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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm reading that "exercise sucks" thread and I wonder if a lot of you guys are getting something out of it that a lot of them (and I) don't... and that helps you stick with it, whereas they don't.

Don't get me wrong, injury / lethargy breaks aside I've been doing it a few years now and I'm unlikely to stop again... but I still hate every minute of it, and it's only because I'm fucking stubborn that I manage to stick with it.
Of course you hate it. Anyone would trying to lift with the amount of stress you put on your body from cycling.
Yeah, notice it's the single fluffy baby-faced beast that uses the marriage card.


FE, you gonna take that from an old man!?



Of course you hate it. Anyone would trying to lift with the amount of stress you put on your body from cycling.

Yup. If I did cardio for 4 hours and had to DL / Squat the next day, I'd despise lifting.

p.s. delts / traps coming along...everything else lagging. Going to be a wild ride to get ready for the competition:

So I'm hoping you'll be able to help me because I'm at a loss of confusion and indecision due conflictive advice.

I'm 23, male, smallish frame, 5'4''/164cm and around 57kg (128lbs) and according to my estimates around 17% of body fat. Although I have been going to a gym for about two years, I do not consider I'm out of the beginners phase due to a set of bad decisions and just lack of knowledge. I am trying to do things right this time.

I've been stuck at very low weights in my lifts (around 25kg/55lbs in bench press, no joking) for the longest time and I feel quite weak. I've been told to bulk for a time and grow some muscle, increase strength and improve my lifts. Cutting now would have little point because there is no muscle below the fat and it would affect my lifts as a "beginner".

I thought it was a good idea and that's what I've been doing for the past month (carefully, just 300-400 cals over my TDEE), and indeed my lifts have started to improve and I can feel some noob gains in my body.

However everywhere I go on the Internet, they say not to bulk with 17% body fat, but instead cut until you're at 10-11% and then increase size. I have tried this in the past (I went from 59kg to 54kg in around 6-7 months), but in the end I was just scrawny, skinny and barely able to lift, so I don't know if it is worth it.

So now I'm at a loss, what would you recommend?

Right now I am 58kg/17% body fat/weak
Should I bulk and build some muscle so I can lift decently (terrible stats right now) or
should I cut until I'm at 10-11% (literally a stick because I have no muscle) and then bulk?

To build muscle, you to be following a workout routine that has progressive overload built into it.

First thing I would look at is your workout routine, as a beginner you shouldn't really need to fiddle with your diet so much to see progress.

Post a sample of your workout routine. We can analyse that and go from there.


I'm reading that "exercise sucks" thread and I wonder if a lot of you guys are getting something out of it that a lot of them (and I) don't... and that helps you stick with it, whereas they don't.

Don't get me wrong, injury / lethargy breaks aside I've been doing it a few years now and I'm unlikely to stop again... but I still hate every minute of it, and it's only because I'm fucking stubborn that I manage to stick with it.
I get the same pleasure out of lifting that I used to when playing MMOs -- it's a grind, but it provides a sense of progression and it's nice to feel like I still have room to grow. It also helps relieve stress, though that hasn't been happening quite as much after six months of cutting. :p Maybe my feelings about lifting will change when I get to the point where it's a struggle to add anymore weight to the bar, but that's a long ways down the road since I've never bulked and by then I'm sure I'll be fine with just doing it to maintain my physical appearance.


To build muscle, you to be following a workout routine that has progressive overload built into it.

First thing I would look at is your workout routine, as a beginner you shouldn't really need to fiddle with your diet so much to see progress.

Post a sample of your workout routine. We can analyse that and go from there.

In fact I had been following the traditional squats, bench press, deadlift, overhead press and bentover row 3 series of 5 reps each, (following SS) the problem was that I was stuck at ridiculous weights (as low as 20-30ks in bench press, even less for overhead press) for ridiculous amounts of time (>6 months). I was eating in deficit at the time and I was told that was the reason: I'm skinny and without much muscle and not eating enough was not going to help me, so that's when I decided to start eating above my TDEE (around 300-400 cals more/day) and since then I have improved somewhat, but now I read that I shouldn't be eating above maintenance if I have 17% bodyfat.

My intention was to keep eating above TDEE and I set as a goal being able to lift 50kg by the end of the year, but if I change to cutting (which all these specialised blogs said I should) I don't think I'll be able to do it, unless I can somehow improve my strength while at deficit.

My TDEE is around 1700kcals and I'm eating 2000-2100 daily by the way.

I have used the 1percentedge ifcalc calculator to predict how things would go either way, and I've come to this conclusion:

  • If I keep bulking as I am now by January I would be 61kg (58kg now) and 21% fat, then I would do an aggresive cut and according to ifcalc I could be 55kg, 10% fat, 48 lean body mass by the end of May.
  • If instead I change to an aggresive cut now, according to ifcalc I would be 55kg and 10% fat by the end of October, I could bulk then instead of now and by April 2017 I would be 61kg but just 14% body fat (instead of 21% the other way), so then I could cut and by this time next year I would be 58kg, my same weight as now, but around 11% body fat and 51kg lean body mass

Just looking at those estimates the second option seems better in the long run, but as I have problems lifting I don't know if it's a good idea to go into deficit again.

I did an "aggresive cut" two years ago (perhaps too aggresive, sometimes eating only 900 cals per day, that also didn't help with my lifts), and I managed to go from 59kg to 54kg in about six months, so I'm not afraid of those and I know what it entails.
I'd probably feel better about it with regular progression, but that doesn't happen for me, especially with all the injuries. Does with mountain biking still, though that's slowing now.

Unrelated, shopping for suits sucks. I can fit in amazing slim fit ones now, but I've ended up having to buy slightly bigger than I can get into because i need to be able to wear it fully bulked and fully cut.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yup. If I did cardio for 4 hours and had to DL / Squat the next day, I'd despise lifting.

p.s. delts / traps coming along...everything else lagging. Going to be a wild ride to get ready for the competition:

Holy crap. You look massive! What are you weighing in at right now?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks, bubba! 182 (which is too much) but I've started getting in the groove on both exercise and diet (thanks to you guys) and its infectious.

Thanks Jack!!
Yasss! We are finally the same weight.😎 Can we start the tourney tomorrow?


How do you guys like the Cookies n' Cream QUEST bar?

My local Wegmans finally carries them (singles for $2.49 and boxes for $25), so I bought the single one to try it out.


Hey Bum, can I have your shoulders and traps? Much appreciated. Thanks.

Does that mean I won't have to work them out anymore?

Yasss! We are finally the same weight.�� Can we start the tourney tomorrow?

lol, no way. I'll call you when I'm at 172-175. Then, we dance.

Hey FitnessGaf, any recommendations for an at-home pull up bar?

Like Coot, I spent about $20 dollars on mine and I've beat it up for 4 years or more. Still going strong.
My TDEE is around 1700kcals and I'm eating 2000-2100 daily by the way.

I have used the 1percentedge ifcalc calculator to predict how things would go either way, and I've come to this conclusion:

  • If I keep bulking as I am now by January I would be 61kg (58kg now) and 21% fat, then I would do an aggresive cut and according to ifcalc I could be 55kg, 10% fat, 48 lean body mass by the end of May.
  • If instead I change to an aggresive cut now, according to ifcalc I would be 55kg and 10% fat by the end of October, I could bulk then instead of now and by April 2017 I would be 61kg but just 14% body fat (instead of 21% the other way), so then I could cut and by this time next year I would be 58kg, my same weight as now, but around 11% body fat and 51kg lean body mass

Just looking at those estimates the second option seems better in the long run, but as I have problems lifting I don't know if it's a good idea to go into deficit again.

I did an "aggresive cut" two years ago (perhaps too aggresive, sometimes eating only 900 cals per day, that also didn't help with my lifts), and I managed to go from 59kg to 54kg in about six months, so I'm not afraid of those and I know what it entails.

I would dump the calculators, seriously. Let me go over the problems:

1) You were weak when on an aggressive cut, I guess that's partly expected. You're cycling between extremes with nothing to show for it. Do a slight deficit at 14-1500 cals, maybe cycle to maintenence when you train.

2) Now you've bulked more than some people here are capable of, at an estimated 17% body fat (hard to tell without pics though). However, if the numbers you posted were AFTER you did this weird bulk phase at 15+% BF, then there is something DEFINITELY wrong with your program or how you're going about it or even maybe how you're doing your exercise. This is your main problem, I'm pretty sure about it.

3) You're providing theoretical values about your future self after either a massive cut or a massive bulk, but chances are that neither one will be correct.


the piano man
so many things I want to talk about or share, it's been a while since I posted here for the last time, yet I've been lurking and following everyone's progress, it's always inspiring to see pics and numbers from everyone. Congrats to everyone achieving goals and reaching new heights,

As for me, I failed, for the most part and for the 4th straight year, to suceed at being a pianist and an athelte at the same time.

I've been doing sport regularly for 4 years now (feels longer though) and during the first 3 years, I had basically quitted performing or playing piano on a grand scale this year, after a 3 year hiatus, I went on tour in Germany, Spain and Mexico. It was very rewarding personally but it demanded way too much time and I went to the gym whenever I could... meaning, not every often, Often I had to go to the piano exactly when I was meant to hit the gym/do cardio, so I did, sport is the hobby and the recitals were paid, almost all of them.

a week ago that ended and I am at my parents in Mexico trying to relax and take it easy and I have my mind set on coming back strong to training, one step at a time, like they say, leaving the ego at the door and getting back up again.

I had a 5R, 248 lbs/112,5 kgs squat, weighting 158 lbs/72 kgs, that's like a long gone, distant past now, I barely had time to do legs at all the last 5 or so months so I have to build strength back.

posting here and now is also a way of trying to get closer to the fitness/strenght mentality, so I hope I can post here more often from now on. I have noticed I post here regularly when I am actually getting somewhere on my fitness goals. .


I don't see a reason to feel bad about your passion. Your only one person! Just look forward to getting back in the gym when you can. Everyone has their priorities.
I got to taste the oatmeal cookie quest bar. It taste pretty similar to the cookie dough quest bar but I prefer the oatmeal cookie. I would put it up there as one of my favorites although I am not quest bar expert.


I think I might need to start a medication to heal my nerve roots. I am still having myokymia on my left ass cheek quite often which is a sign that I am not fully healed. I am pretty damn scared to start the medication since it can fuck me up in so many different ways. It is basicly a depression medication, but since it has strong effects also on nerve system it is used to neurological problems as well. I really don't want to start to take the pills, so I am still a bit indecisive.

Even if I would start the medication I would certainly continue working out. I should also find myself a new gym since my membership is expiring in the end of this month. A place with a proper ac would be great.

Dude, do it. 8 40+ minute episodes that FLY by. Acting is top notch, the story is great and the soundtrack is unreal. It was literally made for old folks like us.
It took me only two days to watch all of it. Absolutely awesome show and I totally loved it.

This post is great when reading it without any context
I like your way of thinking.

Someone with good intentions made me think I'm smaller than I was this time last year. I certainly spend less time lifting than I used to (25 min per day versus 45+), but it made my stomach drop a bit. So today I lifted for 45 minutes to see if i could get that pump back. I'm fairly satisfied/relieved. Still working on shoulders and upper chest, but I can certainly blow my arms up if i hit them hard.
Yeah, I wouldn't be too worried - you look like a sexy beast at least in my books.

I'm intrigued.
Ooooh! I am as well. :p Sounds extremely tasty.

married so hes locked down from everything
Wait, did Bish really get married? :D I need to see his latest pics since I remember following his weight loss.

lol, I wouldn't say insider since it's something anyone can sign up for. They've tested a few different products so far:
- Keto Cups (like their peanut butter cups, but fattier and less protein-oriented so much better taste and texture. also different flavors like mint and vanilla in addition to peanut butter)
- Keto Bar (fatty chocolate bar)
- Chips 2.0 (much better version of their protein chips, the 2.0 of barbecue is now publicly available)
- Tortilla Chips
- The new bar flavors I mentioned
- Cereal bars, which are fucking amazing but way too expensive for their macros at the moment. These are gonna be HUGE if they bring the price down.

And now they have keto salted crackers too, which I literally just found out about as I went to get the link at the start of this post.
Oh no, my wallet already hate you.

I really loved even the original chips so I might need the new version in my life. Also mint keto cups sound pretty damn good.

I used to lift on and off when I younger, but I was never fit. A few years ago my father called me to tell me how terribly his friends and those around him were aging. He urged me to do him a favor and workout, by doing anything I wanted for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week for 3 weeks.

Well I forced myself through it and I remember the first week was terrible. The second week was slightly less awful. Third week was actually kind of OK and by then I had started a habit that I began to actually enjoy. Haven't stopped ever since.

Thanks dad (you tricky old bastard)!
Great story and even better results.

I so wish I would have been more active when I was younger. I know I will never look particularly good just because I used to be so overweight.

Yup. If I did cardio for 4 hours and had to DL / Squat the next day, I'd despise lifting.

p.s. delts / traps coming along...everything else lagging. Going to be a wild ride to get ready for the competition:

Damn Bum! Extremely good looking upper body! You are massive! :p

so many things I want to talk about or share, it's been a while since I posted here for the last time, yet I've been lurking and following everyone's progress, it's always inspiring to see pics and numbers from everyone. Congrats to everyone achieving goals and reaching new heights,

As for me, I failed, for the most part and for the 4th straight year, to suceed at being a pianist and an athelte at the same time.

I've been doing sport regularly for 4 years now (feels longer though) and during the first 3 years, I had basically quitted performing or playing piano on a grand scale this year, after a 3 year hiatus, I went on tour in Germany, Spain and Mexico. It was very rewarding personally but it demanded way too much time and I went to the gym whenever I could... meaning, not every often, Often I had to go to the piano exactly when I was meant to hit the gym/do cardio, so I did, sport is the hobby and the recitals were paid, almost all of them.

a week ago that ended and I am at my parents in Mexico trying to relax and take it easy and I have my mind set on coming back strong to training, one step at a time, like they say, leaving the ego at the door and getting back up again.

I had a 5R, 248 lbs/112,5 kgs squat, weighting 158 lbs/72 kgs, that's like a long gone, distant past now, I barely had time to do legs at all the last 5 or so months so I have to build strength back.

posting here and now is also a way of trying to get closer to the fitness/strenght mentality, so I hope I can post here more often from now on. I have noticed I post here regularly when I am actually getting somewhere on my fitness goals. .
Sphinx! Great to see you here! Also piano tour sounds pretty damn awesome!

I am working with a new back injury so I am using really low weights at the moment. We can hold each other's hands and get the weights back up together. :D

Haven't been around much, but I'm still out there working hard. I've drastically reduced my lifting in favor of rock climbing and a return to bodyweight exercises, however.

Yep, however you do look great! :D Especially very much liking your arms. (Also it seems you are pretty damn handsome, but I can't be sure since you use your phone to cover your face. Shame really.)

I got to taste the oatmeal cookie quest bar. It taste pretty similar to the cookie dough quest bar but I prefer the oatmeal cookie. I would put it up there as one of my favorites although I am not quest bar expert.
Ooooh, cookie dough has been my favourite so I might need the oatmeal one in my life now.


Thank you sadetar! You're too kind!

Also, welcome back Sphinx!! Glad you're posting again and I hope you get motivation from this thread like I do daily.

Mr. X

Fitness GAF, I need not fitness advice/motivation

I've gotten into the habit and routine of working out nearly every day for about a month, month and half now. It's great, feel great, mind feels clear.

My problem is I can't get through this mental block scaring me from filling out job applications. FIlling out dozens of them to hear nothing back absolutely sucks. I know it will suck and if I eventually do hear something it'll only be for the better and I need to suck it up but it's still incredibly discouraging and demotivating :[
Fitness GAF, I need not fitness advice/motivation

I've gotten into the habit and routine of working out nearly every day for about a month, month and half now. It's great, feel great, mind feels clear.

My problem is I can't get through this mental block scaring me from filling out job applications. FIlling out dozens of them to hear nothing back absolutely sucks. I know it will suck and if I eventually do hear something it'll only be for the better and I need to suck it up but it's still incredibly discouraging and demotivating :[

Check out the applying for jobs thread here on gaf, people give good advice.


Fitness GAF, I need not fitness advice/motivation

I've gotten into the habit and routine of working out nearly every day for about a month, month and half now. It's great, feel great, mind feels clear.

My problem is I can't get through this mental block scaring me from filling out job applications. FIlling out dozens of them to hear nothing back absolutely sucks. I know it will suck and if I eventually do hear something it'll only be for the better and I need to suck it up but it's still incredibly discouraging and demotivating :[

What field are you in?


the piano man
I don't see a reason to feel bad about your passion. Your only one person! Just look forward to getting back in the gym when you can. Everyone has their priorities.

it's more the feeling that I could pull everything off, yet I fail cause I lack the willpówer and discipline of iron required to do all I want.

my goals are:

1.- My actual daily job of teaching, this takes around 5 hours a day in the afternoon.
2.- performing and playing piano at a high level, this takes anything between 4-6 hours of practice a day. this should happen mostly before noon.
3.- Train/eat/sleep like I am preparing for Mr. Olympia lol, (prepare meals, don't miss sessions, etc), this should happen after work around 06~08:00 PM
4.- Play videogames at some point in the day, either very early with my 3DS during poo times or very late in the day. Either way I'd want to have 1 hour a day to relax and chill. not sure when... probably 10.00

but this is all utopic, like a dream life. So far, I manage 3 out of 4... specially points 2 and 3 hate each other. if I play piano like a pro, there's barely any time for something else , if I see progress on the gym (strength and/or looks) that means most likely I am playing the piano just for fun every other day...

most likely I just lack discipline, I've got the time and I actually want it, it's mental laziness or something.

I can keep trying I guess.

Sadetar said:
Sphinx! Great to see you here! Also piano tour sounds pretty damn awesome!

I am working with a new back injury so I am using really low weights at the moment. We can hold each other's hands and get the weights back up together. :D

Sadetar, I am glad you are doing well. I remember you from like a year (or 2??) ago that you had a serious health problem and stopped posting here, I was worried that something worse had happened, glad you're ok

as for goals, I will try to get back to my 100 pull-up achievement, will try doing pyramids again. will probably start from 5 max -_- oh well, no use oeverthinking, gotta start somewhere.

Also, welcome back Sphinx!! Glad you're posting again and I hope you get motivation from this thread like I do daily.

I hope I can participate here more often from now on. :)

by the way, I had never seen you look this strong or powerful, from your past pics, I remember you with like 10%~8% BF, strong but lean (great abs!). In this last pic, you look huge compared to past pics, pretty cool to see the change.


I hope I can participate here more often from now on. :)

by the way, I had never seen you look this strong or powerful, from your past pics, I remember you with like 10%~8% BF, strong but lean (great abs!). In this last pic, you look huge compared to past pics, pretty cool to see the change.

Thanks dude! Yeah definitely bigger, but with a price (that BF% is up).


Currently a manager in a sneaker store, degree in Business Administration.

If you want me to take a look at your resume, let me know...I'd be glad to. I did all the hiring for my last job (Finance) and have seen probably 1,000+ resumes in the last 5-6 years.
Had to break the cut tonight. Heat killed me today and tomorrow won't be any better. Fueling up for work tomorrow. Kept it an easy 4k calories today. Tomorrow I'll get by on 2.5k since I don't lift on Saturday. Should get me through the heat without feeling like I'm going to pass out. Kept an extra close eye on my glucose - making sure I don't fly too low.

Everyone else that works outside where it's blazing stay hydrated and fed. Keep the coffee/caffeine to a minimum. Got mine icing for tomorrow and I'll just sip a bit here and there throughout the day.

Stay safe in the heat, buds.
I have a question regarding planks: Should I do 1 plank for as long as I can or is it preferable to do like 3 sets with a set time?
3 sets as long as you can.

Treat it like any other lift. You do X reps for Y sets where X is repetitions without failure and X+1 is failure. The core is no different than any other muscle group.
I got an appointment on Thursday for the pain in my groin on the left side. Happy about that. I'm really disappointed I could basically not work out my legs as efficiently as I wanted this summer because of that shitty pain.

edit: Honestly a little anxious about seeing a physician. I really hate examinations.
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