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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before



Lol. We startin' early this year
I have a question. I weigh about 240 and I need to go down to about 210. In addition to weight lifting and proper dieting how much time should I spend on cardio per workout?
'Field Training' Photoshoot for Battle District Sply Co.



vascular as fuck

That's because that damn baby face of yours is going to play on her hormones.

face of a 12 year old, body of a 31 year old man beast

just like all asians

I have 3 kids. I know what a pregnant woman likes... Wink wink

Good luck with that whole winning thing wrestler dude.

werent you the same dood with a pumpkin on your head for your pic?

not impressed fam


I have a question. I weigh about 240 and I need to go down to about 210. In addition to weight lifting and proper dieting how much time should I spend on cardio per workout?

Look into Tabatas. They take 4 minutes, 3 days a week. I'm absolutely loving them coupled with steady state on the other two workout days.

If you can lift hard and diet really well, you don't need to spend countless hours in the gym.


Very nice.

'Field Training' Photoshoot for Battle District Sply Co.
Damn Jones, I now know what I hope to have sweet dreams about.

What has two thumbs and was Mrs. MKenyon's object of desire last year?

*points at self*

This guuuuuy.
Even if I have no idea about this upcoming competition, somehow I have a feeling that I have zero to none chances in it... Unless Mrs. Kenyon is planning to change her sexual orientation while pregnant and nobody else would take part that is. Oh well, I better not have high hopes. :p


Missed this, but you're looking shredded bud

Thanks. I still wish I could peel just a LITTLE more fat off my lower abs and have a better cut under my pecs, but I might just be unsatisfied due to not having much mass. After my lake trip in 2 weeks, I want to start really focusing on building core, legs, and shoulders. They are my obvious weakpoints.

Beating him to the punch: Yes, Psycho, I'm going to attempt to [mini]bulk again :p

Bulk over.

Unrelated... was just watching back my squat vid from yesterday for form and I've noticed I've got something horrible living under my skin on my calf.


(tiny pic taken from vid, but you get the idea)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks. I still wish I could peel just a LITTLE more fat off my lower abs and have a better cut under my pecs, but I might just be unsatisfied due to not having much mass. After my lake trip in 2 weeks, I want to start really focusing on building core, legs, and shoulders. They are my obvious weakpoints.

Beating him to the punch: Yes, Psycho, I'm going to attempt to [mini]bulk again :p
Oh man. That's gonna be a brutal 35 hours Mikey!


Don't count yourself out. I'm p'sure her instagram feed has more squat chicks than mine. LOL
Hahah, I will keep this in mind.

I really need a proper cut though. Food is just too good. Then again my little sister have lost 7,5 kilos / nearly 17 pounds is six weeks so I better step up my game or I am going to lose our bet.

Unrelated... was just watching back my squat vid from yesterday for form and I've noticed I've got something horrible living under my skin on my calf.


(tiny pic taken from vid, but you get the idea)
I am sure you and your worms live in a sympiotic relationship and they somehow grant you strength and power. That would also explain how you can live through your biking sessions.



275 bench
360 Squat
375 Deadlift

I have been trying so fucking long to get my deadlift to 405 that the other numbers came up faster.


Dead today. I'm sorta tall so my legs are on the skinny side, so I doubled up on squats and then lunges. Awesome workout, but now I'm paying for it.


Finished 2nd week of starting strength. Just got back from my workout and it was the first time I failed on a set.

I've been increasing my squats by 10lbs since the first workout and today I was doing 165 but could only do 4 reps on my 2nd set and 3 reps on my last set. Going to decrease squats to 160 for the next session and now only start increasing by 5lbs.

This was definitely the hardest session (obvious?) so far, but it might have been because I didn't eat enough before. By the time I got to my deadlift set I was actually feeling hungry.

Progress so far...

Squat: 115 --> 160
Deadlift: 115 --> 175
Bench: 110 --> 135
Press: 60 --> 80
Just got back last week from my yearly family camping trip to the sierra nevada. We were just north of Sequoia National park this year, if anyone's familiar with the area. Here's a picture from near the top of the main hike we did.

It was on this trip last year that the light switch flipped in my brain and I realized I needed to lose weight/get healthy. It was on a tough hike where I just felt like absolute garbage and felt terrible for holding the group back. Over the year I've lost 90 lbs and god damn the hiking was easier this time. The main hike was definitely easier (10 miles with ~700ft of elevation gain vs ~15 miles and ~1000-1500 ft of gain) but I just felt so great. I was barely tired and wasn't sore come the morning. I was already happy with my progress, but seeing the results on a hike similar to the one that made me want to change in the beginning was so rewarding.

On another note, I've been slacking on lifting and running for the last 4-5 weeks. Getting back to the weights Monday, but I just got back from a run a second ago. Even after all this time being sedentary I got new PB's for my 1 and 2 mile times (8:45 and 18:35). I've kept up the calorie counting and weightloss these past few weeks. So I guess that just goes to show how weightloss is more important than practice for my run times at the moment, haha.

Edit: On even another note, has anyone seen this video before? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNJTf2Sv3AY

Essentially, it's all about how the self image you have for yourself regulates the actions and choices you naturally/subconsciously make. I was watching the video and was interested, but I kinda got blown away when he mentions this idea of a goal card. You write your long term goals on the card, keep it in your wallet and read it multiple times a day, everyday. The idea is that by seeing and visualizing these goals so often they'll eventually form your new self image. Leading your subconscious mind to prefer actions that help you reach those goals.

Is this a well known technique? The reason I got blown away by it is because my dad told me to do the same thing about a decade ago, though he didn't explain the ideas behind it like this video did. He used a goal card to get himself to play in the US Open (golf). I'm thinking of setting one up for myself, for both fitness and non-fitness goals. Anybody done it before?
Gainz all over the place on this page. Awesome.

I must say that I don't really remember unfit and unhealthy me so much at this point, but I do remember what it felt like having to push my bike up slight hills and feeling like I was going to throw up any time I pushed myself particularly hard.

I've still got massive self image issues, but I'm so much more confident now than I was. Still wont take my top off in public though. :)


Finished 2nd week of starting strength. Just got back from my workout and it was the first time I failed on a set.

I've been increasing my squats by 10lbs since the first workout and today I was doing 165 but could only do 4 reps on my 2nd set and 3 reps on my last set. Going to decrease squats to 160 for the next session and now only start increasing by 5lbs.

This was definitely the hardest session (obvious?) so far, but it might have been because I didn't eat enough before. By the time I got to my deadlift set I was actually feeling hungry.

Progress so far...

Squat: 115 --> 160
Deadlift: 115 --> 175
Bench: 110 --> 135
Press: 60 --> 80

For SS, you're supposed to fail to get your 5/5/5 reps at the same weight three consecutive workouts before you drop the weight by 10%.
Cut going well. 12 weeks in and I'm just a few lbs above my starting weight this past year. 2 more weeks I should be below. Definitely put on more fat than I thought lol!

Bench, OHP took the largest hits followed by a mild drop in BB curl and weighted dips. Squats and deads remain the same but definitely take more out of me at the end of my sets.
Cut going well. 12 weeks in and I'm just a few lbs above my starting weight this past year. 2 more weeks I should be below. Definitely put on more fat than I thought lol!

Bench, OHP took the largest hits followed by a mild drop in BB curl and weighted dips. Squats and deads remain the same but definitely take more out of me at the end of my sets.

yea i'm also currently on a cut and energy level is less and noticeable. Do you do anything to combat low energy? Maybe fruit before workout? Also how is your carb intake?
yea i'm also currently on a cut and energy level is less and noticeable. Do you do anything to combat low energy? Maybe fruit before workout? Also how is your carb intake?
I split my carbs for breakfast and about 2hrs before I work out. That's about 12 or so hours apart. My energy levels are OK but heavy lifts do wear me out more but I have also decreased rest time between sets. If I start feeling it I'll have a big refeed on Saturday. Otherwise I just do minis to replenish some fat/carbs, albeit minimally.
Not a great deal you can do about that really. Mostly comes down to the reduced glycogen levels within your muscles. Is partly why you can generally do fewer reps of the same weight you could do previously.

Obviously leverage comes into play too, but that's another story.
Not a great deal you can do about that really. Mostly comes down to the reduced glycogen levels within your muscles. Is partly why you can generally do fewer reps of the same weight you could do previously.

Obviously leverage comes into play too, but that's another story.
Aye. I was mentally prepping myself for the inevitable strength and enenrgy loss on the cut. Still sucks tho :p

I look forward to being on maintenance. My body needs a good few months of smooth sailing.


Did some nice damage for cheat day--nothing Cooter or MTP style.

Two cheese burgers, one bacon cheese, cheese fries, and Oreo Shake at Shake Shack.

Sicilian pizza slice and Diet coke.

Two Words

About a week ago, I slightly tweaked my frontal deltoid during the decline of a reverse fly. It didn't inhibit my range of motion, but there was and still is a slight discomfort when I move it in a certain way. Basically, if I chicken wing my arm and make my elbow point as high as I can, the front of my shoulder hurts a bit. I've been staying away from the gym for a few days, and only went today to do leg workouts. But I wanted to do my push day tomorrow. Should I wait until any and all forms of non-DOMS discomfort is gone?


Went out to a restaurant that serves groups of up to 12 a whole pig. Me and 6 buddies didn't leave an ounce on the table. Only the lord knows how many calories were consummed.
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