Honestly dude, my protein intake is MAYBE 70g, fat is probably....25 lol and carbs is probably....30
WAIT! How big are you??
5'8" 152 and you eat 70/25/30!? Eat more bud!
Honestly dude, my protein intake is MAYBE 70g, fat is probably....25 lol and carbs is probably....30
How are you identifying that I care so much? I'm just pointing out that he's flip-flopping. Either way, I don't buy the "everybody does it so it is okay" argument.Whenever I speed up lifting my heart rate jumps so I'm gonna start swimming when I go seaside in a month and can't wait to start doing all sorts of cardio when I cut in the fall, probably gonna keep at it forever just do liss instead of hiit which i do when cutting.
Or someone might not want to admit to using because besides some, they're usually illegal sooo yeah, not smartest idea to brag about that. Plus literally 99% pro athletes using them, shitton of actors etc who gives a fuck and why does it matter to you so much. They help you get to certain point faster and push you over the natty limit which for most people still looks like DYEL, and even with them genetics play huge part with all the insertions, shapes etc
WAIT! How big are you??
Honestly dude, my protein intake is MAYBE 70g, fat is probably....25 lol and carbs is probably....30
wait.. doesn't that only total 625 calories? you sure about that?
As a lurker of this thread, but not a participant, I say who cares if you're on juice? You're not a competitive athlete, you're not getting kicked out of your sport.
But be up front about it. Don't bullshit about being clean, and dip and dodge around it, and misrepresent what contributed to your "success." That's just pathetic.
172 is an estimate, and a very muscular and long-term (2 yrs. minimum) one, but yes to put on muscle you have to eat and lift. Make sure you're squatting. Making the big muscles grow makes the rest of your muscles more willing to grow as well.172? No kidding, never would have guessed. Anytime I've went over 160 I felt sluggish and bloated. Thank you for the tips. I guess it comes down to eating and lifting more.
172 is an estimate, and a very muscular and long-term (2 yrs. minimum) one, but yes to put on muscle you have to eat and lift. Make sure you're squatting. Making the big muscles grow makes the rest of your muscles more willing to grow as well.
Honestly, there is nothing wrong with the way you look right now, especially the parts you circled. You are definitely under 12% body fat, which most people would consider pretty ripped. And at your weight, dropping from 12 to 9% body fat is seriously only about five pounds. So getting "more shredded" is kind of a nebulous goal. That's why I think it's better to put on some muscle rather than chasing some body fat goal when you already have so little.
We're both lurker status now. What is wrong with the world?As a lurker of this thread, but not a participant
Do you write letters to magazines complaining about models they use which are always on steroids? Or movie studios because actors use them for roles? Or whole fitness industry for that matter.Chamba, Edge, Faith and everyone else who doesn't care about steroid use:
Use your damned heads.
This is a community thread. Not FitChamba or FallingGAF.
LYING and misleading like Faith is doing is damaging to the COMMUNITY, which you are a part of.
You're not just here for you, you're here for everyone. To help, inform, etc.
Not giving a fuck how it affects you is fine but you all SHOULD give a fuck about the precedent it sets.
Faith. I told you before I had nothing to say before you kept lying.
That's what drove me over.
For the rest. Recognize it can affect others even if it doesn't make a dent on you. Be part of the community and think about others, not just yourself. You'll be better people for it.
How are you identifying that I care so much? I'm just pointing out that he's flip-flopping. Either way, I don't buy the "everybody does it so it is okay" argument.
So...I guess you can't really build more muscle without putting on more fat?
Anyways, I'm 5'10", 165 lbs, and somewhere between 20 - 25% body fat (just a guess). Started at 130 lbs in January. I bulked too hard...again.
I hate being this giggly. If you were me, would you gut it out and bulk for another month (which makes 6 months of consistent bulking), or start cutting now?
I think his problem is posting 1 year progress pics which seem nearly impossible naturally and claiming no PEDs were used. Gives newcomers unrealistic expectations about just how difficult and long it takes to achieve the body they desire.Do you write letters to magazines complaining about models they use which are always on steroids? Or movie studios because actors use them for roles? Or whole fitness industry for that matter.
You're singling out such a small thing out of bigger "problem". Most of the "big" guys you see are using PEDs in all forms of media and entertainment.
I didn't mean you, the guy I quoted above who seems too angry, maybe he's got some roid rage.
315 is pretty great for 152lbs, actually. As long as you aren't quarter-squatting or doing it in a Smith machine or something.Edit: Definitely need to work on my squats more, could easily do more than 315 if I focused
315 is pretty great for 152lbs, actually. As long as you aren't quarter-squatting or doing it in a Smith machine or something.
I think his problem is posting 1 year progress pics which seem nearly impossible naturally and claiming no PEDs were used. Gives newcomers unrealistic expectations about just how difficult and long it takes to achieve the body they desire.
Cut bro, and don't do dreamer's bulks like that lol, that's way too much weight gained and most is fat. Gotta count the calories and macros and try lean bulk, that way you'll pack on least fat. Weight yourself consistently, track food, eat clean and lift hard and all's well. But now, I recommend cutting, you're likely to lose what little you gained because you packed too much fat but use that as a lesson. Also don't do an extreme cut now to counter that, go steady 10% deficit or maybe bit more, keep your protein high and lift.
I think his problem is posting 1 year progress pics which seem nearly impossible naturally and claiming no PEDs were used. Gives newcomers unrealistic expectations about just how difficult and long it takes to achieve the body they desire.
Yeah strength gains are great when you eat a lot, I'm also focusing on strength atm but trying not to pack on much fat and progress is noticeably slower compared to when I ate more before.Fuck seriously?
That shit happened last year, but I think that's because I stopped lifting completely and dropped like 40 lbs in 3 months lol (went from 170 down to 130). I was eating like 3000 calories last year because everyone was telling me to just stuff my face due to me being so skinny. Then I got fat. So this go around I did like 2500, and still got fat. Wtf....
I got like 5 months worth of strength gains from last year back in like 1.5 - 2 months this year though.
The thing is everytime my lifts stall I'll eat a bit more and they go up. Then I'm like "shit I'm getting fat" so I cut back a little and my lifts stall again.
Fuck seriously?
That shit happened last year, but I think that's because I stopped lifting completely and dropped like 40 lbs in 3 months lol (went from 170 down to 130). I was eating like 3000 calories last year because everyone was telling me to just stuff my face due to me being so skinny. Then I got fat. So this go around I did like 2500, and still got fat. Wtf....
I got like 5 months worth of strength gains from last year back in like 1.5 - 2 months this year though.
The thing is everytime my lifts stall I'll eat a bit more and they go up. Then I'm like "shit I'm getting fat" so I cut back a little and my lifts stall again.
I agree about being upfront with steroid use especially for beginners or lurkers that may not be able to tell what is and isn't realistic to achieve naturally. It also shouldn't be hard for users to be upfront about it since nearly all of us aren't making money off of our strength or physique and we're not going to get arrested for admitting to steroid use on a forum. That said, I won't vilify those who use. If tomorrow Pete Rubish started posting deadlift tips I would eat them up and pick his brain for any information he can give out and the last thing on my mind would be bringing up how much he uses.
You want to know what my stance was? Read my first reply to Faith's pics.Do you write letters to magazines complaining about models they use which are always on steroids? Or movie studios because actors use them for roles? Or whole fitness industry for that matter.
You're singling out such a small thing out of bigger "problem". Most of the "big" guys you see are using PEDs in all forms of media and entertainment.
I didn't mean you, the guy I quoted above who seems too angry, maybe he's got some roid rage.
Yeah, well said as well. Like demented said, it's fine to question how natural it was achieved but there were definitely some personal attacks in here and that went too far. I'm glad it's died down though and we can get back to the grind.
p.s. I just saw your shin pics. LOL. dude, is it always that bad for you?
99% of the hate for steroid use stems from lying about it and selling yourself as a natural.I agree about being upfront with steroid use especially for beginners or lurkers that may not be able to tell what is and isn't realistic to achieve naturally. It also shouldn't be hard for users to be upfront about it since nearly all of us aren't making money off of our strength or physique and we're not going to get arrested for admitting to steroid use on a forum. That said, I won't vilify those who use. If tomorrow Pete Rubish started posting deadlift tips I would eat them up and pick his brain for any information he can give out and the last thing on my mind would be bringing up how much he uses.
That's awesome! You'll be back at it in no time. Congrats on... Well... Everything!!life transformation stuff
Hi FitGAF, it's been awhile.
Quick recap of my last couple of months:
1) Had to stop going to the gym so I could finish fixing up my 1970s house on 5 acres to sell.
2) Sold it, then had to spend every free moment and weekend packing house as well as business, and then moving both.
3) Moved to Bend, OR, which has been my dream location for as long as I can remember. Beer Mecca, with access to literally every outdoor activity.
4) Wife got pregnant, which we were told was pretty much impossible due to health issues. Greatest news of my life. However, due to wife in 1st trimester and being super sick/tired, I did most of the prior 3 points myself.
5) Ordered everything I need for a home gym, now that I have a proper garage that isn't being used for Hay/Feed storage. Time to get back on the horse.
I've maintained with some cardio and tons of moving. Still running 5-6 days a week, but just haven't had time to pick up a barbell. Soon!
Speaking of pregnancy, Mrs. mkenyon brought this up about a week ago:
Half natty generally means one of two things:After 2013 I stopped watching most of the fitness Youtubers because they just got annoying (HodgeTwins are still funny but I enjoyed them for their take on current events instead of fitness advice) and they all just basically partnered up with each other. Plus during that time Youtubers were being called out on how much money they were making; this made a lot of viewers see channels as businesses (which they are) instead of just some guy passionate about fitness, but of course they can be both at the same time.
When people started saying #halfnatty what are they really saying or implying? I use to watch Matt Ogus but that dude became really annoying and it annoyed me how he jokingly dance around the topic of him being on gear or not. I don't assume since I wouldn't want to take away from anyones hardwork but at this point I just feel like if a Youtuber that is being constantly accused doesn't show adequate proof of them not being on gear it probably means that they are.
And that's okay! It is just not okay when they give fitness advice to others and say "You can do it too, just listen to this advice," but they don't say that they are also on gear.
So, what is half natty? Is Ogus on gear? Do you believe that Youtubers that don't address the topic seriously are hiding anything?
If Youtube is there business it would not benefit them to admit former gear use, but it would benefit them to be able to say that they are "natural"
Most Youtubers cannot admit to steroid usage because it is a federal offense. They can literally be thrown in jail for admitting to it, so their is pretty much zero incentive to be honest about steroid use.
Hi FitGAF, it's been awhile.
Quick recap of my last couple of months:
1) Had to stop going to the gym so I could finish fixing up my 1970s house on 5 acres to sell.
2) Sold it, then had to spend every free moment and weekend packing house as well as business, and then moving both.
3) Moved to Bend, OR, which has been my dream location for as long as I can remember. Beer Mecca, with access to literally every outdoor activity.
4) Wife got pregnant, which we were told was pretty much impossible due to health issues. Greatest news of my life. However, due to wife in 1st trimester and being super sick/tired, I did most of the prior 3 points myself.
5) Ordered everything I need for a home gym, now that I have a proper garage that isn't being used for Hay/Feed storage. Time to get back on the horse.
I've maintained with some cardio and tons of moving. Still running 5-6 days a week, but just haven't had time to pick up a barbell. Soon!
If you want to work a little harder or eat a little less to compensate then go for it. If you take it too far though, you might end up yo-yo-ing back and forth between binging and extreme dieting, which is not the best.Can I fill the gap with a week of p90x? Is a week off going to kill me after 2 days of eating like I hate myself?
Don't freak out. This just happened to me. I "bulked" (go ahead, Pyscho, GO AHEAD!) from 152-173 or so, and although I gained some strength for a while on all of my lifts, i seem to have lost everything after my cut. I'm now 155 and only slightly stronger than before. It wasn't even that dirty of a bulk, but i think i increased calories too much. Next time I will try doing it much more slowly/carefully.
Were you lifting while cutting? I'm reading this thing right now that says you shouldn't lose much strength as long as you keep lifting heavy and get enough protein, especially if you're over like 12% body fat. Last time I lost everything because I stopped lifting and ate like 1200 calories a day because I was in a mad rush to get all the fat off of me.
This time I'm gonna try to cut July and August while lifting and getting enough protein, and see where I'm at by September.
That story came from Sweden lolI think it is in Sweden or Switzerland where the police can take you into custody if you are too big and they suspect gear use.
Yah, I mean I can go to doctor get prescription for TRT no problem and buy it at pharmacy, quite easy and I'd consider it if my test was below average but in the long run when you come off it it just goes away in time.. I mean even if you use it, along with others, to achieve great physique, and then try your hardest you'll still get back to at most your natty limit, which will still be far from where you were with few proper cycles, and with all the risks involved it's just not worth it for me personally.Nanny states ruining things for everyone "/
Just came across this post. I mean, what the actual fuck? You have some serious mental health problems dude. Get it sorted out. This anger might kill you (or other people).^^ Oh it absolutely diminishes the work they've achieved and especially those who aren't ninnies who juice. It skews perception of what people can achieve - especially to newcomers and seriously harms the rep of the sport. Especially in here.
Gearing up makes you just like the rest of the other nameless, faceless d-bags who are somehow, irrationally proud of being too afraid to push themselves to be the best version they can be without needing juice. Who are too chicken shit to face the realities of hard work so they look for the easy way out because it's easy.
They aren't the strong versions of the human form anyone should look up to. Just weak, scared and pathetic individuals who are so frightened of their own shadow they can't face it on their own.
Sometimes it's better to just move on as if it never happened and continue with your usual regimen.
Ohhh, I misunderstood. Yeah do p90 this week!Won't be able to do my regs until next Monday, unfortunately. I was gonna try to fill in not being able to make it to the gym this week with p90. Definitely going to pretend this weekend didn't happen. ::squiggly forget fingers::
Just came across this post. I mean, what the actual fuck? You have some serious mental health problems dude. Get it sorted out. This anger might kill you (or other people).
Nothing like some steroid talk to increase activity in FitGaf! lol
There's a few people taking tren at my gym and good lord does that stuff work. These guys did what took me 3 years in like 12 weeks. It's nuts!