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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

I'm retarded and dropped a 25 plate on my foot while unloading the bar. At least I didn't fracture but it still hurts "/

Dropping a plate on your foot is the worst. A few years back in one of my prior workout phases, I dropped a 45-lb plate right on my toes. A lot of bruising, but I could walk on it the next day (gingerly), so that was good enough for me.


Brian Burke punched my mom

Researchers recruited two groups of men for the study -- all of them experienced weight lifters -- who followed a 12-week, whole-body protocol. One group lifted lighter weights (up to 50 per cent of maximum strength) for sets ranging from 20 to 25 repetitions. The other group lifted heavier weights (up to 90 per cent of maximum strength) for eight to 12 repetitions. Both groups lifted to the point of failure.

How is that even possible?

90% is typically 2-3 reps.
We reported, using a unilateral resistance training (RT) model, that training with high or low loads (mass per repetition) resulted in similar muscle hypertrophy and strength improvements in RT-naïve subjects. Here we aimed to determine whether the same was true in men with previous RT experience using a whole-body RT program and whether postexercise systemic hormone concentrations were related to changes in hypertrophy and strength. Forty-nine resistance-trained men (23 ± 1 yr, mean ± SE) performed 12 wk of whole-body RT. Subjects were randomly allocated into a higher-repetition (HR) group who lifted loads of ∼30-50% of their maximal strength (1RM) for 20–25 repetitions/set (n = 24) or a lower-repetition (LR) group (∼75–90% 1RM, 8–12 repetitions/set, n = 25), with all sets being performed to volitional failure.

From the actual study. I guess someone did 90%? Maybe incorrect 1RM?

Interestingly, they say irrespective of rep range the most important part of the process is training to volitional failure (basically stopping before your form starts to break down).


From the actual study. I guess someone did 90%? Maybe incorrect 1RM?

Interestingly, they say irrespective of rep range the most important part of the process is training to volitional failure (basically stopping before your form starts to break down).

Yeah, that part intrigued me. Wow.

Still, there's something intriguing to me to keep challenging myself to lift heavier and heavier things...

Though, this is great for people who might otherwise injure themselves trying to lift heavy without proper form.


So I'm not going to do Starting Strength, but I'm going to start adapting some of its principles to try and give myself a boost. I've been working out for 2 years and don't feel like I've made much progress lately. Previously I would start a set lightweight and then build up to a max, usually resulting in 5 sets starting at 10 reps and ending at 3-5 sets at max. Now I'm going to start jumping straight to max and doing 3x5. I'm also going to start taking more than 1 minute rests between sets. However I'm not going to follow the exact exercises on the SS schedule.

I'm 6'4" 202 lbs for reference


Bench Press 3x5 at 220lbs. Failed on 5th rep of final set
Curls Barbell 3x10 at 90lbs. Failed on 8th rep of final set (I'll switch to a higher weight next time to do 5 reps instead of 10, all the stations with higher weights were taken today)
Incline Bench Dumbbells 3x10 at 40, 45, 50lbs each hand. I haven't doe incline bench with dumbbells before so I eased myself into this one.
Standing Shoulder Press Dumbbells 3x5 at 60lbs each hand. Failed on 4th rep of final set.

Felt weird to only do 5 exercises, I usually do a bunch of accessory stuff. We'll see how it goes.

SS wants me to take a complete rest day tomorrow... I do not want to do that. I'm gonna move on to back stuff tomorrow. Also I usually run 4 miles every night, which I don't want to stop doing... maybe that's why I haven't made much progress lately.

Here's a photo of where I'm at right now. Reeeaally want to get BF% down. I'll try to remember to post another in a few months.



Shit study is shit. 8-12 reps on maximal strength lifts? WTH?

I think this requires further study, but I think the focus should be less on the numbers and more on the "to failure" aspect.

It just so happens lifting heavier will get you to failure much faster. On the flip side, some types of lifting injuries can possibly be avoided.
Went to a friend's 21st birthday party in my tightest shirt. I had people putting their hands on my pecs and my fitness and looks were complimented a few times. Totally new experience for me. It was wild. Thank you fitgaf!!!

i only try to wear shirts in which the sleeves hug my arms

either that or get bigger arms



Front squats 250 4x4 and amrap set of 7. Didn't chalk myself up so on the 7th rep the bar had rolled down almost to my bicep or else I could have gotten a couple more. Followed with conventional deadlifts 405 4x4 and an amrap of 6. We're all gonna make it brahs.
Hey quick question;

I've decided to drink my protein shakes with whole milk to get some extra calories and protein. I've been reading up about gomad and decided id rather drink half a gallon which is about 64 ounces.

Each shake is about 20oz so 3 shakes a day is about half a gallon a day. I figure this will help me gain some weight. But 60 oz of whole milk is about 90 grams of sugar if my math is correct.

Isn't that a lot for a days worth of sugar? Currently i eat very little and 90 grams is a big jump.

Any advice? Thanks
Shit study is shit. 8-12 reps on maximal strength lifts? WTH?


You're not Superman? NOOB!

Hey quick question;

I've decided to drink my protein shakes with whole milk to get some extra calories and protein. I've been reading up about gomad and decided id rather drink half a gallon which is about 64 ounces.

Each shake is about 20oz so 3 shakes a day is about half a gallon a day. I figure this will help me gain some weight. But 60 oz of whole milk is about 90 grams of sugar if my math is correct.

Isn't that a lot for a days worth of sugar? Currently i eat very little and 90 grams is a big jump.

Any advice? Thanks
Load your shakes.

Peanut butter
Olive oil
Maybe ice cream

You don't need to drink gallons of milk. Make them shakes hearty, instead!
It is a lot, but it's also sugar in the form of lactose which breaks down to glucose and galactose (not such a worry vs sucrose or fructose)... and at the end of the day, I assume you're drinking that much because you want to put on weight.

Edit - Don't put eggs in your shake... you're not rocky. :p
Hey quick question;

I've decided to drink my protein shakes with whole milk to get some extra calories and protein. I've been reading up about gomad and decided id rather drink half a gallon which is about 64 ounces.

Each shake is about 20oz so 3 shakes a day is about half a gallon a day. I figure this will help me gain some weight. But 60 oz of whole milk is about 90 grams of sugar if my math is correct.

Isn't that a lot for a days worth of sugar? Currently i eat very little and 90 grams is a big jump.

Any advice? Thanks

Don't do GOMAD, it doesn't work.
Man, work was so boring yesterday that I almost fell asleep despite having 8:30h of sleep that night. My lifts were terrible as a consequence as I go to the gym immediately after work.
D'oh. I just threw out about 4kg of protein power. I bought a 5kg pack a few years ago when I was using it regularly... but these days I try to get all my protein from real food (with the odd quest bar here and there). It's about 9 months past its best before so I figured enough was enough on that front.

Oh well, lesson learned.


1 meter 74 centimetres, 5 feet 8.5 inches?
Dont know how to put it on murican units
Weighing 120 pounds, about 55 kgs.
Been like this for years, tried eggs, tried fruit, lots of water, tried everything and I am still underweight ;_;


Ooooh, squatted 255x3 this morning. All gains are not lost! Thought I lost everything during the cut. Some days I felt like such a weakling (more so than usual).


Been like this for years, tried eggs, tried fruit, lots of water, tried everything and I am still underweight ;_;

Like psycho said, a diet of eggs, fruit and water is awesome for losing weight. Try eating at a caloric surplus, and add fats / carbs into your diet. Drink whole milk, eat peanut butter, avocados, pasta, etc.


Edit - Don't put eggs in your shake... you're not rocky. :p
Egg whites from a carton are pretty good though, since they're pasteurized.

1 meter 74 centimetres, 5 feet 8.5 inches?
Dont know how to put it on murican units
Weighing 120 pounds, about 55 kgs.
Been like this for years, tried eggs, tried fruit, lots of water, tried everything and I am still underweight ;_;
I know this might sound weird in relation to gaining weight rather than losing it, but give an honest go at counting your calories. In order to maintain, you need to eat 1778 calories a day (or around 12447 calories a week). If you wanted to put on two pounds a month, you'd need to bump that up to ~14226 calories/week or 2032 calories a day. Keep in mind that's just estimated math and you'd need to track your actual numbers to dial the numbers in.
Hmm, its been a while since I last posted. At least I think it has, time has no meaning these days while on med school rotations. At least I've been keeping up with working out (possibly to my detriment as it gives me little time to study with what little time I already have).

I've set a PR in squat at least @ 335lbs 5X5 so I have that going for me at least. Still working on bench, but I've decided to purchase fractional plates so I'll be increasing weight by 2.5lbs instead of 5lbs each session and see how that helps. I'm gonna make this work, I have to work on my ortho surgeon build :p


I'm looking for GAF's recommendation on a reliable app that can track distance covered in a run. I'd rather not use a Fitbit, and yes, I do have a watch.
Uncooked protein can't be broken down and absorbed the same way as cooked protein by the body.

You lose about ~50% of the protein when it's left raw. This is why raw eggs for protein is mostly useless.

It is true for eggs, but it seems to be the opposite for meat. However I can't find a reputable source, only opinions from clickbait blogs
Okay fitness GAF, odd realization hit me today. Thought i'd try & gather some insight here.

So, i've been on a fitness path for over a year now. In 2015, my goal was to end the year under 300 (which I hit; started at 350). I had ONLY been working out really. In 2016, I decided that 250 was going to be both my goal & my ideal weight. So, this year, I start adding in dieting, as well as refining my workout regiment. I've been working out 3-5 times a week, i'd say 4 days has been the weekly average for the year. Last time I weight myself, which was about 2 months ago, I was around 285ish, give or take. So, I go to weigh myself today - and i'm up to 308. Over 20 pounds gained!

I'm not quite sure where the weight has gone though. Everyone has told me I look slimmer now than I have in a long time, and personally looking at my body, I have only noticed improvements and I think my body right now looks better now than it has since I started my fitness journey in late April of 2015. So, where did I tack on 20 pounds? Now, to be fair, I do a mixture of both weight lifting as well as cardio, and this year i've been incorporating a high-intensity regiment into my cardio (I ride an elliptical for about 4 miles in 30 mins for every day I work out). I can definitely tell i've gotten significantly stronger. My quads especially feel huge. But I find it impossible that 20 pounds of muscle grew in 2 months.

There has been at least 3 notable lapses in working out this year, all due to illness. The longest was 2 weeks about 6 weeks ago, but I didn't really gorge on food during these periods. If anything, I tried to refrain a little.

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