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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Business travel in a nutshell: 12 cardio machines, all taken, with people waiting. Entire suite of workout equipment and DBs? Empty.
Business travel in a nutshell: 12 cardio machines, all taken, with people waiting. Entire suite of workout equipment and DBs? Empty.

Doesn't sound like my business travel. Mine's more like..

12 cardio machines, 75% taken up by people mooching along watching TV. 25% people going for it.

Entire suite of workout equipment and DBs... not found.

Is why I now either take my resistance bands with me, or make sure I properly checkout the hotel facilities online first... though annoyingly they never seem to take proper photos of / describe their fitness suites so it can be hit and miss.


Any suggestions on how to avoid having your legs pull in when you get tired on squats? When it happens I get mild muscle pull/strain in my abductors from being out of position.

Is it lack of core engagement maybe? I get why (muscles get tired, more leverage if you're under the weight and your body just wants to do it to make the lift easier) but the potential damage isn't worth the risk.

Like Chocobro said the end result you want is that your knees are pushed out. You can set this up by squeezing your glutes tight at the top of the lift and keeping them tight while also twisting your feet into the ground outwards (so left foot twisting counter clockwise and right foot twisting clockwise). If you practiced this while standing up right now you would feel your knees push outwards. Keep the glutes tight and your feet screwed and your knees will push themselves out without you having to think about it.


Doesn't sound like my business travel. Mine's more like..

12 cardio machines, 75% taken up by people mooching along watching TV. 25% people going for it.

Entire suite of workout equipment and DBs... not found.

Is why I now either take my resistance bands with me, or make sure I properly checkout the hotel facilities online first... though annoyingly they never seem to take proper photos of / describe their fitness suites so it can be hit and miss.

Hyatts have decent workout stations. Nothing like a gym / home gym but serviceable.


I think now that I have been to the gym yesterday, that I should just focus on getting there 3 days a week for a month, so I'll get used to the atmosphere and to being there.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Dumbbell exercises for Chest usually fixes imbalances because the weight is evenly distributed. Whereas in barbell sometimes the dominate arm/hand/pec will sometimes exert more force (happened to me). Could be wrong though
Dumbbells will help you find the weaknesses.

Could also be genetics. Nobody is perfectly symmetrical in shape or size.

Both imbalances and genetics come into play here.
I'm going to add a weekly sports massage into the mix to help with this recent back issue and to try and stay on top of any leg tightness problems before they happen again...

...but the question is, when is best? I'm thinking either Friday or Monday. Friday being my last weights day of the week, and Sunday being my biggest ride of the week. Is it better to be loosened up for a good weight session on the Friday, or am I going to see more advantage having it as some sort of recovery after the half day ride on Sunday? I really don't have a clue.

I'd say being more limber on the Friday would probably make injuries less likely, but I don't have a lot of experience with this sort of thing.
Dumbbells will help you find the weaknesses.

Could also be genetics. Nobody is perfectly symmetrical in shape or size.

Both imbalances and genetics come into play here.

It's probably a little of both, then!

I think I'm gonna get a small bench for my apartment. Any recommendations?

Edit: Amazon has so many choices!


I've been in a permanent state of DOMs since going back to doing higher volume. Working out 6 days a week for the next 6 weeks with 4 programmed bench and squat sessions each and 2 deadlift sessions.
I certainly don't feel any better not lifting.

Broke down and ate a lot more today. Hot as shit outside and ever since I had my thyroid removed in 2014 it just gets worse with the heat. Working outside sucks. I've never felt this bad before. I'm just going to eat maintenance this week and try to rest. Even my brain is fried. I don't event feel like working on the game this week. Or playing games. Or doing anything. FML. I wish I drank :|
It seems like I can either have a great body and fat face or shit body and slimmer/better face. Wtf? How can I manage to get both? I swear I love my body right now but my face....ughh

What can I do to keep the body and have a slim face?
It seems like I can either have a great body and fat face or shit body and slimmer/better face. Wtf? How can I manage to get both? I swear I love my body right now but my face....ughh

Look on the bright side, when I'm fully cut I look like I'm dying of something horrible. My face goes pure skeletal.
Will I be really selling myself short if I only buy a flat bench for my apartment? I feel like it'd be nice to have something I can use for dumbbell incline pressing, but the flat bench is *so* cheap.


Will I be really selling myself short if I only buy a flat bench for my apartment? I feel like it'd be nice to have something I can use for dumbbell incline pressing, but the flat bench is *so* cheap.
To be fair I've seen people prop a flat bench up on top of a couple of 20kg plates. It's probably not advisable but if you can make it safe, meh.

Is it called clean and press when you go from the floor up and into an OHP ? I ended up doing these today almost on accident purely because the rack for OHP was taken. Felt good man!
The last inclining bench I bought was particularly cheap. I'd be surprised if you couldn't find one for very little.

Is it called clean and press when you go from the floor up and into an OHP ? I ended up doing these today almost on accident purely because the rack for OHP was taken. Felt good man!

That's how I've always done my OHP. I doubt it helps my numbers though.


Look on the bright side, when I'm fully cut I look like I'm dying of something horrible. My face goes pure skeletal.

Pic of Psycho after his cut being drawn like one of those French girls.

Man Im really not sure what to eat. I know a lot of the work comes from in the kitchen. Im generally starting to eat just chicken and fish for meat.

I have huge cravings for those drumstick ice creams, is it so bad to have one if I lift about 3-4 times a week for an hour-1 h 30 min?
Man Im really not sure what to eat. I know a lot of the work comes from in the kitchen. Im generally starting to eat just chicken and fish for meat.

I have huge cravings for those drumstick ice creams, is it so bad to have one if I lift about 3-4 times a week for an hour-1 h 30 min?
Eat healthy food of all kinds. Red meat, white meat, fish, whole grains, oats, fats, etc.

As for snacking on some ice cream every once in a while?

Are you bulking? Cutting? Can you make the drumstick macros fit into your daily macros?

If you are cutting, try not to cheat, you will more than likely increase the frequency of cheating as a result. If you are bulking, have at it. If you are maintenance, schedule your cheat days and STICK TO IT. No deviation.

Also, time spent doesn't tell us much about your routine. You could be resting 3 minutes between sets with low volume or 30 seconds and high volume.

Food: healthy
Cheat meals: SCHEDULE THEM
Else: Consistency of macros for your goals


Man Im really not sure what to eat. I know a lot of the work comes from in the kitchen. Im generally starting to eat just chicken and fish for meat.

I have huge cravings for those drumstick ice creams, is it so bad to have one if I lift about 3-4 times a week for an hour-1 h 30 min?

Along with what Jacksinthe said, I have a really close friend that's a research psychologist that had the same relationship with ice cream.

He did some... research on it, and settled on a high carb diet. He did it to improve his will power, but it nipped His ice cream cravings in the bud, too.

Long story short, you may not be eating enough carbs for what you do throughout the day. Maybe just increasing your carb intake in a healthy way may end the cravings.
Taking a day off. Not sure what's wrong with me, but three days in a row my heart rate variability has indicated that I need to recover rather than work out. Would be stupid to keep ignoring it.


Hmm I'm thinking, is it okay that I take a 5 day break from the gym? I just started last Monday and my body is still sore, but I'm planning on going to the gym again today.
Hmm I'm thinking, is it okay that I take a 5 day break from the gym? I just started last Monday and my body is still sore, but I'm planning on going to the gym again today.

I don't know if you need to skip 5 days, I'd say 3 max. When I was starting out, working out on Monday after resting the weekend would actually help with the soreness.
So, I've been looking at some TEDx talks (don't worry, this isn't a pitch) recently, looking for posture stuff. Apparently, and this is frustrating, there are several places and cultures that do not have the concept of back pain. And I mean the whole ****ing idea of it.
Which is one of those great 'science fucked up' moments, because apparently humans are supposed to have J-shaped (slightly exaggerated) spines and not the S-spines as we have been ALL HUMANS (so basically W.E.I.R.D. humans) have. Even 'Our Inner Fish', an otherwise great series and book, claims that we pay the price of back pain for having an upright spine. Which, apparently, doesn't have to be a thing as long as you sit appropriately and stand slightly differently to train your buttocks and lower back more (which might not be needed for regular deadlifters, but hey). I've been trying this out a bit and it does seem to work for me on a blockade I keep getting on my right lower back.

If these were put up before I missed them, but Why Sitting Down Destroys You is at the very least interesting, if frustrating that once again, a 'universal fact' is total BS that nobody bothered to check whether it was actually true.
The other, slightly lesser talk is aimed at sitting: Find your primal posture and sit without back pain


Yeah I went to the gym again this morning. But this time I used pure weights and trained my chest, instead of using the machines. I'm walking around a little checking everything out and getting used to the atmosphere of a gym. I'm feeling good that I am doing this. Just started last Monday. :)

Best way to get past doms is to go at them again imo! Just go lighter
But can't I get injured if I train too much?


Aauuugghhh, tweaked my back s little bit again last night. Cut the workout short.

Feeling much better today, but it still sucked.


*drives by with fist in the air*

What's up you bastards?! Gaaaaiiiiinnnnzzzz! Yasssss!!!

*Keeps on driving*


Hi guys, been lurking here probably almost a year now, decided to make first post now.

I start going to gym July 2014 but until last November I didn't unfortunately follow any programs. Sure, I got some gains but nothing that great if I had been deadlifting and squatting etc. that whole time.

I have deloaded my squat twice now, back from 70kg to 60kg because I feel like my form isn't any good. I should do record my form but there isn't really any place to place my phone. And apparently I've been doing deadlift wrong since last November. Today after doing two sets at 100kg some random guy tapped my shoulder and asked if I felt comfortable, since my form looked so awkward and proceeded to show to do it correctly. So I guess I'll do a second deload for that as well.

I suck at overhead press too. Any tips?
Date that ran SUPER late last night and a slightly upset stomach means I'm dragging all sorts of ass today. Quads, calves, hams. Can't be that bad, right?


Brian Burke punched my mom
Starved...only had coffee and croissant egg and sausage breakfast sandwhich today. Go for two hour hike and then sweaty sex for almost an hour just depleted..

Sausage 1000+cal
Pasta and beef 700+
Cheese 120g 500cal
Croissants 480
Milk 340

Total? I can't even count that high..


Nelo Ice

So had my first physical in years and everything checked out. I'm also down 6 lbs. Started at 160 lbs at the end of last month and now at 154 lbs.
Everything I've read says you shouldn't roll that area because it will cause your spinal muscles to contract to protect your spine.

You should foam roll muscles that connect to the area.

Show off. :p

Yea that is what I have been seeing. I have a soreness around that area that never seems to leave, have an appointment in july so I will see if there is any issue there.


My diet is working out perfectly. 3 weeks ago I was at around 90.5kg and today my scale showed 83.6kg. 1 week to go. Belly is already down to 82cm (from 89cm). Didn't expect this -2000kcal deficit/day to work that good.


Did some deadlifts yesterday. Form was shaky at times, because I wasn't used to such weights anymore. But got better in the last sets. 6/6x 200kg + 3/3/3x 220kg -> road to 300+ :D


So I'm 174cm and weight 80. I plan on dropping my weight to 65kg in the next two months by only eating chicken and vegetables. After that I'll build muscles and thus gain weight again. Will try go to the gym every day and lift weight, even if it'll onto be lightweight some days so I won't get injured.
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