Now I have to respond to "tried and true gear user defense point no. 177"Jack, I think you are just not happy with your own results (or life in general).
Please, son. LOLOLOLOLOL
I don't lack the courage of my conviction so I speak my mind. It's beyond comical how simpletons equate "I'm being criticized" with "they must be unhappy people". Was waiting for this response. How typical
No. I'm just not chicken shit. Big difference.
I wouldn't trade me or all of my ailments for the world and I'm stronger because of it.
Best part? I know it
Funny how the folks that use gear because they are unhappy with themselves knock everyone else who is adamantly against it as being unhappy.
I got popcorn for DAYS now hahahahaha! If I had a dollar for every time I heard that in a YouTube video from a gear user I'd be baller as fuck!
If you don't see how misrepresentation of your work can harm others who are newcomers looking to learn then you are truly a lost cause and a despicable human.
To everyone else, you guys know I'm a piece of work when it comes to speaking my mind.
Having said that - since he is going to continue here I'll leave the community. I won't associate and don't want to be associated with people like him. If any of you feel like saying hi every once in a while - I'm a PM away.
Best to everyone here and keep on the gain train.