I need some help in putting together a gym routine. I've been going for almost 6 months now, mainly just focusing on cardio - not taking it
too seriously but still going 6 days a week for 40ish minutes each time.
When I go, I just sort of do whatever I feel like that day without any specific plan (usually at least 30 minutes of cardio and then for the last 10 minutes I'll use a couple of the leg machines or something), but lately I've been experimenting a bit with the free weights (it's taken me all this time to gain the confidence to go into that area of the gym lol) and I must say that I really like it! It's fun, makes me feel good, etc. but I have no idea what I'm doing.
So far I've tried:
barbell curls (50lb x 8, fairly comfortably. 10 with a bit of straining)
regular dumbbell curls (25lb in each arm, about 5-6 reps each arm for a total of 10-12)
wrist curls (25lb x 15 each wrist)
kneeling one arm rows (35lb x 12 each arm)
squats (50lb x 5)
squats while balancing on a bosu ball (the ball-weights only go up to 12lb so I should probably hold something heavier...with 12lb I can do like 30-40 squats)
lunges (40lb x 10 for 4 reps. so 40 lunges total)
Not all on the same day, mind. Like, some days I might just do curls but not rows, or rows but not curls. Etc. My arms are weak and get tired easily. :/
I like to switch things up and try new things, but at the same time I would like an actual routine to follow too. I would like to know which exercises to do, how many of each, and how often I should be doing them.
Age: 25
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 162. Skinny but with a bit of a tummy.
I want to get fitter and healthier overall, above all else, but I guess my ultimate goal would be to look even vaguely like
this guy or
this guy. If possible.