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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

You can do them everyday if you want. Maybe keep the weighted ab work to 3-4 times a week though.

ok cool. I usually do 3 sets till failure, is that a better approach than focusing on a number? Also does that apply for cardio as well? I usually do it after my workouts. A four min HIIT style combination of burpees, jump squats and mountain climbers.
Finding it hard as hell to be motivated during the usual once a month stall in progress, but upped the weights this week and am considering adding squats/leg press to delt/abs Tuesday.

I usually rock the elliptical for cardio Mon-Fri, but I am considering moving to row machine. Anyone have any experience with it? Anything I should know before trying it out today?


How do you guys find time while life is going on???
I make time, even at the cost of sleep. I wake before four, train for an hour before work and rise and repeat 5x/week. I average six hours of sleep so I know that affects recovery but gym time is about the only me time I get. I'd be worse off without it.

Even for the year plus that I had fuckarounditis and didn't log my workouts, I was still lifting weights 3x-4x a week. Motivation is tricky thing, I firmly believe it can only come from within, no amount of external force can be effective long term if you really don't want to do something for yourself. For example - all the Biggest Loser contestants who gain the weight back - they were partially motivated by money, and without that influence, they lose the motivation they had to keep the weight off.


So if I only just started going to the gym last week and have "only" been there twice, is it okay if I start going everyday, like 5 times a week to lift weights and using machines? I have already changed my diet.


So if I only just started going to the gym last week and have "only" been there twice, is it okay if I start going everyday, like 5 times a week to lift weights and using machines? I have already changed my diet.

Yes, but more importantly, do you have a program you're doing?


Yes, but more importantly, do you have a program you're doing?

Njah, I mean, I have a program which brings me through the machines and then I do 3 sets of each, but I also want to lift pure weights, so changing it a bit to fit myself more I think.

Warm up: Bicycle machine for 10 minutes.

Chest Incline
Chest Press
Leg Curl
Lower Back
Rotary Torso

And then I want to lift weights, and work the machine that trains my chest.

Because the last two times I have been walking around the gym looking at what they got and trying the different things out, and now I have an idea of what I want to use. I'll write it all down and come back in here again to show you. :)


Cycled for 90 minutes today at a resistance and cadence uncomfortable enough to not even be able to pay any attention to my phone or the TVs.

Psycho, how the fuck man? Thought I was going to pass out. Legs were begging to stop.
Cycled for 90 minutes today at a resistance and cadence uncomfortable enough to not even be able to pay any attention to my phone or the TVs.

Psycho, how the fuck man? Thought I was going to pass out. Legs were begging to stop.

Any idea what the cadence was? Anything significantly outside of self selected gets very hard to maintain over a long time, especially if you don't vary your power output from time to time.

I actually find my two hour tempo trainer sessions far harder than the high intensity interval ones. At least with the short brutal bursts you know you'll get a decent break.


Any idea what the cadence was? Anything significantly outside of self selected gets very hard to maintain over a long time, especially if you don't vary your power output from time to time.

I actually find my two hour tempo trainer sessions far harder than the high intensity interval ones. At least with the short brutal bursts you know you'll get a decent break.

Averaged 95rpm with the resistance at 60%. I know that probably means very little...
Yeah, I can't speak to the resistance obviously, but if you're not trained to do it, 95rpm can be pretty high. It's definitely at the high end of what I'm comfortable sustaining for long periods.


Hey guys, I have been training F45 (kinda like cross fit but not really) 3 times a week and have been seeing some good results and am travelling to Europe in 8 weeks so I'm using this as excuse to improve my diet and exercise regime to shred as much as possible.

The diet I plan on sticking to is as follows:
Breakfast - eggs and bacon/ham or omelette
Lunch - homemade sauce (chilli or curry etc) with meat and brown rice
Dinner - meat and vegies (homemade, no starchy carbs)

So more or less, steering clear of refine sugar and carbs except for the brown rice. My vice is diet cola and at the moment I'm sticking to one can a day.

For exercise, plan on ramping up to 5 times a week and add some walking in there on the weekends

My body composition is 5'9, 100kgs with 26% body fat. 31 year old male

What do you guys think of this plan? I've tried cutting carbs entirely and it made me feel ill. Also I got some decent results training and not dieting so I'm hoping this is the right approach

As long as you can stick to it, I don't see anything obviously wrong there. I wouldn't be too concerned about a can of diet coke or whatever either.


Njah, I mean, I have a program which brings me through the machines and then I do 3 sets of each, but I also want to lift pure weights, so changing it a bit to fit myself more I think.

Warm up: Bicycle machine for 10 minutes.

Chest Incline
Chest Press
Leg Curl
Lower Back
Rotary Torso

And then I want to lift weights, and work the machine that trains my chest.

Because the last two times I have been walking around the gym looking at what they got and trying the different things out, and now I have an idea of what I want to use. I'll write it all down and come back in here again to show you. :)

So doing this 5 days a week will not give you the benefits that you want (unless this was just a sample of day X). Check out starting strength or 531 in the OP!


He's certainly strong as he was saucing hard post injuy and lifting at close to 105kg. I think he took a break recently?

...then there's Jesse Norris who is on another level.

All very impressive, but still I find Clarence videos just more impressive, the form is incredible and no support at all. I wonder what he could do with knee wraps, belt, etc.

I mean I've seen the big powerlifters Dan Green and hell even Ronnie Coleman deadlift over 800 lbs. But they were/are on steroids and whatnot. He's so young and does 730 deadlift with a hook grip?? I've been using fat gripz for almost a year now and my grip strength has gotten much better, I can do 385 with a hook grip, no belt, etc.

730 just boggles my mind, this kid is going to get stronger. And to top it off, he's a humble lifter, not like all these instagram fitness experts. Dude just lifts heavy ass weight and gets it done. No filler.


So doing this 5 days a week will not give you the benefits that you want (unless this was just a sample of day X). Check out starting strength or 531 in the OP!
Yeah I'm gonna read the 351 article today. Also just read in the OP that it is better to sprint for 10 minutes on and off, than it is jogging for an hour. I'm gonna add that to my program too.


I'm curious about everyone's exercise volume/consistency. How many days of exercise do you all average each week/month? What's your breakdown between days of strength training and other exercise (cardio, recreational sports, etc)? I'm working on putting together a plan for myself and am wondering if I'm overextending myself.


I'm curious about everyone's exercise volume/consistency. How many days of exercise do you all average each week/month? What's your breakdown between days of strength training and other exercise (cardio, recreational sports, etc)? I'm working on putting together a plan for myself and am wondering if I'm overextending myself.
I lift 4 days per week (A-B upper body split and 2 leg days) and do cardio 6 days per week (45-90 minutes). One rest day.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Keeping good back position during squats is finally starting to feel natural. 3x5 of 200 lbs tonight came easy, and hope that I can quickly work my way back up into the 250s +
So I went to the jungle gym today, made sure to go late (8:30) so that no one was around lol. Managed to do two, sometimes three sloppy pull ups in a row. Did that about 12 times. I guess I'll keep on doing this until my form improves and can eventually do them easily. Feels good, better than the last time where I couldn't even pull myself up once.


I'm curious about everyone's exercise volume/consistency. How many days of exercise do you all average each week/month? What's your breakdown between days of strength training and other exercise (cardio, recreational sports, etc)? I'm working on putting together a plan for myself and am wondering if I'm overextending myself.

Train 5 days.. 1 Day Active Recovery. 1 Day Rest.

Monday: Upperbody / Shoulder Focus / OHP Focus / Bench Aux
Tuesday: Lower Body / Back Squat Focus / Front Squat Aux
Wednesday: Upperbody / Chest Focus / Bench Focus / OHP Aux
Thursday: Fullbody / Back Focus / Deadlift
Friday: Lowerbody / Front Squat Focus / Back Squat Aux / Cardio
Saturday: Active Recovery / Light 'Core' work

Warmup 1 x 5 Bar (Squats) / 1 x 10 Bar (Upperbody) / 135 lbs (Deadlift)
4 x 6
3 x 3
2 x 1

^ For the focus of the day. Rotating volume and intensity for the Aux compound of the day.
Mon: Full body (5/3/1 with two week rotation)
Tue: 1 hour high intensity intervals on turbo trainer.
Wed: Full body (5/3/1 with two week rotation)
Thu: 1.5 hour high intensity intervals on turbo trainer.
Fri: Full body (5/3/1 with two week rotation)
Sat: 2 hour tempo work on turbo train.
Sun: 4-7 hour outdoor mountain bike ride.

About 45 mins warmup / mobility work on weights days, 1.5hrs+ of lifting.


You're a god damn beast.

Thanks! But what does that make this guy? ;)

Mon: Full body (5/3/1 with two week rotation)
Tue: 1 hour high intensity intervals on turbo trainer.
Wed: Full body (5/3/1 with two week rotation)
Thu: 1.5 hour high intensity intervals on turbo trainer.
Fri: Full body (5/3/1 with two week rotation)
Sat: 2 hour tempo work on turbo train.
Sun: 4-7 hour outdoor mountain bike ride.

About 45 mins warmup / mobility work on weights days, 1.5hrs+ of lifting.


Yeah I'm gonna read the 351 article today. Also just read in the OP that it is better to sprint for 10 minutes on and off, than it is jogging for an hour. I'm gonna add that to my program too.

Yup, HIIT is amazing and destroys light jogging! Give it a shot. Any questions, feel free to ask!


Thanks! But what does that make this guy? ;)
Well, it's right there in his name. Somewhat self-explanatory. He's psycho.

(But really, that workout schedule is unreal Psychotext. Doing HIIT workouts for those lengths of time make me want to puke just thinking about it.)


Definitely going through one of those "no motivation to lift right now" because work and life are crazy (great, but nuts). All I want to do when work is over is chill with my wife and baby.

Sometimes lifting feels like a relationship and me and exercise are working through a rough patch right now :p


Definitely going through one of those "no motivation to lift right now" because work and life are crazy (great, but nuts). All I want to do when work is over is chill with my wife and baby.

Sometimes lifting feels like a relationship and me and exercise are working through a rough patch right now :p

In a similar rut right now, my re-injured back has limited my gym time and activity. Some days, I just go straight home.

However, spending more time with my 2 year old son immensely makes up for it.


Yup, HIIT is amazing and destroys light jogging! Give it a shot. Any questions, feel free to ask!

Thanks. I want to read through the OP again (even though I have done so twice), to make sure I get it. And I can hopefully build a plan alongside you guys during the weekend.


In a similar rut right now, my re-injured back has limited my gym time and activity. Some days, I just go straight home.

However, spending more time with my 2 year old son immensely makes up for it.

If your two year old son marries my two year old daughter (as of now, I'd say it's possible bordering on likely), are you going to make me give you a dowry?

Also, I completely agree about enjoying spending more time with your son. My daughter and wife are making me not really care about lifting right now, which is fine by me. After the last 5 years, my body could use a break.


What do you guys think of short cut/bulk cycles? Like 2 month bulk, one month cut. hell I've heard of 3-4 weeks bulk, one edit: week cut.


Lol I just got a couple "gasps" and questioning from my coworkers as they saw me walk over to the box of donuts. "YES, I EAT DONUTS. LOTS OF THEM."


Lol I just got a couple "gasps" and questioning from my coworkers as they saw me walk over to the box of donuts. "YES, I EAT DONUTS. LOTS OF THEM."



If your two year old son marries my two year old daughter (as of now, I'd say it's possible bordering on likely), are you going to make me give you a dowry?

Also, I completely agree about enjoying spending more time with your son. My daughter and wife are making me not really care about lifting right now, which is fine by me. After the last 5 years, my body could use a break.

I may be out of the loop on the dowry system. Is livestock still the preferred payment?


I got the previous OT locked since there's been posts going there time to time over the last two months. Thank you to the regulars that inform them of the new OT.


I may be out of the loop on the dowry system. Is livestock still the preferred payment?

Yes, I assume so? I think both of us have some research to do.

Was this Pyscho before his accident?


This made me laugh too hard not to quote. Hahahaha!!

If I could count on ONE person to appreciate PB humor, it would obviously be you.

p.s. that white chocolate PBco...*bites fist*
I'm curious about everyone's exercise volume/consistency. How many days of exercise do you all average each week/month? What's your breakdown between days of strength training and other exercise (cardio, recreational sports, etc)? I'm working on putting together a plan for myself and am wondering if I'm overextending myself.

I've recently gone to a 5day/week program where 3days a week I do the Stronglifts 5x5 program and the other 2 days I do accessory lifts based on the stronglifts exercises i'm struggling with. (mostly shoulders/back, and chest/tris). I do 20 min of cardio each session (5 min warmup 10 min HIIT and 5 min cooldown)

Only been doing this for like 3 weeks so I'm not sure how its going to help. Mostly added the cardio to increase my cardiovascular health ( blood pressure really). And I need to see some abs by the end of august -_____-
I'm curious about everyone's exercise volume/consistency. How many days of exercise do you all average each week/month? What's your breakdown between days of strength training and other exercise (cardio, recreational sports, etc)? I'm working on putting together a plan for myself and am wondering if I'm overextending myself.

I go six days a week.

I make sure to deliberately work back and chest twice a week.

Legs do get hit twice but I'm currently heavy squatting only once a week. I should be doing cardio but I'm just way too lazy.
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