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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Hello friends,

I would like to start working out, specifically lifting, three times per week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday) And would love if someone could point me to great work outs for specific muscle groups? I'm most interested in working my shoulders, legs, chest, back, biceps, triceps, and getting a sweet plump but firm booty. I would also love to have those six pack abs that are all the rage. Where should I start? Also, I don't have any leg machines at home where I'll be working out, so what are good leg exercises I could do without machines or weights?

Wait a sec, those specific muscle groups that you mentioned are pretty much all the muscle groups.


Hey Guys. I had been running for the last 3 months to lose weight. Started at 6.01ft 204 down to 190 doing an exclusively cardio workout. (2 miles a day). Stupidly bumped it up to 6 miles and injured my knee. Been on rest for the last month and i'm afraid i will lose all the progress i made. Any light workout you guys would recommend that are not too hard on the knees? Is it possible to reduce my waste size and weight on a diet alone? Please help me Gaf.
Hey Guys. I had been running for the last 3 months to lose weight. Started at 6.01ft 204 down to 190 doing an exclusively cardio workout. (2 miles a day). Stupidly bumped it up to 6 miles and injured my knee. Been on rest for the last month and i'm afraid i will lose all the progress i made. Any light workout you guys would recommend that are not too hard on the knees? Is it possible to reduce my waste size and weight on a diet alone? Please help me Gaf.

Controlling your diet is the most important factor in losing weight. You could lose weight without ever working out.
Today I weighed in a pound less than my goal weight. BP down from 136/83 to 97/44. Resting HR 49. Was able to knockout pull-ups last night with more ease than I ever have. Feels so damn good...but now it's time for new goals. Strength and flexibility with a lot of focus of flexibility.


Junior Member
Today I weighed in a pound less than my goal weight. BP down from 136/83 to 97/44. Resting HR 49. Was able to knockout pull-ups last night with more ease than I ever have. Feels so damn good...but now it's time for new goals. Strength and flexibility with a lot of focus of flexibility.

Damn! That's awesome! Nice job dude!


Today I weighed in a pound less than my goal weight. BP down from 136/83 to 97/44. Resting HR 49. Was able to knockout pull-ups last night with more ease than I ever have. Feels so damn good...but now it's time for new goals. Strength and flexibility with a lot of focus of flexibility.

Love posts like this. 97/44, though...you sure you're alive? Nice work man!!
Hey Guys. I had been running for the last 3 months to lose weight. Started at 6.01ft 204 down to 190 doing an exclusively cardio workout. (2 miles a day). Stupidly bumped it up to 6 miles and injured my knee. Been on rest for the last month and i'm afraid i will lose all the progress i made. Any light workout you guys would recommend that are not too hard on the knees? Is it possible to reduce my waste size and weight on a diet alone? Please help me Gaf.

I don't know, knees are pretty important. But, you have learned the lesson: never do running for fitness. When your knee is better, stick to strength training to lose weight, ellipticals or biking or rowing for cardiovascular fitness. Running is for people who want to compete in running. There's much safer ways to just lose weight, to include walking.

But as far as what you can do right now, some gyms have these things that are like bikes for your arms. You could probably also get one of those under desk bikes and put it on a table and arm bike that. And upper body lifts, of course.


Squat 1 rep @ 415 lbs. Clean as fuck. Felt great. Excited to try 425 in 3 weeks.

That's the power of fluffiness.



I'm curious to hear GAF's opinion on the treadmill vs elliptical machine specifically for cardio and endurance. I've spent time with both, and I prefer the elliptical because it isn't so hard on my knees, but I've heard that the treadmill is more effective.

Alternatively, when I'm not at the gym, I've been focusing on running laps around my school's track; focusing on achieving a distance of 1.5 miles.


Hey Guys. I had been running for the last 3 months to lose weight. Started at 6.01ft 204 down to 190 doing an exclusively cardio workout. (2 miles a day). Stupidly bumped it up to 6 miles and injured my knee. Been on rest for the last month and i'm afraid i will lose all the progress i made. Any light workout you guys would recommend that are not too hard on the knees? Is it possible to reduce my waste size and weight on a diet alone? Please help me Gaf.
Diet diet diet diet diet diet

It's all about your diet. Cardio just makes it easier as it allows you to eat more and still lose weight, but even then, it's still about the diet.
Squat 1 rep @ 415 lbs. Clean as fuck. Felt great. Excited to try 425 in 3 weeks.
Glad to hear you still know how to use barbells! All those machine and DB guys look lost when they get in the rack. :p
Hello friends,

I would like to start working out, specifically lifting, three times per week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday) And would love if someone could point me to great work outs for specific muscle groups? I'm most interested in working my shoulders, legs, chest, back, biceps, triceps, and getting a sweet plump but firm booty. I would also love to have those six pack abs that are all the rage. Where should I start? Also, I don't have any leg machines at home where I'll be working out, so what are good leg exercises I could do without machines or weights?
Do you have a barbell, plates, a power rack, and a bench? If not, would it be too much trouble to either get that, or get a gym membership?
I'm curious to hear GAF's opinion on the treadmill vs elliptical machine specifically for cardio and endurance. I've spent time with both, and I prefer the elliptical because it isn't so hard on my knees, but I've heard that the treadmill is more effective.

Alternatively, when I'm not at the gym, I've been focusing on running laps around my school's track; focusing on achieving a distance of 1.5 miles.
I have no data to back this up, at all. But, I feel like Ellipticals are a total waste of space. It's like they are capable of putting your body into a hard cardio work, but there's no muscle that is responding to the fact that your body is being worked. I always feel like I'm just treading water.

If you want something lower impact, what about an Airdyne? Or just any sort of bike? Alternatively, use the treadmill at max incline at a fast walk speed. That's what I did when I had a severe ankle sprain about a year back. Upside to that last one is that it's a great calf workout.


Today I weighed in a pound less than my goal weight. BP down from 136/83 to 97/44. Resting HR 49. Was able to knockout pull-ups last night with more ease than I ever have. Feels so damn good...but now it's time for new goals. Strength and flexibility with a lot of focus of flexibility.
Congrats man. Visually were you where you wanted to be after hitting your goal weight? Excluding what you hope to achieve by focusing on strength now, of course.

Scale-wise I've been stuck around 150 for the past week after dipping into the 140-149 range the weekend before. It's frustrating but I know my deficit is good and it finally seems like some of my lower belly fat is starting to shrink a little.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I'm curious to hear GAF's opinion on the treadmill vs elliptical machine specifically for cardio and endurance. I've spent time with both, and I prefer the elliptical because it isn't so hard on my knees, but I've heard that the treadmill is more effective.

Alternatively, when I'm not at the gym, I've been focusing on running laps around my school's track; focusing on achieving a distance of 1.5 miles.
I feel like with the elliptical it's impossible to really push yourself without upping the resistance, at which point your muscles tend to give out before your heart and lungs. Plus the elliptical doesn't really train you for anything, you are training muscles to do something they will never have to do. That said, I prefer the elliptical for cardio, purely because I am getting to old to risk my knees and ankles with something higher impact.


Was looking for a diet gaf thread but only saw this one so hope this is a good place for this.

Just thought I'd post this since it might help someone. I recently started a diet called the every other day diet and its been working well. Theres a book on Amazon by the same name. The diet it self doesnt require the book but the book has the research data and other information. Seems the data is pretty solid.

The gist of the date is you alternate between fast and feast days. 1 day is fast day where you can have around 500 calories (I go for high protein on these days) while on feast days you eat whatever you want basically. No counting calories or avoiding certain foods, etc.

Eating better and exercise obviously helps speed things up but are not required. Best bet is to check out the book on amazon and the authors site and/or youtube videos. The author/Dr. was on a few well known morning shows, etc.

The diet might not be ideal for everyone but because the rules are simple and you always know you can eat what you want the next day, its pretty easy to adjust to. The first few feast days I was like ohhh I'm going to make the most of these days, still lost weight. Now I east what I want but its not really a feast day just a normal eating day. Fasting days getting easier as well.

Hope this helps someone.
Love posts like this. 97/44, though...you sure you're alive? Nice work man!!

HA! GF said the same thing! I didn't realize just how low that was until I started doing some research. Definitely planning to ask the doc about it next check up.

Congrats man. Visually were you where you wanted to be after hitting your goal weight? Excluding what you hope to achieve by focusing on strength now, of course.

Scale-wise I've been stuck around 150 for the past week after dipping into the 140-149 range the weekend before. It's frustrating but I know my deficit is good and it finally seems like some of my lower belly fat is starting to shrink a little.

Visually, I have enough baby ab definition to feel comfortable in a bikini, but I know I could push harder and cut more. Part of me is considering taking off another 5, but part of me kinda likes a little softness. I notice that sometimes women's faces look weird when of a certain age and remaining super slim. I want to avoid that. My guess is, by keeping my regular workout routine and eating like I want to live I will continue to drop, but way more slowly.

There is something about that scale, man. I stopped weighing myself every day. I was hovering around 139/140 for weeks with some dips, but always all the way back to 139/140. Instead I weigh in twice a week. For some reason...this helped. I guess because I am not stupid focused on it.


The scale thing can be a total nightmare sometimes. If you do want to track with a scale, the best thing to do is have something to track long term progress. Seeing a random spike in contrast to an overall decline with lots of spikes scattered helps soothe the brain a bit.

But if you're also putting on muscle, well, then you can end up staying at about the same weight while still losing a good bit of fat. Whenever I get into a heavy cut routine, I always up my weightlifting, then end up sticking right around 190-195 no matter what I do.
Just thought I'd post this since it might help someone. I recently started a diet called the every other day diet and its been working well. Theres a book on Amazon by the same name. The diet it self doesnt require the book but the book has the research data and other information. Seems the data is pretty solid.

The gist of the date is you alternate between fast and feast days. 1 day is fast day where you can have around 500 calories (I go for high protein on these days) while on feast days you eat whatever you want basically. No counting calories or avoiding certain foods, etc.

It's known as 4:3 or 5:2. It's pretty common and quite well understood at this point.

I wouldn't say you "eat whatever you want" on feast days though. I know someone that tried that and still managed to put on weight fairly easily. They have a MASSIVE appetite though.


It's known as 4:3 or 5:2. It's pretty common and quite well understood at this point.

I wouldn't say you "eat whatever you want" on feast days though. I know someone that tried that and still managed to put on weight fairly easily. They have a MASSIVE appetite though.

Ahh ok, I do know the Dr/author of the every other day diet book who did all the research did want to make it clear she doesnt support the 5:2 as the data was collected for that model. The author of the 5:2 sites studies and data which are actually based on her every other day model.

She doesnt say 5:2 doesnt work but she cant validate it because the data wasnt collected for it.

As for feast days following the every other day model, I'm not putting constraints on what eat and did pig out a bit at first and still lost. Only exercise being walking. But I'm sure there are people it wont work for, however I think for a good chunk of people its a pretty easy model to follow since there not much work to it beside the fasting days.


HA! GF said the same thing! I didn't realize just how low that was until I started doing some research. Definitely planning to ask the doc about it next check up.

My wife's is about that low and she randomly gets light headed, so be careful. Still, amazing work to knock it down 30+ points.


Wow, I read that Eddie Hall burst some blood vessels in his head when he lifted 500kg. In hindsight, I noticed that he was bleeding from his nose after the lift.
Hmm... I think my mountain bike crash may have done more damage than I realised to my elbow / arm. Just tried doing some triceps work, and even though it's a couple of weeks after the injury now, my elbow felt like it was being ripped apart even with light weights.

Sigh. Hopefully it's just still some swelling / bruising internally rather than anything more serious.


Hmm... I think my mountain bike crash may have done more damage than I realised to my elbow / arm. Just tried doing some triceps work, and even though it's a couple of weeks after the injury now, my elbow felt like it was being ripped apart even with light weights.

Sigh. Hopefully it's just still some swelling / bruising internally rather than anything more serious.
Go see a doctor, isn't it free there!?


Yes, but it basically means losing an entire day, so in reality it's going to cost me a hell of a lot. =/
Health is worth more than all the money in the world. Especially for people like yourself who get so much pleasure out of being active.

Take care of it man.
On the subject, how much do you guys in the US pay for a doctor's appointment (assuming it's not covered by insurance)? I pay for my physio appointments, but they're pretty cheap in reality (about $40USD a session).


I work in Healthcare Administration, so I can answer this one with a pretty large set of anecdotal information.

Typical doctor office visits (30-45 mins, average complexity) are about $140-200. Shorter visits, 10-30 mins, are about $90-$120.

Anything that's below an MD, like Chiropractor, Rehab, all that stuff, is about $100-150/hr.

That's out of pocket, or at least, at the insurance negotiated rate.
I'm retarded and dropped a 25 plate on my foot while unloading the bar. At least I didn't fracture but it still hurts "/

Why is it sometimes weight feels like double of that is really is? I feel bad setting lower weight and can barely do my regular amount of reps.

Haha, that's because weight progression is not actually linear against endurance. It's like the analogy that being able to bench 30 lbs for 100 reps does not mean you can bench 300 lbs for 10 reps.


On the subject, how much do you guys in the US pay for a doctor's appointment (assuming it's not covered by insurance)? I pay for my physio appointments, but they're pretty cheap in reality (about $40USD a session).

I can only quote our Pediatricians at this point - about $75-150 depending on reasons.

Until the deductible is met, but my son's deductible gets met about 6 weeks into the plan year - after that we pay 15% of the above rate.


Could someone be kind and explain to me the core differences between regular squat and box squat? I don't mind doing them, but I have been thinking why my physiotherapist said I could switch between those two (and no, I can't ask him since he is super booked and very expensive and they ended my health insurance since it wasn't beneficial to them anymore).

Went to a friend's 21st birthday party in my tightest shirt. I had people putting their hands on my pecs and my fitness and looks were complimented a few times. Totally new experience for me. It was wild. Thank you fitgaf!!!
Wow. I haven't even seen you and I already want to feel your pecs.

Could we have some photos?

..you know, for science.

This is why I wear my pants tight in the crotch.
Duly noted.

Feeling like dog shit. Back is still in pain this week. Couldn't do cardio yesterday so I skipped it. Will try again today. It's back day, to boot. May the force be with me.
I am not exactly sure how dog shit generally feels, but back pain is the worse ever. Did you already see a doctor about it?

Today I weighed in a pound less than my goal weight. BP down from 136/83 to 97/44. Resting HR 49. Was able to knockout pull-ups last night with more ease than I ever have. Feels so damn good...but now it's time for new goals. Strength and flexibility with a lot of focus of flexibility.
Congratulations! I know some of the drop in the BP is certainly from working out, but may I ask how much weight did you lose in total? :D

Squat 1 rep @ 415 lbs. Clean as fuck. Felt great. Excited to try 425 in 3 weeks.

Hmm... I think my mountain bike crash may have done more damage than I realised to my elbow / arm. Just tried doing some triceps work, and even though it's a couple of weeks after the injury now, my elbow felt like it was being ripped apart even with light weights.

Sigh. Hopefully it's just still some swelling / bruising internally rather than anything more serious.
Dammit. Injuries suck. Hopefully you will be back to normal soon enough!

Hey Guys. I had been running for the last 3 months to lose weight. Started at 6.01ft 204 down to 190 doing an exclusively cardio workout. (2 miles a day). Stupidly bumped it up to 6 miles and injured my knee. Been on rest for the last month and i'm afraid i will lose all the progress i made. Any light workout you guys would recommend that are not too hard on the knees? Is it possible to reduce my waste size and weight on a diet alone? Please help me Gaf.
Exactly what lads have already said in here. Diet is the key factor.

If you want to do some cardio while you are eating brilliantly well, I would recommend crosstrainer or swimming. Both easy on your knees and joints. I must say I totally love swimming, but I hate swimming halls and they totally dry out my hair and feet - still worth it though.
So, Im interested in doing weighted pull ups at home on the cheap, so I dont want to buy a weighted vest. Would there be downsides to using ankle weights, or hell, putting some dumbbells in my backpack to simulate a weighted vest? ( i imagine the weight distribution might cause issues with the backpack idea)

Any advice on weighted pull ups in general?
So, Im interested in doing weighted pull ups at home on the cheap, so I dont want to buy a weighted vest. Would there be downsides to using ankle weights, or hell, putting some dumbbells in my backpack to simulate a weighted vest? ( i imagine the weight distribution might cause issues with the backpack idea)

Any advice on weighted pull ups in general?

Don't use a vest, use a weight belt. I used a vest for some time and found it messes with your form (and it's a pain in the arse to change the weight of it).

This sort of thing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001P0S3XU/?tag=neogaf0e-20
So, Im interested in doing weighted pull ups at home on the cheap, so I dont want to buy a weighted vest. Would there be downsides to using ankle weights, or hell, putting some dumbbells in my backpack to simulate a weighted vest? ( i imagine the weight distribution might cause issues with the backpack idea)

Any advice on weighted pull ups in general?
Belt like Psycho said or stick a dumbbell between your knees. This will also teach you to tighten your whole body during pullups to limit any body motion that will help you pull yourself up. Stiff like a board straight down to your toes.
Belt like Psycho said or stick a dumbbell between your knees. This will also teach you to tighten your whole body during pullups to limit any body motion that will help you pull yourself up. Stiff like a board straight down to your toes.

Might do the dumbbell then. I have a door pull up bar, and the door frame is low, if Im straight up and down as I move down on the pull up, my feet hit th3 floor
Am looking at adding some more MTB specific weights in as accessories (I've pretty much given up on getting "strong" in the main lifts so I figure my time is better spent being sport specific)... and a lot of them seem to use kettlebells. I have a couple, but they're pretty shitty.

Anyone recommend a particular brand / type that they rate? It's hard to tell on a lot of them until you actually have them in your hands, and by that point the money is already spent so it's too late.

Related... this exercise looks, uhh... interesting: Mace 360
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