a solid 2 pounds of muscle a month. Even that may not be possible. Patience will be your most important friend.


Hello FitGAF,

I've been lurking for about the past month or so, slowly acquiring knowledge from all the helpful and friendly folks here. But now, I would like some advice/feedback.

I'm a male, age 24, 5 feet 7 inches, 155 lbs, and 16% Body Fat. My goal weight and bf% is 170 lbs. at 12-13% body fat. I began Starting Strength about a month ago and have seen good progress (essentially at or near novice standards for all lifts except my squat, which is at 230 3x5) and have in general been eating a pretty clean bulk diet. Should I continue to bulk and eat at a caloric surplus, or should I focus on lowering my body fat percentage first (eat at a caloric deficit) before bulking?

I've read conflicting opinions via Google searching. Some say I should eat to maintenance levels at my goal weight/bf%, which means ~2850 kcal TDEE per IFcalc. Alternatively, others say it's more important to reach goal bf% first because 1) you build muscle more easily when you're leaner and 2) it's time consuming and mentally frustrating to have to reach your goal weight, be unsatisfied with your increased bf% (since it's unrealistic to gain only muscle), and cut below your goal weight to then ahve to yo-yo bulk back to it.

So I would appreciate any opinions or suggestions everyone may have. I can provide pictures of my current physique if that would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!

You are on starting strength, so you should be focusing on a bulk. Otherwise you will not have the energy to complete the routine.


So last year around March I really started lifting more(I usually play a lot of basketball). From March to December, I went from 140lbs to 170lbs from bulking. I put on a quite a bit of muscle and fat. I was probably in the low to middle 20s in term of bodyfat. From January of this year to around mid May I cut down 25lbs. Went down to 145lbs. Got a lot stronger than I ever was, all my friends were really surprise at how much bigger I was. For reference, I'm 5'7, usually 125-135 lbs during my college years.

Left is March 2013, right is May 2014

Around the start of June I stopped cutting and just eat whatever I want now. I started doing calisthenics in April and I found it a lot more fun than lifting. So I have tone down my lifting about 1/3 of my workout session.

So far I been able to do muscle up, dragon flags, front lever. I can also dip my bw + 135lbs. Although I usually do reps with 90lbs instead. Currently working on the planche and human flag.


Dragon flag


Dragon flag on a pole. I can do this but only able to hold it for like 5-10 seconds.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Lifting Weights Doesn’t Make You Badass
For some reason in the past year or so, it has become incredibly popular to compare lifting weights to war, Armageddon, the Holocaust, going to battle, and a bunch of other violent metaphors, most of which center around comparing your training and competing to participating in a brutal conflict, death, and violence.

You aren’t fighting for your life, you aren’t in a warzone, and you aren’t morally superior to anyone else who doesn’t lift the same weights that you do. This is also incredibly disrespectful toward anyone in the military who has served in that capacity as well, so stop the comparison.
For me, the most egregious examples of this are the various Hero-WODs and "9/11 Memorial Workouts" that come out of the woodwork when a tragic event (or the anniversary of one) hits the news cycle. Amping yourself or your clients up is one thing, but using "symbolic" rep schemes and the like to associate your gym with war and tragedy is going over the line imo.


Tried to do my best attempt at a fullbody pic. Is underwear pictures not ok to post, or is it ok?
You can't see stuff...

OG Kush


Back in Feb I posted some transformation pics. You guys were very kind with the praise, which meant a lot. A couple posters told me to focus on adding a little size, specifically to my chest. Here's where I'm at so far:





I've added about 5-6 lbs of muscle (in 6 months) and a little over 1/2" to my pecs.

Advice on what to focus on PLEASE!!
Do you still do cardio? and are you bulking or just eating maintenance?


Do you still do cardio? and are you bulking or just eating maintenance?

Kush, I do still do cardio but one session - HIIT - on lift days (5X per week) whereas to cut I was doing cardio probably 8-10X per week. Just eating maintenance calories which for me is 2300 a day, but I've sprinkled in more cheat meals to get a surplus.


Bumrush you look terrific, keep it up. Almost done with my 10th 5s week, lifts are suffering hard but don't care since I'm on a deep cut.


I posted here a few months ago in a panic that I had gained 15lbs since the summer began, but due to some good discipline I'm down from 194lbs to 181lbs and counting. Shoutout to everyone in this thread sending positive vibes. I paused on the weights because I'm training for a 5k in a few months and the squat rack at my YMCA is always full, but next week when I move to a new place it has a personal gym that I can use to start lifting again. Super hyped for that.


Lifting Weights Doesn’t Make You Badass

For me, the most egregious examples of this are the various Hero-WODs and "9/11 Memorial Workouts" that come out of the woodwork when a tragic event (or the anniversary of one) hits the news cycle. Amping yourself or your clients up is one thing, but using "symbolic" rep schemes and the like to associate your gym with war and tragedy is going over the line imo.

Awesome text, thanks man.

Shark Gun

Neo Member
Cheers guys. I had to read up what LISS actually was but it does make a lot of sense. I'll definitely try it out. Have to get my diet in order too.


Made a conscious effort today to reduce all of my breaks in between sets to 1:30min insetad of two...definitely a vigorous workout.


Very impressive, as is being able to do that flag thing.

Thx, I played a lot of basketball and also flag football. I find that doing calisthenics and body weight exercise improves my overall performance than when I was only lifting. My abs suck, but my core has gotten a lot stronger. Lol


Question RE pull ups.

What muscles groups are targeted depending on grip width? I tend to go very wide.

I don't know specifically what the difference is in targeted muscles between grips, so I can't comment on that, but I know going very wide will wreck your shoulders.


Kush, I do still do cardio but one session - HIIT - on lift days (5X per week) whereas to cut I was doing cardio probably 8-10X per week. Just eating maintenance calories which for me is 2300 a day, but I've sprinkled in more cheat meals to get a surplus.

How long are your HIIT sessions?


How long are your HIIT sessions?

I live by this glorious hill (the road is called high hill road) that's like the length of a football field and maybe a 40 degree grade. I sprint that hill, jog a quarter mile to the start, rinse, repeat. I do this 3 times or 10-12 minutes.


Question RE pull ups.

What muscles groups are targeted depending on grip width? I tend to go very wide.

AFAIK there's not really any real difference. People used to think that wider grip means more back but I believe that was debunked.

Chin-ups are easier and pull-ups are harder but I think there isn't any difference in involvement of muscles. Grip shouldn't matter so just do what you feel comfortable with. I usually go with little wider than shoulder width on pull-ups and shoulder width on chins. Wouldn't recommend a super wide grip.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Question RE pull ups.

What muscles groups are targeted depending on grip width? I tend to go very wide.

I would suggest you skip extremely wide pull ups because of the potential mentioned shoulder problems. It is a ton of strain on them. As far as grips, there's not much difference. Wider hits lats a shade more and narrow and neutral hit middle back a bit more. I don't find there is much difference either way. I stick with slightly wider than shoulder width where the bar starts to descend.


Cheers everyone.

Seems like I've been going far too wide then as I go as wide as possible.

May be able to squeeze out an extra rep or two if I decrease the width to just wider than shoulder width.


After reading The Power of Habit and Willpower, it seems that a good way to make sure that you stick with your habits is to make a plan, have queues, have a goal, have a reward, and recognize potential issues and write down how you are going to deal with them. Well, I am not going to bother all of you with that, but another good strategy they suggest is to make your goals, your progress, and your failures public, so I am going to selfishly subject you to all of my failures and hardships ;)

My health Improvement plan:
-Starting Strength M, W, F

-Lean gains diet - all the time. This seemed easier and more appealing to me than bulk/cut since I basically already do it. I just need to become a bit more focused on it, eat certain types of food at specific times, and only eat in those specific windows (I am a snacker). So yea, I will likely struggle a bit with snacking with this one . Also, eat mroe on work out days and less on rest days.

- Go to bed at 10:30PM and wake up at 630AM - I am trying to turn myself into a morning person since I know my chance of going to the gym consistently will increase if I can go to the gym after work at 3PM instead of 4-5PM. I am doing well on getting up at 630, but not doing so hot atm at getting to bed at 1030PM. I likely will really struggle with this.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cheers everyone.

Seems like I've been going far too wide then as I go as wide as possible.

May be able to squeeze out an extra rep or two if I decrease the width to just wider than shoulder width.
You will definitely be more powerful bringing it in. Try to focus on the explosion up and getting to your upper chest too!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Thoughts on deadlift?


Still trying to figure this damn exercise out. I've heeded Brolic's advice especially (thanks, man!), as well as the consultation of videos and online tutorials, and I hope I'm getting there. I can tell right off the bat that I lose some tightness right before the first rep because the bar rolls away from me for a bit, and I need to sit back some more, but I think I did a pretty good job of keeping my back aligned. I'm still getting used to taking the slack out of the bar, but at least I understand the concept now. Hope it's not a terribly offensive lift!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Got 555lbs x 3 on deadlift today. Last rep was slow as hell and absolutely brutal, but I got it no hitching. No video though. Damned camera fell over after I slammed the first rep. Pretty pissed about that. But a great lift none the less.

Pete Rock

My health Improvement plan:
-Starting Strength M, W, F

-Lean gains diet - all the time.

- Go to bed at 10:30PM and wake up at 630AM
Oooh buddy you're going to see some great body recomposition if you stick with it. These were also my three major points of change and I feel they produce wonderful synergistic effects.

For IF/snacking concerns, drink a ton of water. All the time. Wake up and stomach grumbling? Drink 24 oz of water, gone. 10AM want some snacks? 24 oz of water. I would also suggest keeping your windows for "on/off" days the same, so your body is always hungry at the same times even though you are running less cals on off days.

I would suggest cutting your caffeine intake after 5PM, but honestly once your squat and deadlift work sets get past your bodyweight you'll probably have trouble keeping your eyes open for more than thirty minutes after you eat dinner. Avoiding staring at electronic screens with high refresh rates (all of them) also helps wind your mind down in the last hour or so before going to sleep.

Take identical pics (pose + lighting conditions) at your starting point and once every three months, you'll be glad you did!


Cheers everyone.

Seems like I've been going far too wide then as I go as wide as possible.

May be able to squeeze out an extra rep or two if I decrease the width to just wider than shoulder width.

Wide grip is good if want to progress up to doing type writer pull ups.
Anyone doing intermittent fasting know what you're supposed to do when you've got a day where you're going to be exercising / expending energy pretty much continuously?

On Saturday and Sunday I'm going to be cycling for about 5 hours each day and I think I'm going to get pretty fucked up if I can't take on any energy until later on in the day.
Finally back in the gym after around 3 weeks off. During those 3 weeks just ate about everything and anything. I made this comment before but I weigh the same but I certainly don't look the same. Damn bloat, carbs, and lost muscle. Oh well. Give me about 3 weeks and I will be back I was pre-vacation then continue on with this "cut". Just kinda lifting at maintenance and getting my diet back in check.

Also BumRush, looking great dood. Keep it up.
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