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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Been lurking this thread for a while now but just wanted to say I just came back from finishing the San Francisco Super Spartan Race. Thanks to all you guys on fitgaf with random workout advice. Really helped me train and get through it. Probably the toughest physical thing I've had to do. The obstacles were pretty easy for the most part since you guys have helped me get into shape but the hills wrecked me. The worst one was where we had to walk up and down a giant hill with a 40 pound sandbag.

I made it out alive though so...THANKS GUYS!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Still proud.

Agreed. They're bulking up so quickly right before our eyes. Soon they'll leave the roost and spread their wings to do 100lbs pullups.


I had steak/chicken/rice/veggie stir fry for supper followed by three slices of cheesecake. Woke up hungry so I had some more sitrfry and three more slices of cheesecake. Haven't had any sweets recently so I binged today :/


Finished 2nd week of starting strength. Just got back from my workout and it was the first time I failed on a set.

I've been increasing my squats by 10lbs since the first workout and today I was doing 165 but could only do 4 reps on my 2nd set and 3 reps on my last set. Going to decrease squats to 160 for the next session and now only start increasing by 5lbs.

This was definitely the hardest session (obvious?) so far, but it might have been because I didn't eat enough before. By the time I got to my deadlift set I was actually feeling hungry.

Progress so far...

Squat: 115 --> 160
Deadlift: 115 --> 175
Bench: 110 --> 135
Press: 60 --> 80
2 weeks? Your starting weights were too high.


Haven't been posting much because I have a huge board exam next month (to become a board certified behavior analyst) so all my time has been spent studying with gym, Overwatch and Pokemon go breaks. Though I did take a day trip to the beach yesterday and for the first time in I don't know how long I felt comfortable out there in a bathing suit. Doing a comparison from 2 years and last year was pretty eye opening. Can't wait to make yesterday's picture a "before" picture.

Once I take my test I'll be more active. I should hopefully be back to lifting lower body by then too :/. Going to pt sucks but it's helping a lot!!


Haven't been posting much because I have a huge board exam next month (to become a board certified behavior analyst) so all my time has been spent studying with gym, Overwatch and Pokemon go breaks. Though I did take a day trip to the beach yesterday and for the first time in I don't know how long I felt comfortable out there in a bathing suit. Doing a comparison from 2 years and last year was pretty eye opening. Can't wait to make yesterday's picture a "before" picture.

Once I take my test I'll be more active. I should hopefully be back to lifting lower body by then too :/. Going to pt sucks but it's helping a lot!!

Your taste in swimwear also upgraded!


Dammit, Sean, tie a note on those shorts. That's a potential hazard waiting to happen. Nobody, except your wife, is ready for that kind of exposure.

And that's pretty much the only negative thing I can say about your pics.

Awesome work, man.

Two Words

Hmm, I posted earlier that I tweaked my shoulder almost a week ago and I've been apprehensive about doing my push day. I just finished by bench press and my reps were lower than last time. The pain in my shoulder feels a bit more Claire's up afterwards too. It isn't that bad, but now it's a light persistent pain instead a pain that only showed up when I moved my shoulder in a particular way. The movement that caused pain in my shoulder was not a movement you do for a bench press. I think I'm going to just quit my push day today. Man, I figured a week would be long enough. How long can I expect a slightly tweaked shoulder to exhibit these kind of symptoms?
Hmm, I posted earlier that I tweaked my shoulder almost a week ago and I've been apprehensive about doing my push day. I just finished by bench press and my reps were lower than last time. The pain in my shoulder feels a bit more Claire's up afterwards too. It isn't that bad, but now it's a light persistent pain instead a pain that only showed up when I moved my shoulder in a particular way. The movement that caused pain in my shoulder was not a movement you do for a bench press. I think I'm going to just quit my push day today. Man, I figured a week would be long enough. How long can I expect a slightly tweaked shoulder to exhibit these kind of symptoms?

I tweaked my shoulder area (lower deltoid, I think, but anatomy is not my thing) doing an exercise more than three months ago and it has only stopped really bothering me in the gym (or even opening doors) in the last few days. Frankly, it could just be thanks to time, but I also want to attribute it to stopping isolation work and just focusing on the compound lifts in the 5x5 program.

Two Words

I tweaked my shoulder area (lower deltoid, I think, but anatomy is not my thing) doing an exercise more than three months ago and it has only stopped really bothering me in the gym (or even opening doors) in the last few days. Frankly, it could just be thanks to time, but I also want to attribute it to stopping isolation work and just focusing on the compound lifts in the 5x5 program.

Well I never had any discomfort doing any typical stuff. I even tried warming up with a lot of empty barbell bench presses and I felt nothing. It was only when I put it under heavy load that I came out of the exercise with a slightly nagging pain. I hope that means it is a different enough thing to not take 3 months to go away.
If I want to do a mini-cut to bring my 8-pack back, how much time should I allow to keep as much muscle as possible? I'm 150 right now and am thinking 142 ought to do it. Then I'll go back to 165 maybe.

Right now at maintenance I'm at about 3000 cal/day on workout days and 2000/day the rest of the week.


If I want to do a mini-cut to bring my 8-pack back, how much time should I allow to keep as much muscle as possible? I'm 150 right now and am thinking 142 ought to do it. Then I'll go back to 165 maybe.

Right now at maintenance I'm at about 3000 cal/day on workout days and 2000/day the rest of the week.

Are you in a rush? Why not try to stay at 150 AND get that BF down?
Are you in a rush? Why not try to stay at 150 AND get that BF down?

I'd love to, but it doesn't seem to be happening. There's only so much I can do with my macros as a vegan. I've been doing the best I can faithfully for a few months now and my weight hasn't budged from 150 (good) but my muscles haven't gotten any bigger and my waistline hasn't gotten any smaller (bad).


It is absolutely possible but it takes time. I went from 140 at around 15-16% BF to 180 at 8-12% (fluctuates depending on season, motivation, etc). It took years though. In months, you could still do some damage though!


Did some nice damage for cheat day--nothing Cooter or MTP style.

Two cheese burgers, one bacon cheese, cheese fries, and Oreo Shake at Shake Shack.

Sicilian pizza slice and Diet coke.
Ah, that diet coke totally saved the day. :D


275 bench
360 Squat
375 Deadlift

I have been trying so fucking long to get my deadlift to 405 that the other numbers came up faster.
Yay! Congratulations!

Been lurking this thread for a while now but just wanted to say I just came back from finishing the San Francisco Super Spartan Race. Thanks to all you guys on fitgaf with random workout advice. Really helped me train and get through it. Probably the toughest physical thing I've had to do. The obstacles were pretty easy for the most part since you guys have helped me get into shape but the hills wrecked me. The worst one was where we had to walk up and down a giant hill with a 40 pound sandbag.

I made it out alive though so...THANKS GUYS!
Well done! Hard work pays off. Any awesome pics from the race? :)

Dammit, Sean, tie a note on those shorts. That's a potential hazard waiting to happen. Nobody, except your wife, is ready for that kind of exposure.
He likes to live dangerously.

Haven't been posting much because I have a huge board exam next month (to become a board certified behavior analyst) so all my time has been spent studying with gym, Overwatch and Pokemon go breaks. Though I did take a day trip to the beach yesterday and for the first time in I don't know how long I felt comfortable out there in a bathing suit. Doing a comparison from 2 years and last year was pretty eye opening. Can't wait to make yesterday's picture a "before" picture.

Once I take my test I'll be more active. I should hopefully be back to lifting lower body by then too :/. Going to pt sucks but it's helping a lot!!
Awesome job and looking good!


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It is absolutely possible but it takes time. I went from 140 at around 15-16% BF to 180 at 8-12% (fluctuates depending on season, motivation, etc). It took years though. In months, you could still do some damage though!
I guess the question is whether it would be quicker and easier to cut, bulk, cut, bulk, cut etc to get to the same point.


I guess the question is whether it would be quicker and easier to cut, bulk, cut, bulk, cut etc to get to the same point.

I mean, there's definitely going to be cycles of eating better / worse and working out often / working out like a madman. But I feel like the term "bulk" is often misinterpreted as an excuse to eat terribly and I try to avoid that.


Ah, that diet coke totally saved the day. :D

Yay! Congratulations!

Well done! Hard work pays off. Any awesome pics from the race? :)

He likes to live dangerously.

Awesome job and looking good!

LOL. I have only have Cokes on cheat days. But I got used the taste after years of having the stuff.

Regular Coke has a strange flavor to me.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Haven't been posting much because I have a huge board exam next month (to become a board certified behavior analyst) so all my time has been spent studying with gym, Overwatch and Pokemon go breaks. Though I did take a day trip to the beach yesterday and for the first time in I don't know how long I felt comfortable out there in a bathing suit. Doing a comparison from 2 years and last year was pretty eye opening. Can't wait to make yesterday's picture a "before" picture.

Once I take my test I'll be more active. I should hopefully be back to lifting lower body by then too :/. Going to pt sucks but it's helping a lot!!

You've done a hell of a good job. Well done bud.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You have one of the most motivational transformation stories here Sean. Looking great man.


I came into possession of a bunch of supplements recently from a friend who was selling them dirt cheap and unopened. I've been lifting for close to a year now but all I've been taking is creatine and protein powder. I'm looking gain more muscle mass and shed these last 15-20 lbs. This is what I bought

NOW Creatine Monohydrate NOW L Glutamine Syntha 6 chocolate protein powder Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000mg Powder Legion Pulse Pre Workout Supplement  NOW Whey protein isolate unflavored Legion Phoenix Weight Loss Pills

I bought the NOW whey mainly for shakes. I'd appreciate any help as to how to stack this and timing to achieve my goals or if I need anything else.

Great work, Sean!

I came into possession of a bunch of supplements recently from a friend who was selling them dirt cheap and unopened. I've been lifting for close to a year now but all I've been taking is creatine and protein powder. I'm looking gain more muscle mass and shed these last 15-20 lbs. This is what I bought

NOW Creatine Monohydrate NOW L Glutamine Syntha 6 chocolate protein powder Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000mg Powder Legion Pulse Pre Workout Supplement  NOW Whey protein isolate unflavored Legion Phoenix Weight Loss Pills

I bought the NOW whey mainly for shakes. I'd appreciate any help as to how to stack this and timing to achieve my goals or if I need anything else.

Creatine: any time during the day take your 3-5g
Protein: if you aren't eating enough, supplement with a shake
BCAA: Completely useless unless you lift FASTED (8+ hours no food)
Pre-workout: Before your workout
Glutamine: 10-15g daily between 3 doses, timing up to you
Weight Loss Pills: I've never heard of success stories. Most contain higher amounts of caffeine and Carnitine. I would rather take a Vitamin B supplement for the metabolism boost over both tbh.

There's nothing there that's a necessity, IMO, except creatine, which you were already taking. Nothing there is "stackable", either. Just take your daily doses. Timing is going to be largely irrelevant.

Goals: if you want to gain mass, gain mass. If you want to lose fat, lose fat. If you're looking to ditch 15-20lbs you'd be hard pressed to gain mass at the same time. Focus on one or the other, IMO. There's no magic bullet that allows for any substantial movement in both directions at once so you will get most people recommending go one way or the other, usually bulking to cutting.


Anyone have any 1-day boxing-related cardio workouts (or kickboxing)? I'm currently lifting 4X per week but want to add a no-weights, full body cardio day on top.
Aight motherfuckers, I am pretty annoyed with my progress so far and I just need to be held accountable. I am prolly going to be in Cali on Sept 1. About 6 weeks from now. Cut officially starts on Wednesday but I'm throwing this pic up now.


Currently around 235. Trying for 220 lbs.

no more games.


I have no idea what you're asking. You're supposed to increase the weight by 5lbs every session while doing 5x5 for as long as possible.

I can do 5x5 of 165lb squats, but when I move up to 170lb I can only do 5x4x4x4x3. I want to know if it would be more beneficial to stay at 170lb and not hit all the reps, or go back down to full 5x5 at 165lb for a couple more workouts before moving up.


Pokemon Go is making it hard for me to make time for barbell work. Last week I only had three lifting sessions.

By the time I get home, make dinner for Mrs. mkenyon, run the dogs (aka pop them 10km eggs), and do a few chores, it's already 10:00.

I'll be able to start doing cardio during lunch soonish. It's tourist season where I live, which has made the trails way too crowded for running dogs at work. That should die off in the next month.
Aight motherfuckers, I am pretty annoyed with my progress so far and I just need to be held accountable. I am prolly going to be in Cali on Sept 1. About 6 weeks from now. Cut officially starts on Wednesday but I'm throwing this pic up now.

Currently around 235. Trying for 220 lbs.

no more games.
You look incredible bruh. I mean, you'll look shredded af with a 15lb cut, but you already look great.


LOL. I have only have Cokes on cheat days. But I got used the taste after years of having the stuff.

Regular Coke has a strange flavor to me.
Hahha, ok. I was just thinking that you are eating like a ton of stuff, but then taking a diet soda, because you eat oh so healthy. :p

Aight motherfuckers, I am pretty annoyed with my progress so far and I just need to be held accountable. I am prolly going to be in Cali on Sept 1. About 6 weeks from now. Cut officially starts on Wednesday but I'm throwing this pic up now.

Currently around 235. Trying for 220 lbs.

no more games.
Wait... how come you are annoyed? You look incredibly sexy as you are. If you are going to Cali to impress girls, I am sure they don't care do you weight 235 or 220 - they are in any case trying to get into your pants. Trust me. Then again if you feel better about yourself couple pounds lighter, go for it.
I can do 5x5 of 165lb squats, but when I move up to 170lb I can only do 5x4x4x4x3. I want to know if it would be more beneficial to stay at 170lb and not hit all the reps, or go back down to full 5x5 at 165lb for a couple more workouts before moving up.

The program would state that if you can do 5x5 at 165, then you should stay at 170. If you fail for 3 straight workouts, then deload to ~155 and work your way back up.

Get your protein, get your sleep. Stay with it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Aight motherfuckers, I am pretty annoyed with my progress so far and I just need to be held accountable. I am prolly going to be in Cali on Sept 1. About 6 weeks from now. Cut officially starts on Wednesday but I'm throwing this pic up now.

Currently around 235. Trying for 220 lbs.

no more games.
Flabby. Soft. Small. Bad hair. Does that help?


Aight motherfuckers, I am pretty annoyed with my progress so far and I just need to be held accountable. I am prolly going to be in Cali on Sept 1. About 6 weeks from now. Cut officially starts on Wednesday but I'm throwing this pic up now.

Currently around 235. Trying for 220 lbs.

no more games.



Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Aight motherfuckers, I am pretty annoyed with my progress so far and I just need to be held accountable. I am prolly going to be in Cali on Sept 1. About 6 weeks from now. Cut officially starts on Wednesday but I'm throwing this pic up now.

Currently around 235. Trying for 220 lbs.

no more games.
Jeez how embarrassing for you.
You accidentally posted your after picture instead of your before one. Right?


For SS, you're supposed to fail to get your 5/5/5 reps at the same weight three consecutive workouts before you drop the weight by 10%.

Quoting from a few days back, but thanks for the heads up!

Went in today and was able to do the 165lb squat sets fairly smoothly.

Couple questions:

1. Why do I see people squat and deadlift with no shoes?

2. When squatting recently I feel a tightness in my upper thigh, almost near my hip. I think this is my hip flexor, and just want to know if that's normal. I really have to stretch and get warmed up (almost like a 20 minute routine) to get it to the point where I don't "feel it" when I squat. Anything to help with this?
Wait... how come you are annoyed? You look incredibly sexy as you are. If you are going to Cali to impress girls, I am sure they don't care do you weight 235 or 220 - they are in any case trying to get into your pants. Trust me. Then again if you feel better about yourself couple pounds lighter, go for it.

Of course the attention is always nice, but in the end, I'm trying to do this for me. Dropping the fat makes me feel a bit better, face leans out, blah blah blah

look good, feel good

feel good, play good

ty all for the kind words, let's go on this journey together!

right after I eat this burrito
Bleh, I'm at the "you're too skinny" stage again. Fucking hate how my face loses all the fat first.

That said, I was at a party where pretty much everyone felt up my thighs... so that was entertaining. Got a number of "holy shit"s. :D


Quoting from a few days back, but thanks for the heads up!

Went in today and was able to do the 165lb squat sets fairly smoothly.

Couple questions:

1. Why do I see people squat and deadlift with no shoes?

2. When squatting recently I feel a tightness in my upper thigh, almost near my hip. I think this is my hip flexor, and just want to know if that's normal. I really have to stretch and get warmed up (almost like a 20 minute routine) to get it to the point where I don't "feel it" when I squat. Anything to help with this?

1. More stable than wearing running shoes to squat and DL. Like Alan Thrall in YouTube said, squatting and DLing with running shoes is like doing them on couch cushion, the insole material just absorbs force you're trying to transfer through the ground. What you want is direct transfer. Running shoes also have curved soles, most likely going to cause you to rock forward and/or back in squats. Very common in powerlifting to lift with no shoes.

2. If your hip flexors and anterior muscles are tight from sitting for most of the day, it's going to cause a shift in your pelvis and probably throw off the biomechanics of the squat a bit and make those already tight muscles more overactive and other muscles not activate as well (like tHe glutes). If warming and stretching helps, then do it. I think it's worth doing if you typically sit all day.


Working my first 3 12-hour shifts back to back. I'll be running around, so i'll get good cardio, but all I can think about is how the lift on friday is going to go. #sore.


Of course the attention is always nice, but in the end, I'm trying to do this for me. Dropping the fat makes me feel a bit better, face leans out, blah blah blah

look good, feel good

feel good, play good

ty all for the kind words, let's go on this journey together!

right after I eat this burrito

Damn, I see that you're taking the Mrs Mkenyon Invitational pretty seriously.


Of course the attention is always nice, but in the end, I'm trying to do this for me. Dropping the fat makes me feel a bit better, face leans out, blah blah blah

look good, feel good

feel good, play good

ty all for the kind words, let's go on this journey together!

right after I eat this burrito
If you're coming to Cali you should be holding off on the burrito eating till you get here!
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