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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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So excited to go squat!
Said no one ever.
Except ashodin

Once I fixed my squat form I was so excited to get back in there and squat again. I'm getting pumped just thinking about it now.

Those look brutal.

TBH I've always done pull-ups over chins as chins seem to focus more on the bicep whilst pull-ups incorporate more muscles and take more strength.

My personal, shitty opinion but I think the average person is much better off doing pull ups instead of chins.


Junior Member
Got 555lbs x 3 on deadlift today. Last rep was slow as hell and absolutely brutal, but I got it no hitching. No video though. Damned camera fell over after I slammed the first rep. Pretty pissed about that. But a great lift none the less.

Saw your front squat pr on your channel. Looks like you had much more in the tank.

Nice pull today though. Big boy weight. You hit 600 yet?

Also everyone should go to allthingsgym.com and watch Ilya's 290kg front squat. Inspiring.


Those look brutal.

TBH I've always done pull-ups over chins as chins seem to focus more on the bicep whilst pull-ups incorporate more muscles and take more strength.

I do all different variations. Trying to do all the crazy calisthenics. But practice on explosive pull up and getting your chest pass the bar.


the piano man
so weird things happen.

I wasn't trying to cut or lose weight, I was trying to eat healthy in good portions through the day but turns out, I had to work extra hours in my job, was ridiculously exhausted every day for the last 2 weeks and I lost weight...

the last time I saw a 69.5 kilogram number in the scale was like... more than a year ago, that's about 6 pounds less than my highest, and I know it may be static noise but it never brought me under 70 kgs, ever, in the last 1 or so year..

I guess I see more definition in some parts of my body, today while I was doing some minor stuff in front of the mirror I saw more defined lines in my arms, I like how I feel but I can't stop thinking I am just wasting away and losing "everything"...

being honest here, so far my progress has stalled and I am perfectly aware and conscious about it. It has been way too much work, little sleep, trips to spain, missed some training sessions and that one injury threw everything through the window. Doctors took a long ass time to give an appointment, so I've been getting better because there must be some god out there. I am riding the wave until life allows me to follow a decent plan.

tomorrow I fly to mexico so I get to hang out here at night with america-gaf ^_^
Anyone doing intermittent fasting know what you're supposed to do when you've got a day where you're going to be exercising / expending energy pretty much continuously?

On Saturday and Sunday I'm going to be cycling for about 5 hours each day and I think I'm going to get pretty fucked up if I can't take on any energy until later on in the day.

I don't think IF is a good idea with very heavy cardio. I mean, it's one thing to jog on the treadmill or do HIIT for half an hour on a fast to lose that stubborn fat, but cycling 5 hours is something else. It's good to experiment tho. Are you competing or what?
I don't think IF is a good idea with very heavy cardio. I mean, it's one thing to jog on the treadmill or do HIIT for half an hour on a fast to lose that stubborn fat, but cycling 5 hours is something else. It's good to experiment tho. Are you competing or what?

I'm not normally doing that sort of thing, I just have a skills training weekend and I'm wondering if it's best to skip on the IF for a couple of days. Trying to avoid any setbacks if I can avoid it though as the first couple of weeks I did IF I put on a ton of weight and I really don't want that to happen again if I can manage it.


Had a major setback today. Bent over to pick something up at work and had a major wave of pain from my disc all the way down both legs. Can't bend over right now and movement is slow

I am beside myself, so fucking pissed. Lifting, and being active in general, is such a huge part of my life and even when I'm not lifting I'm doing things like golf. Now I can't do either of those and I'm gonna fucking lose it if I'm out for longer than two weeks. Fuck everything. I know I need to put my ego aside and think about long term, I get it, and I'd offer the same advice to other people. But when it actually happens to you it's just so fucking hard to accept.


Oooh buddy you're going to see some great body recomposition if you stick with it. These were also my three major points of change and I feel they produce wonderful synergistic effects.

For IF/snacking concerns, drink a ton of water. All the time. Wake up and stomach grumbling? Drink 24 oz of water, gone. 10AM want some snacks? 24 oz of water. I would also suggest keeping your windows for "on/off" days the same, so your body is always hungry at the same times even though you are running less cals on off days.

I would suggest cutting your caffeine intake after 5PM, but honestly once your squat and deadlift work sets get past your bodyweight you'll probably have trouble keeping your eyes open for more than thirty minutes after you eat dinner. Avoiding staring at electronic screens with high refresh rates (all of them) also helps wind your mind down in the last hour or so before going to sleep.

Take identical pics (pose + lighting conditions) at your starting point and once every three months, you'll be glad you did!

Awesome, thanks for the advice and encouragement!

And I totally agree about the synergy. Each one seems to produce positive effects for the other. One issue of habit forming that I've learned is that you should only do one habit at one time since habits can conflict. I think I might be able to get away with this since it all of them go so well together and the point is to get better health. Improved exercise and diet will mean better sleep and better sleep will improve exercise and diet, etc.


First week of SS done!!!

At 115 squat, 140 bench, 135 deadlift, 140 pendlay row and 55 ohp.

Yeaaaaah buddy!!! (Literally) light weight baby!!!


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
First week of SS done!!!

At 115 squat, 140 bench, 135 deadlift, 140 pendlay row and 55 ohp.

Yeaaaaah buddy!!! (Literally) light weight baby!!!


wb brah

time to rebuild the statue


First week of SS done!!!

At 115 squat, 140 bench, 135 deadlift, 140 pendlay row and 55 ohp.

Yeaaaaah buddy!!! (Literally) light weight baby!!!


Once again I'm incredibly jealous of your ability to set ego aside and do what's needed to keep you healthy and get back to where you were.


wb brah

time to rebuild the statue

We're all gonna make it, bro.

Once again I'm incredibly jealous of your ability to set ego aside and do what's needed to keep you healthy and get back to where you were.

Hah I think it's all about keeping you eye on the big picture, you know?

Plus, you should have witnessed the intensity of the 115lb squat. It was like I was pushing 315. The tightness. The focus. The intensity.

It's actually been nice all the regulars have come up to me and asked where I've been. One guy even said the squat rack must have missed me.
I've always been pretty loose with my dieting and it usually works well for me that way. But I'm actually starting to make some solid progress on a bit of a mini-cut, so I was looking around to see if I wanted to pick any specific tactic to take things to the next level. And I won't lie to you, lots of this IF stuff seems pretty unproven to me. I mean if the results work for you I wouldn't argue with that. But much of the actual peer reviewed research seems often only tangentially related to the topics at hand. And lots of the authorities here seem pretty dubious. This LeanGains site looks like the author of it has a tin-foil hat perched on their head while writing everything.

For those who do it, was there any specific site / study that really convinced you to give it a try?


We're all gonna make it, bro.

Hah I think it's all about keeping you eye on the big picture, you know?

Plus, you should have witnessed the intensity of the 115lb squat. It was like I was pushing 315. The tightness. The focus. The intensity.

It's actually been nice all the regulars have come up to me and asked where I've been. One guy even said the squat rack must have missed me.

You and I both know that the big picture is out the window when you've been lifting for as long as we have lol. All about making the gainz you need in the next month hahahaha.

I'm giving myself two weeks off in which the only exercises I'm doing are core and stretching. If I don't get better I'm gonna get an MRI and maybe get PT and go from there.


These past few days I've incorporated an IF style of eating and it actually feels pretty good. I've been going to work out in the mornings, so my first "meal" of the day is a post-workout whey shake (8am). Then I've been eating an omelet with veggies and cheese around 1030am, lunch is usually some kind of salad with grilled chicken or turkey at 1230-1pm, and a late afternoon snack around 330pm (nuts, cheese, hummus, etc. - I'm also doing a keto cut).

So basically a 16/8 IF on a keto cut. I feel pretty satiated throughout the day (I drink a gallon of water a day as well which helps) and go to bed around 1030-11pm. Might end up just following an IF approach for the next few weeks/months.


So as I'm building my way up on 5x5, benching is feeling heavy for me at 205. I can't believe it. I also get slight wrist and shoulder pain that I never used to get before. I better be able to get back to or surpass where I was before I started this.


I thought SS is good for either bulk or cut?

Not exactly. It is a novice routine, and it requires that you eat enough to give your body the resources it need to rapidly remodel itself. If you're fluffy, say 20%+, then you won't have to eat as much as someone who is leaner. They need to eat a bit more as they can't draw down energy reserves (fat) as much as the heavier guy.

If you are a novice then the concept of going through cycles of fat loss and muscle gain don't really apply. You are at a poit where you can often so both at the same time, and you have so much untapped adaptive potential that you should just eat the food, forget about bodybuilding for a year and just get strong and muscular as fuck. That means that if you start to get chubby cut down on the food, and if you aren't progressing then eat more. The time to try to reduce fat can come later, as it's easier to do when you have more muscle mass and can move bigger weight. This also lets you cut down to a developed physique, while otherwise you'd cut down to a skeleton.

I get that most people just want to look good naked (ie bodybuilding), but the benefits of a proper strength routine on your health and how you feel are incredible. Look past the six pack, at least for a while and you'll be better off for it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
First week of SS done!!!

At 115 squat, 140 bench, 135 deadlift, 140 pendlay row and 55 ohp.

Yeaaaaah buddy!!! (Literally) light weight baby!!!


Damn your bench, haha!

I'm struggling with 140 on 5x5 and I've been slowly progressing for about a year now :/

Such an uncomfortable lift for me.


Great work Bum, you can definitely see how much size you've put on. Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll go far.

Man all of you lean guys are making me impatient to get back to being cut up. It's been over a year since I was last super lean:


I wanna make that guy feel small soon.

Err small and fat. He's already tiny. :)
Awwwwww, you are just always so very adorable! (I did check couple other videos as well... ) You definitely are one of my biggest inspirations in here. Hahah, I wanna be a sexy beast as well. :p

That's what we do man. Push each other, praise each other when deserved, and guide each other when needed. It does help. That's why FitGaf is best GAF!
This is exactly the reason why I so much love it in here! <3

Not feeling great either today. Kind of nauseous all day. I can still do 5 days this week so I think I'm going to take the night and down some gravol.

Make sure you're drinking 80oz of water at least when it's so hot. Hot here too, so drink drink drink!

Hopefully that is it and you're not coming down with something crappy. Sleep long tonight and hopefully feel better in the morning!
Oh five days a week is plenty! :)

And, I definitely learnt my lesson and I have been drinking like a good girl. This morning (well, at 5.15 pm) when I woke up I was feeling actually a whole lot of better! I have been sleeping way over 24 hours in the past two days and when I went to gym, it was like one of my best workouts! :D I feel I am back to 100%.

I also managed to go back to my regular gym after a long summer break and I was so happy to notice that only couple of my weights have gone down a bit. I was waiting something way worse with the lady gym and cutting, so I was very pleased. Couple times in and I should be back where I left. Actually since I am such a noob I have steadily managed to go up with the weights even if I have been cutting the whole time. I think I have been going down around 35 pounds this year. I also feel that my body composition have changed a bit due to better diet and working out. I am far from where I want to be, but this whole journey feels so good thanks to all the support in here! <3

So last year around March I really started lifting more(I usually play a lot of basketball). From March to December, I went from 140lbs to 170lbs from bulking. I put on a quite a bit of muscle and fat. I was probably in the low to middle 20s in term of bodyfat. From January of this year to around mid May I cut down 25lbs. Went down to 145lbs. Got a lot stronger than I ever was, all my friends were really surprise at how much bigger I was. For reference, I'm 5'7, usually 125-135 lbs during my college years.

Left is March 2013, right is May 2014

Around the start of June I stopped cutting and just eat whatever I want now. I started doing calisthenics in April and I found it a lot more fun than lifting. So I have tone down my lifting about 1/3 of my workout session.

So far I been able to do muscle up, dragon flags, front lever. I can also dip my bw + 135lbs. Although I usually do reps with 90lbs instead. Currently working on the planche and human flag.


Dragon flag


Dragon flag on a pole. I can do this but only able to hold it for like 5-10 seconds.

That is some really impressive progress right there! I can also only imagine how much work you have needed to do with your core to be able to even do those flags! Awesome work! Keep it up and keep us updated! ^_^

tomorrow I fly to mexico so I get to hang out here at night with america-gaf ^_^
Now I am utterly jealous! Hahahh, you better have fun for the both of us!

I want to hang around with AmericaGAF as well... I have only once been in America and back then I was roadtripping with one AmericaGAF member in US for three weeks. Ah, those memories. Good times.

I need to do another journey like that at some point in my life for sure.

We're all gonna make it, bro.

Hah I think it's all about keeping you eye on the big picture, you know?

Plus, you should have witnessed the intensity of the 115lb squat. It was like I was pushing 315. The tightness. The focus. The intensity.

It's actually been nice all the regulars have come up to me and asked where I've been. One guy even said the squat rack must have missed me.
I love your attitude! Everyone is just happy to see you back on the game, in here and at the gym. Now even the squad rack don't need to cry itself to sleep anymore. :D

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
long arms?

that's what i blame my shitty extremely slowly progressing bench on

Not sure! I've never measured my arm span. I may have to do that some day.

My main issue is that I just can't seem to find a comfortable grip width.


That is some really impressive progress right there! I can also only imagine how much work you have needed to do with your core to be able to even do those flags! Awesome work! Keep it up and keep us updated! ^_^

Haha thanks. Yeah I go pretty crazy at the gym. I'm usually there around 2 hours. I go anywhere from 5-7 days a week.


I bought some weightlifting shoes, my squats feel so much better. Probably a placebo, lol. I wanted t take a video for y'all but there were young ladies on both sides of me and I don't want to be the guy taking videos of women in yoga pants, lol.


long arms?

that's what i blame my shitty extremely slowly progressing bench on

Lol, I do the same. With my not so large chest and long ass arms it takes like half a hour to go full rom on bench. It sucks so bad.
I up to 3x5x185lbs. Will attempt some increase tomorrow. I'm so fucked.



Camera phones are technically banned so I'm very careful to never have any other members in my selfies. There was a woman squatting to my left and women on the elliptical machines to my right so there were no safe angles for a form check video. It's a 24 hour gym so I'll go sometime when I'll be alone and prop my phone somewhere.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
A buddy let me borrow his leather belt. This thing is thick and weighs a ton. What a difference. Guess I'll be belt shopping soon...


How long would you guys say it would take to achieve such a physique?

Well, that depends solely on what you look like when you are starting...

Also some people don't have the genetics to that. With all honesty I need to add, that in here there are a ton of people who look way better than that model of yours. :p No offence.

Haha thanks. Yeah I go pretty crazy at the gym. I'm usually there around 2 hours. I go anywhere from 5-7 days a week.
Hahah, well that sounds totally insane. As long as you think you will let your body and muscles rest enough you will be golden.

J. Bravo

Assuming I ever finish smolov, I'm taking at least two weeks off legs afterwards. I already hate squats and I'm barely halfway through the second week


Brian Burke punched my mom
I think I hit a pb? on pendlay rows, 286x10, haven't kept track over the years. Did 100+ reps of rows with 242-286. I just like doing volume with these, I feel I get stronger later in my sets.

Obligatory selfie. Work and this humidity sucks, I'm drinking 6-8L of water everyday plus 2L of milk. I pour sweat all day long, luckily I'm maintaining 205, for now :/


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Saw your front squat pr on your channel. Looks like you had much more in the tank.

Nice pull today though. Big boy weight. You hit 600 yet?

Also everyone should go to allthingsgym.com and watch Ilya's 290kg front squat. Inspiring.
Yeah, I pulled 615 a month or so ago. And yeah, I was setting a baseline for front squat.

Hoping to hit 620 dead, 425 bench and 480 squat in august which will end 5 years training.

Here's the 615 pull.



Oh five days a week is plenty! :)

And, I definitely learnt my lesson and I have been drinking like a good girl. This morning (well, at 5.15 pm) when I woke up I was feeling actually a whole lot of better! I have been sleeping way over 24 hours in the past two days and when I went to gym, it was like one of my best workouts! :D I feel I am back to 100%.

I also managed to go back to my regular gym after a long summer break and I was so happy to notice that only couple of my weights have gone down a bit. I was waiting something way worse with the lady gym and cutting, so I was very pleased. Couple times in and I should be back where I left. Actually since I am such a noob I have steadily managed to go up with the weights even if I have been cutting the whole time. I think I have been going down around 35 pounds this year. I also feel that my body composition have changed a bit due to better diet and working out. I am far from where I want to be, but this whole journey feels so good thanks to all the support in here! <3

Glad you're feeling better! :D I felt better today too, did 70 minute strength yoga. Tomorrow will be strength circuit with some-ish 10lbs weights (looooooool).

Got home late tonight though so all I did was yoga, dinner, sleep lol. Working for lawyers that keep me an hour late! Haha.

Keep going <3
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