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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Woah you put on like 10kgs of muscle in 1 year? Damn what a change. Good work! Your legs look crazy.
I guess Lyle McDonald was right about his 20-25 pounds of muscle gain in the first proper year of training. Sadly it will take many years to add another 10kg.

Damn! What a transformation!

What did you do for your cut??
Thanks. My calorie consumption is pretty high, 3900-4000kcal/day on average. So I just dropped the kcal intake down to 2000-2100kcal/day for 4 weeks. I hope I didn't lose any muscles that way. But now I'm back on bulking till next year. I'm aiming for +1.5kg/month with 4300-4400kcal/day.
I guess Lyle McDonald was right about his 20-25 pounds of muscle gain in the first proper year of training. Sadly it will take many years to add another 10kg

Well, I mean you post #halfnatty on IG all the time. Coupled with overblown delts thanks to increased receptors to sauce, bacne/chest acne, etc.

If you're not on gear that's absolutely bonkers and you should seriously get into competitions if you did that in just 1 year. Major props.

If you are on gear I got nothing to say. Just another guy on gear, tbh. Grats, I guess.

Not trying to come at you but your public tagging of yourself on IG doesn't impress if true.
Damn, that's impressive. I put on 30 pounds of muscle in the last 2 years too, but since I started at stick figure I just look like a regular guy now. Sigh...


Doing 5x5 atm and I'm feeling some pain in my right hip/groin area when squatting so I'm taking a break from that for some time. Any good lifts to do in the meantime?
As far as neck/shoulder pain during squats (caused by the barbell), does your neck just get used to it over time, or do i need more shoulder muscle?


Well, it nice to know there's plenty of people in FitGaf that can make up for the slack of some of current broken bodies.


Well, I mean you post #halfnatty on IG all the time. Coupled with overblown delts thanks to increased receptors to sauce, bacne/chest acne, etc.

If you're not on gear that's absolutely bonkers and you should seriously get into competitions if you did that in just 1 year. Major props.

If you are on gear I got nothing to say. Just another guy on gear, tbh. Grats, I guess.

Not trying to come at you but your public tagging of yourself on IG doesn't impress if true.

I feel a lot less terrible now
After 2013 I stopped watching most of the fitness Youtubers because they just got annoying (HodgeTwins are still funny but I enjoyed them for their take on current events instead of fitness advice) and they all just basically partnered up with each other. Plus during that time Youtubers were being called out on how much money they were making; this made a lot of viewers see channels as businesses (which they are) instead of just some guy passionate about fitness, but of course they can be both at the same time.

When people started saying #halfnatty what are they really saying or implying? I use to watch Matt Ogus but that dude became really annoying and it annoyed me how he jokingly dance around the topic of him being on gear or not. I don't assume since I wouldn't want to take away from anyones hardwork but at this point I just feel like if a Youtuber that is being constantly accused doesn't show adequate proof of them not being on gear it probably means that they are.

And that's okay! It is just not okay when they give fitness advice to others and say "You can do it too, just listen to this advice," but they don't say that they are also on gear.

So, what is half natty? Is Ogus on gear? Do you believe that Youtubers that don't address the topic seriously are hiding anything?

If Youtube is there business it would not benefit them to admit former gear use, but it would benefit them to be able to say that they are "natural"
^^ Oh it absolutely diminishes the work they've achieved and especially those who aren't ninnies who juice. It skews perception of what people can achieve - especially to newcomers and seriously harms the rep of the sport. Especially in here.

Gearing up makes you just like the rest of the other nameless, faceless d-bags who are somehow, irrationally proud of being too afraid to push themselves to be the best version they can be without needing juice. Who are too chicken shit to face the realities of hard work so they look for the easy way out because it's easy.

They aren't the strong versions of the human form anyone should look up to. Just weak, scared and pathetic individuals who are so frightened of their own shadow they can't face it on their own.

You have people doing amazing shit and transforming themselves without the help. Patting yourself on the back like so many on gear do baffles the ever living shit out of me. You're literally happy you're afraid of putting in the work to get somewhere on your own like other people do. I guess self-worth isn't part of that equation.

/rant over


What does it mean to be on gear?

That body up there is amazing though. I don't think I can do that in 1 year though. I'm also totally new to this and I hope I will be able to see progress with my own body someday.


The bacne is throwing me off. Very impressive if clean. Still impressive if not but really got to throw out a disclaimer. That's the major problem I have with people on gear. Will give people unrealistic expectations of what they can achieve naturally.
^^ Oh it absolutely diminishes the work they've achieved and especially those who aren't ninnies who juice. It skews perception of what people can achieve - especially to newcomers and seriously harms the rep of the sport. Especially in here.

Gearing up makes you just like the rest of the other nameless, faceless d-bags who are somehow, irrationally proud of being too afraid to push themselves to be the best version they can be without needing juice. Who are too chicken shit to face the realities of hard work so they look for the easy way out because it's easy.

They aren't the strong versions of the human form anyone should look up to. Just weak, scared and pathetic individuals who are so frightened of their own shadow they can't face it on their own.

You have people doing amazing shit and transforming themselves without the help. Patting yourself on the back like so many on gear do baffles the ever living shit out of me. You're literally happy you're afraid of putting in the work to get somewhere on your own like other people do. I guess self-worth isn't part of that equation.

/rant over

I disagree with you 100%. I see nothing wrong with gear use and wanting to use it to help you achieve your goals. To say you aren't working hard is absurd because you still do. It isn't like a magical serum where you just hop on and it is an instant fix. I still respect the hard work it goes into achieve a body like that.

My qualms with it are GrapeApes said. Unrealistic expectations. While we are in the know and can understand what is possible, others do not so it makes it that much harder in trying to find out what one can really achieve.

In any case Faith, huge transformation regardlesss. Mirin the chest.

What does it mean to be on gear?

That body up there is amazing though. I don't think I can do that in 1 year though. I'm also totally new to this and I hope I will be able to see progress with my own body someday.

gear = PEDs/roids

After 2013 I stopped watching most of the fitness Youtubers because they just got annoying (HodgeTwins are still funny but I enjoyed them for their take on current events instead of fitness advice) and they all just basically partnered up with each other. Plus during that time Youtubers were being called out on how much money they were making; this made a lot of viewers see channels as businesses (which they are) instead of just some guy passionate about fitness, but of course they can be both at the same time.

When people started saying #halfnatty what are they really saying or implying? I use to watch Matt Ogus but that dude became really annoying and it annoyed me how he jokingly dance around the topic of him being on gear or not. I don't assume since I wouldn't want to take away from anyones hardwork but at this point I just feel like if a Youtuber that is being constantly accused doesn't show adequate proof of them not being on gear it probably means that they are.

And that's okay! It is just not okay when they give fitness advice to others and say "You can do it too, just listen to this advice," but they don't say that they are also on gear.

So, what is half natty? Is Ogus on gear? Do you believe that Youtubers that don't address the topic seriously are hiding anything?

If Youtube is there business it would not benefit them to admit former gear use, but it would benefit them to be able to say that they are "natural"

I've always understood it as you've pushed as hard as you could and started to get diminishing returns on your natural body. So then you hopped on gear to leave humanity behind.
I disagree with you 100%. I see nothing wrong with gear use and wanting to use it to help you achieve your goals. To say you aren't working hard is absurd because you still do. It isn't like a magical serum where you just hop on and it is an instant fix. I still respect the hard work it goes into achieve a body like that.

My qualms with it are GrapeApes said. Unrealistic expectations. While we are in the know and can understand what is possible, others do not so it makes it that much harder in trying to find out what one can really achieve.

In any case Faith, huge transformation regardlesss. Mirin the chest.

gear = PEDs/roids

Putting in the time is hard work, sure.

Using gear because you want to fast track diminishes that entirely, in my eyes.

It's not real. You were assisted. Throw some lead in a pair of boxing gloves and tell me it doesn't diminish the effort.


Matt Ogus is my idol, that's why I'm using his hashtag. If you think that someone with 37cm arms like me is on gear, ok.

I invested hundreds of hours in the last 16 months. Not only in the gym. I've also read a lot of stuff from guys like Lyle, Eric Helms, Alan Aragon, Andy Morgan, Brad Schoenfeld and other guys. They helped me maximise the progress.
Matt Ogus is my idol, that's why I'm using his hashtag. If you think that someone with 37cm arms like me is on gear, ok.

I invested hundreds of hours in the last 16 months. Not only in the gym. I've also read a lot of stuff from guys like Lyle, Eric Helms, Alan Aragon, Andy Morgan, Brad Schoenfeld and other guys. They helped me maximise the progress.

Does your idol use gear? I use to watch him but I got annoyed with how he changed his personality and just became a spaz.

I'm not calling you out, I was asking about the phrase "halfnatty" since he never gave proof of himself being clean.

And you can say "Well he doesn't need to give you proof--who are you?" and I would agree with that comment. And that is why I stopped watching his videos; he obviously, at the time, didn't want to give real proof so I didn't want to give him my views and time.
Matt Ogus is my idol, that's why I'm using his hashtag. If you think that someone with 37cm arms like me is on gear, ok.

I invested hundreds of hours in the last 16 months. Not only in the gym. I've also read a lot of stuff from guys like Lyle, Eric Helms, Alan Aragon, Andy Morgan, Brad Schoenfeld and other guys. They helped me maximise the progress.

Statements like "if you think X then OK" sounds like a dodge. If you're not on gear, good, better than fantastic work. If you are, I have zero respect.

Use of the hashtag + a dodge + bacne/chesnte (is that a word?) + boulder shoulders like I've never seen anyone put on in a year is suspect. Savvy?

You should just say it flat out either way since plenty people can get the wrong idea and even drastically alter their personal perception of what is vs what isn't possible which can ultimately change their paths for better or worse.

So, you either continue to dodge or not. Ball is in your court, bud.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Matt Ogus is my idol, that's why I'm using his hashtag. If you think that someone with 37cm arms like me is on gear, ok.

I invested hundreds of hours in the last 16 months. Not only in the gym. I've also read a lot of stuff from guys like Lyle, Eric Helms, Alan Aragon, Andy Morgan, Brad Schoenfeld and other guys. They helped me maximise the progress.

I've seen smaller on gear. Hundreds of hours ain't shit, and 16 months ain't shit.

I also noticed the back acne and chest acne. If those are your idols it's also telling. And I'm 100% in agreement. If you're on shit get the F out of here with this shit.

I disagree with you 100%. I see nothing wrong with gear use and wanting to use it to help you achieve your goals. To say you aren't working hard is absurd because you still do. It isn't like a magical serum where you just hop on and it is an instant fix. I still respect the hard work it goes into achieve a body like that.

My qualms with it are GrapeApes said. Unrealistic expectations. While we are in the know and can understand what is possible, others do not so it makes it that much harder in trying to find out what one can really achieve.

In any case Faith, huge transformation regardlesss. Mirin the chest.

gear = PEDs/roids

I've always understood it as you've pushed as hard as you could and started to get diminishing returns on your natural body. So then you hopped on gear to leave humanity behind.

Using brah? Not sure how to take this.

Two Words

What's the best way of seeing the functional strength gains in your hamstrings. I can feel a difference in just about every other muscle groups in my day to day activities. How can I do something that makes me think "oh, my hamstrings are stronger."? All I've got right now is that my hamstring machine curling weight has gone from 55lbs 3 x 10 to 95lbs 3 x 10.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
What does it mean if instead of acne, your back is covered in random patches of hair 🤔

Wait until all the patches join like voltron.

What's the best way of seeing the functional strength gains in your hamstrings. I can feel a difference in just about every other muscle groups in my day to day activities. How can I do something that makes me think "oh, my hamstrings are stronger."? All I've got right now is that my hamstring machine curling weight has gone from 55lbs 3 x 10 to 95lbs 3 x 10.

Good mornings, Romanian deadlifts. And my favorite glute ham raises.


Faith, you should really come out and say one way or another. A lot of people lurk in here and / or are new to here and will see you and think "holy shit, is that achievable". If it is not natural, they should look up to the dudes that have done it natural. If it is, then wow, holy shit, you are a role model to everyone getting started.
I've always understood it as you've pushed as hard as you could and started to get diminishing returns on your natural body. So then you hopped on gear to leave humanity behind.

Hmm I just wish people that call themselves that would be open. The one of the biggest thing I hate about the fitness industry is how people promote workouts and lifestyles but are on gear [or get plastic surgery for "squat butts"].
Maybe Faith has higher testosterone naturally and back acne can happen to anyone. Either way it is not ordinary progress. But congrats!
I've seen smaller on gear. Hundreds of hours ain't shit, and 16 months ain't shit.

I also noticed the back acne and chest acne. If those are your idols it's also telling. And I'm 100% in agreement. If you're on shit get the F out of here with this shit.

Using brah? Not sure how to take this.

if I were using, you'd know!

I guess what I'm trying to say that if you take two people, one on gear and one not, and they are both putting say, 80% of effort into their workout, diet, routine, etc; one isn't working harder than the other. They both are putting in the same effort. Like you said, I too have seen smaller or people with shit physique or numbers on gear. You still gotta work for it.


Putting in the time is hard work, sure.

Using gear because you want to fast track diminishes that entirely, in my eyes.

It's not real. You were assisted. Throw some lead in a pair of boxing gloves and tell me it doesn't diminish the effort.

fair enough


Is there someone on YouTube who can show me how to do the exercises and show me how he does his training? Maybe even motivate a little? I haven't been to the gym for little over a week now and it is starting to bother me, especially as I seem to only be capable of going there in the morning.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

Idk Faith. I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt here so I will do just that but I'm not sure I've ever seen someone make that much progress in a year without added help. Either way you've put in a ton of work.

Nelo Ice

Is there someone on YouTube who can show me how to do the exercises and show me how he does his training? Maybe even motivate a little? I haven't been to the gym for little over a week now and it is starting to bother me, especially as I seem to only be capable of going there in the morning.

Check the OP.

All the vids listed there show how to properly do the big 4 compounds and a few other exercises.
I did a bloodtest earlier this year: results

My test levels are in the midrange. Free test is little bit low because of high SHGB.
You're still not directly answering.

Look at yourself. You've got all the goddamn signs in spades, son. You went from having perfectly smooth pasty white skin to a pimple farms all over the place, the size gains, abnormal delt/shoulder growth, the CONSTANT dodging.

I'm calling it: you're using.

I've seen this before. I've heard the same bullshit dodge non-amswers. All of it.

You're not a special snowflake, son. You didn't invent this game and you're not good at it.

You're just misleading people left and right by not answering directly. Your ass needs to go based on that alone.

So either your next post is going to be a DIRECT answer or I'm backing Brolic and calling you to get the fuck out. We don't need your purposefully misleading ass.

Shit or get off the pot.



I'm not really talking with people that are insulting me (or some of my best friends that are using) in such a way. You have some serious anger issues dude.

I don't want to call me natty because I hate this word. Similiar to vegans that try to elevete themselves by just being vegan. Did I ever use anything listed on the WADA doping list? Yes, DMAA boosters, ephedrine, yohimbine and stuff like that, nothing more. My shoulders als legs are good because of my genetics. My arms and chest are weak because of my genetics. Genetics is everything in this sport. Actually in any sport. My skin doesn't look like before because I'm shaving it every 7-14 days (didn't do that before because there was nothing to show) and because I don't eat healthy like I did last year.

Believe it or not, I don't really care.
"stuff like that"

Look, I was nice before but your constant dodging turned me into a prick.

You're not the first to say or do the same BS. It baffles me how folks like you still use the same excuses and tactics. You never answered directly and vehemently defended yourself like other folks do. You waited, tiptoed around. Now you come here with "stuff like that"

I was on the swim team for about 6 years. Shaving your body is nothing new. All of us did it on the team. We even shaved each other. Sure you'll get the occasional pimple but not like you're sporting. I still shave, btw. Makes replacing infusion sets easier so it doesn't rip my hair out.

Mhmmm. You're not the first to throw these excuses, dance around the subject for so long. People asked earlier and gave you plenty of time but you kept walking on egg shells.

Sorry if I'm not buying the "stuff like that" line. After having a friend die because he used I know all the signs, bullshit excuses, everything.

You're not fooling anyone, dude. Too many peeps in here know the same signs even if they don't speak up.

I'm officially done with you now. Respond all you like and keep dancing. I won't be reading.


How much weight should I have on the bar while high bar squatting? Right now I'm doing just 10kg in all, while my body weight is 80kg.
Why are some people here defending steroids?

I don't care if they are "putting in as much work", it's still cheating, not only that, but unhealthy cheating.

Imagine a race, one person is driving a regular car, while the other shows up in a race car. Both are working just as hard, but one will get massively better results, it's not fair.

The ONLY time I will actually respect someone for using steroids, is if you're a firefighter. Having to lift a 300lbs guy to drag him out of a house fire, I could understand wanting to be as strong as possible. You're hurting your own health to help save lives.

Unless you're a firefighter, or maybe SWAT team or similar, gtfo.
I don't care if they are "putting in as much work", it's still cheating, not only that, but unhealthy cheating.
That's bollocks anyway. It's been tested and you can gain more muscle on steroids sat on a sofa doing nothing than you can as a clean lifter doing the perfect routine with perfect nutrition.


About the gear:

I don't really care either way. I would never use them and I don't support it, but I'm not sure we need to go so far as to turn people away from the thread. I'm seemingly in the minority with this opinion, but it is what it is. I just don't have strong feelings about it, but that may be because I'm not competing.

I also know what kinda of results are realistic for my body. Those are not, but I wish they were!

Edit: Cursed


Jack, I think you are just not happy with your own results (or life in general). If you want to be a prick like you said, fine. But I really don't need your negative attitude in my life. I have a nice job, a girlfriend that I love, good friends and the biggest passion I've ever experienced in life. So it's not really bothering me what you write here. I like this place and will keep reading posts of others and post my own stuff when I feel the need to do so. This forum is free for all members.

My goal is to achieve a physique similiar to Matt Ogus (with my own strengths and weaknesses) und to become pretty strong. So I will just keep doing my science-based thing.
hi fit fam. i've been out of the gym for a month.

time to go back. my friend just finished moving here and i saw her legs. looks like a juicy turkey leg. #feelsbad
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