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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

First post in here!

I'm 23 yo, 176cm and weigh only 56kg. So as you can imagine, extremely skinny. I weighed around 50 at the start of the year, and tracking my diet, noticed that I was not eating enough (~1700 cal on a good day). For the last few months I tried to eat better and here I am.

I've decided to dive in and really focus on my overall fitness, subscribed to a gym membership yesterday, and am about to head off for my first session! Looking more at consistent progress than anything quick and dirty. I've read the OP about 6 times now, so in addition to that, any tips or words of encouragement from you guys would be really appreciated!
My diet is working out perfectly. 3 weeks ago I was at around 90.5kg and today my scale showed 83.6kg. 1 week to go. Belly is already down to 82cm (from 89cm). Didn't expect this -2000kcal deficit/day to work that good.


Did some deadlifts yesterday. Form was shaky at times, because I wasn't used to such weights anymore. But got better in the last sets. 6/6x 200kg + 3/3/3x 220kg -> road to 300+ :D
Nice job duder!

First post in here!

I'm 23 yo, 176cm and weigh only 56kg. So as you can imagine, extremely skinny. I weighed around 50 at the start of the year, and tracking my diet, noticed that I was not eating enough (~1700 cal on a good day). For the last few months I tried to eat better and here I am.

I've decided to dive in and really focus on my overall fitness, subscribed to a gym membership yesterday, and am about to head off for my first session! Looking more at consistent progress than anything quick and dirty. I've read the OP about 6 times now, so in addition to that, any tips or words of encouragement from you guys would be really appreciated!

My only advice: Squat

My next only advice: Just make sure you are consistent with your meal and workout routine. Train safe and happy lifti-

Just tweaked my fucking back again putting something in the car. I fucking give up.

Seriously, I just want to sit here and weep.

That sucks to hear, Psycho :( How bad is it?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It sucks that I can't squat with a weight because my lower back is weak, so I gotta do other practices to make it stronger first.

Why does that suck? You need to start somewhere. Your goal should be getting stronger, not "squatting with weights."


Body has acclimated to higher reps. I got two more reps on my squat and deadlift amrap sets than I did last week with the same rep scheme but heavier weight.
Can I get some help programming a 2-day split? My life is such that I can really only work out at home, so I've been slowly accruing things to make that happen. Here's what I've got:

Flat bench with 4 Dumbbells (a set of 25s and a set of 35s)
1 45lb plate
1 pull-up bar

The bench is a recent purchase, and until now I generally just do push-ups, pull-ups, then a variety of standing dumbbell exercises, but I feel like I could be doing things better.

I do Karate for 1.5-2 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so I'd like to do something more strength-focused on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Can I get some help programming a 2-day split? My life is such that I can really only work out at home, so I've been slowly accruing things to make that happen. Here's what I've got:

Flat bench with 4 Dumbbells (a set of 25s and a set of 35s)
1 45lb plate
1 pull-up bar

The bench is a recent purchase, and until now I generally just do push-ups, pull-ups, then a variety of standing dumbbell exercises, but I feel like I could be doing things better.

I do Karate for 1.5-2 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so I'd like to do something more strength-focused on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I would not look to do strength training without weights. You can work some smaller muscles just fine with those dumbbells but to actually build strength in your chest and legs and core you will need many more pounds. Pretty much your only option is to do chin ups on that bar, unless it's a bar that can also accomodate wide grip pull ups. And without hormone support from squatting, your body will be pretty stubborn with the gainz.


Can I get some help programming a 2-day split? My life is such that I can really only work out at home, so I've been slowly accruing things to make that happen. Here's what I've got:

Flat bench with 4 Dumbbells (a set of 25s and a set of 35s)
1 45lb plate
1 pull-up bar

The bench is a recent purchase, and until now I generally just do push-ups, pull-ups, then a variety of standing dumbbell exercises, but I feel like I could be doing things better.

I do Karate for 1.5-2 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so I'd like to do something more strength-focused on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Something like this is pretty good to do twice a week with what you have


You can search on youtube for similar full body workouts. Like mentioned above, this won't be the ticket to gettting huge, but it is certainly a great start with what you have.


Happy father's day fitbros!!!
Thanks Bum! My wife stocked up on beer, burgers and dogs to grill, and made some sort of peanut butter cheesecake thing that I'll devour shamelessly until I regret everything.

Happy Father's day, fitdads!!

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
New 5 rep max on my first ever day doing trap deadlifts.

285lbs x 5

I don't know what that means but I'm happy to make progress somewhere.


Yeah, happy Father's Day fit guys! Even though it was Father's Day here in Denmark back on June 5.

Next week, I'm gonna try go to the gym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning, even though I only started out last Monday.
Something like this is pretty good to do twice a week with what you have


You can search on youtube for similar full body workouts. Like mentioned above, this won't be the ticket to gettting huge, but it is certainly a great start with what you have.

I would not look to do strength training without weights. You can work some smaller muscles just fine with those dumbbells but to actually build strength in your chest and legs and core you will need many more pounds. Pretty much your only option is to do chin ups on that bar, unless it's a bar that can also accomodate wide grip pull ups. And without hormone support from squatting, your body will be pretty stubborn with the gainz.

Thanks for the feedback, guys.

I should mention that I'm not averse to buying more dumbbells than I currently have. I'm going to escalate appropriately; what I have now is already a little on the lighter side (with most of my workouts yesterday I did ~15 reps, which seems high).

I'm just wondering how I should make the most out of each set of dumbbells. For instance, if I'm able to do 15 bench press reps with a set of 35s, does that mean I should buy some 45s and work toward being able to do the same? Buying an entire set would make the most sense, but I can't really afford it right now (nor do I have the space in my apartment).


Okay, so my left trap is smaller than my right trap. I think this might be because in high school I got beat up by a bunch of guys and one of them hit me really hard on my left shoulder.

My left side used to hang a few inches lower after that. It's become much less pronounced since then but the problem is still there. If I feel both traps, the right feels thicker and slightly longer, also looks thicker and longer in the mirror. Also worth noting that I have a winged scapula on my right and my right shoulder is slightly hunched forward because of this (or because of a weak rear delt, I dunno). My left used to be a bit winged too, but working out on and off during the last couple years has helped fix this.

I just started weight lifting a week back and I expect that to strenghten my serratus and fix the scapula eventually (hopefully), but can I expect the same for my left trap or should I just accept the assymetry?


Okay, so my left trap is smaller than my right trap. I think this might be because in high school I got beat up by a bunch of guys and one of them hit me really hard on my left shoulder.

My left side used to hang a few inches lower after that. It's become much less pronounced since then but the problem is still there. If I feel both traps, the right feels thicker and slightly longer, also looks thicker and longer in the mirror. Also worth noting that I have a winged scapula on my right and my right shoulder is slightly hunched forward because of this (or because of a weak rear delt, I dunno). My left used to be a bit winged too, but working out on and off during the last couple years has helped fix this.

I just started weight lifting a week back and I expect that to strenghten my serratus and fix the scapula eventually (hopefully), but can I expect the same for my left trap or should I just accept the assymetry?

I think symmetry is extremely hard to achieve regardless, but you could always do some one armed exercises if it really bothers you that much.
Just got back from two weeks of living out of a hotel. I was 225 the morning i left and I'm 219 this afternoon. I'm pretty psyched, with the eating out for all meals and a few beers most nights I figured I'd have gained a few. I am a little concerned because I didn't do any lifting while I was gone. Hopefully didn't lose too much there.


Happy belated Father's Day to all.

And back issues suck. I'm still dealing with mine.

In regards, to the recent string of injuries.



Is it wrong to start off with only doing 20 push ups a day?

I want to introduce more as I go along, but I'm struggling with doing even just that at the moment.


Getting some nasty stares from three people in the gym. They keep using the free weights area as a running obstacle course of some sort. Except this is the area where everyone fucking deadlifts. I finish my squat sets and now I'm like right in the middle of their obstacle course... I'm not trying to be a dick or anything but why do you need to use the free weights area as an indoor track.


Getting some nasty stares from three people in the gym. They keep using the free weights area as a running obstacle course of some sort. Except this is the area where everyone fucking deadlifts. I finish my squat sets and now I'm like right in the middle of their obstacle course... I'm not trying to be a dick or anything but why do ou need to use the free weights area as an indoor track.
Fucktarditus is strong with them.
Getting some nasty stares from three people in the gym. They keep using the free weights area as a running obstacle course of some sort. Except this is the area where everyone fucking deadlifts. I finish my squat sets and now I'm like right in the middle of their obstacle course... I'm not trying to be a dick or anything but why do you need to use the free weights area as an indoor track.

Fuck em.

Unless that sort of stuff is the norm, they can't expect anyone to modify their workouts to the point where they are sanctioning off major portions of the gym.
Just got back from two weeks of living out of a hotel. I was 225 the morning i left and I'm 219 this afternoon. I'm pretty psyched, with the eating out for all meals and a few beers most nights I figured I'd have gained a few. I am a little concerned because I didn't do any lifting while I was gone. Hopefully didn't lose too much there.
Two weeks is nothing. You likely have not lost any strength unless you starved yourself or binged on food with absolutely no nutritional value
Finally broke 500lbs combined for deadlift, squat, and bench 1RM!

Bench: 180
Squat: 140
DL: 200

My man. Keep up the good work!

On another note, I got back to the gym after a week out (feeling shitty, probably my allergies) and had an "I'm not doing shit today" session. 10 minutes on a rowing machine, lots of foam rolling/stretching/band work for my warm up, and went on downstairs to the dungeon/deadlift area.

If was the best work set I've ever done. Even heard an employee say "god damn" when I set the bar down. I sat my ass RIGHT down on that floor and trembled.

I don't know what got into me, but (and I'm sorry in advance for sounding immature, but it's the only thing I can think of) that last rep felt better than the best sex I've ever had, no insult to my wife. I don't know if every session is supposed to feel that way, but it makes me want to keep trying to get it.
FUCK YES!!!!! JUST GOT 405 1x2 (flat bench) FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!

I feel like I should avatar quote you but I won't. Congrats though!

My lifts are doing pretty badly so far this week. Going from 415x4 to 415x2 on deadlifts today...wonder if that means I've accelerated my cut too much lol. We'll see how the rest of the week goes I guess.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Happy late Father's Day FitGaf! Nothing new on my front. Still going to the gym without any clear goals besides maintaining what I have. I really need to set some ASAP. My daughter is cruising right along so that's been rewarding.



...Still going to the gym without any clear goals besides maintaining what I have.
This is totally me right now except my lifts have all stalled. My running is improving though.

I gain weight on the weekends and lose it during the week. Round and round we go lol
Hey guys, recently started gyming and love it so far, but I have a problem and have always had it; I can't do pull-ups. Is there a way to build strength to get to that point or is it mostly technique? For the record, I am doing everything in the ot but pull-ups


Hey guys, recently started gyming and love it so far, but I have a problem and have always had it; I can't do pull-ups. Is there a way to build strength to get to that point or is it mostly technique? For the record, I am doing everything in the ot but pull-ups

Negatives - use a stool to get you up to the bar and then lower yourself down. Do the same amount you are supposed to do for your workout. You can also supplement with the lat pulldown machine.

I was in the same place you were when I started. Give it time and you will be doing weighted pullups before you know it.
Either do the eccentric portion (basically step or jump up and lower yourself), or use bands to assist.

I managed chinups first, then pullups. I still can't do the wide version of pullups because of shoulder issues, but ehh, I can do weighted versions of the others so I'm fine with that.

Two Words

For my 3 sets of deadlifts today, I tried 3 different kinds of reps.

On my first set, I did each rep so that the weight would almost touch the ground before raising back up.

On my second set, I let the weight rest on the ground before lifting again. I did not reset my body to a standing position between each rep.

On the third set, I did each rep entirely separately. So I would start each rep standing up, bend down to grab the weight. Lift myself up. Put the weight down. Stand back up without the weights.

I preferred the third set by far, largely because I felt like the first and second method were really testing my grip strength too much. I was almost worried that my grip would give out before my back or legs tired out, especially on the first set. So which way will deliver the best results?

Nelo Ice

So Joker sets and first set last have been game changing for me. On my 1s week and got 8x95lbs on my amrap set for OHP. Then busted out 3 Joker sets after. Feeling so much stronger and I'm on a cut.

Two Words

For my 3 sets of deadlifts today, I tried 3 different kinds of reps.

On my first set, I did each rep so that the weight would almost touch the ground before raising back up.

On my second set, I let the weight rest on the ground before lifting again. I did not reset my body to a standing position between each rep.

On the third set, I did each rep entirely separately. So I would start each rep standing up, bend down to grab the weight. Lift myself up. Put the weight down. Stand back up without the weights.

I preferred the third set by far, largely because I felt like the first and second method were really testing my grip strength too much. I was almost worried that my grip would give out before my back or legs tired out, especially on the first set. So which way will deliver the best results?
It's just my luck to post this at the bottom of the page. I'm gonna repost this like an asshole since I'd really like an answer on it.
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