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Five MMOs better than World of Warcraft


Gold Member
IzumiK said:
This thread just got serious!

All this music is played in LOTRO using the in-game music creation system. Everyone can use a Lute, while Minstels can use everything from a Flute, to Bagpipes, to COWBELL.

Hotel California:

Don't Stop Believing:

Every Breath You Take:

Paint it Black (saw a whole band playing this tonight and it was awesome):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft4cgoqXOYQ <--- three people playing



sparkle this bitch
I can say Eve and LOTRO are not better.

Eve is awesome...the problem is you might as well make an account and let it sit for the first 6months before even playing the game. Its a nice idea...but it didn't work out too well. Not to mention the interface and such is absolutely overwhelming. Its awesome it allows so much control. But at the sametime...its a steep curb.

Lotro. Is just plain boring to play. It has beautiful visuals and great lore use. If not best. But christ. Not once did I feel excitement in with combat. The character classes came off boring, the instances lack excitement, the world itself felt dull. I also really disliked the closed PVP system. Its an MMO for Roleplayers to be honest


Gold Member
IzumiK said:
Highlight the effin spoiler tag!

I know. I just posted the links to show how awesome the system is in LOTRO. Bard players have been demanding something like that in MMOs forever.


ManaByte said:
All this music is played in LOTRO using the in-game music creation system. Everyone can use a Lute, while Minstels can use everything from a Flute, to Bagpipes, to COWBELL.

Hotel California:

Don't Stop Believing:

Every Breath You Take:

Paint it Black (saw a whole band playing this tonight and it was awesome):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft4cgoqXOYQ <--- three people playing


Someone needs to play this on a lute:

(just the first half...ok maybe the whole thing:D )

Also a question about the game's soundtrack itself: Is there a fair amount of music, or is it mostly just ambient noises? Also since this seems to take after both the books and the movie (right?) does the game have fitting themes for each situation (battle, dungeons, caves, fields, towns, etc.).


Gold Member
Teknoman said:
Someone needs to play this on a lute:

(just the first half)

Also a question about the game's soundtrack itself: Is there a fair amount of music, or is it mostly just ambient noises? Also since this seems to take after both the books and the movie (right?) does the game have fitting themes for each situation (battle, dungeons, caves, fields, towns, etc.).

There's lots of in-game music. And the game is based entirely on the books, nothing from the movie (except maybe the wings on the Balrog).

Turbine has a really good official wiki setup for the game that uses GoogleMaps of Middle Earth:


Teknoman said:
Someone needs to play this on a lute:

(just the first half...ok maybe the whole thing:D )

Also a question about the game's soundtrack itself: Is there a fair amount of music, or is it mostly just ambient noises? Also since this seems to take after both the books and the movie (right?) does the game have fitting themes for each situation (battle, dungeons, caves, fields, towns, etc.).

The soundtrack is great. Instrumentals that fit the race area... I don't like the evil area music but thats just me.


I'm a purist though... I make my own shit and sounds decent and I do it live. GEEK, YEP.

edit: If I see "MEH" replies to the trial I'll be sad :(


ManaByte said:
There's lots of in-game music. And the game is based entirely on the books, nothing from the movie (except maybe the wings on the Balrog).

Turbine has a really good official wiki setup for the game that uses GoogleMaps of Middle Earth:

Thank you

Druz said:
The soundtrack is great. Instrumentals that fit the race area... I don't like the evil area music but thats just me.

And thank you, really looking forward to giving this a shot.

Also oh snap:


Frog's theme

FFIV overworld

Battle on the big Bridge!!

About the Bard custom songs, can people also assign those to the buffing stuff as well? Or is it mostly recreational when it comes to custom music?


ToD_ said:
this and


definitely not for everyone,

me, well its just what I'm into,
It's not a real list if Anarchy Online isn't on there. Even FFXI is better than WoW (although the community for FFXI isn't.)
I tried the 14 day trial for EVE and dear God was it massive. I just didn't know where to start. I was able to get up to a destroyer class ship before the trial ended.


Anyone that has played EQ1 for a significant amount of time (I played from June 99-Nov 2002) and says it's the better game compared to WoW is smoking some real real good shit.

Saw someone mention EQ2 doesn't have a large player base because of the launch was horrible. That may be part of it, but the other part is players like me that wasted 3 years with Sony/Verant and then giving up and swearing off ever playing a MMO by that company ever again.

Spire, not a big deal really, just nagging at me lol. Frozen Shadoweave set lasts far beyond T4, at least for a shadow priest, I stopped playing my mage once I got her to 70 so I can't comment on them. The boots alone, at least before 2.4 were irreplaceable as far as I remember, unless ZA added some better ones.


Subconscious Brolonging
Galanthas said:
Anyone that has played EQ1 for a significant amount of time (I played from June 99-Nov 2002) and says it's the better game compared to WoW is smoking some real real good shit.

Saw someone mention EQ2 doesn't have a large player base because of the launch was horrible. That may be part of it, but the other part is players like me that wasted 3 years with Sony/Verant and then giving up and swearing off ever playing a MMO by that company ever again.

Spire, not a big deal really, just nagging at me lol. Frozen Shadoweave set lasts far beyond T4, at least for a shadow priest, I stopped playing my mage once I got her to 70 so I can't comment on them. The boots alone, at least before 2.4 were irreplaceable as far as I remember, unless ZA added some better ones.

Yeah, that might have been a bad example. I had a fire mage and my spellfire set lasted me all of two weeks. A similiar thing happened to my roommate who has a priest, he replaced his primal mooncloth pretty quick. But we went the pvp route so he was asking for it. Those sets are pretty shit for pvp.


pilonv1 said:
Someone explain this, I find it hilarious. What's so bad about it's learning curve?

It's nothing like any other MMO... so it throws people for a loop. Lots of data everywhere... tons of places to go, cutthroat players etc.


Spire said:
Yeah, that might have been a bad example. I had a fire mage and my spellfire set lasted me all of two weeks. A similiar thing happened to my roommate who has a priest, he replaced his primal mooncloth pretty quick. But we went the pvp route so he was asking for it. Those sets are pretty shit for pvp.

Ya none of them have the stats necessary for pvp.
Zefah said:
Everquest is the only game that has continued to pull me back for almost 10 years. I think it is a superior game to pretty much every other MMORPG out there, but that certainly isn't reflected in sub numbers.
Part of the reason EQ's subs are so low is because it is nearly impossible to get back into the game after quitting for any length of time. To raid, you need at least 1000+ AAs. Not to mention trying regear after people have like 3 times the stats as they did when I quit. I've heard recently they're trying to remedy this situation but it is far too difficult for me to even consider trying to get my elemental equipped char with 250 AA up to raiding standards again. Then there's the issue of there being very few things worth doing outside of raiding.


DaoC & Eve online do certain aspects of WoW better, but as a overall game and complete package nah, except maybe DaOC.. I wouldn't reccomend eve to most people. (even though it's a great game).

Haven't played LOTRO or EQ.


Ferrio said:
It's nothing like any other MMO... so it throws people for a loop. Lots of data everywhere... tons of places to go, cutthroat players etc.

yeap, pretty much it,

again some love for CCP, sticking to their vision, and not chasing the dragon, or wow in this case,

have played many mmo's

Planetside (pre CC expantion)
and Eve,

FFXI is the closest to WoW,

PS and Eve as said above cannot really be compared,

what makes an mmo stand out in the end is the community itself,

PS was an awesome community, very light hearted, yet structured,

FFXI very guarded, long memoried =)

WoW well, no real sence of community, that i personally found, nothing compared to the other games,

and we have Eve, well, really cant explain it, more a mmo meta game than anything else, also one of the most creative communities ive run accross,


Gasgul said:
yeap, pretty much it,

again some love for CCP, sticking to their vision, and not chasing the dragon, or wow in this case,

have played many mmo's

Planetside (pre CC expantion)
and Eve,

FFXI is the closest to WoW,

PS and Eve as said above cannot really be compared,

what makes an mmo stand out in the end is the community itself,

PS was an awesome community, very light hearted, yet structured,

FFXI very guarded, long memoried =)

WoW well, no real sence of community, that i personally found, nothing compared to the other games,

and we have Eve, well, really cant explain it, more a mmo meta game than anything else, also one of the most creative communities ive run accross,

Yeah FFXI had more of a sense of community because you didnt have OMFG XTREME PWNAOE PVP people telling you that unless you have this armor or whatever...you're crap. Maybe job/sub job mattered alot in FFXI, but thats any FF with a job system. Plus the group party system and boat/airship rides seemed to encourage people to actually talk to folks they'd never met in game before(outside of LS members, real life friends, etc.).

Also banding together to stave off the Sea Horror (or cowering under the deck) was just awesome. MMO's that reward grouping are more or less my style anyway. I like a self adventure here and there, but for the most part group adventures are where its at.


Teknoman said:
Also banding together to stave off the Sea Horror (or cowering under the deck) was just awesome. MMO's that reward grouping are more or less my style anyway. I like a self adventure here and there, but for the most part group adventures are where its at.


ive run groups through Genku/Limit Break 1,2 solo, and definately agree, some of the most memorable moments was answering a /sh in Jeuno and grinding for a key or a chest pop or a testimony lol, ahh the memories,


This reminds me of when i played UO.. and i dont understand why UO isnt up there.. When UO was released.. it was the buggiest crashiest game i have ever witnessed.. but it was something magical never the less..

back when UO first was released.. it was chaos! it was throwing everyone into a system with no rules.. ahh the good times.. getting pked by babamonkey on atlantic.. then moving to lake superior to hang out with the insidious brotherhood at silks tavern.. whenever large groups of pks would camp the dungeons.. a guy in a white robe would run to the bank and yell out "pks up north" and a whole coalition of blues would get together.. most strangers.. and have a huge battle with the reds.. half the people would lag out and get killed by energy vortexs lol..

i remember uo for the various times... like when hulk hogan fought lord british in a one on one battle to the death.. with various "hulkamaniacs" with red and yellow and yellow bandans just getting into huge brawls in closed up penns... and then i flamestriked lord british and was teleported by the gms to the other side of the world lol.. i also remember dieing a billion times.. UO will always set the bar.. since it wasnt the rules or the events or the programmed mobs that set the quests... it was the opposite.. where people made thier own quests, legends, and lore.

ps sorry bout the grammar


Hey I heard people are talking about EVE in this thread.

<Obligatory "play EVE" comment>

I can see how it's not for everyone. Everyone that doesn't enjoy life, anyways.

EDIT: And yes, UO should be up there. At least UO before EA got it's dirty hands all over it. UO and EVE are the only two MMOs that are worth sinking time into.

Opiate said:
This is a key point, and could be reiterated for all the games mentioned here in some form or fashion. I've said this in other threads, but I'll repeat it again; MMOs are a socially driven genre, where the game's quality is only slightly more important than the friends and the people you meet. Therefore, MMO games with lots of people are inherently more attractive than games with less people (which is very distinct from many other genres. With Echo Chrome, as an example, I wouldn't enjoy that game any differently if 10 million people played it or just 1).

The consequence of this is that it really makes much more sense to make an MMO that appeals to the masses before the hardcore, particularly when you consider that it's extremely expensive to develop an MMO game and the initial costs including server infrastructure are enormous. It's not a genre that lends itself to intentionally niche productions.

I personally enjoyed DAoC more than WoW, but that's my personal taste. But if I was forced to subscribe to an MMO again, it would be WoW, without question -- I like it slightly less, but I'd rather play a game I like a lot with all my friends than play a game I love alone.

And in a nutshell, that's what long term, hardcore MMO fans face. They can either play a game like WoW with 10 million people, or play a game tailor made for hardcore fans and simply accept that these games will have a profoundly smaller user base and culture surrounding them. In other genres I wouldn't care in the slightest if I was playing a mass market or niche game, but in this one, I don't want to invest a great deal of time into a small, dying game when I can invest it into a growing, thriving cultural phenomenon unless that smaller game absolutely blew my socks off.

EVE is far from dying, as a matter of fact it's slowly but surely growing. This growth is actually becoming near a problem. As you know all the pilots in EVE exist in the same metaverse. At any given time there's 25k-35k pilots playing the game. In the same universe. At the same time.

Quite frankly, EVE will probably outlive WoW. The EVE game engine is nearly entirely open ended. Not only can they add new content, but they can add completely new gameplay dynamics, the first of which is happening relatively soon - the "out of pod" experience (read: We'll get to actually walk around on stations). Who knows where the game can go from there - mini societies inside each station, planet/moon exploration, combat outside ships? The basic gameplay principles that already exist are already extremely complex and extremely satisfying once you come to grips with them. CCP can continue to compound on these without threatening the game that already exists. The logistics of fleet battles are also timeless, much akin to a chess game. Not the most exciting, understandably, but easily the most satisfying. The graphics engine can be continually revamped as well without bringing any harm to the gameplay at all. EVE really only has room to go up.

Play EVE.


Also i've noticed most complaints that come from group oriented stuff is that there arent any parties. Heh, it's just like real life though. You arent gonna get any help by just sitting around and waiting. Take charge and form up a party, not only is it a cool way to make new in game friends, but it also might make someone else open up and do the same later on.


JoeMartin said:
Play EVE.

I mentioned community earlier, and creativity,

please do yourself a favour and watch the 3 linked you tube vids,

these are made by players, with no help or encouragement from CCP,

the first is

It is a chronical of the last 6 months of a Mercenary group and the forming of a coalition of Mercenary Alliances that have recently drawn a line in the sand, and claimed territory from the once super power of eve,

the old game/graphic engine game add made by a player

and a new one under the new engine

only in Planet Side that ive seen the players go to these extremes to promote the game they play with user created promotional stuff like this,
_tetsuo_ said:
The only true answer is EVE online.

Agreed. The other games listed in the OP are basically the same game as WoW, just without Blizzard's level of quality and polish. Eve is unique. It's frickin' hardcore, but that's what makes it special. :D


* Kinda copied from another topic, but works all the same here*

How are these from my FFXI and WoW days?

Also for the record I cant wait for S-E's next MMORPG. FFXI was my first real MMORPG experience...and it was just great. I was in an LS with Pai Pai Master(Rockman) and we were all together from PC version NA launch till...mid chains of promathia. Thats around when I quit.



The first WoW video has a crappy framerate because for some reason it conflicted with fraps and I had to turn down some stuff on my old PC. But now im sure that wouldnt be an issue :lol Anyway the other 2 WoW videos, I found out what the problem was, so the framerate should be good on those.


Teknoman said:
* Kinda copied from another topic, but works all the same here*

How are these from my FFXI and WoW days?

Also for the record I cant wait for S-E's next MMORPG. FFXI was my first real MMORPG experience...and it was just great. I was in an LS with Pai Pai Master(Rockman) and we were all together from PC version NA launch till...mid chains of promathia. Thats around when I quit.



The first WoW video has a crappy framerate because for some reason it conflicted with fraps and I had to turn down some stuff on my old PC. But now im sure that wouldnt be an issue :lol Anyway the other 2 WoW videos, I found out what the problem was, so the framerate should be good on those.

Do ALL of the videos have music? I want to hear :\
This message is hidden because ManaByte is on your ignore list. :lol

Besides, Eve online is just....bleh....I don't even want to get into it. Nevermind!


Druz said:
Do ALL of the videos have music? I want to hear :\

Well they've got music, but its mostly stuff from other games that I thought would fit.

EDIT: Or did you mean something else? Like are all the videos with music over it instead of the ingame sounds? In that case yeah. I was just getting used to fraps at the time, and the in game sounds came out too low.

Also I wish I recorded Shadowlord's boss battle. "Awakening" is pretty good for a final boss battle theme (well final to base FFXI's storyline).


tahrikmili said:
Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative consumed 3 years of my life. The only actually player-skill based PvP MMO ever made.
Asheron's Call had player skill twitch based pvp. maybe not as much as flying but probably far above other mmos.

There were real ballistics for all projectiles so moving your character made misses. You could break animations and slide around while casting.


Grayman said:
Asheron's Call had player skill twitch based pvp. maybe not as much as flying but probably far above other mmos.

There were real ballistics for all projectiles so moving your character made misses. You could break animations and slide around while casting.

perfect example of an awesome game made on accident. Hit detection + super fast run speeds 4TW
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